4 U_ THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER FEBRUARY 1988 4 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER FEBRUARY 1988 Students believe they won't get AIDS By Kristen McCleary The Guardian U. of California, San Diego From the condom vending machines in campus restrooms to the diminishing use of the phrase "one night stand" in college circles, it's becoming increasingly clear that the AIDS virus is having a significant impact on the U. of Californi- a, San Diego (UCSD) community. Last spring, a student intern with the Student Health Service (SHS) decided to monitor and measure UCSD student attitudes toward AIDS as well as their knowledge of the disease. Susie Nyenhuis, a bio-chemistry major who has been a student health advocate for two years, spent the quarter planning and administering an AIDS awareness survey to 220 undergraduate students. Over the summer she compiled her data and analyzed the findings whereby, she explained, the "(SHS) could target groups of people who were misinformed and educate them (about AIDS)." What Nyenhuis found was an atti- tude prevalent among college students which she refers to as the "immortality complex." Students "have a tendency to believe that things will always be as they are now. It's a short range think- ing. It's difficult to educate people on things that they don't think will affect them," she said. According to Nyenhuis, a persistence in the belief that AIDS is a "gay disease" and a belief by some that "those infected with the virus somehow deserve it" were existing and dangerous miscon- ceptions. "There's a lot of homophobia out there, in society," she said. Those found to be least informed ab- out AIDS were college freshmen. To in- crease the flow of information, SHS put AIDS brochures into the dorm packets handed out at the beginning of the quat- ter. They also provide speakers to lec- ture on the issue at each dorm. But the information alone is not enough to combat the spread of AIDS and assure student safety. Nyenhuis stressed that a change in behavior is the only way to avoid sexual contamination on a large scale, remarking that some of the people who were aware of the dan- gers of the disease still had more than one sexual partner and did not neces- sarily use condoms during sexual inter- course as a preventive measure. "There are over one million teen pregnancies every year. This shows two things. One, they are not using condoms and, two, 1 sAFE 5eX STEVE PICA, U. OF FLORIDA, ALLIGATOR they're not being responsible. AIDS can be spread through this population too easily," Nyenhuis said. During college, people are at one of the highest risks of contracting the dis- ease. The fastest growing group of AIDS patients has been identified as 24- to 29-year-olds. Given a 5-7 year latency period, this information means people are becoming infected and exposed to the virus from the ages 19-24--during college years. "The experimental atti- tude of college students combines with their immortality complex to make this a very dangerous age. (Students) gam- ble their lives in the heat of passion," she said. Nyenhuis suggests that the best pro- tection against AIDS remains absti- nence, or a completely monogamous re- lationship, provided that neither part- ner has been exposed to the AIDS virus. "I don't think enough is said about abstinence. In younger age groups it shouldn't be stressed when you have sexbut rather it's a choice to have sex or not to have sex," Nyenhuis added. Last March, the number of heterosex- ual AIDS cases equalled that of the homosexual population five years ago. The rapid spread of AIDS into this lar- ger population group worries Nyenhuis. "I don't think people are going to change or listen seriously to what health educa- tors say until AIDS becomes real to them... by then it will be too late." i Time bomb Continued From Page 1 verified AIDS case, 50 to 100 other people in the area are carriers. No one knows for sure how many U. of Florida (UF) students, faculty or staff have AIDS. "That informa- tion is so confidential they don't even tell me," says Infirmary Director Richard Shaara. Sources say two or three cases have been diagnosed at the Infir- mary, but their status is "the best- kept secret" on campus. Shaara says that in the past, the Infirmary has had two other cases. "One student went home and died," he said. "One UF employee left, and we don't know whether that person is still alive or not." While those numbers may be scary, these are downright fright- ening: " Within five years, Lee Strunin with the Boston School of Medicine predicts AIDS will become the lead- ing cause of death for Americans be- tween the ages of 20 and 29. " Richard Keeling, chairman of the American College Health Associa- tion's AIDS task force, says, "a uni- versity of 20,000 students might ex- pect to find about 170 AIDS virus carriers at the present time." * Because the incubation period for AIDS is between 3 and 5 years (and sometimes as long as 10 years), UF Health Education Specialist Joanne Auth says college students who get the AIDS virus today may not show symptoms until after they graduate. Although Keeling says there are only 75 reported AIDS cases among the nation's college students, Auth and Shaara say the small number is not all that reassuring because college students engage in more "high-risk activities" than other people-they are more likely to experiment with IV drug use, homosexuality and other sexual activities. The bottom line, health experts say, is that AIDS is no longer "the other person's disease." Since statistics show 70 percent of all college students are sexually ac- tive, the best way for thesi to avoid AIDS is to practice safer sex-and get good at it. Escaped convict surprises two students at home By Mike Marzolf University Leader Fort Hays State U., KS Darin Armstrong and Ron Storz seniors at Fort Hays State U., wer< faced with a frightening situation th day that Gary Chastman escaped fron the Gove County Police. That evening, Armstrong and Stor heard a knock at the door of their house around 11 p.m. "We were watching TV, and they ear- lier had showed a picture of him," Arm- strong said. "When we heard the knock, I jokingly told Ron, 'That's probably that convict."' Chastman put his foot in the door and asked if he could have a drink of water. "When I came back with the water, hS had sat down in a chair, and pretty much made himself at home," Arm- strong said. "Then he started asking us questions, like where were we from and small talk like that." Then Chastman asked a question they weren't ready for: Had they heard anything about an escapee that the police were looking for. "We told him that we didn't becaus we were a little bit worried that he would get violent," Storz said. Chastman had stolen some clothes from a garage sale and with the amount of clothing on, Armstrong said they could not tell if he had a gun. Chastman proceeded to tell Arm- strong and Storz who he was, and how he had escaped from the police. "We continued to talk and he told us about his illegal action," Armstrong said, "from holdinga lady at gunpoint to stealing an officer's gun and ammo in .the squad car." Chastman then asked if he could make a collect call. "He called Ohio and seemed to be speaking to some relation," Storz said. "You could tell that whoever he was talking to was upset." While Chastman was talking on the phone, Armstrong asked Storz, "If 4 should get some firepower, if you know what I mean?" Storz said that they probably should. While Chastman was still on the phone, Armstrong and Storz begar talking loud enough for him to hear. Armstrong asked Storz if they had any beer downstairs, and Storz replied that he would check. Both Armstrong and Storz knew the had no beer. While downstairs, Storz got out a bo with a gun and ammunition in it and se it on a chair in the basement. When Storz returned, he said thai there was no beer and quietly told Arm strong that the box was on the chair. Chastman finished his phone call and kept telling Armstrong and Storz how "cool" they were for not turning him in. "He pulled out a .357 handgun whi. he had taken from the officer in the car, Armstrong said. "He also had his badge and approximately 17 rounds o ammunition. "Then we heard a knock at the door Armstrong sald. Chastman, startled by the knock stood up immediately. Armstrong put the gun and ammuni tion under the couch, and told Cha See Convict, Page 5 wuA~c'S E uQ~t i>ix VM<>9 ANP9JU5TK N Eo OU 90 t WOSCUQUS IwW'' S T . l,. I PUT C(.GE IN WO ?GOE. CUOT I ______________ k WPM bTM? 1, AUS I WANT 17C G NM K ..... OSA -1 C.S. FARRAR, U. OF IDAHO, ARGONAU