FEBRUARY 1988 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 3 FEBRUARY 1988 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 3 I F ==no% I ATHLETICS ACADEMICS Every university wants a strong athletic program, but some schools sacrifice academic integrity to get one. More than a few incidents exist f athletes who graduate from col- lege without knowing how to read or write. To prevent athletes from being 'used" by colleges, the National Col- legiate Athletic Association passed a bylaw, better known as Proposition 8, which mandates that athletes siust score 700 on their SATs (or a 15 )n the ACT) and have a 2.0 high school CPA to be eligible for compet- ion in college sports. This pres- lures schools to either accept more lualified students or ensure athletes ;et educational assistance once they ire enrolled. Has Prop. 48 helped or hurt college athletes? By Phil Favorite Daily Illini U. of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana Marcus Liberty is widely considered he best overall amateur basketball )layer at his age in the world. He is also a freshman at U. of Illinois, 'hampaign-Urbana, where he is in- ligible to play under the guidelines of roposition 48. The 6'8" graduate of iartin Luther King Jr. High School in hicago failed to score a 15 on the ACT-which he took four times during he course of the year-despite scoring yell above his high school's average CT score and being considered a fine tudent. Liberty's pursuit of eligibility began idway through his senior year with an Ovolvement in extracurricular activi- ies, including working with Athletes or Better Education and taking ACT ireparation courses on weekends. Yet il this work was for nought, and he has nissed his entire freshman year of bas- :etball while battling for sophomore tatus. The saga of Marcus Liberty brought he effects of Prop. 48 to the attention of }e university community. The NCAA >ylaw, which was passed as a measure Ivy League relaxes rules After Columbia U.'s record 40-game losing streak, the Ivy League is allowing the school "to recruit students whose records would fall below the academic !cutoff," said Norman Mintz, Colum- bia's executive vice president for academic affairs. The variance from league stan- dards, which was approved after the 1985 football season when the losing streak hit 21, admitted six players this year who took the freshman team to a 6-0 season, the first winning team in 13 years. Mary Ashkar, The Rice Thresher, Rice U., TX Academics sold out for athletic success at UM By Editorial Staff The Miami Hurricane U. of Miami, FL The Miami Hurricane is appalled at the recent announcement by U. of Miami (UM) President Edward T. Foote II that incoming students will not be required to pass the Freshman Insti- tute, a tutoring program designed to in- crease marginal students' academic performance. Foote's decision was based on athle- tics, not academics. Coaches feared athletes would not want to come to UM if they could easily flunk out. Quite simply, Foote sold out academic integri- ty for athletic success. The decision provides little evidence that our university is truly doing all it can to increase its academic standing. If Foote really wanted UM to become a top-notch institution, he would never have even considered such a decision. How can we attain the level of academic success Foote speaks of if we allow marginal students-many of whom cannot even read, write, or speak proper English-to gain admission to our university? According to the University.Bulletin, UM was founded with specific objec- tives, including, "to give its under- graduate students a broad, basic educa- tion, using the most advanced methods of instruction; and to give its graduate and professional students curricula that open up new frontiers and yet are broad enough in scope to offer a sound basis for the advancement of learning." Unfortunately, by its recent failure to require incoming athletes to attain even the most rudimentary academic skills, the university has abandoned the high ideals and objectives on which it was founded. The wise founders of this institution lived in a purer age, an era uncorrupted by the repulsiveness of big-time, re- venue-generating college athletics. To- day, however, in a time when television and bowl contracts dictate academic policy, such sanctity is hard to come by. Athletic Director Sam Jankovich claims that Foote's decision is "a step in the right direction." The Miami Hurri- cane vehemently disagrees. We believe it is a giant step backward in the pur- suit of academic excellence. As long as UM continues to allow the academically disinclined to step foot on the playing field, and therefore into the classroom, talk of UM becoming a "Har- vard of the South" will remain just that-talk. to improve the standards of prep and higher education institutes and the woeful college graduation rates for athletes all over the nation, has affected nearly every area of college athletics. More importantly it is helping to re- emphasize the students' work in the classroom. A common argument and complaint of public school officials is that the tests are biased against minorities. Of all the students who were ineligi- ble for football in 1986, 85 percent were black, according to the Center for the Study of Sports in Society at Northeast- ern U. in Boston. How have these statistics affected the state of college athletics? One way is in the area of recruiting, where the trend is moving away from the inner city and is dimming the outlook of kids who hoped to use athletics as a means for higher education. "The average player is going to be hurting," said Illinois basketball coach Lou Henson. "Coaches are not going to recruit average players if they don't pass the test. The top player will be recruited." Coaches and administrators around the country have suggested many changes in the bylaw to improve its effectiveness. Some think the minimum test scores should be lowered and the core requirements made more deman- ding. But Larry Hawkins, head of the test preparation center at the U. of Chicago, said the root of the problem is much larger. "It's not only the coaches. It is a societal problem. The community should provide the hope and where- withal to get the kids prepared.' Still, it all comes down to the ability to motivate students and students' ability to stay motivated. "If you're 6'6" with a good build on you," Hawkins said, "and people have been telling you you're the best thing ANYA, U. OF MIAMI, HURRICANE PROP.48 GUIDE INES Athletes who want to compete in col- lege sports must earn at least: * a 2.0 high school GPA and " a 700 SAT score (or 15 on ACT). They also fall into three categories: " Qualifiers-meet all academic require- ments; " Partial qualifiers-meet either the SAT (or ACT) or the GPA requirement but not both, and may not compete in sports for a full year; * Non-qualifiers-meet neither require- ment and are not allowed to play.. since bubble gum on your jump shot, and you have a problem with the (test preparation) program, are you going to stay in? "Once a kid has gained the confidence to participate, he's taken the first step. The key is to get the youngsters to be- lieve they can do it." 'It is possible, it has 'We'll always be a 'Yes, I think we can 'The University has to been done at other competitive team. We'll still do welt recalting. be more realistic. They - schools. With the new recruit players and put They will do as wel as do the University a 11 move for higher SAT them in the Freshman you push them to do in service: publicity. They scores, the players Institute. They'll sit out high school.' aren't part of the won't be able to keep a year, get good grades - CRAIG ERICKSON, general student body. up with superior and then play.' FRESHMAN FOOTBALL OM should do tutonng students. They shouldn't - TONY SCIONTI, PLAYER and whatever it can. have to be tutored if SOPHOMORE, - DEREK DOMINIC, they are here.' EX-PLAYER FRESHMAN - SHANNON MCINTOSH, SENIOR