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February 05, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-02-05

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AIStudents may wake up one day and find the 'U' can
w hold them responsible for their actions outside class.
Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Vol.XCVIII, No. 88 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, February 5, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily


Purdue to

battle for first
'place Sunday

seek new
Contra aid

Purdue at Michigan. It's a to-
tally different game this year.
It's a different season, with some
different players, at a different time of
the year, and with a different set of
consequences for the winner and
Purdue head coach Gene Keady"
even said so. "It's a new year and a
new league race. It's going to be ex-
citing and interesting to see if we can
stay with them," Keady said.
Stay with them? What's he
talking about? Purdue, which visits
Crisler Arena on Sunday (4 p.m.,
ABC-TV), returns four starters from
a defending Big Ten co-champion
that has been ranked as high as No. 2
in the country this season.
"I KNOW (Michigan head
coach) Bill Frieder will laugh at.
that," Keady said, "but they beat us
last year very badly with a lot less
talent than they have this year."
Ah, yes. That memory still
lingers - LAST YEAR.
: Purdue came to Ann Arbor on
the final day of the season needing
only a victory over the fifth-place
Wolverines to clinch an outright Big

Ten championship. The only prob-
lem was that Michigan didn't
cooperate with the Boilermakers'
The Wolverines sent Keady and
his squad reeling out of town with a
104-68 thrashing of the highly-
ranked Boilermakers. Not only was it
an embarrassing loss on national
television, it virtually ruined and
ended Purdue's season.
AS KEADY said, "In fact,
Michigan ruined my whole damn
That's because the loss enabled
Purdue's hated rival, Indiana, to tie
the Boilermakers for the conference
title. That tie led to the Hoosiers'
selection as the No. 1 seed in the
Midwest Region of the NCAA
Tournament, while Purdue became
the second seed in the East.
In turn, Indiana had the advan-
tage of playing in its home state at
the Hoosier Dome, and Purdue had to
head to Syracuse. The Hoosiers ended
up advancing to the Final Four and
winning the national championship.
Purdue suffered another stunning loss
in the second round to Florida, 85-
See PURDUE, Page 12

gressional Democrats who dealt a
severe blow to President Reagan's
Central America policy set out yes-
terday to produce an alternative that
will sustain the Nicaraguan Contra
rebels while stimulating regional
peace efforts.
"We will make sure those we
lured into this battle are not left high
and dry," said House Speaker Jim
Wright (D-Texas). He promised to
bring a new package of purely hu-
manitarian aid for the Contras up for
action within three weeks.
The House, with only a dozen
Republicans in the majority, voted
219-211 Wednesday night to kill
Reagan's request for $36.2 million
in new aid for the rebels fighting
Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista gov-
The package included arms, radios
and other logistical military support
as well as food, clothing and med-
icine. Weapons and ammunition ac-
counted for only $3.6 million of the
total but were at the root of the
Despite the death of the presi-
dent's package, the Senate went
through the motions of a debate

yesterday that gave senators an op-
portunity to speak and vote on the
Vice President George Bush, the
Senate's presiding officer, and Mi-
nority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.),
interrupted presidential campaign
swings in Iowa to attend the session,
which Contra backers apparently be-
lieved could serve as a forum for
their views.
vote irkis
Reaction was mixed yesterday re-
garding U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell's
(R- Plymouth) -vote for continued
aid to the Contras in Nicargua. The
vote was not enough, however, to
overturn Wednesday's 219 - 211
decision in the U.S House of
Represenatives against further
See POLLACK, Page 2

Rabbit hunting

Daily Photo by ELLEN LEVY

Engineering sophomore Alicia Zastempowski "uncovers" her VW Rabbit
after Wednesday night's heavy snowfall. Students woke yesterday to face
uncovered cars and slippery sidewalks as they ventured out to classes.

Rent control proposal gains spot on city ballot

A rent control proposal was placed on
the city's April 4 election ballot, and a
University student ended his campaign for
the City Council's Third Ward seat, said
Deputy Ann Arbor City Clerk Herb Katz
Obtaining a space on April's ballot is a
victory for the tenant advocacy group,
Citizens for Fair Rents, who collected
about 5,400 signatures last year. 3,882
were required by late December to put the
proposal up for a vote in the city elections.
The signatures were challenged in

January by Citizens for Ann Arbor's
Future, a coalition of Ann Arbor landlords,
because some people signed the petition
twice or were not registered to vote in Ann
ALTHOUGH City Clerk Winifred
Northcross certified that 27 percent of the
rent control signatures were invalid based
upon a 10 percent sample, 46 percent
would have to be found invalid to keep the
issue off April's ballot.
But Tim Pope, a Citizens for Ann
Arbor's Future member, complained that
Northcross "used a flawed statistical

procedure to place it on the ballot." The
group had suggested that the city clerk take
a larger sample than 10 percent.
Rent control advocates plan to begin a
"full-fledged" campaign aimed at getting
renters and students - two groups which
traditionally have low turnouts in city
elections - to vote for the proposal next
with other campaigns to register voters,"
said Citizens for Fair Rents member Vicki
She said the group is cooperating with

several Ann Arbor political campaigns to
increase student and tenant election
awareness and voter registration.
Another change in the city election
involves Dan Rosenberg, a Third Ward
Republican Candidate and LSA junior, who
ended his darkhorse candidacy last week.
DESPITE his official pullout,
Rosenberg's name will still appear on the
election ballot.
Rosenberg said the city election rules
did not give him enough time to change
his mind about running, after he turned in

his signatures.
In addition to the rent control issue -
that will appear on the ballot as Proposal
C - three other proposals will be on the
Proposal A would increase the number
of signatures required to put a city council
candidate on the ballot from 50 to 100, and
from 100 to 250 for mayoral candidates;
Proposal B requests a 1 mill tax increase
for Parkland Acquisition; Proposal D
requests a 2 mill increase in taxes to
finance street repairs from 1989 to 1991.

Students, plagued with tickets,
cope with city parking crunch

LSA senior Mark Perrin drove to
Village Corner one day last week to
pick up "some Sudafed and some
Kleenex" for a flu he was fighting.
He circled the block four times and
had no luck finding a place to park.
The only spot he found was a paid-
permit only space in the South
Forest/Church Street parking
structure. As a last resort, he parked
He was in the store for "less than
ten minutes," but when he returned
to the structure, a police officer was
writing him a ticket and preparing to
tow his car. Perrin, who already had
six unpaid parking tickets, said he

told the officer that he'd pay the
ticket "if he'd just back up and not
tow the car." When the truck started
to leave, Perrin ripped up the ticket,
jumped into his car and drove away.
This incident, though an extreme
case, reflects the difficulty many
students have when trying to park in
Ann Arbor. It's almost impossible
to find spaces that are close enough
to classes, and tickets are written
moments after a car is illegally
Only 20 spots are available
between East Engineering and
Dennison, and three of these are only
30-minute parking. These 30-
minute spaces can't accommodate

students going to classes.
Amy Loftus, LSA junior said, "It
ta3es less time to walk than to drive
around looking for a space."
Betty DeWolf, Administrative
Assistant of University Parking
Operations, said the University
maintains 19,216 parking places -
including 7,240 spaces in nine
University parking structures. But
many of the rest are reserved for the
University Hospital.
The University keeps no statistics
on how many students own cars.
But Max Smith, University parking
systems manager, said that about
600 students buy parking permits
See CITY, Page 3

CBN board to protest

Daily Photo by ELLEN LEVY
Syracuse University Sociology Prof. Gary Spencer addresses students on the use of the term "JAP" last night
in the Pendleton Room of The Michigan Union. Spencer told the packed audience that the term is a sexist,
ethnic slur.

Prof. decries JAP

as a slur

WJJX review
The Campus Broadcasting Net- to alleg
work's Board of Directors, objecting WJJX 1
to "inaccuracies" in an executive re- reporte
port recommending a review of reviewe
WJJX campus radio, decided faculty,
Wednesday to write letters to Uni- Sev
versity administrators protesting the the revi

ne Payton, was in response
gedly racist jokes aired over
ast year. Kennedy and Payton,
d that the station should be
ed by a committee of students,
and administrators..
eral WJJX officials have said
iew is unnecessarv hecause

Gary Spencer, a Syracuse University sociology

"JAPS" could easily be identified by two characteristics
- dress and attitude. The mode of dress that most

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