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January 08, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-01-08

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Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVIII, No. 68

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, January 8, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily


Bo says
he wil
this year
A healthy and trim Bo Schem-
bechler made his first public appear-
ance since undergoing quadruple
heart-by-pass surgery on Dec. 15 to
"let you know that I'm alive."
Schembechler, 58, was forced to
miss Michigan's 28-24 Hall o f
Fame Bowl victory over Alabama
last week, but refuted any rumors
that he would retire from coaching as
a result of the operation. Schem-
bechler had his first quadruple by-
pass operation in 1976.
It was only the second time that
the winningest active coach in Divi-
sion I had missed a game. In 1969,
Schembechler suffered a heart attack,
forcing him out of the Rose Bowl.
"When you've gone through a
couple of of these things like I have,
it gives you a legitimate excuse to
quit," said Schembechler, who was
accompanied to the press conference
by his son, Shemmie. "But you
don't have to quit, and there's no
reason why you shouldn't continue
See BO, Page 12






Refunding costs group


percent of receipts

Daily Photo by KAREN HANUtLMAN
Despite having just recovered from his second quadruple bypass, Bo Schembechler declared he "can do anything."

TwoP oints
EVANSTON - Two points.
Until Wednesday, basketball
player Sean Higgins never had en-
countered any problem scoring two
points. You need two points now?,'
Get the ball to Higgins. You need
three? Get the ball to Higgins a little'
farther away from the basket.
Coach Bill Frieder was so im- two points.
pressed with the sharpshooter's abil- On Wednes
ity that he ventured across the great clared ineligib
divide for something other than this semester b
playing Blackjack. Soon Frieder had to score two p
nicknamed the Californian "Trigger" mate Demetriu
for his wont to shoot the ball as year students,
soon as it hit his hands. That and his 2.0 grade poin
ability to kill the opponent. With quired for Mi

were never so hard

In its first term using a refundable
fee system, the Public Interest Re-
search Group in Michigan has re-
ceived an estimated gross funding of
$20,000 from student fees. But an
estimated 22 percent of the funds
will be returned in refunds or used to
process the refunds for students who
do not want to donate.
Students automatically contribute
75 cents - as part of the Michigan
Student Assembly fee on their Uni-
versity bills -to the environmental
lobbying group.
Students may receive a refund by
filling out a form outside the CRISP
office in Angell Hall. After the late
registration period ends, refund forms
will be available at the MSA office.
PIRGIM will refund students by
mailing them checks. Between 1000
and 1400 students have already re-
quested refunds, and an additional
500 requestsare expected by the end
of the term. PIRGIM director Gary
Kalman said the group may spend
more than $3,000 on postage, en-
velopes, checks, and other costs in
processing refund requests. MSA
will process the refunds.
Kalman called this year's amount
"livable. We'll provide good pro-
grams with it," he said, adding that
PIRGIM anticipated the refund .ex-
penses. "In requesting a fee, there are
going to be certain costs associated
with it," he said.
MSA President Ken Weine said
the number of students who asked

Rush Delivery

day, Higgins was de-
le to play basketball
ecause of his inability
oints. He and team-
us Calip, each first-
failed to average the
t last term that is re-
ichigan athletes to

maintain their eligibility.
Call the insurance company.
Raise Frieder's insurance premiums.
He just collected two more points
against his coaching license.
The bad news comes at a time
when Frieder and his team were
putting behind them some of the
problems of the past. A winning

record serves as a quick-fix medicine
that causes some observers to over-
look many ailments in a program.
The Wolverines have swallowed lots
of that medicine this season, win-
ning 12 of 13 games.
They were feeling no pain.
Now they are.
Higgins and Calip becoming
ineligible stands as the latest in the
line of embarrassing incidents during
Frieder's reign as coach..
The pair becoming ineligible,
Proposition 48 benching Terry Mills
and Rumeal Robinson last year,
See HIGGINS, Page 12

for a refund indicates that students
were aware of the new system.
"That shows the system is pretty
effective," Weine said. If only 300
students had responded, Weine said,
the assembly would have been skep-
tical of the new system.
But Weine said the refund system
presents a hassle for students seeking
a refund. "It's unfortunate that stu-
dents have to get a check in the
mail," he said.
Students voted for the refundable
system for PIRGIM during last
March's MSA elections. After get-
ting student support, MSA passed
the referendum.
But some students still oppose
the refund system. LSA senior Tom
Krause objected to having the fee
automatically assessed, and then
having to request a refund.
"Every dealing that I've had with
PIRGIM has not been straight-for-
ward," he said.
Students used to mark a box on
Student Verification Forms if they
wanted to donate to PIRGIM. This
positive check-off system for a fee of
two dollars was in effect from 1972
to 1985. In the Fall of 1985, the
group amassed $6,000 in student
Because the University's Board of
Regents did not want to accord PIR-
GIM the special status of remaining
on the SVF form, the regents sug-
gested PIRGIM work with MSA to
devise an alternative way to raise
to face
tax hike
in 1988
Some University financial aid re-
cipients will be hit with hundreds of
dollars of increased taxes this year
because of recent revisions of the
federal tax code. The change may se-
riously hurt the graduate school.
John D'Arms, dean of the Rack-
ham .graduate school, said, "This
could have a catastrophic impact on
our ability to recruit the best stu-
dents to our graduate programs.
We're also very concerned about the
effect these changes will have upon
graduate students already in A
marginal economic position, and the
taxing of tuition waivers will only
make a poor situation considerably
Congress last year eliminated a
See TUITION, Page 5

__ .._




ending aid to,
Afghan rebels

United States would cut off military
aid to rebel forces before all Soviet
troops were withdrawn from
Afghanistan, provided the people of
the war-torn country were free to
"take control of their own destiny,"
Secretary of State George P. Shultz
said yesterday.
His statement at a news confer-
ence seemed designed to encourage
recent moves in Moscow to end its
unsuccessful eight-year military oc-
'What we want to see
is the people of Afghan-
istan, through a process
of national reconciliation,
take control of their own
-George Shultz,
Secretary of State
cupation. One of the key conditions
is an eventual suspension of Ameri-
can military support for the guerril-
las who have harassed the Red
Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard
Shevardnadze sid wednesdav in

ple of Afghanistan, through a pro-
cess of national reconciliation, take
control of their own destiny," he
Shultz said Afghan refugees,
which number more than 4 million
or about one-fourth of the country's
population, must be a part of the
process of forming a new govern-
But, he said in a' conciliatory
way, "U.S. military support to the
Afghan rebels could be withdrawn
before the last Soviet troops are out
of the country if the United States is
satisfied that independence and free-
dom for Afghanistan are assured."
If the Red Army pulled out in a
peaceful atmosphere, "then you don't
have the need for that continued
support and it would cease," Shultz
He said U.S. economic and hu-
manitarian aid to the resistance
would be continued.
The war in Afghanistan is one of
the points of tension between the
United States and the Soviet Union.
During the Washington summit last
month, President Reagan was unable
to get from General Secretary
Mikhail Soviet troops over a few
months time.
Gorbachev told renorters thev


A snow plow was found abandoned yesterday morning after it got caught in a snow bank behind the Art School.

Cold front may
Sick of the icy winds that rip through your 12 lay-
ers and keep your cheeks frozen throughout the day?
Tempted to spend the rest of the month huddled by the

be leaving soon
peratures for today will range from the teens in north-
ern Michigan to the mid-20s in the south.
Since Saturday, the weather has been blamed for 31
deaths nationwide, including 13 by exposure. A Uni-

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