I OPINION Page 4 Thursday, February 4, 1988 The Michigan Daily a._-_. Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Media ignorance on display I Vol. XCVIII, No. 87 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Big Brother is watching ACCORDING TO FBI files recently made public, opponents of the Rea- gan administration's policies in Central America were the target of a massive surveillance campaign by -the FBI from 1981 to 1985. The «-Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was forced to hand over its files to the Center for Constitutional -Rights, a New York lawyers group, under the Freedom of Information : Act. The FBI's probe is a violation of peoples' right under the First Amendment to disagree, dissent, and demonstrate. These documents show that 52 of the FBI's 59 field offices took part in the tracking of hundreds of U.S. citizens and groups opposing Rea- gan's Central American policies. It infiltrated organizations which op- posed U.S. policy in order to gather information and circulated pho- tographs of people who attended legal demonstrations to other federal agencies. License-plate numbers of partici- pants in rallies and meetings were also recorded and the owners entered into bureau files. At least one political activist had his home wiretapped, and college students were included as subjects of covert surveillance. The FBI also asked private right-wing political groups :uch as the Young America's Foundation to act as informants on #leftist and liberal protestors. 4: The FBI project initially started out as an investigation of the Com- :.mittee in Solidarity with the People ;.of El Salvador, CISPES, charging that links existed between some CISPES members and Salvadoran ebels. The bureau asserted that CISPES itself contained terrorist :rmembers, but was unable to sub- -stantiate its allegations. CISPES provides humanitarian aid to El Salvador and engages in human rights campaigns and public, legal protests. Yet the FBI went on to accuse :,138 religious and political groups of being "connected with CISPES." "The list included organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Jnion, Oxfam America Inc., ,Amnesty International, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the American Federation of Teach- trs, and the Hospital Workers JAP is HE MICHIGAN STUDENT Assem- .ly should be commended for its .;ecent passage of a resolution con- semning usage of the term "JAP." ithe term most frequently means "Jewish American Princess" and :haracterizes women as snobbish, :naterialistic, and intellectually vac- * ious. Although people sometimes apply the term to others 'and even them- slves without cruel intent, that :dpes not negate the racist and sexist :imensions of the term itself. The *ualification of "Jewish" would not :e relevant at all if there were not connections being made between snobbishness, materialism, and ~TJewish descent. This is clearly an Appreciate :FEBRUARY IS NATIONAL BLACK "History Month, and the University Union. A Pittsburgh office reported that it was targeting members of CISPES with "strong communist or socialist beliefs." Clearly the FBI linked CISPES to terrorists and to socialist or communist sympathizers as a pretext to investigating innocent groups and citizens who had no connection whatsoever to terrorism or to illegal activities. The FBI's probe is an irremissible attempt to curtail the freedom of speech and opinion and to monitor the activities of private U.S. citi- zens. It is reminiscent of the illegal activities of the bureau from the 50s to the 70s under J. Edgar Hoover. Once the extent of the FBI's surveillance of anti-Vietnam demonstrators and civil rights ac- tivists was exposed, new rules were established limiting its use of tactics such as surveillance, wiretapping, break-ins, and undercover work without the auspices of an official criminal investigation. President Reagan reversed many of these re- strictions, however, in a 1981 ex- ecutive order which gave the bureau the power to conduct break-ins without a warrant and to receive stolen information. William Sessions, the new direc- tor of the FBI, while not a party to the probes, defended the bureau's activities, calling it a mistake to conclude that groups were watched due to their political views. The next day, however, he announced that the surveillance took place be- cause of CISPES' aid to an El Sal- vadoran "terrorist organization." On the other hand, White House Spokesperson Martin Fitzwater an- nounced that no one in the White House knew about the spying. Reagan has acted to increase the powers of the FBI while not re- quiring any accountability - even he does not seem to know what the FBI is doing. People have the right to engage in peaceful demonstrations against government policies. Authorizing government surveillance against the people shows a disrespect for the U.S. populace. Spying by the gov- ernment is a violation of civil rights only interested in suppressing pub- lic opinion. Laissez-faire treatment of the FBI must end. dero gatory incorporation of traditional anti- Semitic stereotypes. Likewise, even though the word "JAP" is sometimes applied to men as "Princes," it is normally reserved for women and builds upon char- acteristics which are stereotypically attributed to women. Unfortunately, many people are not even aware of these ethnic and sexual implications. In addition to the Michigan Student Assembly, Hillel is trying to raise conscious- ness on this issue. They are spon- soring a forum tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Henderson Room of the Union entitled "JAP: Ethnic Slur or Harmless Fun?" Hopefully, in- creased awareness will lead to de- creased usage. Black culture the University community has put together an interesting, informative, aindivairied gono f nre-,en toti nnQc By Thea M. Lee I would like to correct a number'of misleading impressions and garbled quotes that appeared in an article entitled, "Grad Student Condemns U.S. Aid to the contras." (Daily 1/28/88) In the course of a discussion about U.S. policy in Central America on Jan. 27, I cited figures from a recent report by the bi- partisan Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus to support my contention- that El Salvador is extraordinarily dependent on U.S. aid. For the first time in the history of U.S. foreign aid, U.S. aid to El Salvador in 1987 exceeded that country's contribution to its own budget. Somehow, this dependency was reported as a fact about Nicaragua, and not El Salvador. The article quoted me as calling Nicaragua a "puppet" of the United States. Common sense, or a modicum of background knowledge, should have alerted either the reporter, or at the very least, the editors, to the improbability that anyone . would argue simultaneously that Nicaragua is fighting a war against U.S.- backed mercenaries, and is yet somehow totally dependent and subservient to the United States. The second misleadinglimpression given by the article is that I am embarked on some sort of one-woman crusade to end contra aid. It is true that for the last few years I have been very active in the anti- intervention movement in the U.S.; fortunately, however, I have not had to work alone. As I mentioned several times during the evening's discussion, I work with the Latin American Solidarity Committee (LASC) - one of the most active and effective organizations on campus. LASC has about one hundred active members and hundreds of others who participate in educational events, lobbying efforts, or protests. LASC is one of many local groups, including the AMISTAD construction brigade, the Interfaith Council for Peace, and the Nicaragua Medical Aid Project, that work locally to change U.S. policy towards Central America. On the national level, the coalition against U.S. intervention in Central Lee is a Ph.D. candidate in economics at the University and works with the Latin American Solidarity Committee. America now includes many established churches, labor organizations, and other peace-related groups. It is one of the broadest-based grassroots movements in the U.S. today. This is evidenced by the fact that repeated polls have shown over- whelming opposition to contra aid. The most recent poll (New York Times) showed the American public opposed to contra aid by an almost two-to-one margin. Even Republicans oppose contra aid by 51 percent to 38 percent. The Daily article reported that my "participation in discussions and protests has landed (me) in jail three times." It may be the case that the federal government is growing increasingly intolerant of political dissent (New York Times 1/28/88), but I have not yet been arrested for participating in any discussions about contra aid. I have been arrested three times for participating in non-violent civil dis- obedience at the office of Congressperson Carl Pursell, who - despite his big talk about cutting the budget deficit - has voted repeatedly for military and so-called humanitarian aid to the contras, as well as for extravagant aid packages to El Salvador and Honduras. As I made clear during the talk, I was only one of several hundred people in Ann Arbor alone (and many thousand at the national level) who felt strongly enough about the immorality and illegality of our country's actions in Central America to make such a strong personal statement. Although I was embarrassed by the many inaccuracies that appeared in the article, I would like to make it clear that I don't feel that the reporter involved should be singled out for criticism. Her lack of understanding about the political situation in Central America, as well as her ignorance about the state of political movements in the U.S., are by no means unusual. The article illustrates two problems that exist well beyond the Daily and its staff. The first is a stubborn inability or unwillingness on the part of the American public to educate itself about the rest of the world, even (or especially) in those countries whose daily existence is pro- foundly affected by U.S. foreign policy. This is reflected by polls showing that over 80 percent of U.S.citizens don't know "what side" the U.S. is on in Nicaragua and El Salvador. This is not simply a question of people flunking a geography quiz; its relevance is, that in the absence of an historical perspective or an overall picture of U.S. policy, the American public's basis for making decisions is reduced to a primitive "labelling" of governments or guerrilla organizations. This labelling is usually assisted by an equally shallow and ignorant mass media that rarely, if ever, challenges the labels printed by the U.S. State Department. Thus, if the Nicaraguan government can be labelled "communist" and the Salvadoran "an ally of the U.S.," the rationale for doling out military aid becomes implicit. When people hear the facts about Nicaragua: that the present government was elected by 63 percent of the voters in 1984, that Nicaragua has been commended by the World Health Organization for its successful efforts to reduce infant mortality, and that illiteracy was reduced from 50 percent to 13 percent in the first two years after the revolution - they often are forced to reexamine both the labels and the policy. The second problem illustrated by last Thursday's Daily article is that of treating individuals with views that are critical of the "conventional wisdom" as isolated (but valiant) nutballs. Not only is opposition to contra aid a majority, and hence "mainstream" position, it is also a demand which has been repeatedly put forth by the United Nations, the World Court, and virtually all Latin American and West Eu- ropean countries. There is probably no other foreign policy issue on which the U.S. is so isolated in terms of world opinion. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all Daily reporters and editors, as well as other interested individuals in the University community, to attend LASC meetings on a regular basis. LASC meets every Wednesday evening a 8:00 in Room 2435 Mason Hall. Newcomers are welcome. LASC (along with MSA's Peace and Justice Committee and Greeks for Peace) is planning a series of educa- tional events about El Salvador for the week of March 6-13. LASC also organizes a Speakers' Bureau of people willing to address groups or classes about a variety of topics concerning Latin America. Call the LASC office for details at 665-8438. LETTERS Daily mi To the Daily: This letter is written in re- sponse to recent Daily editori- als and articles which I believe serve to misrepresent both the personal character of Robben W. Fleming and the nature of the work he should be doing as Interim President of this Uni- versity. In the first place, the Daily paints a picture of Robben Fleming as a historically racist, sexist, narrow-minded authority figure intolerant of the concerns of the greater part of the University community (i.e. a real nasty guy). Is this the same man who, shortly af- ter becoming the President of the University of Michigan in 1970 called the faculty and staff together to announce a five- point plan for immediate with- drawal of U.S. troops form Vietnam, which, by the way, earned him a spot on President Nixon's list of the 10 most dangerous people in America? Is this the same man who re- ceived a hearty and sincere standing ovation from the BAM members in 1970 at the press conference which they gave to announce the resolu- tion of the conflict? Is this the same man who received a commendation from the Amer- ican Civil Liberties Union in 1970 for his "complete com- mitment to the protection and enlargement of civil liberties on the university campus?" Clearly the writers and editors of the Daily have been ignor- ing some of the facts concern- ing President Fleming's past in order to paint a decidedly one- sided picture of him. Perhaps it represents nity. For Pete's sake, Fleming is not a Kelly person, he is the president of this University and should be allowed to pursue the sort of work which befits such an office. If anything, given the legacy of his esteemed pre- decessor, Hal Shapiro, Fleming should be extremely busy dur- ing the time he spends with us "undoing the bad and making way for the good." What really disappoints me about the Daily's coverage of President Fleming and the code is the knee jerk journalism hinted at in Professor Horn- back's letter ("Hornback con- demns Daily code coverage," Daily, 1/19/88) "Did I hear the word 'code?' God, Fleming must be a totaliarian." There seems to have been a lot more name calling than sound analysis of the issues involved Fleming's character in the article and editorials concerning Fleming and the code. Most of your writers seem to forget (or choose to ignore) that the Fleming code was set in the table for discus- sion, insures that "necessary components of procedural due process will be followed," and suggests that the panel try the accused "contain representatives of the race, gender, and status of both victim and the ac- cused." I find serious fault with mainstream, journalism in this country due to one-sided ac- counts of issues and the lack of serious analysis which it gives to important events. One of the reasons I used to enjoy reading the Daily was that it gave me the opportunity to get a less biased and more serious analy- sis of the issues at hand. Un- fortunately, this seems no longer to be the case. The op- pressed has now become the oppressor. -Christopher M. Nicholson January 21 Think about it To the Daily: Yes, some tactics used were wrong. Yes, it was wrong to call students and faculty racists. Yes, they apologized. No, it was not wrong to ask for a boycott on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to show the uni- versity that students want the administration to stand behind their presently empty prom- ises. No, it was not wrong to blockade doors and force stu- dents and faculty to make a conscious decision about com- batting institutional racism. No, it was not wrong to stir things up at this university and nt, .-.1at hi.,0. eeo nnt lflnm a -y Fat Al would like to hear from you. To let Al know what you think about his column, the 'U, or life in general, send a letter to him, c/o the Daily's Opinion page, 420 Maynard St, 48109. He's waiting. Zinn SUPPORT T4E JOA... OR WE'LL SHOOT THIS N F WSPAPER. * s I I