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January 26, 1988 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-01-26

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, January 26, 1988-Page 5

Acne cream prevents wrinkles

The cream you use to clear your;
greasy, acne-ridden skin today may
also prevent the sallow, prune-like
complexion of your tomorrow. ;
A University Hospital Depart-7
ment of Dermitology study released
last week revealed that a relatively
common acne medicine known as
Retin-A is also a 'miracle' cream that
can remove wrinkles and age spots.
THE STUDY, headed by
Dermatology Department Chair Dr.
John Voorhees, was published in this
month's Journal of the American
Medical Association.
By applying the 0.1 percent
tretinoin cream onto the skin daily,
the study presented strong evidence
that the wrinkling and roughness of
skin once thought unavoidable with
aging can be reversed.
"Fine wrinkles disappeared, deep
wrinkles were lessened, dark brown
age spots were lightened and small
brown spots disappeared," said
Voorhees. "The pale, shallow look
on older people was also replaced by

a rosy glow - as if they had been
THE CREAM only works on
skin damaged by the excessive
exposure to the sun, known as
photoaging. It does not, however,
combat the skin's natural and genetic
instrinsic aging process.
In a test that lasted forl6 weeks,
30 patients participated in a double-
blind study. Neither the patients nor
their examiners knew which cream
contained the tretinoin. All patients
applied the vitamin A compound to
one forearm and an unmedicated
cream to the other. Half received
tretinoin to the face, and half received
the unmedicated cream.
ALL OF THE patients showed
some improvement in the areas
where Retin-A was applied, Voorhees
"Some showed moderate im-
provement and some showed modest
improvement, but everybody showed
something," he said.
The study reported that all 30 pa-
tients had statistically significant

improvement on the tretinoid-treated
forearms, but not on the forearms
treated with the non-medicated cream.
Fourteen of the 15 patients who ap-
plied trenioid to the face showed im-
NONE OF THE patients
treated with the non-medicated cream
showed a significant change.
"We don't know what will happen
in the long run, so it is hard to say
what the overall affects will be," said
Voorhees explained that the cream
works in the cell, producing gene ac-
tivation. The normally dormant
genes are activated to produce pro-
tein, which works on the damaged
skin cells.
THE STUDY also showed that
some pre-cancerous cells moved back
toward acting as normal cells. How-
ever, Voorhees added that the study
was designed only to show the pro-
cess of aging, not to see if pre-ma-
lignant cells can be made normal.

'U' Law students help Detroit immigrants

Hats off
LSA sophomores Robert Ceresa (left) and Zeb Esseltyn try on hats
yesterday at the hat and sweater sale at the Union.
Reading test scores
drop, exam blaned

By JILL GOTKIN working on
University law students are helping foreign- requesting Ar
born Detroit residents wade through the nation's United States
new immigration laws. American citi
The Immigration Law Project, a student-run McPhedra
legal service at the University, sends volunteers back to India
to the non-profit Institute of Metropolitan the United S
Detroit, where they counsel clients on issues her visa, he s
ranging from the changing of visas to petitioning "Since the
for political asylum. (last fall), cl
Each volunteer contributes one day a week at legal fees,"
the institute, advising clients on their political supervisor at
rights, filing appropriate papers with the foreign-born
Immigration Naturalization Services and doing and legal repi
background research on immigration cases. "If it wei
For example, first year law student and large number
volunteer Charles McPhedran is presently been offere
Gov. vroioses one

a case involving an Indian woman
mmerican citizenship. She came to the
on a six month visa and married an
n will either advise the woman to go
and apply for citizenship or stay in
tates and try to get an extention on
formation of the volunteer program
lients have saved over $10,000 on
said Mary Lane, social work
t the institute, which provides the
community with both information
ren'.t for the student volunteers, a
r of potential clients would not have
d information or the chance of

representation," she said.
Lane said the program began by luck when a
student in January 1986 expressed interest in
volunteering. The following fall, a number of
interested students began the program and since
then, ten first, second and third-year University
law students have participated in this program.
The students receive neither compensation nor
credits from the University. But law students
working at the institute and. taking University
Prof. T. Alexander Aleinikoff's immigration
course during the summer can earn one credit.
Ultimately, the project's goal is to hire it's
own attorney, find funding and start a student-run
clinic on campus, said Jim Baker, co-chair of the

ernment-backed testing agency de-
layed release of 1986 reading exam
results because scores among nine-
and 17-year-olds dropped sharply, and
embarrassed officials suspect testing
procedures, not students' reading
} abilities, may have slumped.
The drop was in the reading por-
tion of the National Assessment of
Educational Progress, an exam given
to-70,000 students ages nine, 13, and
17 who are selected to represent their
entire age group. Scores for 13-year-
olds did not fall.
The assessment, calling itself "the
nation's report card," is run under a
$4 million-a-year federal contract by
Educational Testing Service of
Lawrence Township, N.J.
"We have, it's embarrassing to
say, a real mystery here. We haven't
come up with any ideas that solve
the problem," Archie Lapointe,
executive director of the testing pro-
so und
(Continued from Page 3)
project examining alternative means
for arms control outside of formal
treaties.was rejected in 1985 under
the old research clause, defended
Birdsall's research. "If students and
faculty in the University community
sit in judgment of other's research, it
stands in the way of academic
freedom," he said.
"I hope that no one will sit in
judgment of whether the end-use of
the research is more important than
(Birdsall's) freedom of research,"
Tanter said.
Fridays in The Daily
single-sided 5.25"-990
h double-sided 5.25"-1.19

gram, said yesterday in a telephone
interview from ETS headquarters.
Lapointe called it "an incredible,
unbelievable loss," and said flatly,
"We don't believe that data."
"If we were to accept that data, it
would look as though kids have lost
a year or more's performance... from
1984," said Lapointe.
"It's such a sharp loss that had it
occurred, just about every teacher of
those youngsters in the country
would have perceived (it)."
Chester Finn, the Education De-
partment's assistant secretary for
educational research and improve-
ment, said, "It's a combination of a
disappointment and a mystery.... It's
either a glitch in the NAEP instru-
ment or a glitch in American read-
Both the service and the depart-
ment have convened panels of experts
to review the problem and recom-
mend ways to avoid a recurrence.


percent hike for 'U'

(Co UmsdfrorPage 1)
budget in late June or early July.
The appropriations for the state's 15
public universities are introduced as
a bill in the Senate. It is then
referred to the higher education
subcommittee of the Senate
Appropriations committee.
That subcommittee, headed by
Sen. William Sederburg (R-East
Lansing) holds hearings in February
and March with representatives from
all the universities testifying, and
will in most cases increase the
appropriation. The bill then proceeds
to the full Senate Appropriations
committee, and then to the full
Senate. After passing through the
Senate, the bill goes to the House,

where the entire process is repeated.
At any time the appropriation could
be increased or decreased.
ALTHOUGH its common for
the appropriation to rise somewhat
during the legislative process,
University officialsaren't expecting
more than a two to three percent
increase as a final figure.
The governor said he hopes
lawmakers won't try to increase
spending above his overall target,
but focus on priorities.

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