Page 10 -The Michigan Daily-Monday, January 25, 1988 Picture this: Hoosiers no longer champions 4 By PETE STEINERT BLOOMINGTON - I played Pictionary last night, the hottest game since Etch-A-Sketch. For those still unfamiliar with Pictionary, the object is to help your partner identify a subject through sketched clues - no letters or num- bers allowed.' I rolled the die, moved our team's block five spaces, and landed on green, indicating the difficult cate- gory. I chose a card and what name should appear but Indiana Hoosiers basketball. I said to myself, "Geez, can't you ever get rid of these guys? Their coach has a book written about him. They won the national champi- onship last year. And now they've invaded board games." I guess good things happen to teams that win six Big Ten champi- onships, two co-championships, and three national titles in the last 16 years. With some resistance, I decided to make most of the situation. My first thought was to draw a Hoosier. I quickly had to scratch that. What the heck is a Hoosier? There's Wolverines, Spartans, and Wildcats, but what the heck is a Hoosier? Okay, no need to panic, I rea- soned. I had a whole minute to do this. I got it. I'll sketch a map of the state of Indiana. So much for that attempt at clev- erness. My partner guessed it was a silhouette of Abraham Lincoln. All right, so I'm no map maker. I have to admit, it did resemble our 16th president. My next brainstorm involved / 4"' full court is, V. drawing a full moon with a face and everything. That way my partner will think Knight and then Bob Knight. Get it? "Oh, I know!" exclaimed my partner. Finally, he's going to get it, I thought. "It's that one guy," my partner continued. "Oh, what's his name? Ah, Telly Savalas!" Good Grief. This game's too tough. I should have stuck to checkers. I was desperate. Why couldn't I have picked something easier? With the lack of a better idea in mind, I tried to draw the faces of past Indiana greats Kent Benson, Isiah Thomas, Ray Tolbert, and Steve Alford. I knew it wouldn't work. My partner believed it was Mount Rushmore. What's with the guy and his presidents anyway? Time was running out. So was the point of my pencil. I ran my hands through my hair thinking what would best capture the essence of Indiana Hoosier basketball. I would have drawn Assembly Hall, but that's asking a little too much. Then it hit me. With no time to spare, I tore off the sheet of paper I was using, crumpled it up, and started with a clean sheet. The pencil started to flow so eas- ily. (I knew all those years of art class in grade school would come in handy someday.) I drew fourteen basketball players and one coach climbing a steep mountain with a Big Ten champi- onship trophy at the top. The coach held a sagging national champi- onship banner. "Oh, why didn't you say so sooner?" my partner asked. "Indiana Hoosier basketball, right?" Right. Blue Banter -Knight created a minor stir in the first half with his exceptionally harsh treatment of Steve Eyl. During a timeout after a Hoosier turnover, he lambasted Eyl for nearly a minute before shoving the senior towards the bench. The fans responded with boos, but that didn't stop Knight from continuing his tirade on Eyl when play resumed. -In an apparent ignorance of the bigamy laws the already-spoken-for Frieder proposed marriage to Gary Grant after the game. "Will you marry me? Will you be my wife?" he said. Grant accepted, sealing the deal by planting a kiss on Frieder's cheek. No date had been set as of press time. -The victory was Michigan's third win in its last four trips to Indiana. Prior to that, the Wolverines had dropped 16 straight, dating back to the Cazzie Russell era. Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON Bobby Knight's face paints a portrait of frustration during Michigan's win in Bloomington yesterday. Inunediate Occupancy For Winter Term All apartments located on central campus Flexable Terms Maximum Space for Minimum Price Lots of Parking st, Ann Arbor We Pay Heat Blue bursts IU's home win streak. 721 S. Fore nA*n r..aa.1 ?Q1 1 KO-21 1700 Geddes, Ann Arbor 1215 Hill, Ann Arbor and others... . (313) 761-1621 543 Church Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104 ®I ' ** SUMMER JOBS ** You, too, can earn up to $1,600 Ca working in the country this year The New Jersey Y Camps-the largest Jewish com- munal camping complex in the United States-is looking for very special people to work as counselors. You'll spend sunfilled days-and starlit nights-in Pennsylvania's beautiful Pocono Mountains. You'll learn a lot-especially about how to handle people. And you'll have fun. Joan Petrokofsky, Assistant Director, will be interviewing on campus, Wed., February 3, 1988, 10 AM - 4 PM. For further information, appointments and applications contact the Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill St., 663-3336 or contact: New Jersey YMHA-YWHA Camps 21 Plymouth Street, Fairfield, NJ 07006 201-575-3333 rmorm r. (Continued from Page 1) Knight, who had over a week to prepare his team for the game. "We were very quick to start (the zone) because Knight knows we play all man-to-man. That must be more zone than I've ever played in eight years combined," said Frieder. INDIANA'S Keith Smart ap- peared to have the most difficulty with thedefense, hitting just one of six shots en route to a six-point performance. Rick Calloway led the Hoosiers with 14 and Dean Garrett scored 12. Ten of Calloway's points came in the first half, which ended with Michigan leading 35-30. The sellout crowd of 17,289 had plenty to cheer about when Indiana took an early 5-0 lead, but Michigan countered with six consecutive points. Indiana had a 10-8 lead when the baskets suddenly stopped coming. For 7:44, the Hoosiers did not hit a field goal, although they did make 10 free throws over that span. Still, Knight was not disap- pointed with his team's early per- formance. "Being down by five at the half, I thought we were still in a Player Vaught Rice Mills Rob'son Grant Hughes Griffin Oost'b'n Stoyko Taylor Player Jadlow Cal'way Garrett Smart Eyl Hillman Jones Sloan Edwards Smith Pel'ski Min 35 38 15 27 36 29 17 1 1 1 MICHIGAN (72) i FT R 3/7 2/2 101 9/18 2/2 81 2/6 1/1 3 C 7/11 2/4 2? 7/15 3/5 56 1/4 0/1 32 1/1 0/0 12 0/0 0/0 0C 0/0 0/0 0 0 0/0 0/0 0 0 A 1 1 3 6 2 2 0 0 position where we might be able to get something started. Michigan re- ally took that away from us," said Knight. Here's to you Mr. Roblnson Min 23 40 40 21 15 12 14 2 15 5 13 INDIANA FG Fr 1/2 5/5 4/8 6/6 4/9 4/7 1/6 4/4 1/3 1/2 1/1 0/0 1/2 1/3 0/1 0/0 3/6 2/2 0/1 0/0 2/3 0/0 (60) R 5 3 5 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 PF 3 3 3 4 3 1 4 0 0 0 PF 2 0 3 4 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 IP 8 21 5 17 17 2 2 0 0 0 IP 7 14 12 6 3 2 3 0 9 0 4 A 1 5 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 L 76-GUIDE IS HIRING! FOR THE 1988-89 ACADEMIC YEAR 76-GUIDE is an anonymous peer phone counseling service sponsored by Counseling Services. Applicants need to be enrolled students who are good atworking with people. No previous counseling experience is necessary. GUIDE workers are paid and work approximately 14 hours per week. Applications are available at Counseling Services, 3100 Michigan Union, beginning Monday, January 25. Deadline for applications is Friday, February 12. For further information call 76-GUIDE or 764-8312. U-Mis an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer- hen you need to 76-GUIDE talk, we're here to listen." Team Totals - Field Goals: Michigan 30- 62, Indiana 18-42; Free Throws: Michigan 10-15, Indiana 23-29; Rebounds: Michigan 36, Indiana 27; Assists: Michigan 15, Indiana 11; Total Fouls: Michigan 21, Indiana 15; Three-point goals - Michigan 2/4 (Rice 1/2; Robinson 1/2), Indiana 1/5 (Edwards 1/4; Smith 0/1). Halftime - Michigan, 35-30 Attendance - 17,289 4 Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON Michigan's Glen Rice and Rumeal Robinson crash the boards during the first half of the Wolverines' 72-60 victory at Indiana. Rice scored 21 points while Robinson poured in 17. c "Just call. . , .111111"4.1111;. 11.11".Ihu .agusunlg11111111 Monday-Friday 5:OOpm-9:OOam Saturday-Sunday 24 hrs WEEKEND MAGAZINE Fridays in The Daily 763-0379 HI-FI STUDIO ANN ARBOR RADIO &.TV TAPE RECORDER SERViCES VCR Cleaning & Repairs - FAST! Speaker Repairs & Components TV Repairs & Rentals Phono Needles, Cartridges & Service Phono Stylii - Woofers, Tweeters, Etc. WE RENTBIG SCREEN TV& P.A.'s 215 S. Ashley, 1/2 block N. of Liberty 313)- 769-0342 or 668-7942 CDRH EDDAR MELT MEAL DEAL . CharicIar Mplt . ONLY STEVEN TUCH * is o O0 n.. I