OPINION Page 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol XCVIII, No. 78 420 Maynard St. Vol. 0.Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Friday, January 22, 1988 The Michigan Daily LETTERS 4 Readers discuss MLK protest No Contra aid PRESIDENT REAGAN'S National Security Advisor has threatened that future U.S. economic aid to Central American countries will be contin- gent upon their public denunciation of the Sandinista government. This strong-arm tactic surfaced one day before a crucial meeting of five Central American leaders to evaluate the success of the Arias peace plan upon its five-month evaluation., The administration's blatant at- tempt to thwart the plan appeared successful when the presidents of Honduras and El Salvador stalled the meeting with hostile allegations against Nicaragua. They primarily complained that the Sandinistas had not lifted the state of emergency or allowed more political freedoms, two requirements of the plan, in spite of the re-opening of La Prensa. No mention was made of Honduras' continued support of the Contras, also a clear violation of the accord. Ortega made significant conces- sions on Saturday by agreeing to direct talks with the Contras, sus- pending the state of emergency, and offering to free 3,300 "political prisoners"(r'Many of these are former members of the National Guard convicted for acts of violence and repression" under Somoza) as long a,they leave the country. Ortega a so agreed, under pressure from -thy other presidents and the United States, to the dismissal of the inde- .;pdndent verification commission. This was a drastic concession, since this commission would have been the only means to ascertain whether Honduras was continuing to allow its territory to be used as base for incursions by the Contras. Elliot Abrams, the Assistant Sec- retary of State for Inter-American Affairs, claims that the Sandinistas cannot be trusted, in spite of the fact that they have done more to comply with the peace accord than any of their neighbors. The United States plans to continue to violate the Arias plan by aiding the Contras. Fortunately, even within the government, Abrams is not consid- ered a credible witness. Members of Congress have been walking out on his testimony since he was caught lying under oath during the Iran- Contra investigations. The Reagan administration sim- ply cannot accept the fact that peace may descend on Nicaragua while the Sandinistas are still in power. Ortega's concessions at Saturday's meeting and the agreement to nego- tiate with the Contras demonstrate his willingness to find peaceful so- o)r even if it hurts him politi- cally. When Cong -ess is besieged by the administration's publicity cam- paign in the next two weeks, it should keep in mind who is rigidly demanding violent actions and who is accepting alternatives. They should ignore the Reagan adminis- tration's hawkish rhetoric and focus on the facts of the past week. Congress must say on behalf of the large majority of Americans, "NO CONTRA AID." A 010 People had to think To the Daily: Based on comments pub- lished in the Daily and the Ann Arbor News, there seems to be some misconceptions regarding the United Coalition Against Racism activities on January 18. First of all, there were pickets around the Angell hall complex to encourage students to make the small sacrifice of observing the national holiday by not attending regular classes and participating in alternative educational events in the Union. The goal was to urge students to confront and deal with the issue of racism more directly. The goal was not to physically enforce a boycott - which would have been logistically impossible any- way. Any student who wanted to attend class Avas able to do so. But no student went to class, at least in that complex, without thinking about one political choice they were making and what day it was. Finally, while UCAR mem- bers organized the pickets, many non-UCAR members also participated. It was our intent to have a peaceful, but spirited protest, not to intimi- date other students, but rather to inform and challenge them to think about the issue of racism. We do not take the position that everyone who went to class is "a racist" and we regret if that message was sent out by a few individuals. Overall, however that was not the imssage. The message was, in the bo,,t spirt of the Civil Rights Movement - take a stand, not when it is easy but when it is hard. If Martin Luther King Day is going to be a national holiday, let's ob- serve it fully, not just with our words, but with our actions. As Dr. King once wrote in his famous Letter f n a Birmingham Jail defending his unpopular participation in civil disobedience agains segrega- tion: "Perhaps it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say 'wait'...[but] the shape of the world will not permit us the luxury of gradualism and procrastination." -Michael Wilson Tracye Matthews UCAR January 21 No religious excuse To The Daily: It does not seem right to cancel classes at a state run university for a religious leader. We do not technically have days off to commemorate Jesus Christ. Classes are not cancelled for the Pope o r Mother Theresa. The Univer- sity will not shut down for Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kip- pur. I recognize and admire the accomplishments of the great Dr. King but there are many other ethnic, social, and politi- cal leaders who deserve to be commemorated: Mohandas Gandhi, Malcom X, John Lennon, Sun Yat-sen, Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin, Beate Klarsfeld, John F. Kenndy, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln. The list goes on and on. Obviously, we cannot ex- pect to cancel classes to honor all of them. They, too, made great contributions to the hu- man race. Are we supposed to cancel classes for Dr. King just because he was black? Or be- cause UCAR demands it? Why not for the other leaders, too? That seems to discriminate against every other group - even if they also believe in Dr. King and his dream. I don't think that racism can be de- UCAR apologizes To the Daily: As a UCAR representative, I would like to extend an apol- ogy to those students who were called racist while on their way to alternative MLK events, and to those who respected the UCAR blockade by using un- blocked entrances into Angel H1-all. Under the pressure of confrontation, some individuals made remarks that in no way represent UCAR positions, or the spirit of the boycott. Our purpose was not to at- tack students, but to present them with an alternative to regular classes on MLK Day. Our purpose was also to show professors and administrators our displeasure and disagree- ment with the lack of moral leadership in their business as usual approach to MLK Day. We also wanted to gauge support for the boycott. Un- fortunately, there were people who physically and verbally attacked the peaceful protest. To the people who did this, I offer no apology if they were called racists. By actively op- posing our blockade, these in- dividuals showed disrespect and disregard for our cause, which was specifically to honor Dr. King, and in general to put forth an anti-racist agenda. I do not believe that any one would rather fight to enter Angel Hall than use an unblocked entrance. I believe that those who decided to fight through the blockade were consciously fighting our cause, and not for their right to enter Angel all. In this case, no apology is in order. In the future, UCAR will try to do a better job of communi- cating with and understanding thie University community. I also hope that the University community will understand that the behavior of certain in- dividuals does not represent our organization as a whole. -Michael J. Boraz United Coalition Against Racism January 21 Violent graffiti To the Daily: "In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds." Twenty-five years ago, a great man of peace cried these words to masses of wronged people, hoping to educate them in their a fight for freedomand dignity. Yet however eagerly these words, of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were received, they seem just as quickly to have been forgotten. I refer to certain frightening events on January 18th, the day set aside to honor Dr. King, which marred the noble intentions of most in- volved. Specifically I refer to (1) the restriction of several persons from entering and exiting An- gell Hall by demonstrators, thus infringing upon the lat- ter's rights to pursue an educa- tion, and (2) the violent graffiti with the senseless message, "Fight racism: Kill Steiner". This behavior hardly emulates the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to "conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline" through passive resistance. -Dawn Dean January 18 Mockery of King To the Daily: "Standing in the school- house door" is sadly reminis- cent of the tactics of racial ha- tred perpetrated by the likes of George Wallace and Orval Faubus. It reminds us not of what Dr. King stood for, but rather what he fought so tire- lessly against. It is regrettable UCAR misled To the Daily: , UCAR had a prime oppor- tunity to make a tremendous statement. It also had all the ingredients for success: a legit- imate concern that needs to be dealt with and whose solution is long overdue (racism); the people necessary to make changes (the student body and faculty members); and a date on which to act that lends itself completely to UCAR's cause (Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's observed birthday). There is, nevertheless, one small problem: UCAR's atti- tude toward protest. On Monday morning, stu- dents and faculty were physi- cally refused the right to enter and exit the main entrance to Mason Hall. Granted m y objection may seem small and hardly worth mentioning, but nevertheless a basic human right has been violated. UCAR put itself in a position o f power above its' fellow stu- dents and faculty members re- gardless of race. What ever happened to equality in the human race? (The sad thing about such actions mentioned above is that no matter how controlled the protest was in other areas, this one incident will stick out in the minds of those who wit- nessed it. Other incidents will not be remembered.) UCAR cannot possibly hope to gain anything by such actions. UCAR has displayed to the campus community completely opposite to those which it is fighting for. The attitudes being, "of course, those of respect and of equal human rights. Nothing posi- tive can possibly stem from this. ....-Matthew S. Ellis January 18 Violated civil rights To the Daily: UCAR's actions constituted a blatant violation of other students' civil rights. Students who sought to comply with the university's academic schedule were denied the right to freely attend classes to which they were contractually entitled. This infringement of other students' rights was indefensi- ble and illegal. The fact that other entrances were left unob- structed is beside the point. No student should be forced to en- dure such an indignant interfer- ence with his civil rights. UCAR's attempt to intimidate other students offends the prin- ciples of a just and free society. Such hooliganism must not be tolerated. Particularly offensive was the photograph printed on page 3 (Daily, 1/19/88). It shows protestor Eric Williams direct- ing student Tom Weber to a side entrance of Angell Hall, as Williams and other protestors obstructed the main entrance. What possible justification can Williams claim for denying Weber the right to freely attend scheduled classes? UCAR's first amendment right to protest did not afford it the prerogative of interfering with the civil and contractual rights of other students. Williams and his cohorts did no "honor" to the memory of Reverend King by their ac- tions. I call on the university administration to take immedi- ate and effective disciplinary action against Mr. Williams. The university must protect the rights of all students, regardless f their rac, as part of its con- tractual obligation to maintain an orderly educational envi- ronment. Protest contradicts To the Daily: At the University of Michi- gan, UCAR, the United Coali- tion Against Racism, has as- sumed the key role in the needed fight against racism. They chose, as a symbolic and educational act, to boycott classes Monday in commemoration of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. I chose to attend classes. Many students who made this same decision were confronted with a picket line of UCAR sup- porters at the doors of Angell, Mason, and Haven Halls. The picketers harassed the students with intimidation tactics and shouts calling them "racists" for their decision to attend classes. I respect the decision of those who chose to boycott classes. I do not respect the use of intimidation and force to push their views on others. These tactics contradict the values of the man whose birthday they were celebrating. Martin Luther King, Jr. was opposedtothe use of violence to end racism. This policy made King the legend he is today. Violence and force do not end racism--they foster racism. We will stamp out racism when we are able to understand cultures different from our own, and when we can all feel compassion for our fellow human being, regardless of race, creed, or religion. Force separates people into different camps, breeds misunderstanding, and destroys compassion. Reason must take the place of irrational views. Force breeds irrationality. -Perry Shorris January.19 Wrong means To the Daily: I was shocked and disap- pointed to read about the con- frontation between protestors boycotting Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and students trying to get, to class. What disturbed me most about the protest was an atmosphere of complete disregard for those who did not agree with the protestors about ways to fight racism. Attending classes Monday was not proof positive of racism. Most of the students to whom I spoke in class sim- ply felt that cutting class would not accomplish much in fighting racism. But, according to Kim Smith "if there was a con- frontation, it was on the part of people trying to violate the blockade" - obviously, she feels that if students are not with the protestors, they must be against them i.e. racists. To those who feel that way, if you dismiss those who did not march with you as racists, you are making as broad and unjus- tified a judgement as any real racist makes when s/he judges someone by the color of their skin. "Racists use the back door" - what door did protestors leave open to non-racist stu- dents who simply did not agree with the means? -Rebecca Goodman January 19 Blind judgement To the Daily: The reason I write this letter is not to confess mine or oth- ers' need to learn more about racism. Rather, I feel some people and some actions have gone to far. Monday morning, as my roommate went to class, someone called her a racist. Did that person know her? Do they know her attitudes? Even other actions she may, have taken to commemorate Martin Luther ..A....,,,..,.....t..,....._.",,........ .._.,.._ NOT WITE OO ENOUGH [NEL.; TR'( $HoWrfNG bYurKSE*-F. 4 v lll+"+ ++Iwr f1 ryy 1B a a m YW s r a 1 rt- YY M eY M " rt, A Y +a by a wM Y f MY t ty i Y " Vi i rtY sy MY t «t t Y a" {}Y iy +P a b it 9r " N Xd -- - rwww r-