OPINION Page 4 Thursday, January 21, 1988 The Michigan Daily . ... ....... die mt bibsn ya n1Q -Edited and managed by studehts at The University of Michigan Vol. XCV1II, Nq. 77. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Censoring youth ONE OF THE ONLY MEANS of ex- pression for students in grade school - the student newspaper - can now be censored. The Supreme Court just made a ruling giving school officials the right to censor their students' publication almost at will, effectively stifling the voice of students. Censorship will force the students to conform to the moral and political choices of those with control over them. The case concerned two pages of proposed articles about teen-preg- nancy in the newspaper of Hazel- wood High School in Minnesota. Robert E. Reynolds, the high school principal, found these to be objectionable and "inconsistent" with the school's "educational mis- sion," and removed the two pages from the paper. The students challenged the prin- cipal's authority to do this, but the Supreme Court voted 5-3 in favor of the school's power to determine " what the student's can and cannot say. The Supreme Court decision has cut off the only major avenue the students have to express them- selves. The articles and editorials in any student newspaper reflect the students thoughts and concerns. The court's decision to regulate these amounts to thought control: the students are not able to get their ideas to others without having them approved by officials. If these ideas are not acceptable to the school . officials, they would be removed, denying students the opportunity to be exposed to ideas that might not be found elsewhere. Another problem with the deci- sion was that the school was given : the right to censor on a very vague basis. The court deemed that the school can censor its students whenever the school's "educational mission" or the "shared values of a civilized social order" was thought of as being "inconsistent" with the article. In this case, the principal tried to impose his conservative philosophy of keeping students ig- norant about topics dealing with sex. What these "shared values" or the "educational mission" may be is anyone's guess. The court conve- niently leaves this up to the school's highly biased judgement. In the Hazelwood incident, the stories censored were about teen- age pregnancy and divorce of par- ents. Although Reynolds claims he censored because of bad writing, the controversial nature of the sub- ject matter cannot be ignored. . Even if the schools mission was contradicted, the principal's action would still be unjust. After all, no- body expects a student newspaper to be. a professional journal. Rather, it is a training ground for potential journalists who are bound to make some mistakes (as the Daily can at- . test), but learn from them in the process. Adolescent youth are already de- nied many rights by state and fed- eral laws; the court ruling adds freedom of speech to this list. Youth cannot afford to buy and run a press by themselves. While it is true that the school finances the paper, it is the duty of any govern- ment institution to ensure that large groups of people without resources, such as students, have access to some, means of expression them- selves. Don't panic: it appears this ruling will not apply to the Daily. Al- though it is not beyond Fleming to try and use the ruling to his advan- tage, the Daily is largely financially independent, and the ruling does apply. LETTERS: Prof. s To the Daily: For some time now this Universityhas been waiting for a clear, strong statement from one of its top administrators proposing some direct and pur- poseful response to sexist or racist speech and acts: instead, we have had to be content with platitudes and million-dollar Prospects for To the Daily: I'm writing in response to Eric Bronstein's letter to the editor (Daily, 1/19/88). I, too, was at the January 12 demon- stration protesting Israel's policies in the occupied territories, and I heard no one shouting anti-Jewish slogans ("Hitler was a saint"), as Bron- stein claims. The Palestinian- Israeli conflict is just that. We oppose Zionism, not Judaism. The demonstration, which was cosponsored by 12 differ- ent organizations (including two Jewish organizations), was not a PLO rally, as he claimed. It was about peace in the occu- pied territories, which can only come about if the chosen representatives of t h e Palestinians (the PLO) are in- cluded in the peace process. I agreewith Bronstein on one point - the way to peace is not through violence. But if initiatives. President Fleming, at last, has had the courage of both conviction and decency to say what we all (I had naively thought) wanted to hear - that there is some behavior and certain attitudes that are unac- ceptable in a community such as ours, that the expression of bigotry will not be tolerated. Mideast peace you are going to condemn vio- lence, you should condemn it regardless of its source. The Zionist state of Israel has committed many acts of terror- ism. For example, 1948 mas- sacre of the entire population of Der Yaseen, the 1982 Sabra and Shatilla massacre i n Lebanon (where 2,000 civilians were murdered), and the recent killing of Palestinian demon- strators. So, Mr. Bronstein, "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." I recommend that people who desire to understand this issue better attend former Congress member Pete McCloskey's talk on "American Politics and Prospects for Middle East Peace," January 21 att8p.m. in Hutchins Hall at the Law School. -Tahani Abbouslu January 20 The result? An immediate tually done - to rpose in a torrent of abuse from the draft (and therefore presumably Daily, from MSA leaders, from for civilized discussion) that we UCAR, all of whom seem to (not the Deans, not the admin- be striving to outdo each other istration, but the community in calling upon the irrelevant, - students, teachers, all of us) the confusing and inappropri- will no longer condone racist ate, and appealing to the inane, or sexist behavior. You have to listen very hard, -David 0. Ross in this storm of petulant anger, Classical Studies to hear a single word of thanks January 13 for what Pres. Fleming has ac- Code violates lstAmendment To the Daily: hand pick a panel that hasthe Interim President Fleming's power to suspend a history proposed code violates the First graduate student for repeatedly Amendment of the U.i. saying that "Vietnam vets are Constitution. Under murderers" in a seminar. If a Fleming's code, students may law student refused to be expelled for spoken or apologize for w r i t i n g written comments about 'Palestinians should be shot if marital status, handicap, they riot" in letter to the Daily, Vietnam Veteran era status, Law School Dean Bollinger race, sex, national origin or could put him on academic ancestry, age or creed that probation. anesygeor ed may Fleming's code gives deans seriously offend many the power to be the ideological Since Flemings code applies, cops on campus. They may everywhre F ominseentiresdetermine what is offensive to capus the Universityent various religious, ethnic, expel students for offensive racial and-gender groups on speech on the Diag, in dorm campus. They may sanction cafeterias as well a s students with whom they classrooms.disagree. LSA Dean Peter Steiner can doef course,ve stuents de place an LSA student o n oerntgv sntion probation for calling Steiner power to sanction administrators or deans for their and "old fart" or a "white male "seriously offensive" written bigot" during a Diag rally and spoken remarks on race, against racism. A n gender, ethnicity etc. In fact, engineering student may be some University officials punished by Dean Vest for stridently defend their right to persistently telling anti- make comments that "seriously abortion groups on campus offend many people." that the 'Pope is . t he -Eric Schnaufer Antichrist."'Jaur11 Rackham Dean D'Arms can January 11 Shouting doesn't help To the Daily: be expressed in a manner which The unruly heckles, chants, invites dialogue. Shouting in and boos by Palestinian sup- the Michigan Union does porters during Israeli Ambas- nothing to help the Palestini- sador Zvi Brosch's talk Monday ans in Gaza. It only deafens night disappointed me. the ear to points which deserve Though different opinions need mention. to be voiced to encourage thought on difficult questions -Dan Sac in the Middle-East, they shouldJanuary upports Fleming code 4 Republican opposes code March to support gender equality and human rights: Fund abortions TODAY is the fifteenth anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe vs. Wade. This landmark case gave women the legal right to abortions and the right to control their own bodies. On Friday the Ann Arbor Coali- tion for Women's Rights is spon- soring a rally, in commemoration of Roe vs. Wade and to support hu- man rights in general. They are or- ganizing around the following de- mands: *Free, safe, and accessible abor- tions upon request. .Defense of Medicaid funding for abortions. 'End to violence and harassment of abortion clinics. *Stop anti-abortion organizations from posing as abortion clinics in order to harass women in need.. 'Free, safe, and effective contra- ception on demand, in conjunction with expansion of contraception re- search. *End of all forced sterilization. *More sex education in schools: reproduction, parenting, sexuality, and lesbian-gay sexuality. .Health care for people, not for profit. Organized health care under health care worker-patient control. addition to consistent pressure from Anti-abortion groups since this precedent was established, this right is now being jeopardized by the Michigan legislature. Every woman should have the right to choose what she wants to do with her body. The existence of poverty should never be an im- pediment to exercising Constitu- tional rights. The cutoff of abortion funds for those who cannot afford safe abor- tions will not end abortion. Rather, poor women will be forced into il- legal, "backyard" abortions which could result in damage to the woman's body if not her death. Women without access to adequate health care will suffer. The underclass, in this country, is dominated by women and chil- dren. Denying women access to abortions insures' that cycle will continue. The feminization of poverty has become the norm in the United States. Racial minorities and specifically Blacks are more dependent on state supported health care. To deny the poor the same health care opportu- nities available to others, will inten- sify the racial stratification of our To the Daily: As a student at the Univer- sity, a Republican candidate for Ann Arbor City Council, and a resident of Ann Arbor, I feel that the proposed code for aca- demic misconduct is a severe violation of civil liberties, rights to free speech, and could easily be used to discriminate against political activists. The University of Michigan is a state-operated institution; its students are adults, and should therefore be expected to adhere to public laws just as all other citizens are expected to. Under present law, incidents of racial and sexual harassment can be dealt with via criminal prosecution, eviction, civil suits for damages, civil com- mitment, and civil suits of in- junction. Civil suits of injunction serves the same goal as an ex- pulsion, the removal of the discriminatory party from campus, but the former is a much more effective policy. It is absurd for the University to set up its own justice system because it doesn't trust the U.S. Courts - the greatest Justice System in the world. Bible is a c To the Daily: In your editorial "Teach Re- ality" (Daily, 1/11/88), you rightly noted that "the reality is the world is greater than the mainstream." You are wrong to imply, however, that recogniz- ing a "classic" is a "subjective" matter dictated by a faculty with "deeply ingrained biases on what defines literature" in an undergraduate curriculum. I, too, eagerly look forward to learning how my colleagues in the English department de- fine a "classic." I know noth- ing about the department be- yond what I read in a recent piece in the Ann Arbor Ob- server. But I am willing to bet that at least a simple majority would deem the Bible a classic. Studying the Bible meets your litmus test. It was written by a diverse group of men and women who hardly can be characterized as "establishment" types. But let me offer a better test to determining the classics. The Bible is a "classic" be- cause it engages - and for than a millennium has opened the minds - of readers from What proper channels of appeals would be available? Where are the rights of the ac- cused? What happened to the Bill of Rights?. If the administration was truly interested in making the Ann Arbor campus less dis- criminatory, it would get its act together by ridding itself of discriminatory behavior. It would recruit more women faculty members, minority faculty members, and minority students. It would recognize the holiday of Martin Luther King's birthday and cancel classes on Monday, January 18. Instead, as a result of this code, by picketing classes next Monday, I may be expelled since it could be interpreted as disrupting the "Caring, re- spectful, and understanding social climate in the class- room, residence halls, libraries, and everywhere on the entire campus." -Dan Rosenberg Republican candidate for City Council, Third Ward January 12 lassic book haps Mr. Shapiro defined the value of having university teachers grapple with the clas- sics in his inaugural address at- Princeton. Shapiro noted that "too few of us or our students understand the difference be- tween the mastery of what is true and the mystery of what is good and beautiful, but not now accessible as truth." (New York Times, 1/9/88). -W. Andrew Achenbaum January 11 To the Daily: Re your story, "Pro- Palestinian protestors mar Israeli consul general's speech" (1/12/88). This headline refers to one of many incidents in recent years in which campus activists have disrupted democratic intellectual life. There are Palestinian sympathizers and Israeli, sympathizers, as well as people who support different sides in conflicts in other parts of the world. They come here as guests to appeal to our intelligence and humanity. Frequently they are subjected to interruptions insults, and jeers. I am fairly confident that I am with the majority in my belief that these methods of protest are To D cor can ging via wou completely unacceptable in an institute of higher learning. Nevertheless, here are a few basic questions for the entire university community: 1) Do we believe in the right of freedom of speech? 2) Do we believe that speakers ,have a right to an1 uninterrupted hearing? 3) If we answer yes to 1 and 2, what specific steps should University of Michigan officials take against those who violate freedom of speech and disrupt speakers? Unless these questions are answered unambiguously, Michigan cannot lay claim to providing for the free exchange o views and ideas. -William C. Price January 12 Is UCAR true to King? the Daily: members to stand in front of r. Martin Luther King is Angell Hall shouting through ect in believing that racism bullhorns, "All of you who are only be ended by exchan- going to class are racists; we g ignorance with knowledge are watching you!"? peaceful disobedience; but -Brian Hirsch ild he have wanted UCAR January 18 Don' t disrupt speakers Zinn , S - -. UDE7 "i-vH CT ' THESUPEMEmu I