Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 77
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, January 21, 1988
. I
Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
I Imb
focuses on
Special to The Daily
LANSING - Focusing his
attention on the future of Michigan's
workers and children, Gov. James
Blanchard announced a series of
programs last night in his State of
the State address that would focus
resources on, among other things,
job retraining and improving the lot
of school-age children.
Harping on the state's past
economic success - six years of
balanced budgets and "half a decade
of economic growth" - Blanchard
promised to deliver a budget to the
legislature that is "lean" and "solid",
but balanced.
Details won't be available until
Monday when Blanchard announces
his budget proposal, but t h e
Michigan Skills Fund - "the
largest state-funded worker retraining
program in America" - will be a
prominent part of that budget.
}proposal, the Fund would provide a
$100 million revolving fund to give
businesses interest-free, short-term
loans to retrain up to 250,000
The governor also pledged to
"raise the standards of our
educational system" and announced a
major education package aimed at the
K-12 years in school to help children
"stay in school" and "learn in
Blanchard avoided mentioning
state funding for higher education in
his speech, which Sen. William
$ederburg (R-East Lansing) called a
"big gap." Sederburg speculated that
state colleges and universities would
receive a very limited funding
-increase, "at most one to two
John Engler (R-Mt. Pleasant) also
said it was "very unlikely" that
colleges and universities will get all
of their requested increases. But
Engler said, "We will hope to adjust
it (the governor's proposal for
appropriations) upward as we have in
the past."
Engler was critical of the
governor's speech because he said
there was "very little specific" in it.
"It's not what's said.., it's what's
delivered," Engler said at a press
conference after the speech. "It's
action that counts."
Engler said that many of the
initiatives Blanchard announced last
night had been .'Bidenized from
Republican programs that have
See JOB, Page 2
Report: U' should
act on, WJJX case
Do*ly * ^oto by JOHN'"".J"
WCBN DJ Arwulf Arwulf ends his address to the Campus Broadcasting Network Board of Directors with a
flourish as WCBN Publicity Director Henry Hardy and Programming Director Jeanne Gilliland, both seated
at table, applaud.
Administration, directors clash
The students responsible for air-
ing racist jokes on WJJX last
February will be required to publicly
apologize, perform community ser-
vice, and go on probation if the
University implements recom-
mendations written by two officials.
If the students make other bla-
tantly racist remarks while on
probation, they would be suspended
or expelled, according to the report
released yesterday by Interim
University President Robben Flem-
Law Prof. Sallyanne Payton, one
of the officials dispatched by former
University President Harold Shapiro
to review the incident, said she ex-
pects Fleming to endorse the panel's
BUT FLEMING said his ac-
tion will hinge on the future of his
recently drafted policy to deter stu-
dent harassment and discrimination
through academic punishment. He
has not specified a timeline for im-
plementing either document.
The committee's report, he said,
will become part of the "debate" over
his drafted document.
And the debate rages on. Attorney
Jonathon Rose, who represents LSA
senior Ted Sevransky and LSA
sophomore Peter Gonzalez, the two
students involved, labelled the re-
port's findings a "farce."
Sevransky have already apologized
publicly and performed community
service, Rose said. He criticized the
report for "inventing 'punishment'
that deliberately mimics what the
individuals have already done."
"Ignorant, foolish speech is only
cured by enlightened and informed
speech," Rose said, "not by censor-
But Payton countered, "The Uni-
versity is required to maintain an
appropriate environment for learn-
ing." Under the First Amendment,
she added, "assault is not protected.
Fighting words are not protected...
There are behaviors that are suffi-
ciently off the scale."
THE REPORT, prepared by
Payton and Vice President for Gov-
ernment Relations Richard Kennedy,
said the material in question is so
blatant "that it cannot be seriously
argued- that the participants did not
know that it was racist, sexist, and
offensive. They understood that not
only the racist but the sexist mate-
rial was offensive."
The report said the officials de-
veloped ad hoc procedures to deal
with the students because the Uni-
See FLEMING, Page .2
over non-students on
Members of the Campus
Broadcasting Network clashed
with University administrators
last night over demands to limit
the number of non-student mem-
bers of campus radio stations.
About 80 people jammed a
conference room in the Student
Activities Building to hear the
CBN Board of Directors and ad-
ministrative representatiyes at-
tempt to hammer out an agree-
ment allowing a limited number
of non-students to participate in
the operation of on-campus radio
stations WCBN-FM and WJJX-
At press time, the meeting was
still in progress with no resolu-
tion in sight.
Frank Cianciola, Director of
the Michigan Union, said up to
40 percent of staffers at the cam-
pus stations are non-students.
This, he said, violates CBN's
constitution, which allows for
only a "small fraction" of non-
students on staff.
"(CBN) was originally founded
to be run as a student organiza-
tion," Cianciola said. "They
should be giving priority to stu-
Cianciola sent a memorandum
to the CBN Board of Directors
Jan. 13 calling for the implemen-
tation of an "operating plan" made
up of an all-student staff. Failure
to do so, the memo read, would
result in the reduction or suspen-
sion of broadcast hours. Non-stu-
dents now make up 10 percent of
the WCBN staff.
Students and non-students
working at CBN called the act "an
"I feel like a gun's been put to
our heads," said Jeanne Gilliland,
acting program director at WCBN:
Many of the people attending
the meeting were students not af-
filiated with CBN, but who came
to voice support for the radio sta-
"WCBN is the kind of station
I'd want my kids to grow up lis-
tening to," said Chas. Dayringer,
owner of Dayringer Bakery in Ann
Board members said they had
received over 100 letters in sup-
port of non-student staffers.
Members of CBN said that
most college radio stations rely on
a significant number of non-stu-
dents as staff.
"What it comes down to is
who has the time (to be in-
volved)," Gilliland said.
Board members also said that
CBN has an obligation to involve
the community, as required by the
Federal Communications Com-
mission and CBN's constitution.
Henry Hardy, Publicity Direc-
tor for CBN, accused the adminis-
tration of clouding the issue by
focusing on an act committed last
semester by a non-student radio
The host, Chris Daley, played
an allegedly racist song entitled
"Run Nigger, Run". He was re-
moved from the air following a
complaint to the Affirmative Ac-
tion office of the University.
Cianciola said that the Daley
incident was the first time he had
heard of the large proportion of
non-students at CBN.
Even the numbers, however,
were a subject of debate. Kevin
Gilmartin, an administrator on the
CBN board, said he derived the
numbers by comparing a staff list
to the student directory. Several
students complained that it was
not an accurate figure.
The move to restrict the cam-
pus stations to students mirrors a
similar incident in 1978, when a
parent complained that her son
could not get on the air because of
the large number of non-students.
Shiites end siege of
Palestinian camps
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Shiite
Moslem militia withdrew yesterday
from all positions ringing Palestin-
ian refugee camps in Beirut, ending a
nearly 3-year-old siege.
Syrian troops immediately rolled
into buffer zones around the Chatilla
and Bourj el-Barajneh shantytowns to
enforce the newly established peace
between guerrillas of Yasser Arafat's
Palestine Liberation Organization and
militia of Lebanese Justice Minister
Mabih Berri's Amal.
Reporters saw Amal irregulars
pull away in trucks and jeeps from
sandbagged positions and earth-
mounds surrounding the two camps,
home for an estimated 30,000 ref-
The move came to enforce a decis-
ion declared by Berri on Saturday to
lift the military blockade in what he
called a unilateral initiative to end the
so-called "camps war" that had killed
more than 1,600 people and wounded
3,600 by Lebanese police count.
Berri said his move was a gift to
the "heroic people" who have been
protesting Israel's occupation of the
West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Most universities enforce conduct code
The "code" - rules to govern students' non-
academic conduct - is a four-letter word to many
University students who say it would restrict
their freedom. But most American colleges al-
ready have a code and are surprised that the Uni-
versity of Michigan doesn't have one.
"A university needs to have a set of regula-
tions to govern behavior on campus," James
Studer, Michigan State University's assistant
vice president for student services said. "I frankly
don't understand how the University of Michigan
has been able to get along without some sort of
rules of behavior." He added that every other Big
Ten university already has such rules
Student activists here have protested code pro-
posals for the past four years, hoping to post-
pone such rules indefinitely. "Other students are
being punished by being under oppressive
regimes," said Michael Phillips, chair of the
Michigan Student Assembly's student rights
committee. "Freedom has to reign somewhere."
Interim University President Robben Flem-
ing's draft, which he released last week for
"community review," would impose strict pun-
ishments on discriminatory behavior and sexual
harassment, in addition to physical assault.
Fleming has not specified a timeline for the pol-
icy's implementation.
Most other universities, however, do not
specifically mention sexual assault in their poli-
cies, though they have provisions under other
rules that could deal with such offenses. Officials
from several colleges around the country said
their policies were undergoing review in order to
discuss these issues.
Fleming's draft, in a sense, proposes a similar
review of the University's current policy, adopted
in 1973. The Rules of the University Commu-
nity, denounced as unworkable by former
University President Harold Shapiro in 1984, do
not address problems of sexual and racial
The current policies at other Big Ten schools
and the University of California-Berkeley are
more restrictive than the 1973 rules and similar
to Fleming's proposal. The policies all govern
See ALL, Page 2
City Council passes resolution
against a
The Ann Arbor City Counc
voted Monday to formally oppos
Senate Bill 339, which would perm
all four-year universities in the star
to deputize their campus security o
campus police
confuse the public and create a lack tion for
il of accountability, guns."
e "I just don't want too many peo- But co
it ple with guns and badges running Middleton
te around town," he said. separate p
f If Ann Arbor Police patrol the campus de
U niversity rimrnnsiFntnn eaiA citi- znnlt and
giving campus security
ouncilmember Jeannette
(R-Third Ward) said a
olice force would help the
cal with crimes such as as-
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