OPINION 'Page 4 Wednesday, January 20, 1988 The Michigan Daily LETTERS: 4 E0e mtu atTenity Mil Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Israel's rights violated Vol. XCVIII, No.76 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Degree of democracy ON THURSDAY THE Board of Regents gave final approval for a change in bylaw 9.03 which will, in the future, allow deserving people to receive honorary degrees regardless of whether they can appear in person. Further, the change institutes a more democratic method of choosing recipients. Formerly, regental bylaw 9.03 permitted the granting of honorary degrees only to those who could be present at the graduation ceremony. Such a policy derived from the belief that the honorary degree was more a . way of lending prestige and interest to the ceremony itself than to pay tribute to a particular person's accomplish- ments. Unfortunately, the bylaw ostensibly became a political tool in 1986 when the regents denied honorary degrees y "to Nelson Mandela and Raoul Wallenberg on the grounds that both could not appear at the spring commencement. Many in the ."University community alleged that institutional racism on the Board of Regents, which confers the degrees, stood in the way of the Mandela degree. The regents - who were openly opposed to the degree and were undecided on the issue long past the normal deadline for voting on the awards - pulled the rarely used bylaw out of the hat as a way to legitimize their opposition to the degree. Mandela could not attend the ceremony because he remained imprisoned since 1962 for his efforts against the oppressive white South African minority government. Wallenberg, a University alumnus, was recommended for receipt of a degree because he saved hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews from slaughter in Nazi Germany but had disappeared shortly after that war. The in-absentia rule came into effect for the winter 1986 commencement as well, and awards again eluded Mandela and Wallenberg. Mandela finally got the degree he deserved at the spring 1987 commencement after an ad-hoc University committee, spurred by the pleas of the Free South Africa Coordinating Committee and others, recommended a change in the bylaw after a ten month review. Another laudable change in the bylaw dictates that the Dean of the Rackham Graduate School chair a committee which will recommend degree recipients to the regents. This Honorary Degrees Committee will also consist of two students appointed from a list compiled by the Michigan Student Assembly. This should create a pool of potential honorees that will more closely resemble the sympathies of the University community. The alteration of regental bylaw 9.03 should be greeted with open arms, but the change was, sadly, too late to allow more timely recognition of some very worthy candidates. To the Daily: The cartoon printed in the January 13, 1988 edition is not only in the poorest taste, but illustrates complete ignorance of the current situation in the Israeli occupied territories. The current Israeli crisis is in no way parallel to the Soviet abuse of human rights. Israel is not contradicting itself, as the cartoon suggests, for Israel is not guilty of violating Pales- tinian rights. Israel is a country which has existed under attack since the time of its birth forty years ago. Currently, Israel is facing an expanding threat, not form without, but from within its, borders. Palestinians have been for weeks rioting within the territories occupied by Israel. The Palestinian rioters are en- gaging in methods of extreme violence in order to further their cause. Israel, faced with an attack on its national secu- rity, can do nothing but fight back and repel this assault. Is- rael is not stepping on the rights of the Palestinians. Rather, it is the Palestinians who are stepping on the rights of Israel. To be under siege by mobs wielding rocks and clubs is to be in threat of losing your life. Thus, Israel must defend itself and its people in a real way using real bullets since they are dealing with a real at- tack threatening real lives. It is unfortunate that the media de- picts Israel as the aggressor while the true aggressor, the Palestinians, are hailed as vic- tims of human rights viola- tions. The Palestinians do not threaten Israel in the same way that Nicaragua, Cuba, or So- viet occupation of Afghanistan threatens the U.S. The Pales- tinians are an indisputable threat to Israeli security. To relinquish the occupied territo- ries to the Palestinians would be commensurate to suicide for Israel would, in effect, be handing a sword to a sworn enemy. Furthermore, the occu- pied territories serve as a buffer against the hostile nations such as Syria who have pledged to destroy Israel. In conclusion, let me state that although I sympathize with the plight, I cannot con- done their provocative and vio- lent behavior. There are diplo- matic methods which can be employed by the Palestinians in order to settle their prob- lems. Violence is not neces- sary. However, they have cho- sen force as their means and now must suffer the conse- quences. David killed Goliath and we' applaud his. feat for Goliath was the giant. Goliath, though, was also the aggressor and thus To the Daily: It is ironic that the very amendment which we are so unceasingly tryingto protect is being abused daily, by the Daily. I am referring to the series of anti-Israeli articles and editorials with which we have been bombarded: "comics" on 1/8 and 1/11, and more than five excerpts from t h e Associated Press. This bias is blatant, unacceptable and de- structive. Obviously the Daily editors are unfamiliar with the following logos: it takestwo to tango; there are two sides to every story, and(even in the West Bank) it is ta two-way street. The Daily has failed to provide its readers with an accurate history of the Arab- Israeli conflict. Where are the lists of political agreements in which Israel has repeatedly Israel has g To The Daily:. As condemnation of Israel's policy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip increases, Israel is. still determined to silence the oppressed with gunfire and more oppression. What the Israelis fail to realize is the fact that their occupation of Arab territories has reached its end. The fact of twenty years ago remain the saihe despite Israel's attempts to slowly expel indigenous Arab populations while confiscating their lands. In the case of the Palestinian people, their struggle has been baptized in blood and suffering. The world cannot ignore their strife as it did for many years. What Israel is attempting to hide is its shame in the occupied areas. The Israeli barbaric actions have escalated to a point where the rest of the world cannot afford to stay unmoved by the murdering of innocent women and children, the arbitrary arrest demonstrated her peaceful intents (Camp David), the countless attempts that Israel has made for coexistence, and the multiple attacks that have been waged against Israel by her neighbors, and the terrorist acts from within? According to the Daily, these aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict do not exist. These distortions are preposterous and irritating. Reading the Daily has become analogous to having a single eye: one is only able to see half of his surroundings clearly. Integration is impossible. Until full vision is restored, the Daily has failed in its attempt to legitimize 4 itself among those of quality news reporting. - -Laura Cibul Executive Board Member of Tager January 19 one too far of hundreds of Arab youths and the deportation of Palestinians in defiance to the Geneva convention accords. At this critical stage in the Palestinian struggle we appeal on their behalf to all nations to. heed their calls for justice and liberation. Above all we appeal'to the American public, whose government is making them accomplices in this crime through its refusal to take serious action against Israel. Now is the time for decisions tohbe takenf- decisions which have been procrastinated for two decades. Israel will have to accept the blatant fact that it cannot stay for ever in the Gaza and the West Bank. Just like any other colonialist force, Israel too will have to pack up and leave. In the end, the will of the people will triumph. David was justified in his ac- tion. Were David the aggressor, would not Goliath have been justified in killing David? -Josh Klein Larry Alintoff Todd Lowenstein January 14 Irritating cartoons Don't ignore history Hair harangue DSCRIMINATION IN the workplace w resurfaced last week as a pizza maker at a Detroit area Domino's establish- ment faced dismissal over the length x of his hair. The Michigan chapter of the Ameri- -can Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) :has launched an investigation of the complaint by 17 year-old Scott Bed- ker that women employees may wear shoulder length hair while men may not. Enforcement of this policy was -' lax, however, until owner Thomas Monaghan recently toured some local stores and commented on several em- ployees' hair length. The owner of the franchises in question confirms that women work- ers may keep their hair at shoulder length provided they wear a hat. While Bedker dons a hat while he works, the store now insists that his hair be above shoulder length because "Domino's has family values and its : employees take pride in their personal appearance." With such differing standards for employees working in the same ca- pacity, it seems that Bedker's charges of discrimination are legitimate. What seems even more alarming, though, is that Domino's is starting to resemble the Ford factories of the 1920s when workers' wages depended on per- sonal questions such as whether their homes were clean and "moral." This assault on civil liberties is ap- parent despite a smokescreen sent up by Domino's. Claims that the hair policy results from sanitary consider- ations are debunked by the discrep- ancy in the policy between men and women; if long hair contaminated the food, the store would require short hair for women as well. That long-haired men detract from sales is another easily dismissable justification for the policy. Because Bedker makes pizza in a store where he rarely comes into contact with customers, Domino's uses false rea- soning when it asserts that hair length could affect sales. With Domino's untenable explana- tions out of consideration, one must wonder whether the pizza giant is trying to force "traditional" values on its employees. If the case is as it seems, then Domino's is encroaching on employees' rights to maintain their personal lives as they wish. In a similar case this summer, two women were dismissed by another company from positions in which they rarely came in contact with out- siders merely because they chose to keep their hair in cornrows, a natural style for their type of hair. After an ACLU investigation and public pres- sure, the employer reinstated the women. Domino's would be correct to dis- continue discrimination based on ap- pearance and make fewer efforts to regulate the personal lives of its employees. To the Daily: In recent weeks many articles have been written condemning Israel's handling of the Pales- tinian riots. Although Israel's handling of this situation may be excessive, we should not let this one incident mislead us to believe that Israel is solely responsible for the Palestinian problem, as recent articles in the media, including the Daily, have suggested. The public's initial response has been ex- tremely emotional, as expected, but the problems faced in the Middle East require serious contemplation, which, because of high emotions, has been lacking. A quick review of the region's history is essential to any argument, but the last forty years have been ignored in the past month. Israel has been described as a "power- hungry" nation, but if one looks at the wars Israel has fought, one will see that Israel was forced into battle on each occasion. In 1948, and 1956, the surrounding Arab nations attacked Israel with the intent of "driving the Jews into the sea." Then, in 1967, when Israel saw its sea lanes illegally blockaded and the Syrian and Egyptian armies poised for battle in neutral zones on its borders, they were forced to take the initiative and defend themselves. At a later date and against Israel's requests, Jordan joined their Arab allies and attacked Israel. Then and only then did Israel retaliate against Jordan and gain control of what today known as the West Bank. Between 1947 and 1967 Jordan had control of the West Bank region which was part of the land designated as a Palestinian homeland. Why didn't Jordan give control of the land to the Palestinians during those twenty years? How can the Arabs now turn around and condemn Israel? Knowing the history of the area does not change the fact that a problem exists to which a peaceful solution must be found. In the past, Israeli attempts at negotiations have resulted in the assassination, by the PLO and other radicals, of moderate Palestinian leaders who recognized the need for talks. Due to this fact, many Palestinian and Arab leaders have been unwilling to negotiate. Other articles have proposed a panacea for the situation: negotiate with the PLO. There are three problems with this suggestion. First, the PLO does not recognize Israel's existence. How, then, can they expect to negotiate with a "non-existing" government? Second, the PLO does not represent all Palestinians, as is evident by the dissenting opinions of rational moderates. Finally, negotiations must include all the countries in the region, not just the PLO, to ensure a binding settlement. In conclusion, Israel's han- dling of the riotous Pales- tinians has been excessive. However, these actions do not call for major'changes in US- Israeli relations, as some have urged. One month of discord in a forty-year relationship should not lead to the eradication of that friendship. It is time for not only the moderate Pales- tinians, but, for all Arabs and Jews as well, to realize that peaceful negotiations are the only solution to this complex problem. International pres- sures must be applied to Israel, as well as to all the surroun- ding Arab nations who, up to now, have been reluctant to talk. Instead of being intent on the destruction of Israel, as the Arabs have been over the past forty years, they should make an atBtempt to peacefully coexist. ThePalestinians must understand that violence will further aggravate the situation. Only through serious efforts at communication can true peace be achieved in the Middle East. -Ken Fabricant Rob Fabricant Steven Peljovich January 14 Arabs not disgraceful -Basil Rashid Saiah Taher AAUG To the Daily: I would like to reprimand Sondra Panilo, Beth Bernhaut, Marc Berman, Michael Sher- man, Darya Hoffman, Ted Sherman and Steven Stryk for their simplistic evaluation of the conflict that exists between Arabs and Israelis in the Middle East. In their letter (Daily, 1/13/88) they pointed to the "disgraceful" behavior of Arabs as the main causative of fric- tion between these two fac- tions. This point, inherently elitist and racist, merely serves to demonstrate the blatant ig- norance of its authors, rather than accomplish anything con- structive or worthwhile. It is little more than an attempt to classify all Arabs into one sin- gle category. This stereotype of all Arabs as being barbaric and violent has been perpetuated in this country by the entertainment media as well as by the gov- ernment. For too long I have bit my tongue and allowed statements such as the one above to pass. But no longer can I sit idly by and allow my- self and others to be slandered. Stereotypes hold no place in today's society, and I suggest that Ms. Panilo and friends take a less stereotypical attitude towards Arabs in the future and allow themselves to find fault with not only Arabs but with Israel as well. If you wish to help alleviate the discord be- tween Arabs and Jews, be more open minded. Quit blindly fol- lowing Israel, for they have not proven themselves worthy of6 such blind dedication. -Tarik Ajami January 13 I ..* . *.* ..,441*.{1{...*}!:}}:".*.*.*. . . ... . . . . . . ... ..-.-.*.*.-.-.*.-.-....*.-.-.*.-...-...-...*.*. ................. III M ILU k A/l/l I I .Y. JIIN F51 MIK iN. Ad