1 4 The "Not-So- Weird" Science of Creating the Ideal Computer System <3 t 1 The Lowdown on Is your PC plain vanilla while you long for a banana split? Have you be- gun to take another look at your hard- working, faithful, original equipment and wondered whether or not it's time to add on and/or upgrade the system? Pitfalls abound. One person's need for speed is another's waste of money. In a quest for increased memory, do you simply need to add 64K's worth of inexpensive memory, or must you part with megabucks for megabytes of memory expansion? Let's face (or in- terface) it-adding on takes a little thought. First, you need to sit down and ana- lyze your specific needs. Exactly how are you going to use your computer? Does word processing comprise more than 90 percent of what you do, or do you now need a color/graphics monitor to create dazzling graphics for art class, draw blueprints for your architecture course, or even tap into information resources other than those which the campus library can supply? Memory: How Much Is Enough? Most PCs come with between 64K and 640K of memory, which can be significantly increased without having to buy a whole new machine. If you want to soup up your comput- er's existing memory, the fastest and least expensive way is to add an "ex- pansion card." Expansion cards often provide additional capabilities, in- cluding an extra serial or parallel port (socket) for attaching peripherals- such as modems, printers, and joy- sticks-to your system unit. Before purchasing expansion cards, however, check to see if your computer has emp- ty slots. The backbone of your computer is, of course, its system board (also known as the "mother board"); and the second way to boost your PC's 14 plus/SPRING 88 ILLUSTRATION BY RICHARD MCNEEL