4 rates. Comparison-shop for the best rates. e Hold on to your credit receipts; carry them in your wallet, or keep a running list of the month's charges in your checkbook. Remind yourself that some of the money in your ac- count is already spoken for, and you'll be less likely to spend it before the charge bills come through. e Limit your initial short-term debt (retail accounts, installment loans- everything but a mortgage) to no more than 15 percent of your take-home /M, r'U'v E TABuISN A GCOP CR.F1T RATING -- WV OE 4A4 TO EXT N2 A LC- /1 pay. For most of us, credit debts above that level spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E. In the Beginning... Building a Credit History Start small. Building a credit history takes time and patience-but, contrary to some popular money myths, it's relatively easy to get first-time credit. Some ways to jump-start your cred- it-ability: e Open savings and checking ac- counts. They allow you to show you can handle money responsibly and they will score points on credit appli- cations. e Open one or two charge accounts at local department stores and pay your bills on time. You can use the stores as credit references after about three months. e Use your car or the money in your savings account as collateral for a small loan. You are developing a good credit history by paying the loan off according to the terms of the contract. e If you don't have assets to use as collateral, ask a parent or adult friend (somebody with a good credit rating) to cosign your loan application. e Apply for a gasoline credit card. Like retail cards, they're relatively easy to get. Once you've built a credit rating, keep it clean! It's important to make payments on time. Don't commit yourself to monthly payments you can't afford. And if you get into trouble? Bite the bullet: Call or write your creditors if you're sending a "short" payment this month. (It's better to send partial payments to all creditors than to pay some and not others.) "There's no question that people would rather discuss their sex lives than their financial situation when they're in a bind," one credit expert told The Wall Street Journal. "But it gives you an enormous edge if you contact your creditors before they have to pressure you.'' In Control: Be a Credit to Yourself! Going out into the "real world" is something to celebrate. But the oppor- tunities and privileges of adult life also include responsibilities. Coping with adult credit means cop- ing with yourself: learning how to tell wants from needs, sidestepping emo- tional spending, finding ways to sepa- rate who you are from what you own. You are the key to your own credit success. Can you keep credit spending to no more than 15 percent of your take-home income? Will you be able to resist overspending when your friends start buying original artwork and imported cheeses? Credit. It can provide immediate comforts and ease your way to a com- fortable future. And it's yours just for the asking. Handle with care! Q 10 plus/SPRING 88