OPINION Page 4 Monday, January 18, 1988 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan King's message speaks to 'U' Vol. XCVIII, No.74 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Israel should negotiate the return of the territories with PLO Free Palestine DURING THE PAST few weeks, Palestinians in the West Bank and ,Gaza Strip have faced Israeli troops with live ammunition. There is no justification for Israel shooting and .!,killing demonstrators who are a 'armed with little more than rocks. These confrontations between the Palestinians and Israeli troops have left 40 protestors dead and several hundred wounded, while only one Israeli soldier has been injured and none have been killed. The severity of the repression indicates that Is- rael is an unwanted regime which denies Palestinian self-determi- nation. The Palestinian riots in the occu- pied territories are an expression of frustration over prolonged repres- sion. First, the Jordanians and Egyptians and now the Israelis have imposed a military dictatorship .on the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Curfews, random and sporadic ar- rests, military censorship boards, and demolition of homes are all a part of a Palestinian refugee's life. Through martial law, mass ar- rests, and the deporting of suppos- ed ringleaders, Israel violates basic human rights. Other infringements r include: the exclusion of Palestini- ans from the governing processes, denial of land ownership and water rights, the ability to travel freely, and numerous other privileges en- joyed by the Israeli settlers living in their midst. These conditions make the living environment of the Pales- tinian people one of the most dismal anywhere. Demonstrations and riots have harnessed more support and have become more violent since Israel's military presence in the area was stepped up. The government policy simply increases regional tensions. Israel continues to make a com- plete mockery of justice while end- ing all rights of freedom of expres- sion. Palestinians are arrested in- discriminately and without charge. Imprisonment lasts months, without trial, bond, or even a formal accu- .sation. Israel even degradates the Geneva convention, of which it is a co-sig- r nator, by deporting Palestinians 0'-who supposedly organized violent resistance. In protesting the occupation, t°..,Palestinian youth might have been less destructive and violent. Nonetheless, Israel persecuted non- violent activists such as Mubarak Awad and Gideon Spiro with de- tention and deportation. Further, numerous non-violent protests at rll.,Bir Zeit University have resulted in r o'-violent reprisals and arrests from " the Israeli army. Considering the 044 violent nature of the repression, it is not surprising that Palestinian youth who have grown up under Israel's iron fist are expressing their oppo- sition to Israel's hostile rule. To find a solution to the Pales- tinian-Israeli problem, some groundwork must be laid. . First, the Palestinian refugee problem is not exclusively an Arab problem, just as the South African problem is not exclusively a Black problem. They are both concerns for all people. Alternatively, expecting Jordan to absorb the ethnically and culturally different Palestinians, just because both are Arabs, is a racist concept. The Palestinians are entitled to their own identity. Second, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) should be rec- ognized by Israel and the United States as a representative of the Palestinian people. Polls by many institutions including official elec- tion results have consistently shown this to be true. Conversely, the PLO should rec- ognize Israel on a reciprocal basis. It has shown a willingness to do this on many prior occasions which Israel and the U.S. media have conveniently overlooked. While it is true that some factions of the PLO have brutally killed civilians, this should not prevent recognition. The PLO's actions, however, pale in comparison to the brutality prac- ticed by Israel. The Israeli state em- ploys indiscriminate bombings of highly populated areas, attacks on refugee camps, and routine use of torture by the Shin Beth. It is hypocritical for Israel not to recog- nize the PLO over its use of vio- lence. Third, Israel and the PLO should negotiate the return of the occupied territories to the Palestinians. This doesn't necessarily mean that the PLO will run the territories; rather, this question should be decided by the Palestinians themselves. The option for the West Bank and Gaza to become separate nations should not be ignored. The riots in these areas show Palestinians do not want to live under Israel's jurisdiction. Negotiations with the Palestinians' representatives for a Palestinian homeland is Israel's way out of the immediate problem. Fourth, all prisoners held by Is- rael for protesting the occupation should be released. Many of the prisoners have been detained with- out a trial, and the few trials held are conducted in military courts with partial judges. Currently, lawyers boycott the trials in protest of the kangaroo court. Israel must recognize the Pales- tinian nation's right to self-determi- nation. Prolonging the vicious re- pression and crushing simple aspi- rations toward basic human rights will only make the solution more violent. By Sarah Babb The events of this past week have served as a timely illustration of the cause to which the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. dedicated his life, namely the struggle against the racism inherent in the institu- tions of this nation. Institutionalized racism can be as blatant as a law rele- gating nonwhites to the back of a bus, or as subtle as a remark concerning the unde- sirability of having a larger proportion of minorities at the University of Michigan. But in neither case can the solution to these problems be left in the hands of the institutions which perpetuate them. Reverend King showed that it is the re- sponsibility of the people to decide what is and is not acceptable, and to change in- stitutions when they conflict with these standards. When Police Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor turned police dogs and fire hoses on demonstrators in Birm- ingham in 1963, the civil rights move- ment created a conflict with a system of discrimination that had existed for many years, with the help of various institu- tions, including the State of Alabama: consequently, King and his followers were thrown in jail. Today, institutionalized racism is no longer as blatant as the Jim Crow Laws of the 1950s and 60s. But as we saw last week when Dean Steiner's remarks were publicized, it is no less a part of our soci- ety. President Fleming has proposed that the elimination of racism from this cam- pus be left solely in the hands of Dean Steiner and other administrators of the University of Michigan. Nevertheless, Sarah Babb is a Daily Opinion page staffer. whether the institution in question is the State of Alabama, the U.S. government or the University of Michigan, it is impera- tive that the power of decision in these matters not remain in the hands of the Bull Connors or the Dean Steiners of this world. The idea that the institutions that are themselves implicitly racist will single- handedly eliminate racism is not only lu- dicrous, it is dangerous. Reverend King demonstrated that it is up to us to change the institutions that are supposed to repre- sent our interests; otherwise, systems of oppression will perpetuate themselves in various ways. Dean Steiner, for example, almost certainly attended schools with all- white, mostly-male faculties, at a time when universities employed minorities as cooks and custodians, and women as' secretaries, when nobody had dreamed of such a thing as a women's or an afro- american studies department. Steiner is certainly not the originator of the school of thought that implies inequality between the races: he acquired these ideas from a system that he himself would continue to perpetuate if President Fleming's code were implemented. There is no excuse for the University of Michi- gan to be producing graduates with views resembling Steiner's. The time has come for the circle to be broken: the students of this University must demand immediate changes within an institution that is" im- plicitly discriminatory. For example, every honors student at this University is required to take either Classical Civilization or Great Books, both of which are concerned with the foundations of Western thought: the great books therein were written exclusively by and for men. There is no similar require- ment for the study of Eastern, African or feminist art, history or philosophy: the implication is, of course, that the study of these would somehow be "less important." It should be required that not simply hon- ors students, but all students at the Uni- versity, study a number of these "less im- portant" disciplines. Furthermore, it must be made manda- tory for U of M first-year students to take a course exploring such issues as sexism, racism and homophobia. Such a course would help students explore and come to terms with their feelings regarding these issues, and to have a better understanding of the discrimination pervading this nation and this University. Finally, the University must be forced to recruit more women and minorities into higher-level faculty and administrative po- sitions. Young people who come of age in an environment. in which women are mostly secretaries and minorities are mostly janitors are more likely to consider (whether they know it or not), the possi- bility that women and blacks are in- tellectually inferior, and hence more fit for these menial tasks. The current situation is particularly ap- palling because the University is supposed to be an institute of higher learning. For an educated man like Dean Steiner to be incapable of recognizing the racism in his own remarks and attitudes is absolutely inexcusable. If the students fail to set the standards for right and wrong at this Uni- versity, it will continue to perpetuate its system of discrimination. Unfortunately, as Reverend King demonstrated, when people's values conflict with the well-en- trenched immorality of institutions, they will inevitably be met with opposition. We are in for a long, hard struggle. LETTERS Putting King's visions into action 4 To the Daily: In recognition of the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., responsible citizens are required to ask themselves: "What does the challenge of Martin King hold for me?" Indeed, the celebration of this day calls for us to take a careful look at where we are in the progression of civil rights and what distance must be travelled before we are where we ought be. It also calls for us to search ourselves individually to find how we have contributed to, in the common word, "making the world a better place", how we have decided to respond and correct ills that are seemingly ever present and how we chosen to meet the challenges of ournpresent age. It is in the more individual survey to which this article will speak. It is at this time of the calendar year, while resolutions are fresh in our minds (though many already broken), to look at thescharacter that was Dr. King's and to study our own characters in order to revive, refurbish, renew, refresh and refine them, making them what they should be. The memory of this leader serves to remind us of what "good." character is. Believing sound character to be necessary for progress, both individual and aggregational, one asks do we possess the characters needed to improve our communities (local, world, etc.)? Or have we allowed that our characters reflect mediocrity, tiredness and an unwillingness to view the world from a positive prospective? We should be thinking of that which will enable us to have the wherewithal to create a new type of tomorrow that is free from all conditions that we have a growing dislike for today. If you like the fact that Martin King was a peaceful man, work until peace permeates the hearts of everyone in every place and hostile men and women find King was a prudent person, work until everyone will desire wisdom and be given the opportunity to be educated. If you are impressed that Martin King was determined to correct the wrongs of society, work. too that our streets would be safe, our prisoners rehabilitated, our drug abusers Drum major) To the Daily: This week many of us are pausing to remember one of the world's greatest human be- ings. If he had not been assas- sinated nearly 20 years ago, he would be c'elebrating his fifty- ninth birthday. Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was indeed a multi-faceted individ- ual- a preacher, a "prophet," a husband, a father, a theologian, a visionary, a dreamer, a n achiever, a Black man, and a "drum major for justice." Why is it important to re- member him? Dr. King needs to be remembered because he is worthy of being honored. Dr. King gave us another visible demonstration of the fact that one could live beyond the self. He showed us once again that life is not measured simply by longevity. He showed us once again that greatness can be achieved by serving rather than "lording" over humanity. He Realize other To the Daily: UCAR believes t h a t realizing an anti-racist agenda is two-fold. We must educate ourselves as well as translate that education into concrete social action. In light of the University's refusal to cancel classes on Martin Luther King's Birthday and its stress on a eurocentric education, UCAR is calling for a boycott of classes and is offering workshops, films and dramatic presentations which pertain to Dr. King's philosophies. cease to have need of drugs, our unemployed become employed, our leaders not be committed to putridity but hold to advancing our culture. If it excites you that Dr. King had vision and insight, look for that which none other has seen before and then do something! The University of Michigan Chapter of the NAACP joins this campus in celebrative recognition of the day that this day represents. We bid you all the happiest and richest of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Days! --:Michael Nelson President, U of M Chapter, NAACP January 15 for justice, worthy of honor needs to be remembered be- cause he reminded us of so many things that we often don't want to remember. If we don't remember, then psycho- logically it will be easier to forget that "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice every- where;" that racism, sexism, and other negative "isms" still exist; that economic injustices prevail; and that if we dedicate ourselves to justice and equal- ity we can make a difference. Thank God for Dr. King. We needed him sociologically, psychologically, religiously, and spiritually. Therefore, for4 all of these reasons and more, we need to remember him this week and in the future. -Lee N. June President, Michigan Association of Black Psychologists January 11 Discriminating assumption To the Daily: Hidden among the many un- fortunate stories of discrimina- tion in the January 13 issue of the Daily was one which may have been missed by many of your readers but which is also widespread and insidious and reflects the attitude of many people in this society. I am re- ferring to a statement by Ann perspectives relevant to understanding and evaluating different disciplines within the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. Many professors fail t o incorporate or introduce im- portant figures or ideas that had been neglected due to historical racism and sexism. This does not mean that these figures or ideas are not now of value. Furthermore, v a r i o u s departments do not require classes or even offer classes other than ones that focus on Western, white male thought. Arbor Police Sergeant Jan Suomala that "a college-age male" held up a 4th Ave. Adult Entertainment store. Why not a "young working-aged male" or "a male in his late teens" or some other neutral description that doesn't implicate college students in stealing "adult" material? Our college students4 can learn about the harsh reali- ties of life by simply reading the Daily. -Robert E. Beyer, Department of Biology January 13 Support Steiner To the Daily: We, the elected members of the LSA Executive Committe, have been meeting weekly with Dean Peter Steiner. From this experience we have complete confidence in the strength and depth of his commitment to increasing both the diversity mand alitv of th rnMep xW Boycott Classes 14,7 y T ODAY IS SET ASIDE to honor the . Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Daily encourages students and to learn about racism at the Univer- sity. Today, A wide variety of educa- tional nrorrams are beini offered in