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April 19, 1988 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-04-19

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 19, 1988

High Court to hear
abortion rights case

Supreme Court heard the opening
arguments of an abortion rights case
involving the Roman Catholic
Church yesterday and agreed to
consider a lawsuit pending against
Michigan officials.
The Roman Catholic Church's
tax-exempt status gives it an unfair
advantage in the political battle over
abortion, the court was told by a
"pro-choice" coalition.
The coalition want the court to
keep alive an 8-year-old lawsuit that
seeks to strip the church of its tax
exemption because of its anti-
abortion lobbying.
The justices are being asked
to decide whether the suit can go
forward - not whether the church's
tax exemption should be revoked. A
decision is expected to be announced
by July.
If the suit against the government
is kept alive, the church faces
$100,000 a day in fines for its
refusal to surrender documents
sought by those suing.
Marshall Beil, a lawyer for the
pro-choice groups and individuals,
said being free from paying taxes is
a from of government subsidy that
"is skewing the political process" in
the national debate over abortion.
Church officials and the Reagan
administration urged the court to kill
the lawsuit.
Permitting such legal claims
could "expose the government to
untold suits by people interested but
not affected by the outcome" of
federal regulation, said Justice
Department lawyer Alan Horowitz.
Several justices hinted that the

case could be sent back to a federal
appeals court for clarification of that
court's views on the pro-choice
coalition's legal standing to the
In other court action, the court
will try to clarify the issue of when
a federal civil rights law may be used
to sue states and their agencies.
The pending lawsuit accuses
Michigan officials of denying a
promotion to a state employee
because his brother was a political
The justices will review a ruling
that threw out a suit against the state
police and its director.
Ray Will sought promotion to a
job as data systems analyst with the
state police in 1973. He had been
ranked second on a promotion list
and moved up to number one when
the applicant above him withdrew
from consideration.
ButhWill said he learned years
later that he didn't get the job
because a so-called Red Squad
operated by the state police had
investigated his brother, Charles, a
student political activist.
The Red Quad, which monitored
campus radicals with subversive
ideas, was held unconstitutional by a
state judge in 1976.
Will then sued his employers in
state court under a federal civil rights
law enacted after the Civil War. the
suit named the state police and its
director as defendants.
A state judge in 1982 ruled that
Will's rights were violated and
awarded him more than $153,000 for
lost wages, emotional distress, and
punitive damages.

Compiled from Associated Press reports
Hostage begs demands be met
ALGIERS, Algeria - A man identified as a member of Kuwait's
royal family spoke yesterday from the hijacked Kuwaiti jetliner and he
said he hoped his government yields to the hijackers demands to end the
two-week ordeal.
Most of the brief radio message from the man the hijackers said was
Fadel Khaled Al-Sabah was impossible to understand, except for the part
about their demand that Kuwait free 17 pro-Iranian prisoners convicted in
the 1983 attacks on the United States and French embassies in the Persian
Gulf sheikdom.
"I hope that Kuwait releases all the prisoners," the man said, speaking
in Arabic in a feeble, halting voice. Kuwaiti officials insist they will not
give in to the hijackers, who have killed two Kuwaiti passengers.
The jumbo jet was hijacked while en route from Bangkok to Kuwait
with 112 people aboard.
Meese' s nominee may refuse
position in Justice Department
WASHINGTON - John Shepherd, Attorney General Edward Meese's
choice to fill the No. 2 post at the Justice Department, told officials yes=
terday to proceed with a search to fill the job, department sources said.
While not yet closing the door on the post, Shepherd is on the verge
of withdrawing from consideration for the job of deputy attorney general,
the sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Less than two weeks ago, Meese hurriedly selected Shepherd, a former
president of the American Bar Association, for the position without cus-
tomary White House clearance and FBI background checks. President
Reagan has not yet formally nominated Shepherd.
In brief remarks to reporters, Meese said that he didn't expect to have a
decision from Shepherd until mid-week.
Panel wants 'air safety czar'
WASHINGTON - A presidential commission concluded Monday that
the United States air transport system is safe for the time being, but urged
appointment of a "safety czar" who could initiate or block proposed air
safety regulations in a newly independent Federal Aviation Administration
whose officials would be insulated from political pressures.
"The nation's air transportation system is safe, for now," said John M.
Albertine, chair of the Aviation Safety Commission whose final report
was issued after a nine-month study of the rapidly growing airline indus-
The report said there was widespread public concern about the safety of
air travel, coinciding with burgeoning technological advances and a back-
log of safety improvements waiting to be written into government
Surrogate contracts questioned
LANSING- The state agency charged with looking out for those
who can't look' out for themselves has broken its silence on the issue of
surrogate contracts and recommended that Michigan give women who
sign such agreements time to back out.
While stopping short of declaring support for a proposal to outlaw
pregnancy-for-pay, the Department of Social Services has issued a
"statement of principles" that suggests prenatal child custody agreements
shouldn't be honored.
As it now works, women who agree to become surrogates sign con-
tracts promising, before any child is conceived, that they will relinquish
their custody rights after the child is born.
Surrogacy typically involves a well-to-do but infertile couple hiring a
woman to be artificially inseminated, carry a child to term, and then give
up her parental rights.


LSA Junior Myron Goldstein picks up test results yesterday at the Parke
Davis Pharmaceutical company. Goldstein is volunteering to test drugs
alrady on the market at the Warner Lambert Community Research Cen-

Ta es
' gives TAs
extension to pay
Continued from Page 1
Since out-of-state and in-state
TAs pay the same tuition after their
waivers, the University's income
from tuition would not be affected if
all TAs were charged in-state tuition,
according to a study by the Provost's
Office, D'Arms said.
An alternative to changing tuition
status, D'Arms said, would be to
make.all tuition waivers into non-
taxable scholarships, a method the
University of Arizona uses.
The scholarship issue poses
problems for research assistants,
however. They are not members of
the Graduate Employees
Organization, the TA union, and are
therefore not state employees. To
include them under such an
arrangement, the GEO contract,
.which will not expire for another

year, may have to be reworked,
D'Arms said.
But the RA proposal was not
warmly received.
Rackham graduate student Don
Demetriades, president of GEO, said,
"There's good reason to favor
residency for TAs but not RAs,"
because of these differences.
He added that the GEO has not
discussed reopening contract
negotiations, although the tuition
waiver exemption would give them
grounds to do so.
Peter Smouse, professor of
genetics, said changing the salary
structure would force research
professors to rely on grants to pay
the increased cost of having an RA.
Smouse said he and some of his
colleagues would consider looking
for lab technicians, which they could
pay at a flat rate, if the RA salary
structure were changed.
Responding to a question from
Anthropology Prof. Dan Moerman,
D'Arms estimated that if the
University would raise TA salaries
to cover the tax it could cost from
S1 to $3 million.


Mandela degree proposal
Z UW TA T7 - -T

angers WIL
quest to grant an honorary degree to
jailed South African activist Nelson
Mandela at commencement cere-
monies Saturday has erupted into a
controversy among Western Michi-
gan students.
The request, first made last month
by the Committee for Nelson Man-.
dela, has drawn criticism from the
university's student newspaper,
which is urging the board of trustees
to reject the proposal.


In editorials, Western Herald Edi-
tor Daniel Calabrees alleges that
Mandela has advocated violent means
of protest against the white suprem-
acist government, demonstrating that
"not all who oppose the repressive
system of apartheid are angels
Prof. Donald Cooney, head of the
student committee, called the news-
paper's allegations "character assas-
sination" and demanded proof of the
charge against Mandela or a retrac-


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Continued from Page 1
"It's an issue people were talking
about in January. But it's also sig-
nificant in that he's had a lot of ex-
perience on committees in the col-
lege; he knows the University and
faculty and their needs; and he's in
tune with the needs of minority stu-
Deskins, a professor of urban ge-
ography and sociology, said he
"hopes to participate as a responsible
member of the academic community,
but I don't carry in with me any
The committee - which has the
final authority over curriculum and
hiring in the college - consists of

six elected faculty members, five
LSA assistant deans, and Steiner.
Two new faculty are elected each
After the LSA faculty voted on a
slate of committee candidates in
March, Interim President Robben
Fleming made the final choice of
Deskins and math Prof. Daniel
Burns earlier this month.
Steiner would only comment
through his secretary, who said he
"was delighted" with the selection.
Fleming was unavailable for com-
The committee position won't be
Deskins' first; he has served on the
faculty's Senate Assembly, the as-
sembly's Budget Priorities Com-
mittee, the Scholarship Committee,
and Human Subjects Review.

$1,000 mail order mix-up
proves honesty's the best policy
GRAND RAPIDS .(AP) - When Alice Lisquez opened a letter and
found a $100 bill, the thought of keeping the money never entered her
"It never occurred to me to take it," she said.
A Georgia woman, planning to use the cash on her vacation,
mistakenly sent 10 $100 bills along with an order for some plants.
Lisquez, 47, usually spends her days opening about 1,000 orders for
Michigan Bulb Co. In one she opened about three weeks ago was a
$21.84 order from Mary Duval of Dahlonega, Ga., for flower seeds.
The big bills also were there.
Lisquez told her supervisor, Sue Barnstable, about her discovery, who
then tacked down Duval. Barnstable sent Duval a $1,000 check to replace
the cash.
On Thursday, Lisquez received a $100 bill, a silk scarf, and two thank
you letters from Duval as a reward. "Lord, it was the least I could do,"
Duval said.
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
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Vol. XCVIII- No. 135
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates for May through August
- $6 in Ann Arbor; $8 outside the city. The Michigan Daily is a
member of The Associated Press and the National Student News



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Editor in Chief..................REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN
Managing Editor........................MARTHA SEVETSON
News Editor.....................................EVE BECKER
City Editor..................................MELISSA BIRKS
Features Editor..........................ELIZABETH ATKINS
University Editor..........................KERY MURAKAMI
NEWS STAFF: Vicki Bauer, Anna Borgman, Day Cohen,
Steve Knopper, Theresa Lai, Kristine LaLonde, Eric
Lemont, Michael Lustig, Alyssa Lustigman, Dayna Lynn,
Andrew Mills, Peter Mooney, Jim Poniewozik, Liz Rohan,
Micah Schmit, Elizabeth Stuppler, Marina Swain, Melissa
Ramsdell, Lawrence Rosenberg, David Schwartz, Ryan
Tutak, Lisa Winer, Veronica Woolridge.
Opinion Page Editors............JEFFREY RUTHERFORD
OPINION STAFF: Muzammil Ahmed, Sarah Babb,
Rosemary Chinnock, Brian DeBroux, Betsy Esch, Noah
Finkel, Joshua Ray Levin, I. Matthew Miller, Sandra
Steingraber, Mark Williams, Andrea Zimmerman.
Sports Editor.........................................JEFF
Associate Sports Editors...................JULIE HOLLMAN
TCr. n rt Ae

ARTS STAFF: V.I. Beauchamp, Cherie Curry, Michael
Fischer, Andrea Gacki, Lynn Gettleman, Timothy Huet,
Juliet James, Brian Jarvinen, Avra Kouffman, Preeti
Malani, Mike Rubin, Mark Shaiman, Todd Shanker, Lauren
Shapiro, Chuck Skarsaune, Mark Swartz, Marc S. Taras,
Marie Wesaw.
Photo Editors..........................KAREN ,HANDELMAN
PHOTO STAFF: Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greene, Ellen
Levy, Robin Loznak, David Lubliner, Danny Stiebel, Lisa
Weekend Editors.......................STEPHEN GREGORY
Display Sales Manager.........................ANNE KUBEK
Assistant Display Sales Manager...........KAREN BROWN
DISPLAY SALES STAFF: David Bauman, Gail Belenson,
Lauren Berman, Sherri Blansky, Pam Bullock, Jeff Chen,
Tammy Christie, Milton Feld, Lisa George, Michelle Gill,
Mat Lane, Heather MacLachlan, Jodi Manchik, Eddy Meng,
Jackie Miller, Shelly Pleva, Debbie Retzky, Jim Ryan, Laoo
Schlanger, Michelle Slavik, Mary Snyder, Marie Soma,
Cassie Vogel, Brue Weiss.
NATIONALS: Valerie Bmijer
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