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April 18, 1988 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-04-18

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Page 8
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The Michigan Daily

Monday, April 18, 1988






By David Webster
It's time to get funked up.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Fish-
bone, and Thelonius Monster have
hooked up and are selling their souls
across the country as part of their
Tour from Hell. Tonight, Hell
comes to Ann Arbor's Nectarine
The show promises to be a rap-
ping, guitar-slapping, lip-flapping
clinic so hot that the devil himself
might show up. If the Peppers are
ripe, the Bone is bad, and the Mon-
ster mashes, fans may indeed find
themselves dancing with Mr. D.
Although the Tour from Hell sug-
gests an origin somewhere in the
underworld, all three bands actually
hail from Los Angeles. Their com-
mon thread is Thelonius Monster's
first album Baby... You're Bummin'
My Life Out in a Supreme Fashion,
which has contributions from mem-
bers of both the Chili Peppers and
Fishbone. Tonight, the "punk and
funk" styles of each band will be
showcased in supreme fashion.
The headlining act is the Red Hot
Chili Peppers. These guys are outta'
control. Their latest album The Up-
lift Mofo Party Plan, which also
contains backing vocals by members

of Fishbone, includes songs ranging
from a Dylan tribute titled "Walkin'
Down the Road" to a raucous rap
called "The Organic Anti-Beat Box
Band." There is also a raunchy love
- or hate - song called "No
Chump Love Sucker" which sports
the tender lyrics "She's a witch and a
brat/ A bonafide bore/ What's more
- she snores."
On stage, the Chili Peppers are
about as orthodox as a bunch of pigs
in a kosher deli. They often wear lit-
tle clothing and have in the past
painted their entire torsos with fluo-
rescent paints - a truly nifty effect.
Lead singer Anthony Kiedis stomps
and jerks around the stage with spas-
tic movements that are a sort of
cross between Joe Cocker and a re-
tarded ostrich.
The furious beat set by slap-happy
bassist Flea provides audiences with
ample opportunity to do some seri-
ous slamming and bumping of
bellybuttons. At past performances,
the Chili Peppers and their rowdy
audiences have tested the structural.
soundness of St. Andrews Hall in
Detroit, floors bounced and balconies
trembled. If the roof doesn't blow off
of the Nectarine tonight it will be a
Fishbone also packs a funky wal-

lop that's capable of bringing the
house down. The six member band
plays an intense variety of funk
which seems to be a mishmash of
ska, punk, reggae, and new wave.
Their live performances are; high-
lighted by impromptu raps, stage
dives, and a thunderous horn section.
The band's innovative lyrics are hi-
larious and sometimes scathing.
"Ugly," Fishbone's song about
Ronald Reagan, begins with the line
"U-G-L-Y you ain't got no alibi/
You're just ugly, ugly."
The opening act on the Tour from
Hell is Thelonius Monster, a, group
founded by former Chili Pepper
roadie Bob Forrest. The band is an-
other odd-ball product of L.A.'s di-
verse music scene. Their music is a
combination of punk, jazz, funk, and
blues. They play tunes ranging from
"Louie, Louie" to Public Image
Limited's "Public Image." At last
count the band had four guitarists,
but trivial little things like this are
always changing and they could
show up tonight with one guitarist
and four drummers. Who can tell
with these wacky L.A. types?
scorch the Nectarine Ballroom
tonight. Tickets are $14.50.


L.A. bands The Red Hot Chili Peppers (top), Thelonious Monster (founder Bob Forrest, bottom left)
and Fishbone (bottom right) sell their souls on the Tour from Hell tonight at the Nectarine


Naked Raygun
Caroline Records
Raygun started off with a bang. Their first two re-
leases, Basement Screams and Throb 'Throb, ex-
ploded with violence and power, carving N.R.'s niche
in the Chicago scene as the new musical heavy-
weights on the block. Guitarist John Haggerty played

with an unbridled fury, his chords and riffs flung from
the albums like shattered glass from a Lawnboy, and
front man Jeff Pezzati screamed and wo-wo'ed his way
through many an aggression packed cut characteristic
only of this band.
Then came All Rise. Not a bad album by any
means, yet it seemed to lack a lot of the power and
anger of the previous releases. And now, Jettison,
which shows N.R.'s abilities intact, but certainly
does not utilize them fully. Jettison has the power...

it has the fury... but only sporadically. Song after
song, Basement Screams and Throb Throb leveled
conventional hardcore, an ability the fellows seem to
have lost.
Jettison becomes almost a tease, interspacing
prime cuts like "Soldier's Requiem" and the tempo
deviating "Goldbringer" with less tantalizing tunes
such as The Damned sounding "Walk in Cold" and
the spine-grating title cut "Jettison." Possibly this
album shows Raygun exploring and re-evaluating

their music style... possibly these are just wimp cuts.
I tend to side with the latter.
Certainly N.R. have been unfairly judged on their
releases of late, but that seems to be no one's fault
but their own. They never should have been so good
to begin with. I know I'll keep on buying their re-
leases 'cause just one delicious, turbulent cut makes
an entire N.R. album worthwhile.
' -Robert Flaggert


Calen dar

of The University of Michigan

The calendar combines meeting, lecture work-
shop and conference announcements with
other events happening each week on campus.
It is based on The University Record calendar,
and is open to all University sponsored groups
and organizations recognized by the Michigan
Student Assembly. Items must be submitted in
writing by 5 p.m. the Tuesday before publi-
cation. Address all information to: Julie A.
Brown, publications assistant, University Rec-
ord, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) denotes
events to which admission is charged.
April 18
Women's Okinawan Karate Club--Beg class, 7:45-8:30
pm (new stds welcome); adv class, 6:30-7:45 pm, Martial
Arts Rm IM Bldg. 996-5634, 668-6280.
Christian Science Org--Mtg, 7:15 pm, 3rd fl Mich League.
Integrity--Lesbian-gay male community open house, 8:45
pm, Canterbury House, 218 N Division. 665-0606.
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fd n-Bible
study on Romans, 6 pm, 602 E Huron. 668-6881.
Turner Ctr--Intergenerational Women, 10 am-noon; writing
grp, 1:30-3:30 pm, 1010 Wall St. 764-2556.
Cognitive Sci & Machine Intell Lab--Colloq Series on
Commercialization of High Tech: R More, 'The Influence
of Buyer-Seller Relationships on the Adoption of New
Industrial Products: A Decision-Based Network Analytic
Perspective," 3:30 pm, Exec Educ Bldg, E-0550 Sch Bus.
CEW--Wamer-Lambert Women in Sci Lec, V Kistia-kowsky,
"Scientists and the SDI,"7:30 pm, Rackham Amphi; recep
follows;8:30 pm, Assembly Hall
*U-M-Flint--Perf, Univ Symph Band, U-M-F Theatre.
*HRD--Sem, "Copyright," 9 am-noon, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg
req. 764-7410.
Ctr for Near East & N Afr Studies--Brown-bag lec, B
Tibi, "Nation-States in the Middle East: A Crisis in the
Middle East," noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm; Turkish
Colloq, L Place, 3:30 pm, 270 Tappan Hall; lec, M
Amirshahi, "The Image of Women in Contemporary Persian
Prose," 4 pm, 3050 Frieze Bldg.
Senate Assembly--Mtg, 3:15 pm, Rackham Amphi.
Cont Med Educ--3-day course begs, "Real-Time Ultrasound
in Obstetrics and Gynecology," Towsley Ctr. Reg req. 763-
Macromolecular Res Ctr--Colloq, G Montando, "Structure
and Degradation of Polymers Studied by Mass
Spectrometry,"4 pm, 1017 Dow Bldg.
Hosp Volunteers--Info sess for teens, 7 pm, 1H205 U-Hosp.
Computing Ctr--Monday Programmers Sem (C$av$av), 7-9
pm, 4003 SAB.
Career Plan & Place-Lec, J Candela, "Education Job Search
Tips,"4:10-5 pm, Conf Rm, 3200 SAB.
Residential Coll--Lec, Z Gamson, "The Politics of
Educational Reform: Local and National Scenes," 7:30 pm,
126 E Quad; recep follows.
Linguistics--Visiting Lee Series, G Bossong, "Differential
Object Marking in Romance and Beyond," 4 pm, Rackham
W Conf Rm.
*U-M-Flint--Perf, A Hailstork's "American Guernica" by
Univ Symph Band, 8 pm, U-M-F Theatre.
Sch Music--Std recitals: violinist L Jones, 6 pm, Recital

Mech Engr & Applied Mechanics-Fac candidate sem, JW
Holmes, "Thermal Fatique of an Intermetallic Coating,"
11:30 am, 2315 GG Brown Bldg.
Intl Ctr/Ecumenical Campus Ctr--Slide lec, WK Intsiful.
"Journey to Ghana," noon (lunch avail, $1-std, $1.50-other),
Intl Ctr. 662-5529.
*U-M-Flint--Perf, Univ-Community Orch & Genesee Wind
Symph, 8 pm, U-M-F Theatre. 762-3377.
* H R D-Wkshp, "Time Management for Professional Staff," 1-
4:30 pm, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
Hosp Arts Prog--Recital, saxophonist K Stewart, 12:30 pm,
Hosp lobby, 1st fR. 936-ARTS.
Sch Music--Perf, Univ Symph Orch, 8 pm, Hill Aud. Std
recital, pianist E Chung, 8 pm, Recital Hall.
Dance--Dance stds composition showings, 4 pm, Dance Bldg
Studio A.
Psychiatry/Psychol/Evol & Human Behav Prog-
Anxiety Disorder Wkshp, I Marks, "Drug and Psychological
Treatments for Anxiety," 9 am-noon, Chairman's Bd Rm,
Clinical Fac Ofe Bldg. Reg req. 764-5348.
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn--
Undergrad std fellowship, "Talk from the Heart," 7 pm, 602
E Huron. 668-6881.
TARDAA-Dr Who' Fan Club--Mtg, 8-11 pm, 296
Dennison Bldg.
Karate Club--Beg practice, 7:30-8:15 pm; adv class, 8:20-10
pm, Martial Arts Rm CCRB.
Lesbian & Gay Rights Organizing Committee
(LaGROC)--Mtg, 8:30 pm, 3100 Mich Union. 996-2396.
Museum Art--Art break, "Rites of Spring," 12:10-12:30 pm.
Fencing Club--Mtg/practice, 7:30-10 pm, CCRB small
Christians in Action --Mtg, Fundamentals of Faith Series,
8:30 pm, 1407 Mason Hall.
WCBN (88.3 FM)--Talk show, "Closets Are for Clothes,"
6-7 pm; free form music, "Better Blatant than Latent," 7-8
pm. Call in requests to Lesbian & Gay Radio Collective,
Weis Lutheran Campus Ministry--Bible disc, 7-9 pm,
Mich Union.
Turner Ctr--Creativity in Vintage Years," 10-11:30 am;
Living the Healthy Life, 2-3:30 pm; Retirement Grp, 6:30-
8:30 pm, 1010 Wall St, 764-2556.
April 20
Human Values in Med--Lec, DA Singer, "Pregnant
Woman, Fetus and Physician: Menage a Trois?" noon, Med
Sci II Bldg S Lee Hall. 936-1484.
*Women's Athletics--Softball, U-M vs Central Mich, 3
pm, Women's Varsity Field (adjacent to Football Bldg).
*Men's Athletics--Baseball, U-M vs Mich State, 1 pm,
Fisher Stadium.
*Women of Univ Fac--Banquet, 6 pm; lec, ML Dutton,
"Love, Marriage and Chastity in the Middle Ages," 7:45
pm, Mich League Vandenberg Rm, 761-4320,764-9113.
Biol--Sem, GG Mittelbach, "Indirect Effects of Predators in
Aquatic Ecosystems," 4 pm, MLB2.
Linguistics--Colloq, P Hook, "Aspectogenesis," noon, 1084
Frieze Bldg.
Anat & Cell Biol--Sem, T Sippel, "New Techniques in
Isoelectric Focucing and Electrophoretic Titration of
Proteins," noon, 5732 Med Sci H Bldg.
Arch & Urban Plan--Lee series, L Eaton, "On Teaching
Architectural History,"4 pm, Art & Arch Lee Hall.
Committee for Graduation--Senior Happy Hr, 4-8 pm,
Mich Union U-Club.
*Eclipse Jazz--Winter Lee Series, A & J Gonzales, 7:30-9
pm,;Mich Union Welker Rm. 763-0046.
Sch Music--Std recitals: In Recital Hall: bassoonist J

*UAC/Laughtrack-The Best of Laughtrack with S Mitchell,
10 pm, Mich Union U-Club.
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn--Mid-
wk informal communion svc, 9:30 pm, 602 E Huron. 668-
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Folk svc, 9 pm, 1511 Washtenaw
Ave. 663-5560.
Turner Ctr--Alzheimer's family support grp, 10 am-noon,;
For Men Only support grp, 7:30-9:30 pm, 1010 Wall St.
Reg req. 764-2556.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church--Worship, 7:30-8 pm,
801 S Forest, 668-7622.
Dissertation Support Grp--Mtg, 8:30-10 am, 3100 Mich
Union. 764-8312.
Karate Club--Senior practice, 6:30-8:30 pm, Martial Arts Rm
IM Bldg.
Mich Gay Union--Soc/disc grp, 9 pm, Guild House, 802
Monroe St, 763-4186.
Romance Lang & Lit--French conversation club, "La
Parlotte," 3-5 pm, MLB 4th fl Commons. Everyone
Latin Amer Solidarity Committee --Mtg, 8 pm, 2435
Mason Hall.
April 21
Biologic & Mater Sci--Sem, M Gilmore, 'Two
Component Cytolysins of Gram-Positive Bacteria," 4 pm,
1033 Kellogg Dental Res Inst.
*Ofc Major Events--Comedian H Mandel, 9 pm, Hill Aud.
Hosp Volunteers--Info sess for teens, 4 pm, 111205 U-losp.
Atmos, Oceanic & Space Sci --Sem, JG Anderson, "The
Antarctic Ozone hole: Evidence for Free Radical Catalysis
on a Continental Scale," 3:30 pm, 2231 Space Res Bldg.
Career Plan & Place--Education Career Conf, 10 am-4 pm,
Mich Union Ballroom.
Computing Svcs User Svcs--Hypercard wkshp, B
Fernandez, "You Can Do It Too," 7-9 pm, MLB3.
Computer Vision Res Lab--Sem, A Pentland, "Depth
From Focus," 4 pm, 1200 EECS Bldg.
*Dance--Young Choreographers Concert, "Last Dance," 8 pm,
Dance Bldg Studio A. 763-5460.
U-M-Dearborn--High Tech Series, P Choate, "Using High
Technology for Global Competitiveness," 5 pm, Fairlane
Club Ballroom, 19000 Hubbard Dr, 271-0233.
Evol & Human Behav Prog--Sem, D Rubenstein, "Sounds
of Fury: An Equid Ecologist on the Loose," 4 pm,
Rackham E Lec Rm.
*ICLE--Live via satellite course, "How to Advise Clients
About Pension and Welfare Benefits Problems That Need
Immediate Attention," noon- pm, 1020 Greene St. Reg
req. 764-0533.
MHRI-M Del Monte, "Cell Biology and Biochemistry of
Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium in Culture," 12:15-
1:30 pm, 2055 MHRI.
Women's Okinawan Karate Club--See April 18.
Museum Art--See April 19.
Intl Ctr--World Travelers' (brown-bag) Lunch Break, noon,
603 E Madison.
Alcoholics Anonymous--Mtg, noon, 3rd fl Mich Union
(by Counseling Svcs).
Karate Club"--See April 19.
*Mich League--Intl night, Japan, 4:30-7:30 pm, The League
Agape Campus Fellowship--Nondenom Bible study, C
Hawthorne, 6:30 pm, S Quad Ambatano Lounge.
Germanic Lang & Lit--Conversational German club,
"Kaffeestunde," 3:30-5:30 pm, MLB 3rd fl Conf Rm. 764-
UAC/Impact Jazz--Dance wkshp, 7-8:30 pm, Mich Union
Anderson Rm.
Palestine Solidarity Committee (formerly Nov 29th
Committee for Palestine)--Mtg, 7 pm, 4203 Mich
Turner Ctr--New Tech Series, A Jacobson, 10-11:30 am,
Kellogg Aud, 990 Wall St; Shaking the Blues, 1:30-3:30
pm, 1010 Wall St.
Our House Christian Fellowship--Bible study, singing
& prayer, 7:30-9 pm, 925 E Ann

*AAFC-Films: Little Murders, 7pm & The Magic Christian,
9 pm, Nat Sci Bldg Aud.
Botanical Gdns--Friends annual mtg, 7:30 pm, Aud, 1800 N
*Committee for Graduation--Swing Out Party with band
The Difference, 9 pm-2 am, Mich Union Ballroom.
*Dance--See April 21.
Med Ctr--Annual Mayo Lec, SI Schwartz, "Surgery of Hepatic
(liver) Tumors, "4 pm, Ford Amphi.
*UMS--Perf, Monte Carlo Philharmonic Orch, 8 pm, Hill
Aud. 764-2538.
Overeaters Anonymous--Mtg for bulimics (others
welcome), noon, 3rd fl Mich Union (by Counseling Svcs).
Chinese Christian Fellowship--Bible study, 7:30 pm,
3150 Glacier Way, 761-7503.
Turner Ctr--Writing grp, 10 am-noon; peer counselors mtg,
1-3 pm, 1010 Wall St. 764-2556.
April 23
*Women's Athletics--Outdoor track, Wolverine Open, 10
am, Ferry Field.
Std Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users, sess I, 9-11
am, SAB, 763-4025.
*AAFC--Films: Plan 9 From Outer Space, 7 & 9:30 pm &
National Lampoon's Disco Beaver From Outer Space, 8:30
pm, MLB3.
*Dance--See April 21.
*Ruthven Planetarium Theatre--Shows: "A Starry
Night," 10:30 & 11:30 am; "Voyager 2 at Uranus," 2, 3 &
4 pm. Loc 4th fl Nat Sci Mus, comer Geddes-Washtenaw.
Karate Club--Practice, 3-5 pm, CCRB small gym. All
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn--
Couples fellowship, 7 pm, 602 E Huron. 668-6881, 668-
April 24
Women's Athletics--Tennis, U-M vs Wisconsin, 10 am,
Track & Tennis Bldg or outside courts.
Std Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users, sess II, 11
am-1 pm, SAB. 763-4025.
Botanical Gdns--Nature walk, "Look for Trillium and Spring
Beauty," 2 pm, conservatory steps, 1800 N Dixboro. 763-
*Dance-Young Choreographers Concert, "Last Dance," 3 pm,
Dance Bldg Studio A. 763-5460.
*U-M-Dearborn--Fair Lane Music Guild presents Ensemble
for Early Music, 7:30 pm, H Ford Estate-Fair Lane. 563-
*U-M-Flint--Flint Symph Wind Ensemble & Flint Concert
Band, 3 pm, U-M-F Theatre. 762-3377.
Hosp Arts Prog--Artist demos, V Kauffman & J Giordano,
2:30 pm, Hosp lobby, 1st fl & concourse. 936-ARTS.
Museum Art--Tour, "Rights of Spring," 2 pm.
*Ruthven Planetarium Theatre--Show, "Voyager 2 at
Uranus," 2, 3 & 4 pm. Loc 4th fl Nat Sci Mus, cor--ner
Geddes-Washtenaw. 764-0478.
Zen Buddhist Temple--Meditation svcs: in Korean, 10-
11:30 am; in English, 5-7 pm, 1214 Packard. 761-6520.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church--Worship, 10 am, 801 S
Forest. 668-7622.
Chinese Christian Fellowship--Children's & adult
Sunday sch, 2 pm; worship, 3 pm, 3150 Glacier Way. 761-
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry--Bible Study, 8:45 am;
worship, 10 am, 1360 Pauline Blvd. 662-0663.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Bible study on Book of Revelation,
9:30 am; end of term worship svc with recognition of grads,
10:30 am, 1511 Washtenaw Ave. 663-5560.





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