Nordby appointed to gov't relations position By STEVE KNOPPER The University's Affirmative Ac- tion Office - which directs most anti-discrimination and anti-harass- ment programs on campus - will operate without a director starting this June. The University's Board of Re- gents named current director Virginia Nordby, who has held the post since 1980, as the new associate vice president for government relations on Friday. In addition to heading the office, Nordby now analyzes University policies as an executive assistant to the president. In her new position, she will work exclusively on policy matters. Nordby also will assume several of Vice President for Government Relations Richard Kennedy's duties, reviewing residency applications and freedom of information requests. Nordby said the job was a 'new challenge." Though she has been working on University policies since 1975, "It's quite a promotion," she said. The University will immediately begin a nationwide search for her successor as office director, Kennedy said. Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar- bor) said Nordby's new position "is a logical extension of her career. She's a very capable woman, very loyally dedicated. " Student minority leaders, how- ever, criticized Nordby yesterday, and requested that her successor be more receptive to students. "I'm' very happy that she's gone," said Lesbian and Gay Rights Organizing Com- mittee member Carol Wayman, an LSA senior. * Wayman criticized Nordby's position against amending the Uni- versity's anti-discrimination bylaw to include sexual orientation. Nordby said she would not advocate such a change, but said last term that she would make recommendations to former University President Harold rShapiro "along these lines." Wayman said Nordby's successor should be experienced, creative, re- ceptive, and a lesbian woman of color. The Affirmative Action Office's function, said UCAR member and Rackham graduate student Barbara Ransby, "is more or less to make the University look good. That's what she's done despite the abysmal record." The Michigan Daily-Monday, April 18, 1988- Page 3 Report shows a wide range of faculty salaries Doily Photo by ALEXANDRA BREZ Cesar Chavez (left), president of the United Farm Workers, urged students Friday to participate in a nation- wide grape boycott. Barry Checkoway, an associate professor in the School of Social Work who helped organize the event, stands to his left. Umted Farm Workers leader as*5ks students to By AARON ROBINSON Asking listeners to "boycott anything that looks like a grape," United Farm Workers (UFW) President Cesar Chavez promoted a nationwide boycott of Cali- fornia table grapes last Friday. Chavez, who visited other university campuses in Michigan last week, spoke to about 125 people in the Pendleton Room in the Michigan Union. The UFW boycott, he said, is intended to draw at- tention to the use of hazardous pesticides by grape growers and the plight of migrant workers. CHAVEZ SAID grape growers feel "it's easier to kill the bugs, and to heck with the workers and con- sumers." A 13-minute video shown to the crowd in conjunc- tion with the speech portrayed what Chavez said were the effects of pesticide spraying in California - birth defects among newborns and increased cancer among farm workers and residents. Chavez stressed that workers are the first to recog- nize the health hazards, but they do not know exactly what they are spraying. boycott grapes Pesticides are not only hazardous to the workers in the fields, but to the consumers who buy the grapes, Chavez said. By the time grapes reach the supermar- kets, they have been sprayed six or seven times to keep them fresh, and contain dangerous residues which "won't wash off," he said. CHAVEZ ALSO focused on the attempts of farm workers in California to form unions, frequently resulting in violence between workers and vineyard owners. He called for "free and fair elections for farm workers" to choose a union. Enid Perez, a second year law student, said the speech was "really good," and that awareness about the boycott is better now because "it affects everyone," in- cluding consumers. Jose Acosta, a graduate student at the Institute for Public Policy Studies, said he hoped the boycott would draw attention to the problems of migrant workers. Though both of the former boycotts achieved their goals, Chavez said the current one, initiated in 1984, is the most organized. By MICHAEL LUSTIG Associate professors in wealthier University departments earn more than full professors in other areas, according to a report released by the Committee on the Economic Status of the Faculty. Faculty members in lower paying positions may grow disenchanted with the University because of the disparity, according to the annual salary report presented to the Board of Regents Friday. CESF Chair Jesse Gordon, who presented the report to the regents, said before the meeting, "Disparities within the institution are an over- looked problem." In the past, CESF reports have concentrated on recom- mending raises for the University faculty and comparing the salaries with those offered by peer institu- tions. PROVOST AND Vice Presi- dent for Academic Affairs James Duderstadt, to whom the report was specifically directed, left town just after the presentation and was un- available for comment. The salaries are determined by merit and the "affluence" of a professor's department, the report said. A "popular" department, which has a greater ability to attract outside funding such as grants, has more re- sources to pay professors higher salaries. But not all schools and colleges at the University can do this, such as the Schools of Art, Nursing, and In- formation and Library Sciences, which have the lowest average salaries at the University. The College of Engineering, the Law School, and the School of Business Administration pay the nighest salaries. ROBERT WARNER, the dean of ILS, said although "there are always going to be disparities" in salaries, if the disparity becomes too large "it does engender negative feel- ings on the low part." Because of the salary inequality, Gordon said members of different departments will grow less concerned about the University as a whole., Gordon, a social work professor, said one option disenchanted faculty members have is early retirement, and if conditions persist, more olier professors may exercise that option. The report states: "It is unlilgly that the relatively low-paid individu- als in the faculty of an affluent school are more meritorious in such matters as publications or other in- dices of knowledge production" than high-paid members of poorer schools, indicating that salaries are determined more by market forcs and the economic climate of ihe country than by merit. IN ADDITION, the report compares University salaries to ei t public and ten private peer institp- tions. Against public institutions, the University ranks the first in two of the three faculty salary categories. But compared to private institution, the University ranks last for "i professor salaries and fifth for lih other two categories.r The report recommends seveml actions the University could take ;p improve the working environme, including: -help new faculty members p' off past loans and relocate to A Arbor; -provide child care assistance ajĀ¢ expand child care leavepolicies; * -review and possibly revise mvot determination policies; -review options for pay-outsjp retirees; and -give more attention, and po~i- bly economic assistance, to already. retired faculty members. But Gordon added, "the reportis not intended to propose solutions." WUOM to revive faculty program By MICHAEL LUSTIG Faculty members will soon be speaking their minds over the air- waves, as University officials plan to resurrect a popular radio commentary program on University radio station WUOM. The Faculty Commentator's Pro- gram, which gives faculty members three to five minutes to speak on a topic of their choice, was cancelled several years ago because of budget constraints. Joel Seguine, WUOM's manager, said professors' voices will start beaming from the top of the LSA Building - from WUOM's studio - "as soon as possible." The pro- gram could start next month, he said, but it might not begin until September, when students and pro- fessors return to campus. THE FACULTY'S short commentaries will be repeated sev- eral times a day. Past topics, Seguine said, have addressed public health, crime, education, race rela- tions, and "major public policy con- cerns that touch the lives of people." "What we're trying to do is to re- sume a popular feature," Seguine said. The plan to revive it is part of the University's long-term plan for the radio station that was drawn up last year. Many members of the faculty and the community felt the radio station was separated from the intellectual climate of the University when the program was dropped, said Harris McClamroch, chair of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. Seguine agreed with McClam- roch, saying the program was a way to extend some of the University's resources and expertise, namely pro- fessors, to the community. 'It's something everyone wants. I don't see any re- sistance.' Joel Seguine, WUOM manager, on the prospect of a faculty commentary show THE PROGRAM used to pay about a dozen faculty members to broadcast commentaries weekly, said Director of Broadcasting and Media Services Hazen Schumacher, who supervises WUOM. The program was just one feature cut from WUOM when the budget of Michi- gan Media, which funds the station, was cut by nearly one-third in 1981. Seguine hopes to find 20 to 25 people who want to participate, and he has asked campus deans, directors, department heads, and SACUA to publicize the program. But this time participating faculty members - who will volunteer once a month - will not be paid. The radio station is not trying to take advantage of anyone, Seguine said, adding "I don't think once a month is too much to ask." Schumacher said some people might be paid if they are asked to comment more than once a month, but "there's only so much (money) to go around." "There always were faculty who were willing to do it without being paid," he said. SACUA is not trying to recruit faculty broadcasters, McClamroch said, but "wants to be very helpful" in a supporting role. WUOM already invites faculty members to comment at times on its two news programs, "The Midday Program" and "4:30 Report." The station broadcasts classical music and other news programs, including "All Things Considered" from Na- tional Public Radio. Seguine said he thinks the pro- gram will be a success. "It's some- thing everyone wants," he said. "I don't sense any resistance." Even if people don't want to participate, he said, they want to hear their col- leagues. BUSINESS Your education will not end with graduation. As a grad- uate nurse at Rochester Methodist Hospital, you will receive a comprehensive twelve-week long orientation where you will further develop your professional skills. Beyond orientation, you will have the challenges and the growth opportunities that a world-class medical center can provide. Spring graduates apply now for positions available in 1988. Starting salary $24,627. Attractive benefit package. Rochester Methodist Hospital is an 800-bed Mayo Foundation Hospital. Choose challenge. Choose: growth. Choose Rochester thodist Hospital. Rochester Methodist Hospital, Personnel Services, Nursing Recruitment Section, 201 West Center Street, Rochester, MN 55902, (507) 286-7091 (Collect). 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