-Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 15, 1988
Protester to file
civil suit against
security official
Continued from Page 1
showed me that I wasn't going to
have a case," Plunkett said.
But Marcuse contends that Plun-
kett was under political pressure to
drop the case. "It was very clear to
Plunkett from the beginning it was a
political case and his prosecution
was operating only in the interest of
the police in covering up their
crimes," Marcuse said.
He also accused Plunkett of pro-
longing the case, which has been
postponed several times, in order to
intimidate him into a concession
rather than let a jury decide his guilt
'or innocence. Plunkett twice offered
to drop the charges if Marcuse would
perform community service, but
Marcuse refused.
"I THINK the criminal justice
system is clearly an extended arm of
the police. It's so clear in a case like
this that they work together and not
in the interests of justice," Marcuse
Plunkett countered, "It's simply
not true that the police department
put any pressure on me to drop the
case. If anything, they were inter-
ested in pursuing it. I have no per-
sonal stake in this case."
Plunkett also accused Marcuse of
wanting to continue with the trial as
an opportunity to express his politi-
cal views.
"I respect Mr. Marcuse's and
other students' right to make their
views known, but I don't think it's
appropriate that the criminal justice
system be used for that purpose. I
resent being used in that manner,"
Plunkett said.
Yesterday's dismissal will not
necessarily keep the incident out of
court; Marcuse has said he will file a
civil suit against Assistant Director
of Public Safety Robert Patrick for
assault. According to the police re-
port, Patrick caused Marcuse to fall
after kicking him in the groin.
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... charges withdrawn
Patrick maintains in the report
that the action was reasonable in de-
fending himself from attack. "I have
a right to defend myself," he said
Police Notes
False alarm
Six firetrucks were called to Ma-
son Hall at 5 p.m. yesterday in re-
sponse to a fire alarm that caused
students and faculty to evacuate the
building. A cutting torch used by
construction workers was misinter-
preted to be smoldering debris, Lt.
Gary Basil said. The situation was
reported to be "under control," five
minutes after firefighters arrived on
the scene.
-Rebecca Blumenstein
Worship Schedule
(The Chaplaincy of the
Episcopal Church to the
U-M Community)
218 N. Division St.
Morning Prayer - 7:30 a.m.
Evening Prayer - 5:15 p.m.
Doubters' Group - 4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m. Eucharist at Canterbury
(supper follows)
male nurses
The "female mystique" hinders
the acceptance of men in nursing,
said 25 men and women who gath-
ered yesterday to dispell the stereo-
type that only women have the abil-
ity to care.'
Richard Ross, chair of the Break-
through to Nursing Committee
which organized the forum, said
there are two distinct cultures in
nursing - men and women.
Men often work in mental health,
rehabilitation and anesthesiology,
while women are placed into stereo-
typically caring and nurturing posi-
tions, he said.
"This creates a conflict of self,
images of who we are as men," he
Men must confront the "Mr.
Strong Theory," which places men
in positions that require muscle.
"All the guys in my class want to do
the 'macho thing'," Ross said.
Eddie Williams, a first-year nurs-,
ing student, said he wants to make
changes in nursing.
"Nurses are worth more than so-
ciety is willing to give credit for.
Nurses are more than just bed pan
carriers," he said.
Williams said he went into nurs-
ing because he loves people, espe-
cially children. "I'm not a negative
guy, I don't want to be oppressed by
the profession I love. I am sick of
people telling me I'm the problem."
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Compiled from Associated Press reports
Hijackers release one hostage
ALGIERS, Algeria - Shiite Moslem hijackers freed another hostage
from a Kuwaiti jumbo yesterday after resuming talks with Algerian
mediators on ending the 10-day-old crisis.
Negotiations had been suspended earlier in the day because of a lack of
progress, the official Algerian news agency said. But early yesterday
evening an Algerian official boarded the plane for 20 minutes.
Kuwait has refused the hijackers' demand to free 17 convicted pro-Ira-
nian terrorists. The gunmen seized the plane April 5 on a Bangkok-
Kuwait flight and are holding at least 30 hostages.
A doctor allowed aboard to examine the hostages said they didn't ap-
pear to have been harmed physically.
In Washington, lawmakers urged Secretary of State George Shultz to
intervene because of reports that one of the hijackers might be responsible
for kidnapping American journalist Terry Anderson in Lebanon.
Trade deficit blamed for 100
point drop in stock market
NEW YORK - Unexpected news of an increase in the nation's trade
deficit touched off a freefall slide in the stock market yesterday, leaving
the Dow Jones industrial average with its second three-digit loss this year.
The monthly U.S trade deficit widened by more than 11 percent in
February to $13.8 billion, the government said, creating turmoil on world
financial markets.
Stock prices tumbled and the value of the dollar against the Japanese
yen and the German mark dropped 2 percent on the foreign exchange mar-
kets in reaction to the announcement.
sraeli soldiers kill protester
JERUSALEM - Soldiers yesterday shot an Arab to death and
wounded four, and a Palestinian youth wrote an open letter to a Jewish
child saying the violence kills "innocents like me and you."
Army spokespersons said young Arabs on roofs threw stones and
cinder blocks onto soldiers, who opened fire and killed a 24-year-old
A strike called by the PLO to protest mass arrests by the Israeli army
virtually shut down the occupied lands and Arab east Jerusalem, but some
Palestinians have begun complaining about the economic pinch caused by
repeated strikes.
Israeli officials claimed Thursday that the number and size of Arab
protests was declining.
Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron, army chief of staff, said protests now involve
only Palestinian activists, "so when soldiers are forced to fire, they
usually hit the inciters themselves."
$1.1 trillion budget passed
WASHINGTON - The Senate yesterday approved a $1.1 trillion
budget that calls for bypassing last fall's deficit-reduction pact with
President Reagan to expand the war on drugs.
The fiscal 1989 spending blueprint, passed 69-26, also includes
increases for education, the space program, and AIDS research while
freezing or cutting back transportation, housing and development grants
to local governments.
Conforming with last fall's deficit-reduction agreement with the the
president, the Senate plan earmarks $294 billion for military spending and
$16.1 billion for international assistance. It includes no new taxes beyond
the $14 billion enacted last December for fiscal 1989, which begins
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Whiskey makers won't mix
with San Francisco tap water
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The drought-threatened San Francisco
Bay region is getting a little help from an unlikely quarter - the makers
of Famous Grouse Scotch whiskey.
The manufacturers of the liquor, Matthew Gloan & Sons of Perth,
Scotland, kicked off their latest U.S. sales campaign, but decided they
couldn't bear the thought that San Franciscans might mix their prized
whiskey with local tap water.
"The fact is that San Francisco tap water does not taste very good,"
said local Famous Grouse spokesperson Ed Schwartz.
So this month, it started selling a $14 package containing the scotch
and a bottle of water from Great Britain's Strathmore valley, a
combination the company says is necessary to bring out the best features
of the liquor.
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
0hie ffichtigan Bailg.
Vol. XCVIII -,No. 133
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates for May through August
- $6 in Ann Arbor; $8 outside the city. The Michigan Daily is a
member of The Associated Press and the National Student News
The 1988 Michigan
in and available for pick-up at the
Student Publications Building,
420 Maynard St. Yearbooks
may be picked up from 9-5 upon
nresentation of student ID.
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Editor in Chief..................REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN
Managing Editor........................MARTHA SEVETSON
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