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November 23, 1987 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-11-23

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Monday, November 23, 1987

, '

The Michigan Daily
By Chuck Skarsaune
What can be said about a band
that calls themselves the Dead
At first glance, it is obvious that
this band doesn't take anything seri-
ously. Their albums only reinforce
this initial impression. In songs like
"The Thing That Only Eats Hip-
pies," "Beach Party Vietnam," and
"Instant Club Hit (You'll Dance To
Anything)," the Milkmen display a
sense of humor quite uncommon
among most other punk/hardcore
It's this irreverence that separated
them from the Philadelphia hardcore
scene where they began, and has
lifted them to their present popular-
ity. With their first two albums, Big

Page 1




Lizard In My Backyard and Eat Your
Paisley, and the new one, Bucky
Fellini, the band provide more
hilarity and some music, too.
The band's music is straight-for-
ward and reveals their hardcore roots.
Bare-bones guitars and bass over a
steady snare drum/hi-hat beat provide
the foundation for their wise-crack-
ing lyrics. The Milkmen cynically,
poke fun at hippies, dance club pa-
trons, suburban rich kids, and any-
thing else that comes to their
(slightly) deranged minds.
The Dead Milkmen received some
bonus publicity in our area this
summer when Tigers player Jim
Walewander named them his favorite
group and invited them to a Tiger
game. The press had a field day talk-
ing about the band, and their record
company was surely pleased.

Enigma Records has put on some
other strange publicity stunts for
this band, mostly involving cows.
The Milkmen use a cow for their
logo, so someone thought it would
be cute to have a real cow accom-
pany them to an in-store promotion.
There was also a cow milking con-
test, and a cow that went to one of
their gigs.
Whoever the marketing genius is
that perpetrated these events, let's
hope that he/she doesn't have any
bovine appearances planned for
tonight's show.
at the Nectarine Ballroom tonight at
9 p.m. Tic' 'ts are $8.50 and can be
bought at ti. 'oor or all TicketMas-
ter outlets.


The Dead Milkmen gained the Detroit media's attention when Tiger infielder Jim Walewander invited his
favorite band to a baligame this summer. The Philadelphia foursome will provide a guitar edge with a sense
of humor tonight at the Nectarine Ballroom.

Epique Scribbl
By Beth Serlin
What do xeroxed poems, short stories, photography, drawings, spray
painted covers, and the word "raw" have in common? Epique Scribble,
the nearly year-old independent publication of non-traditional writing
style focusing on the "epique quality of life."
The magazine's contributing editors - Stephanie Fody, Julie
Jurrjens, Graham Lee, Chris Helbig, and Sue Fleming - along with
other student and non-student contributors, will give a reading of the tri-
annual's third issue at Guild House tonight.
The impetus for Epique Scribble's collaboration was the co-editors'
timely meeting as Ken Mikolowski's poetry tutorial students in the
Residential College.
Since the beginning, the editors have .welcomed all submissions,
although they do have some guidelines. "In certain University classes
you see the same sort of literature all the time. We want to see new

emrovides aite,
Cor anthigs that aren't flat and boring - something that makes
you think," says Fleming. "We want to stir people up."
Helbig agrees: "We don't want to offend, but sometimes if you don't
offend people, they're not really thinking." To accomplish this the
publication offers a gamut of styles - from the work of Hopwood
winners to the imaginative sayings of four-year-olds.
. But even with this wide range of contributors, the call for
submissions remains continuous. "The hardest thing to do, putting.out
the magazine, is to get stuff worth publishing," says Helbig. To any
interested creative writers and artists, Fleming hints, "No limb is too
small." Any material that can be photocopied can be sent to Epique
Scribble, 128 Tyler East Quad, A2, 48109. The publishers are aiming
for distribution at Borders Bookstore and Community Newscenter, but
it is now stocked at Village Corner. The current issue costs $1.50.
Epique Scribble's reading tonight is part of the Guild House Writers
Series. The series, started over 20 years ago, was originally only poetry
but has since expanded to its present state. According to Don Coleman,
co-director of the ecumenical campus ministry, the Guild House

ati v outlets
"attempts to provide a place for students and faculty as well as others to
read and share their own creative works."
The range of readers is comprehensive; some are well published such
as Laurence Goldstein and Charles Baxter while others are just starting
out. Aside from these readings, seminars, study groups, and noon
lunches dealing with social justice, moral, and ethical issues are also
part of the ministry's programming.
Epique Scribble will read tonight at 8 p.m. at Guild House, 802
Monroe. Admission is free. The Guild House office is open daily from
.9 a.m. through S p.m. for more information concerning upcoming

The University of Michigan

By Marc Carrel
Jean de Florette is a French film
that comes across with remarkable
clarity. The first half of a two-part
adaptation of Marcel Pagnol's novel,
L'Eau des Collines ("The Water of
the Hills"), Florette follows the
pattern of other tragedies with a
conflict between good and evil.
Yves Montand plays Cesar
Soubeyran, a shrewd landowner, and
Daniel Auteuil is his simple minded
nephew Ugolin. They seek their
neighbor's land for the spring it
contains so they plug it up, making
the land difficult-to farm.
That does not dissuade Jean de
Florette (Gerard Depardieu), ' a


A small gem from France

' i

hunchback from the city who knows
nothing about being a farmer, but
seeks to become closer to nature. So
he moves onto the neighbor's land
with his wife (Elisabeth Depardieu),
his daughter (Ernestine Mazurowna),
and his how-to manuals on farming.
Jean starts off well, but later
when the situation becomes desper-
ate and when the rains needed to keep
crops alive refuse to come, he is
forever hopeful that things will turn
out well.
Director Claude Berri's direction
is splendid. He brings forth a clear
feeling of empathy for Jean, as well
as an understanding of the positions
that Cesar and Ugolin are in. Ugolin
plays friendly to Jean and in the end
seems confused as to whether he was

indeed Jean's friend. And all of this
is clearly expressed by Berri, who
shows vast landscapes of the French
countryside as a symbol of the
power of nature and inability of it to
be tamed by man.
But Jean does try to conquer it,
and Depardieu brings a great depth to
his character who is reminiscent of
other tragic heroes. The audience
feels for Jean and the great burdens
he carries, because Depardieu gives
Jean a combination of pride and
naivete. The others, including
Mazurowna as Jean's seven-year old
daughter, are more than believable as
1920s Frenchmen, both as city peo-
ple and rural peasants.
The film is very candid about
showing blatant greed, and the

depths people will go to' achieve
their aims. But it is only a prelude
to the second film dealing with re-
venge. The audience is teased to a
preview of the second part at the end
of Jean de Florette, whetting their
appetite for a film that they'll have
to wait for in earnest. A film some
claim is better than Jean de Florette,
an idea that seems impossible.

Tuesday, November 24
University Symphony Orchestra,
Gustav Meier, music director,
Richard Rosenberg, assistant music
director & student conductors
Music of Stravinsky, Mozart, Brahns,
Smetana, Wagner
Hill Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. Free.
For up-to-date program information
on School of Music events call the
24-Hour Music Hotline, 763-4726


The Michigan Daily
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4. Deadline: One business day prior to publication by 11:30 a.m.
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