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November 19, 1987 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-11-19

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Performn ceSki Paps

Win a '88 4-Wheel Drive Subaru GL
Justy and $2,000.00 cash for the Bash.
You don't have to huy anything. Just
count the number of Lite Beer ( 1Ij) OFFICIAL RULES
Logos appearing within the text of this Nop rh se necessary
irochure, then mail your entry to: N uc
Miller Lite BrewSku 1. pan ic fx aehndpityu
Bash Sweepstakes nmcmlt ddrs icuigzpal) eehn
P.O. BOX 4819 Fingwin the text5ofsou i,,u rewki ash broc hure.
Blair, NE 68009 Z.11a2 ur entrFyFFin a ha Fnd rssdeveoem
If you count 'em all, you'll he eligihle larger Fthan, 1 x'1F>(11 10,envelope) to trC Finn FE
to win our Grand Prize-1988 4-Wheel as ftn asF ,'n,'F)ash. I emit n i Nnpe Fnvelop. 5,
Drive Suharu (GL Justy and $2,000.00 cash EnWisFmthereceived by ", F~J airF-F N,158.5W ano
for the Bashs or one of (our 378 other, berspniefor11 lo stFae.rmidretd al
great prizes! 3.FFAllFprizes i e aared a F,,',d, ain
I 1 GRAND PRIZE 'e ai t rie eaqurtrsunert spervisionFF f
1988 4-Wheel tDrive GL Subi ram d ais I ,,wose-deis,io'n's are ia. IF5n orde to 'e elgil ,r
$2,000.00 Cash for the Bash. pizeFou muF.h'aw coFrctl Fntdtenumbr f ' t
N 3 FIRST PRIZES F;,sFhurEimitoneFprize perfamily No substitutions orF
. A trip f(r 4 toFFne (If the 1Ul1f BrewSki siiF iti thepieinneru- The odds o f wi . apFrize
SBash ski resorts Fof your ehoice, that dFpnd uon teFF bero~lFFfF1FFFFF, entriFs tchdPie
L Bound-trip airfare for 4 (FIFAmericaii -are FFFofhgadrnigeFin5theFir,.0.0,,stae hetm f'
Airlines ety- moeso-,F f tFF-- 5he MilFF,-Brewing-Coman, PhiliMorri
"Lodging 6 nighst/5 day Co paie.F Ic.,hF r lit iFbg,,, uFF~FF~F~Ftor 0,s fliate s Fbiiais
- 5day ski passes tiesand-epos, --,F,of rtailer Fare Fot eigible,. ThiFF,"ep
* $300009 cash for the Bash stakes isvoid in tF statesFf 'FF ,TX nd MDFnd wheeproibite
25 SECOND PRIZES apl.B cetneo rzwne gest s fhs e
A set Fof Head Skis, 'lrlia B1indiIlg, and wihotfrther cFFFF,'FnFFn.Pic ines aFbFeqi
AerroF Poles tosig Fan Freurnan1ff di fFF,,uF ,EFigibiit tiFnFFFF2F F FF' of
100 THIRD PRIZESpeFio , an FFlte FFFtFwhFnFFFFwil",'F,'FFe'tF. An pF""'ot
Pair 1f Bstfinger SiGoe oprto sudlvrbewl euti h wrigo
250OFOURTH PRIZES n ,,s F posessFaFvliddrives licen'. First F'FFFWiFnFrF
I-ki SuinglasseF muFstFagrFe Fto departFa FFFFreturn o e cfied byF the
ISF~~ F' 'F, F~,i'u ,'FFgiOFFF~i, ,
spno.First'. FFFPr'izetrve's usI f legal 'FrinkinFgrage"in
t he state they ar i traelingt n i 'in 'dretrni
RIeeae ofi i abF iF ity Teaproiat etilvlu oIrie
ar.asfollows: ,,F'', F~i' '""'''' F.FFFi'FF FL1 Grand PrieF -5,000:FFF,3Fist PrF'ieFF,'s N'

What do you mean, you're not a?
memher of the Ibie Athletic Cluh? I'm
Become a memher. Do it just for me.
Not only will you qualify for a special gift ,
at LUirt BrewSki Bash (as decreed hy our
Self'Appointed Cluh President Boh
Uecker), hut you'll also receive:
" Official letter of welcome from " Uke"
" Suhscription to our quarterly Inc~ Ath-
letic Cluh Magazme. It's filled with fun
reading, geat pictures, inside info on your
favorite lJili All-Stars, and exclusive con- k h *
tests with great prizes. Not to mention my
own personal column-Dear Doll!
" Personalized memhership certificate you can frame
" Personalized memhership card
" Great offers on jjtg Athletic Club Apparel (produced hyGear
Memhership costs only $3 for the first year and $2 each
year after that.
For more information on how to hecome a memher, call
toll free:
" And look for the Ujitg Athletic Club Booth when you visit
LIrt BrewSki Bash! Look forward to seeing you there.
Love and ijic,
Lee "The Doll" Meredith






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