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November 19, 1987 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-11-19

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Page 4

Thursday, November 19, 1987

The Michigan Daily

Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan


By Tim Huet

Vol. XCVIII, No. 51

420 Maynard St:
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other.
cortoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion
of the Daily.

A R?

-Third World abortions
2ECENT STUDY BY University of takes any advocacy stand on abortion.
higan's School of Public Health The Reagan Administration failed to
;luded that self-induced abortions, prevent domestic family. planning
ernal deaths, and birth rates will groups from taking an advocacy stand
dramatically in Third World in the United States because doing so
ntries if aid is cut off to Planned would infringe on free speech.
nthood's international division.. Women in developing countries do
espite this ominous prediction, an not have our Constitution to protect
million dollar grant by the their rights nor our Supreme Court to
gan Administration, given over uphold a woman's legal right to an
past five years to Family Planning abortion.
rnational Assistance, is set to Planned Parenthood does not fund
re December 31 and most likely abortions abroad, directly or
not be renewed. The international indirectly. Any local organization
sion of Planned Parenthood has which provides abortions must do
n providing funds to local them in a different location and keep
inizations in 36 Third World separate accounts. If Planned
ntries which in turn g i v e Parenthood were to sign these new
traception and family planning agreements, however, they would be
ices to 1.4 million women since acquiescing to a violation of their civil
1. rights and ethical guidelines.
.toTragically, the victims of the
ispute over the terms of the aid *R eag an A dminis tration' s
caused this anticipated cut off. fundamentalism will be women in the
, the Federal Agency for Third World who will lose birth
rnational Development, which control famil lannin counseling
sees foreign aid abroad, wants and l h g li T ,
Lned Parenthood to sign two newh possiby their life. These
ses which are ethically and underdeveloped countries will be
ally wrong. The first clause faced with combatting disease, famine
ids Planned Parenthood from and soon, another population
ling any local organizations in explosion.
eloping countries which counsel Reagan's stance illustrates a strong
nen that abortion is an option;this lack of regard and concern for human
ld be enforced even in countries life and for the choices of women,
re abortion is legal. AID i s poor people, and members of
landing that Planned Parenthood developing nations. Health is not a
y women the knowledge of their commodity that can be bought;
y wom the kngaowledgeiofmoreover, Reagan's disregard for the
t to a legal abortion. well-being of these societies is
he second clause requires Planned another example his insensitivity to
enthood to act as a policing the interests of people of color. In
anization against free speech. depriving people of color of their,
nned Parenthood is being asked to rights and their health, he is trying to
? funding any local organization regulate morality for people who can't.
ich advocates abortion reform or afford it.

In recent months, you probably have
heard assurances from the administration
about its commitment to "cultural
diversity" or "multi-culturalism." Or per-
haps you have heard one of the speakers
the University has brought in to speak on
the virtues of "cultural diversity." If these
speeches and proclamations have left you
unsatisfied or uneasy, tonight will provide
you an opportunity to have your suspi-
cions articulated.
The United Coalition Against Racism
(UCAR) has brought to town A .
Sivanandan, a speaker radically different
from those which the administration has
been parading before us. Indeed, Sivanan-
dan has written a trenchant essay, "RAT
and the Degradation of the Black Strug-
gle," that analyzes how authorities attempt
to turn institutionally-based racial conflict
into a question of attitudinally-based

just an
"cultural diversity." RAT refers to "racial
awareness training," a kind of group
therapy that attempts to increase
sensitivity to racial prejudice which has
been used extensively in Britain and re-
cently introduced to the University of
Sivanandan's scholarship on race rela-
tions in Britain has had an effect on that
country's policy as well as intellectual de-
bate. The evidence amassed by Sivanandan
on the causes of the British "race riots" of
the early '80s placed what have come to be
known as the "uprisings" in the context of
growing nationwide racial violence. Yet,
this man does restrict himself to the role
of intellectual. He played a catalytic role
in the founding of the Anti-Nazi League,
an organization formed to combat that ris-
ing wave of racism which the author had
The vehicle through which Sivanandan
exercises such influence is the Institute of
Race Relations (IRR). The IRR was at
one time dominated by white liberals and
businessmen before Sivanandan and a
coalition of radicals took over the Institute
in a '60s "staff revolution." After the

takeover, the research grants from indus-
tries, government, and charities which had
supported the IRR dried up. But the Insti-
tute has survived on a shoestring budget
and subsistence salaries.
Meanwhile the influence of the IRR
has grown along with the circulation of its
magazine, Race and Class. The quarterly
has come to be read by several thousands.
But its impact is much greater than num-
bers alone would reveal. The publishers of
Race and Class can count among its read-
ership policy-makers and African presi-
dents. The articles in Race and Class set
the tone and terms of debate on issues of
social conflict. Some of the most seminal
pieces in the magazine are written by its
leading light, A. Sivanandan.
Tonight affords a rare opportunity to
hear this remarkable man speak on the
connections not only between race and
class, but those between the anti-racist
struggle in Britain and that in our own
country. It is a chance to discover a mind
from which great minds take instruction.
A. Sivananadan will be speaking
tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the Kuenzel room
of the Michigan Union.

Tim Huet is an Arts staff writer.


Anti-racist movement needs support

To the Daily:
The anti-racist struggle at the
University is at a critical point.
The University made some
promises last term that the
student body has largely ac-
cepted as an adequate response
to the anti-racist movement;
promises like these, usually
unkept, are historically used to
quell student movements. This
campus is undoubtedly show-
ing signs of falling into this
trap. Letters are appearing in
the Daily claiming that the
United Coalition Against
Racism has gotten "too
powerful" and that the problem
we should be focusing on is
the discomfort that white stu-
dents experience from students
of color (both in the 11/16/87
issue). Many white students
say that they are tired of hear-
ing about racism here. They
are not "into it" anymore.
We need to look b a ck,
though, at struggles before this
one. The Black Action
Movement (I) closed this cam-

pus 17 years ago to get a
promise from the administra-
tion of 10 percent Black en-
rollment. It has had more than
enough time to attain that.
Today, only five percent of the
student population is Black
American. Those students
back in 1970 and in 1976
(BAM II) should have never let
up when the administration
started making promises.
Now, in 1987, students who
are opposed to the racist in-
equalities at this university
need to reaffirm their commit-

ment to working against them.
Involvement during this critical
time is desperately needed.
Also, students should do more
to support and attend anti-racist
events and actions. Today at
4:00 in the Fleming Adminis-
tration Building, the United
Coalition Against Racism is
going before the Regents dur-
ing the public comments sec-
tion of their monthly meeting
to reassert its anti-racist de-
mands and to show them there
are still concerned students on
this campus who are watching

to insure they keep their
promises. We need every-
body's support. Then at 8:00
in the Kuenzel Room of the
Union, A. Sivanandan, editor
of Race and Class and director.
of the. Institute for Race Rela-
tions in London, will be
speaking on the approaches of
anti-racist struggles in England
and what we can learn from
them. Please come out and
show your support.
-Dave Fletcher
November 18


'White boys' is racism against whites

Contingent maliCe
, PRESENTLY, THE United States "world communism." Al]
-has amassed enough warships in Arab activists, and evil
a' the Persian Gulf to raise the sea INS wanted their Arab-sy
level a few inches in the words of views shut up. Unfortui
one Reagan official. In this political the INS (but not for the a
,environment of imminent conflict tivists), it was unable t
with Iran, a contingency plan enti- any evidence to substa
fled, "Alien Terrorists and Undesir- charges, much less get ti
: ables" sits on a shelf in Washington the country. Under the R
"D.C., which exemplifies racist atti- ministration, it is therefc
" Lides and poses a threat to the civil fetched for the INS toI
liberties of Arab-Americans. deporting Arabs from thi
Last year in May, the Reagan ad- called for by the continge
ministration drew up the contin- The U.S. presence in 1
gency plan outlining increased Gulf demands that the cc
surveillance and the roundup of plan be quickly dealt w
aArabs residing in the United States emotions against Irania
Into detention camps. This plan can high. U.S. warships then
be activated by an executive order in likely to provoke more Ir
ease a crisis erupts in the Middle itary responses, heighten
"east. anger in the United Sta
This plan was made by a com- Iran, as in 1979 when
mission set up to find ways to fight Khomeini's supporters
terrorism directed against the United the American embassy in
States, and its legitimacy has been If another similar incid
acknowledged by the Reagan ad- Iranians, and conseque
ministration. Specifically, the plan will be held in low estee
calls for special surveillance of ple in the United States,r
Arab-Americans by the Immigration time ripe for activatingt
and Naturalization Services (INS) gency plan. Not many pe
and the FBI. It also outlines a sys- plained about the Japane
tematic roundup and internment of can roundup during Wo
Arabs into detention camps in because of the public
Louisiana, where land, tents, and against Japan, and pr
fences have already been prepared. many people would com
From here, the Arabs are to be- using the contingency p
eventually deported. The deporta- Arab-Americans if the Ira
tion part of the plan applies only to to mount a significant &
non-U.S. citizens, which means U.S. warships in the Gu
permanent resident visa holders can The racist attitudes tha
also be deported. the Reagan -adminis
The contingency plan only men- stereotype Arabs - esp
tions Arabs and Iranians, but it is nian Arabs - as terror
ambiguous enough to be applied to surgents has compoun
almost any ethnic or racial minority policy of suspicion andf

To the Daily:
I am writing in regard to a
remark made by Charles
Wynder, Residence Director-
Gomberg House, South Quad,
and a spokesperson for the
Black Action Movement III.
During a panel discussion on
the Michigan S t u d e n t
Movement in a Sociology 102

class, Mr. Wynder referred to
some white adult males as
"white boys." This is a highly
derogatory and racist way of
describing a white male. I'm
shocked that someone s o
supposedly adamant about
eradicatingracism would make.
such a comment. I spoke to the
T.A., Roderick Linzie, who is
a spokesperson for UCAR and
the Minority Organization of
Rackham, about the incident.
He claimed it couldn't be

considered racist because there
was no institutionalized racism
concerning whites. So, if a
white man was lynched by a
group of black men it wouldn't
be racist? I feel that racism
toward whites is just a s
mor ily wrong as racism
toward Blacks. The only
difference is the former is
acceptable in our society.
-Kellie R.K.
November 12

l nine were
dently, the
nately for
arrested ac-
to produce
antiate the
:hem out of
Reagan ad-
re not far-
proceed in
s country if
:ncy plan.
the Persian
ith before
ns run too
re are very
ranian mil-
ning public
tes against
took over
ent occurs,
itly Arabs,.
em by peo-
making the
the contin-
eople com-
rld War II
obably not
plain about
lan against
anians were
attack upon
at prompted
tration to.
pecially Ira-
ists and in-
ded into a
fear against.

Victim's backpack eulogy

To the Daily:
Approaching two weeks ago,
I became a victim. I know this
because a public safety officer
gave me a telephone number.
for the victim assistance board
in Lansing, the officer then as-
sured me that indeed 75% of
the time students' stolen or
lost property is indeed recov-
ered. Thus far, they did recover
my wallet, minus the bucks of
course, so far as the world is
concerned I have at least been
reunited with my identity.
However, my backpack and its
contents are still at large.
Many feelings and questions
are raised. I feel so violated that
anyone would take it. What use
will my 32" x 35" Bivouac
jeans be to someone else, tai-
lored to fit my behind? My
Spanish notes, child
pyschopathology notes and ac-
companying textbooks are also
gone. A very special black di-
ary-like book in which I wrote
thoughts, poems, and would
someday be included in my
memoirs. Whatever could be
the purpose of someone
violating me in such a way? At
the same time I feel all of this
I have a struggle with myself
because I work each week with
kids in prison, domestic vio-
lence situations, and know that
my dilemma in no way com-
pares, I am nonetheless pissed
The public safety office re-
minded me whenI told them of
my Pee Wee Hefman-like vigil

she will still blame my igno-
rance and contemplate some
appropriate punitive action like
withholding Christmas, my
birthday, or perhaps in the fu-
ture, my wedding. She will cite
as just cause - irresponsibility.
The backpack itself is not
the core of my problem.: I have
guilt feelings whenever I spend
money on clothes. Inside were
my new jeans. A developmen-
tal milesto s go, this has set
me back. My hardcover note-
book in which I wrote, I had a
lot of thoughts and feelings
written in there, now it's gone
as well. If I ever do run for a
public office, I can only hope
it's not found.
If you have any information
or are now feeling guilty,
please end my Pee Wee vigil
by calling public safety or. do-
ing something.
-Patric S. McFarlane
November 11

Protest at Fleming today

To the Daily:
Are you concerned about the
recent racist incidents on
campus? Are .you fed up with
letters to the Daily that insist
"t ;re is no overt racism at the
University" and "funky Black
bitch is not a racist comment?"
Do you want to help end
institutional racism?
Today at 4 p.m. in t h e
Fleming building, the United
Coalition Against Racism
(UCAR) will re-present eleven
demands to the University

Administration at this months
Regent's meeting.
If you care about the rights of
minorities on campus, come
out to the Regent's meeting
and show your support for
UCAR. Help the admin-
istration realize that it must do
all it can to combat racism at
the University. Half-hearted
efforts are just not enough.
-Angie Jakary
UCAR member
November 18

The Daily welcomes letters from its
readers. Bringing in letters on personal
computer disk is the fastest way to publish.
a letter in the Daily.



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