BARRY STAVER Limerick conducts interview ence prof, even kicked Limer- ick out of his office. Limerick is not just clown- ing around. "There is a com- mon but inaccurate assump- tion that the fool is trying to make fun of something," says Limerick who, like Lear's fool, is playful yet insightful. "In fact, I am very serious." MICHI AEL M EHLE in Boulder A Pig Issue at Brandeis omething isn't kosher at Brandeis-the menu, to be precise. This fall students at the nonsectarian (but two- thirds Jewish) university can dine on pork chops, shrimp and real bacon for the first time. According to university offi- cials, the nonkosher, or tref, fare has been included in cam- pus dining-hall offerings to make non-Jewish students more comfortable and, possi- bly, to attract a more culturally diverse student body. The school's board of trustees called for the changes when it decid- ed that limited cuisine contrib- uted to a misperception that the school is only for observant Jewish students. The shift in food policy will not affect the kosher section of the cafeteria, which caters to 300 of the university's 2,800 students. Even so, the new menu has miffed some students and faculty members who fear Brandeis may lose its Jewish identity. (The school's chap- lain, Rabbi Albert S. Axelrad, calls it "the pig issue.") "You can't have it both ways," says Bernard Reisman, a professor of Jewish communal service. "I don't think one has to give up [one's] roots to be hospitable." DAVID BA RBOZ A in Waltham, Mass. Lasers Fair at Lawrence It's called the Laser Palace. Inside, its name is displayed in neon letters, and multi- colored rays bounce off mirrors. But this is no nightclub. Those who enter the inviting edifice at Lawrence University in Ap- pleton, Wis., are confronted by a high-tech laboratory filled with $200,000 worth of lasers, optical components and spec- trum analyzers. The tech- nology is designed to give science-minded-and not-so- science-minded-undergradu- ates a painless injection of modern physics. The Palace was dreamed up by physics professor John Brandenberger-who equipped it with grants from major companies and the Na- tional Science Foundation-to give promising undergrads the kind of hands-on experi- ence with lasers that used to be reserved for grad students. "This shows them what life is like as a practicing scientist," says Brandenberger. Mary Rodgers, a Lawrence physics major who's now a graduate student in integrated optics at the University of Wisconsin, played the Palace for more than a year and finds her work there puts her ahead of many peers. "Now I can go into a [laser] laboratory and feel comfortable, if not com- pletely at home." Brandenberger is also look- ing to attract students to sci- ence who feel more at home COURTESY LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY Beam me up: Mary Rogers, Professor Brandenbergerplay the Palace with Othello than oscillo- scopes. Next April, he plans to offer an entry-level class, enti- tled "Light! More Light!" aimed at teaching humanities students the basics of lasers. Brandenberger believes he's on the beam. "This is the way to break down inertia and get them in the door." JENNIFER KoBERSTEIN Georgia Tech Wrecks WREK Since the late '70s, stu- dents at Georgia Tech have often shuddered over the eclectic noises emanating from WREK, the Atlanta campus's 40,000-watt FM radio station. An automated system that plays records at random has at times programmed a Bruce Springsteen hit followed by q. Vietnamese folk song and then five minutes of "industrial noise," which sounds some- thing like a recording made on the floor of a GM plant. "Peo- ple didn't know what the hell was going to happen when they turned on WREK," says student deejay Rusty Fred- rich. Now, however, ear-weary students-whose activity fees give the station $30,000 per year-are doing something about the situation. Last spring Sharon Just, president of the Student Gov- ernment Association, sur- veyed more than 500 students and found that 71 percent wanted a more structured for- mat. The combination of stu- dent opinion and old-fashioned economics is forcing the sta- tion to listen. WREK (as in "Ramblin' Wreck") needs SGA approval to get about $200,000 to improve its shab- by equipment before its operat- ing license comes up for FCC review in 1989. General man- ager Arthur Davis has al- ready reluctantly given in to Just's directive that the sta- tion tune up or out: a regular rotation of music, from new wave to classical and mellow rock, was added and the indus- .trial noise cut to two hours per week. Students may be happi- er, but some station employees are unreconstructed. "I think we caved in to the demands of musical philistines to meet budget demands," says WREK musical director Ron Rothar. "It was fairly underhanded ma- nipulation of the station." JAMES CAGE in Atlanta NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS 27 NOVEMBER 1987