T H E M A I L Academic VIP's As a recent Emory student in several classes in which former President Carter was a guest lecturer, I feel qualified to an- swer NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS'S titular ques- tion, "Are all those Very Important Profes- sors reallyearningtheir keep?" (September 1987 cover story, EDUCATION). There are many among the faculty and students at Emory who disagree with President Car- ter's political views, but no one of integrity can deny that he is a talented and conscien- tious teacher who is an invaluable asset. H. STUART IRVIN Jr. Alexandria, Va. Your comments about Ambassador Kirkpatrick were unfair, and the quotes you chose did not accurately reflect the reputation Mrs. Kirkpatrick enjoys on campus or the admiration that this distin- guished diplomat commands. TIMOTHY JAMES ZELLMER Georgetown University Washington, D.C. Women's Hockey Kudos! Not only have you written an outstanding article on field hockey, but you've captured the spirit that we fanatics feel for our sport (SPORTS). Also, you had the insight to recognize that lack of atten- dance at college games is attributable to cultural differences between our country and others. KAREN WEAVER, President College Field Hockey Association The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Idealism or Job Training? I applaud John Burkman Jr.'s percep- tive and persuasive assessment of univer- sity education in America (MY TURN). It is criminal that enhancing one's resum6 has become more important than learning how countries were shaped. TRESA MCBEE Indiana University Bloomington, Ind. As a theater major on an "idyllic" cam- pus, I take exception to Burkman's article. Silly as it may sound, we do sit on the quad and have discussions that have nothing to do with acquiring r6sum6 credits. FLORA STAMATIADES Amherst College Amherst, Mass. The Fake ID Trade "A Thriving Trade in Fake ID's" (coL- LEGE LIFE) is a fine article but one that is incomplete. Fake ID's are the result of a larger and more troublesome issue, that of the 21-year-old drinking age. The ramifications of this issue need to be ad- dressed. In fact, this law encourages disre- spect of legal authority and promotes closet alcoholism. PHIL BRACH, Student Body President Villanova University Villanova, Pa. The change in the drinking age-an in- sult to students' rights-was a cowardly concession by Congress to Ronald Reagan's Moral Majority friends. As Jim Bakker has shown, "immorality" is not confined to those under 21. BEN ASHER University of Kansas Lawrence, Kans. * * 0 I was in the business of making fake ID's for two years. I made thou- sands of dollars and never dreamed that I'd get caught, but I did. It cost me twice as much as I made, in legal fees, to An education for those who can't look the other way. If you gain satisfaction from reaching out and helping others, Northeastern Univer- sity has a special place for you. At Boston-Bouv6 Col- lege of Human Development Professions you can learn to assist others realize their full potential. Most of our programs are offered on a part-time and full-time basis and combine classroom theory with prac- tical, hands-on experience. Call (617) 437-2708 or write to us at 106 Dockser Hall, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115. Master of Education Programs " Counseling " Consulting Teacher of Reading - Curriculum and Instruction " Educational Research " Human Development - Rehabilitation Administration - Special Education Master of Science Programs - Counseling Psychology - Exercise Sciences Athletic Training Biomechanics Clinical Exercise Physiology. " Physical Education - - Recreation, Sport & Fitness Management " Rehabilitation Counseling " Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology Nondegree Certification Programs " Counseling " Elementary & Secondary School Teacher Preparation - Special Education Boston-Bouv6 College P1 Northeastern University An equal opportunity/affirmative action university.