0 OPINION Page 4 Thursday, November 12, 1987 The Michigoui Di y 1 Edite ad btude ans a Uaiv ril Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Gay harassment is Vol. XCVIII, No. 46 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Root for Gorbachev THE ASPECT OF Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's speech last week which has received the most attention was his condemnation of Joseph Stalin. The meaning of what he said has been widely debated as to its implications for Soviet power struggles. More important than the soap operatic quality of such spec- ulation, however, is the impact Gorbachev's actions will have for the Soviet people and for arms con- trol. Gorbachev's speech was neces- sitated by attacks on the moderniza- tion of Soviet society wrought by his policy of glasnost.. Moscow party leader Boris Yeltsin had ac- cused Gorbachev of developing a "cult of personality" around him- self. In attacking Stalin, Gorbachev was acting in a manner reminiscent of Nikita Khruschev, who began a campaign of de-Stalinization with a secret speech in 1956. Gorbachev specifically found fault with the brutal manner in which Stalin's policy of collectivization was administered. . Like Khruschev, Gorbachev is trying to reform Soviet society. Im- portant aspects of his glasnost - or openness - policy include allow- ing more freedom of expression. A dramatic example of the implemen- tation of this policy is the decision to allow the distribution of the novel Dr. Zhivago nearly thirty years after its initial publication. Conflict in the Soviet power structure has importance for the en- tire world. If Gorbachev's grip on the Soviet power structure loosens, the chances for a successful summit in Washington next month will dim. In his speech, Gorbachev indi- cated he would push for restrictions on nuclear weapons which would go beyond the ban on intermediate- range nuclear weapons already ne- gotiated. Gorbachev advocated re- strictions on long-range nuclear weapons and banning weapons in space. In addition, Gorbachev said that he felt peaceful coexistence between the United States and the Soviet Union could be achieved. Threats to Gorbachev's power should be viewed -with concern. Gorbachev's preeminent position contributes to reform of Soviet so- ciety and, more importantly, con- tributes to processes helpful to world peace. By Linda Kurtz A woman's door is urinated on because she is a lesbian. A gay man wakes up one morning and opens his door to almost step into a plate of stuffing and luncheon meat sculptured to look like a penis and two testicles. On his board is scribbled, "Eat my meat, big boy." A flyer in Markley advertising the lesbian and gay male specialist is defaced with comments like "They are sick and abnormal" and "They deserve no rights." Posters viciously attacking homosexuals as being responsible for the AIDS epidemic are taped to the doors of the Dance Building. Anti-gay harassment occurs on an almost daily basis at the University of Michigan - all of these incidents happened within the last two weeks - yet this institution is doing virtually nothing about it. What do you do if someone atacks you, physically or otherwise, because you are gay? Is there anyone you can tell about it? Is there any way you can document it? Have you ever seen a "Tell Someone about Anti- gay and Lesbian Harassment" poster? No, you haven't, because they don't exist. "Tell Someone about Racism" and "tell Someone about Sexual Harassment" posters abound - as they should. But anti-lesbian and gay male harassment is just as prevalent and needs as much attention. Why are there no posters? Why do very few people know that you can report anti- gay harassment to the Affirmative Action Office? Probably because the Office prefers to act as if we don't exist. Last fall, a man went to the Affirmative Action Office to ask for information about gay male and lesbian issues only to be told by one of the secretaries, "I'm sorry. We don't deal with your minority here." "We don't deal with your minority here." This from the office charged with protecting minorities on campus! Last week, concerned about the high incidence of anti-gay harassment on campus Linda Kurtz is a LaGROC member. and concerned because very few people know that this harassment can be reported, I went to the Affirmative Action Office to ask Brian Clapham, the Program Associate, what has been done to publicize the fact that anti-gay harassment can be reported. He told me that a not too prominent note had been placed in September's University Record and that a letter had been sent to the various deans. "What have you done about publicizing it among the students?" I asked. "After all, they form the majority of the University population." that "Nothing," he told me and asked me what I suggested they might do. "I want you to write a letter to the The Daily. It has a huge readership and your going to reach the most people that way." He told me he would have to take it up with Virginia Nordby, the director of the Affirmative Action Office. Given Nordby's past track record in dealing with lesbian/gay concerns, I thought it likely that nothing would be done. Since last spring, LaGROC (Lesbian and Gay Rights on Campus) has been attempting to get the Affirmative Action Office and its director 'to address a number of issues important to the lesbian and gay male community at the University. Most importantly, we have asked Nordby to add sexual orientation to the Affirmative Action Logo. This logo goes on all official University documents and says that the University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, Vietnam-era veteran status, etc. It is the prerogative of the Director to add categories to this logo. We have also asked her to publicize the Tell Someone about Anti-Gay and Lesbian Harassment campaign, to lend her support to getting sexual orientation included in the University by-law on non-discrimination,, and to appoint a gay-identified person to the AIDS task force. Last year, LaGROC met a numbei of times with Nordby and the Vice-President of Student Services, Henry Johnson. The Affirmative Action Office did agree to two of our demands: they sponsored an AIDS Awareness Day this fall and appointed lesbian and gay male specialists in all the dorms (though few people know of their existence). But they did not meet the most important of our demands. Nordby told nereasing one of the LaGROC representatives - both last year, while LaGROC was meeting with her, and again this year when LaGROC representatives were attempting to set up a meeeting with her to discuss the demands the Office has not met - that she was tired of being harassed by "you people and your little thing." "Our little thing." Gay men and lesbians are being beaten up on the streets, vomited upon in restaurants, and mentally abused. These are little things?! They are not, but because Nordby refuses to recognize our complaints as legitimate and apparently refuses to believe that anti-gay harassment is a continuing and horrible phenomenon; nothing is being done. Consequently, I was not surprised4 when Brian Clapham told me last Thursday that the policy on all types of harassment was being reviewed and that for this reason Nordby did not want to write a letter to the paper. My response to this was and is that a policy concerning the reporting of all types of harassment (including anti-gay harassment) is now in place. The "Tell Someone about Racism" and "Tell Someone about Sexual Harassment" campaigns are ongoing. What is so different about "our minority?" What is controversial or negative about informing the commmunity that anti-gay harassment can be reported? It should be the director of the Affirmative Action Office writing this letter about the Tell Someone about Anti-gay Harassment campaign. But the Office doesn't deal with "our minority" and so it is one of us who must write this letter, not only telling people about the Tell Someone campaign, but also informing them of the extent to which the Affirmative Action Office is shirking its responsibility to the gay community. Anyone who has been discriminated against in any way because they are gay should write a report of the incident and file it (either anonymously or openly) with the Affirmative Action Office, 2012 Fleming Administration Building or the Lesbian and Gay Male Programs Office, 3200 Michigan Union. Do it! We must let them know that we are out there and that we are being hurt! They must protect us and deal with our concerns! Taking Thiokol to task IN THE FRENZY to launch the Space Shuttle Challenger in January, 1986, NASA chose to ignore the dire warnings of Roger'Boisjoly, a Morton Thiokol engineer. Had his desperate pleas been heeded, the seven astronauts might still be alive today. Last Wednesday, Mr. Boisjoly came to the Chrysler Center o n North Campus to recount the agony of the launch and the trauma he underwent in the months to follow. Before the launch, NASA gave him "'strict instructions" to keep quiet. about booster rocket 0-rings which 'Boisjoly felt would fail in the cold temperature of that January launch. As is now known, the arrogance and insensitivity of both t he government and Morton Thiokol led to the greatest space catastrophe the world has ever seen. Even after the disaster, the groups responsible tried to suppress those who wanted to promote the truth. Morton Thiokol management repri- manded Boisjoly and a colleague for giving a Presidential com- mission copies of the memos, research and protests the engineers had presented before the launch. After the initial publicity, Boisjoly was essentially demoted for his courage in presenting the truth in a controversial national tragedy. In his talk here last week, Mr. Boisjoly described the deep mental anguish he underwent after the cal- lous treatment by his superiors at NASA. His lawsuits against his former employers, and the smaller suit against NASA deserve support. While money paid to a s elf described "whistleblower" won't resuscitate the shuttle program or bring back the astronauts, it will compensate a principled man for the hell he endured in presenting the truth. Mr. Boisjoly is to be commended for having the courage to endure all he has, and for voluntarily coming to Ann Arbor to speak of the travesty he witnessed. It is pitiful how much NASA sacrificed in submitting to outside pressures calling for a timely launch. . Where scientific decisions affect the lives of many, there is a unique responsibility for scientists to uphold high ethical principles. Some students at the University have recently taken the initiative'to organize a club promoting higher ethics in sciences of all types. The example of Morton Thiokol demonstrates the obvious need for such groups. LETTERS- How to write Daily editorials 0 To the Daily: The editorial "Why Walk- ways" (November 10) was another fine example of "Daily alchemy." I think that I have discovered the Opinion staff's recipe for putting out a quality opinion such as that one: 1) observe an event (e.g. construction of new walk- ways). 2) add elements of the most controversial issues from the last month or so (e.g. student overcrowding, busses, Night, Owl, lighting, parking, security, etc.). 3) toss in as many slanted adjectives as possible (to make the issue seem important). 4) Call it an "Opinion" and try to pass it off as a reasonable article. Let's see how this works. A new walkway on campus + Daily alchemy = "Extensive excavation" by the University who "persists in paving over every grassy area" with "a proliferation of walkways" of "seemingly inexorable growth" which will lead to "an endless expanse of coarse cold cement." After reading such an elo- quent, provoking opinion, I could not help but agree that the construction of new walk- ways was a serious subversion of student concerns! It's a good thing that the 'incident' was so self-evidently impor- tant; otherwise, the Opinion staff would have had to use many grasping adjectives (e.g. "inexorable growth," "prolif- eration," etc.) to force an issue out of it. Maybe I can shed some light on this walkway issue. This past summer-without vital student input-the University merged two departments. The Office of Cement Services was hundreds of students who fre- quent those "coarse, cold" Grad steps that they are having a good time away from the grass. The article implies that the additional walkways were built at the expense of new residence hall construction. This is ab- surd. To say that the two pro- jects are mutually exclusive is unbecoming an Opinion staff which features at least one economics graduate student. The university can walk(way) and chew gum at the same time, even though some staffers may find that feat diffi- cult. . To claim that a 112 percent residence hall occupancy rate (this year) immediately necessitates housing expansion is to misunderstand the issue. Construction of new housing is an expensive, long range proposition; correcting admis- sions acceptance figures to bring them in accord with the University's educational capac- ity is immediate and effective. If your roof is letting in too much water for a bucket to hold, you don't buy a bigger bucket-you fix the roof! To top everything off, the notion of University "subversion" is connected to the article's remedial micro- economics 'guns or butter' ar- gument. I can just picture those evil administrators now. They sit in their cement tower and attempt to divert the con- cerns of overcrowded students by building them sidewalks. Nefarious tactic! Now that the Opinion staff has educated me on University budgeting tech- niques, I can clearly see the extent of this subversion. Why just last term I tried to CRISP into a class that was completely closed. Even. though all sections of the class I wanted were filled, the Uni- versity still printed more of those glitzy, glossy-covered Time Schedules. The money used to print the schedules should have been redirected to get another professor and more graduate assistants for my class. While I have tried to have a little fun in making a point, I hope that my point is clear. The editorial "Why Walk- Daily is To the Daily: It has been some time since anyone has said, "the Daily Sucks," so I would like to offer my top ten reasons why the Daily sucks: 1) everything it touches turns blackish. 2) classifieds are to o expensive. 3) not enough news to hold all of Fido's messes. 4) three pages of sports - gee, this is adequate. 5) can't always find one in the bathroom when you might need one, even if you could see #1. 6) typos and other errors. ways?" would have been a witty piece of writing if it were written tongue-in-cheek. But the sad truth is that Daily read- ers often have difficulty distin- guishing Opinion Page satire from its serious political pieces. Informative, well ar- gued, well written opinions (from any point of the political spectrum) are one of the great- est features of our student pa- per. "Why Walkways?" is an embarrassment to the Daily Opinion board. -John C. Erickson November 11 a farce 7.) lame Opinion editorials, needs a "point/counter point" and more subject diversity. 8) costs too much. 9) could use more campus daily-life photos and stories. 10) it never tears in the direction you'd like it to. 4 Finally, I think the paper ought to have a motto, that way, ten years from now, we could look back and recall: "I am not a crook" -Richard Nixon. "I am not a bimbo"- Jessica Hahn, and "I am not a farce"- Michigan Daily. -Gerard Schmit November 4 q 4 Save lives, donate blood S INCE THIS YEAR'S FOOTBALL game will most likely not affect the Big Ten championship, the most im- portant competition between Michigan and Ohio State students this fall is the Sixth Annual Michigan-Ohio State Blood Drive contest. In the past, the blood drive has been a hotly contested championship with the Wolverines winning three times, and the Buck- eyes twice, including last year. This year, Michigan can regain the itle if 3,400 people donate a pint of blood during the drive, which began on Monday and will continue until next Friday. Students can donate blood at the larger dorms until the end of this week and then next week in the hospitals to save the lives of lit- erally hundreds of people a week in this area alone. There should be no hesitation to donate blood. Each apparatus is ster- ile and.disposed of after one use, so there is no way any disease, such as AIDS, can be transmitted during a blood donation. Donation itself takes less than an hour. Alpha Phi Omega, an national co-ed service fraternity, is deserving of commendations for helping the Red Cross with the promotion, registra- tion, and ushering of donors, as they have for the past twenty years during campus blood drives. At this University there, are more. 4 The Daily welcomes letters from its readers. Bringing in letters on personal computer disk is the fastest way to publish a letter in the Daily. 'Tl 'l1. 72 .....2..1 f.. "-,4 ,. . -------- A