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November 11, 1987 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-11-11

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 11, 1987-Page3

Free Press found
guilty in sexual
harassment case

kPwco0 f Sn *Wso *n. SX. 1987


immune to threat

of financial aid cuts

S-- wost


A federal jury Monday found the
Detroit Free Press guilty of sexual
harassment and ordered the
newspaper to pay $159,000 to five
James Spaniolo, vice president of
human resources for the Free Press,
said the newspaper will appeal the
Seven female employees, all but
one of whom are still employed by
the paper, filed the suit in October,
1984. Meg Rood, awarded $62,000
in the decision, retired from the Free
Press in 1984.
Betty Bazemoore, one of the
plaintiffs in the suit, said she was
called "horrible names" by male
employees in the composing room
where she works.
She said several other female em-
ployees were also subjected to name-
calling and physical abuse including
"being slapped on the rear." One
employee stuffed a tube in his pants
and shook it in front of one of the
plaintiffs, she said.
Bazemoore said that management
did nothing when she and fellow
workers told them about the abuse.
"The action that they took was to
basically say 'Don't do that again,"'
she said.

The employees originally asked
for $1.25 million in damages, but
attorney Charles Barr, who
represents them, said the jury's
award was large enough to make the
Free Press realize the seriousness of
the offense.
Both Barr and Bazemoore said
allegations of sexual harassment at
the Free Press have been reported for
almost 20 years. It was not until
after the employees filed the suit,
Bazemoore said, the any significant
action was taken.
Spaniolo said the newspaper takes
allegations of sexual harassment
very seriously.
"Our position during the trial was
that when complaints reached the
management, action was taken," he
said. One worker was reprimanded
and another demoted as a result of
the allegations, he said.
Spaniolo said that there were no
grounds for a judgment against the
Free Press, and he expects the appeal
to reverse Monday's ruling.
The allegations of two women,
Beatrice Pennington and Mary
Ranson, were discounted by the jury.

Pan Am 74
Anw.ica west 7:


Pacific Soutlhwest


University students will continue to receive
Guaranteed Student Loans despite a federal threat to cut
financial aid to schools with large loan default rates.
Last week, U.S. Secretary of Education William
Bennett threatened to deny all federal student aid
programs to colleges and trade schools if their default
rates exceed 20 percent. The University has a default
rate of 8.6 percent, said Judith Harper, associate director
of financial aid.
Bennett's threat stems from $1.6 billion the federal
government will have to repay banks this year because
of defaulted loans. Former students who were scheduled
to begin repayment in 1985 and had not done so by
September 1986 are considered to have defaulted.
The decision to punish colleges and trade schools for
the defaulted loans of their students is misguided, said
Tom Butts, the University's lobbyist in Washington.
"There has been an assault, by the secretary, on

institutions, when the problem is in the partnership
between the department, the state guarantee agencies,
lenders, institutions, and students," Butts said.
Butts said a combined effort by these parties would
assure a lower default rate. He said the Department of
Education should investigate the high default rates
before taking punitive action. Also, lenders should be
more lenient in granting extensions to former students
who have difficulty repaying their loans, he said.
Bennett's proposal has also drawn criticism from
student organizations.
"It is wrong to cut off financial aid to students who
have not gone to school yet because their predecessors
defaulted," said Mary Preston, legislative director for
the United States Students Organization.
The default rate is high because too many low
income students are given loans instead of grants and
work study opportunities, Preston said.

Soure: DMp"aa 'niio oTrspofa*ro
-Associated Press
One in every four flights by the
major carriers arrived 15 minutes
late in September, and 150 flights
arrived tardy more than 80 percent
of the time, the government repor-
ted yesterday.

House fails to veto sanctions

tempt yesterday to yank tough sanc-
tions from trade legislation failed in
the House, with Michigan represen-
tatives arguing the provisions should
stay in place.
Reps. David Bonior (D - Mount
Clemens) and Sander Levin (D -
Southfield) also accused backers of
the resolution of unfairly bringing it

to the floor for insufficient debate
with little advance notice.
"It isn't protectionism," Levin
said in a speech to the House. "It is
too bad that we have been debating
such a serious issue with labels. The
trade debt is a deep, deep problem,
and it needs and it deserves better
than we're giving it this morning."

MSA supports
In its weekly meeting last night, debated th
the Michigan Student Assembly firing of t
unanimously passed a resolution the assem
backing University worker Mary issues of
Clark in her fight against building represeni
services management. proposed
Clark, a University Building that dema
Services employee, was the victim "We'r
of a racist attack on the job last LSA repr
month. She, in coordination with She said1
the American Federation of State, Bowlinga
County, and Municipal Employees not be a"
union local 1583, is demanding that problem.
the University recompense her and Other
fire two involved supervisors whom supported
the union labels as racist. of the s
In addition to supporting Clark's symbolica
demands, the resolution called for Clark's de
student-worker unity to battle The a
campus racism in general and the have stru
Mary Clark incident in particular. defeatedi
The resolution, sponsored by assembly
Peace and Justice Committee co- Sharp afte
chairs Julie Laser and Jackie Victor, The re
also called for the formation of a pass unan
student-worker committee to In oth
investigate the Mary Clark incident. passed, w
AFSCME local 1583 bargaining resolution
chair Judy Levy addressed the of "passi
assembly about this resolution and and other
pressed repeatedly for worker-student Hillar
unity, not only on this issue, but in Womens
a more general sense. "Unity with sponsored
students is imperative," Levy said, if act, in m
the union goes on strike next year. penetratio
Such a strike is likely, she said. The n

bly members extensively
he demand calling for the
he supervisors. Many said
nbly should not decide on
firing personnel. LSA
tative John Bhushan
an amendment to strike
ind from the resolution.
e not a judiciary body," said
esentative Hillary Farber.
firing supervisors Linda
and Jack Stephens would
"positive approach" to the
representatives, w h o
the demand for the firing
upervisors, said it was
-ally important to support
emands as a whole.
mendment, which would
ck the firing clause, was
in a tie-breaking vote by
vice-president Wendy
era 13-13-1 vote.
esolution then went on to
er business, the assembly
ith one opposing vote, a
condemning the practice
ng up" at football games
sporting events.
y Farber, chair of the
' ssues Committee,
d the resolution, saying the
ost cases, is "rape without
resolution supported an

Candidates want to
focus on financial aid

s fight against
upcoming Ann Arbor City Council The res
ordinance that would strengthen the education
law against passing up. As the law passing ur
currently stands, passing up is a the act w2
prosecutable offense only if the the late '
victim decides to press charges. again onli
The ordinance that will come up Assembly
before the City Council on Monday, distributin
and the one which the assembly Michigan-
supported, would enable city police which di:
to arrest anyone who starts or passing
continues passing up, whether or not illegality.
the victim presses charges.

solution called further for
about the "ill effects" of
p. Farber pointed out that
as not very prominent in
70s, but became popular
y in the last few years.
y members will be
g flyers on Nov. 21 at the
Ohio State football game
scuss the ill-effects of
up and point out its

What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Beginning Friday Nov. 13, all items for The List
must be submitted in writing by the Friday of the
weekend before publication. This deadline applies to
both the Weekend Magazine and daily Lists.

(Continued from Page 1)
financial aid, minority affairs,
housing, and MSA's advocacy
committees such as campus
governance and womens' issues, as
the primary student concerns the
assembly must address. '
"The assembly as a whole isn't
dedicated to financial aid," Villanueva
said. He and Sternlicht said the
assembly should deal less with non-

campus issues and more with student
"We feel that we know really what
the students want," Sternlicht said,
adding that financial aid and housing
affect every student.
The candidates based their
assessment of student needs on a
large network of contact developed
over the years through involvement
with many University organizations

Campus Cinema
(Terry Jones, 1987) Mich., 7:15
Julie Walters (Educating Rita)
is a waitress who sets up a
bordello aimed at serving upper
class members of British society.
Satirical look at prostitution and
the class system, directed by
Monty Python's Terry Jones.
SLEEPER (Woody Allen,
1973) Mich., 9:25 p.m.
Woody Allen is an amateur
jazz clarinetist who, wrapped in
tin foil, passes several centuries
in suspended animations. He
finds that while things have
changed, they've remained the
same. With Diane Keaton.
Kevin Knott - "Overcoming
the Obstacles to True Religion,"
8 p.m., 1209 Michigan Union.
Harold Lydall- "Yugoslavia
in Crisis: Problems of the '80's,"
noon, Commons Room, Lane
Mary Ellen B o c k -
"Properties of Pseudo-Bayes
Estimators of the Mean Vector of
a Multivariate Normal
Distribution," 4 p.m., 451
Mason Hall.
Casimir Paulsen a n d
Nomgcobo Sangweni-
speaking about their experiences
in South America and Amnesty
International's role in human
rights issues, 7:30 p.m.,
Anderson Room, Michigan
Paul Berry-"Reflections in a
Funhouse Mirror: The
Phantasmagoric World of Ukiyo-
e," 7:30 p.m., 2104 Art and
Architecture Auditorium.
Thomas Rosenboom-
reading form hisworks, 8 p.m.,
The International Center, 603 E.
Lillian Bauder- various
topics including "Future o f
Education" and "Student Life

Disarmament (MAD)- 7:30
p.m., 2413 Mason Hall.
United Jewish Appeal- 7
p.m., 4224 East Engineering.
LASC- 8 p.m., 2435 Mason
Laws of the Jewish
Holiday Cycle- prayer study
group, 4:30 p.m., Chabad House.
University Campus
Orchestra- 8 p.m., Hill
Vienna String Trio- 8
p.m., Rackham Auditorium.
Frank Allison & the Odd
Sox- sponsored by the East
Quad Music Co-op, U-Club.
Getting Ready- 7 p.m., East
Conference Room, Rackham
School of Graduate Studies.
Panel Discussion- "The
Legal Status of Palestinians
Under Israeli Rule," 8 p.m.,
Lawyers' Club Lounge.
WCA Sponsors' Grant
Workshop- work session on
writing proposals, 7:30 p.m.,
Kerrytown Concert House, 415
N. Fourth.
The Ark- Open Mike, 7:30
Protestant & Jewish
Communities in USSR-
Ecumenical Campus Center's
Fall Seminar Series, 7:30 p.m.,
first floor lounge of the
Ecumenical Campus Center.
"Eyes On the Prize, the Civil
Rights Years, 1954-1965," 7
p.m., Newcombe Lounge, Alice
"The Formation and Properties of
CC-1065- and Pyrrolo-(1,4)-
Benzodiazepine-DNA Adducts" -
seminar, 4 p.m., 1300
Chemistry Building.

4 ,.
a i
A I;
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