LSA faculty clarifies
C-minus ri
The LSA faculty yesterday
clarified last month's change in the
foreign language requirement to
affect only students entering this
The new requirement will force
students to get a C-minus to fulfill
their LSA foreign language
requirement. The original wording of
the motion caused confusion over
whether a grade below C-minus
would discount credits.
But Associate Dean for Academic
Affairs Eugene Nissen explained that
students with a lower grade can still
apply the class credits to t h e
graduation requirement, just not to
their language requirement
The motion will go into effect
beginning in the Fall 1988 term.
Then, all students who begin a
foreign language sequence needed to
fulfill the LSA graduation
requirement will have to get a grade
of at least C-minus.
The applicability of the new
measureaalso created confusion.
Language Lab Director Trisha
Dvorak and French Prof. Peter
Hagiwara had wanted the requirement
to make all students who begin the
language sequence in Fall 1988,
even if they are already enrolled as
LSA Dean Peter Steiner said
because of the wording in the LSA
College Bulletin, the college could
not change the graduation
requirements for students already
But the foreign language
departments have the power to
enforce any minimum passing grade,
and are not restricted by the Bulletin.
At yesterday's meeting, Steiner said
individual departments can change
their own requirements to make all
students starting the language se-
quence get grades of C-minus or
"It makes a lot of sense," Dvorak
said, explaining that as the system
now exists, instructors will be
teaching classes where some students
will have to get C-minuses but
others will be able to get by with
grades in the D-range.
Romance Languages Chair
Thomas Kavanagh said it is
"feasible" that the departments could
make their own changes, but said
that any changes they might make
would have to be approved by the
LSA Curriculum Committee.
As long as people understand
,what is required of them, Kavanagh
said, he saw nothing wrong with
making the additional change.
The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 10, 1987- Page 3
Author speaks
.. .
on sex polities
in war, peace
Jerald Bachman, an award-winning researcher with the Institute of
Social Research, speaks last night at Chrsyler Auditorium on North
Campus about youth and drugs in America. He said drug use among
youths changed as their lifestyles change.
Du gfe
"We have a tendency to defer
power to the 'men who know best,'
our political leaders," said author
Paul Loeb in his workshop on the
Sexual Politics of War and Peace
November 6 in East Quad.
"But let us really ask what the
consequences are of an action - a
complicated morality. Whatever it is
you do, ask questions. How do your
actions affect global issues like
nuclear war?"
Sponsored by the Residential
College and the School of Natural
Resources, Environmental Advocacy
program, the workshop covered a
variety of issues - from myths and
stereotypes of women's political
roles throughout history to nuclear
war. Loeb lectured for 45 minutes
and then held a question-answer
session for the workshop's 20
Loeb pressed the necessity of
citizen participation in global issues
such as the prevention of nuclear
war. "Through models of village
politics, we can bring action down to
smaller institutions so people can act
in immediate environments. On the
U of M campus, for example, there
is Greeks for Peace," he said.
But only recently have people -
especially women - unified together
to ask questions and challenge
political leaders, Loeb said. "Part of
the vision that is emerging is one of
diversity and responsibility and a
notion of private morality. People
are now taking action and there is a
conversion of people with very
different styles of living who arrived
at a common point of
To illustrate his point, Loeb
cited activists include women from
small towns in North Carolina, a
former National Mother of the Year
and those who have been fighting
nuclear weaponry for decades.
But people must still fight a
boundary role that tells them, "it's
not your role to deal with larger
issues" like nuclear war, he
Fragmentation is also woven
into sexual roles. Male prowness is
deep-rooted in our culture. One is not
manly unless he uses physical force.
In the training of the military, there
is a stress of maleness in contrast to
the soft female. There is a less-than-
a-man connotation unless a man can
fight meanly; men are called 'women
(or) pussies.
There also exists a link between
militarism in silences of traditional
female roles, Loeb said. "There are
implicit bounds in our culture that
prevent the raising of certain
questions.Traditionlly, women
supplied moral justification for male'
action. It was not appropriate for
women to step outside their families
to make a judgement on the rest of
the world. At that time, ethical
questions were not asked about
plutonium levels in weapons but
about how to raise children."
"In our present culture, women
are more socialized to look towards
these aspects than before," he said.
SODC studies rules
governing Diag use
Several campus groups hope to
soon bring new rules for Diag use
before the University's executive
The Student Organization
Development Center has been
.working for five months to update
rules and limit the number of
SODC hopes the revised policy
will improve communication with
Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library staff
and professors who may be disturbed
by loud noontime rallies on the
Currently, only v o ice
amplification, not m u s i c a l
amplification, is allowed on the
Diag between noon to 1 p.m.
The new policy will allow
musical performances, as long as the
music remains within the noise-level
limit set by the City of Ann Arbor.
This change is being made because
SODC has had administrative
problems with constantly granting
exceptions for musical performances.
c hanging
Changing lifestyles lead to
changing drug use habits, say two
University researchers.
Jerald Bachman and Lloyd
Johnston, of the Institute for
Social Research, discussed the use
of four of the 30 drugs that they
have studied - alcohol, cigar-
ettes, marijuana and cocaine.
"Trends were found for three of
the drugs - with alchohol use
declining slightly in recent years
among all age groups, marijuana
use declining more sharply, fol-
lowing a period of increase, and
cocaine use having increased
sharply in the late 70s, followed
by a period of stability," Johnston
"We have determined... that
cigarette smoking is the most
stable of all the drug using
behaviors," he said.
One trend shows an increase in
the likelihood of heavy drinking
among full-time college students,
compared with little change a-
mong those in full-time jobs.
There is a similar trend in mari-
juana use following graduation.
"Is it that these students have
somehow been corrupted by their
liberal professors?" Bachman said.
"The consistent answer is that
the entire 'college' effect seems
attributable to living arrangements
and marital status. So that would
seem to get those liberal profes-
sors off the hook," Bachman said.
Every year since 1975, Bach-
man and Johnston have conducted
a nationwide survey every year of
more than 17,000 seniors from
more than 135 public and private
high schools in the United States.
They monitored the drug use of
the students after high school
graduation by mailing them ques-
tionnaires. Bachman and Johnston
offer $5 for every completed
questionnaire, and have a response
rate of 70-85 percent.
Bachman and Johnston won the
University Senior Research Sci-
entist Lectureship, established to
honor University researchers. As
co-directors of the Youth and So-
cial Issues Program in the Survey
Research Center of the Institute of
Social Research, they have devot-
ed the past 20 years to studying
the attitudes and behavior of adol-
escents and young adults.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Beginning Friday Nov. 13, all items for The List
must be submitted in writing by the Friday of the
weekend before publication. This deadline applies to
both the Weekend Magazine and daily Lists.
Groups celebrate culture
with art, dance evens
onum a 1) Among the activities UMASC
"I want to reach everyone, not just planned for this year is a rally sup-
the elite." porting reparations for Asian Amer-
The University of Michigan icans interned during World War II.
Asian Student Coalition, which is Lim hopes that awareness of Asian
sponsoring the art show, was formed issues will create political pressure
last year in response to racist mci- to pass a bill through Congress over
dents on campus. It is a support President Ronald Reagan's predicted
group for the Asian Americans and veto to pay each survivor of the
Asians who represent more than 5 internment $20,000 and issue a for-
percent of the student body. mal apology by the government.
Cornerstone .1]
Campus Cinema
Jules And Jim (Francois
Truffaut, 1961) Lorch Hall, 7:00
& 9:00 p.M.
This French film has touches
of pre-World War I nostalgia;
Catherine, an amoral w om an,
loves two fraternal friends and
wants them both. With Jean
Moreau. Subtitles.
Laura (Otto Preminger, 1944)
Nat. Sci., 7:30 & 9:15 p.m.
Classic crime drama about a
detective (Dana Andrews) who in-
vestigates the murder of a femme
fatale (Gene Tierney),. only to
have the corpse turn up alive.
Personal Services (Terry
Jones, 1987) Mich., 7:15 p.m.
Julie Walters (Educating Rita)
is a waitress who sets up a bor-
dello aimed at serving upper class
members of British society. Satir-
ical look at prostitution and the
class system, directed by Monty
Python's Terry Jones.
Everything You W an t e d
To Know About Sex (W.
Allen, 1972) Mich., 9:25 p.m.
Woody Allen in a series of vi-
gnettes about the "S" word.
Among his more touching por-
trayals are that of a neurotic
sperm and a man attacked by the
world's biggest tit.
Sydney Lea - reading from
his work, UM Visiting Writers
Series, 4 p.m., Library, Michigan
League (3rd floor).
Norikazu Komada - topic
TBA, 4 p.m. 1300 Chemistry
Hartmut Steinecke -
"Heinrich Heine: Der 'Erste Artist
der Deutschen Sprache,"' Depart-
ment of Germanic Languages and
Literatures, 4:10 p.m., East Lec-
ture Room, Rackham.
Carl Barnes - "The Cathe-
dral of Soissons, 1175-1225: A
Reappraisal," 7:30 p.m., 180
Tappan Hall.
Brian Morton - will dis-
Nutrition in the Dorms," 7 p.m.
Stockwell Hall Library.
John Clarke - "Black
Women in Antiquity," 7:30 p.m.,
Hale Auditorium.
Mark Poleman -
"Choosing the Path of Success,"
Society of Christian Engineers,
11:30 a.m., 1018 Dow Building.
Harry Antis - will discuss
his work, sponsored by the
Michigan Chapter of the Guild of
natural Science Illustrations. 7:30
p.m., 2210 Art & Architecture
Hebrew Speaking Club -
5 p.m. 206 Angell Hall.
TARDAA - British Science
Fiction Fan Club, 8 p.m. - 11
p.m. 296 Dennison.
LaGroc - 8:30 p.m., 3200
Michigan Union.
Women's Study Torah
study group - 8 p.m., Chabad
Job Hunt Club - 12:00,
U-M Center for Continuing Educa-
tion of Women, 350 Thayer St.
Pre-Interview - LTU Steel
Co., sponsored by Society of
Women Engineers, 5 p.m. - 7
p.m., 1013 Dow Building.
Jewish Communal Ser-
vice Career Day - 10 a.m. to
4 p.m., Hillel, 339 E. Liberty.
Revolutionary History
Series - "Civil War and Recon-
struction: The Struggle to Re-form
Society," Sponsored by SPARK 7
p.m. 116 MLB.
U-M International Center
- Semester at Sea film showing,
3 p.m. International Center.
Rare Air - 8:00 p.m., The
Ark, 637 -1/2 S. Main.
Sushi Making - 7 p.m.,.
Ann Arbor "Y", 350 S. Fifth Ave.
Star Trax - Sing along to
tapes free, 9:30 p.m. Pizza Unos.
City Council defea
housing project bil
By ALYSSA LUSTIGMAN reaffirm support for somethi
The Ann Arbor City Council last we've already approved in Al
night narrowly defeated a resolution "This is tan extensive
that would have reaffirmed support decision and commitment, a
for a Minimum Wage Housing developers wanted to know d
Facility on West Liberty Street. feelings (of the council).
Last February councilmembers Edgren, who submitted the pi
unanimously supported the proposal for reaffirmation.
but the developer, William Martin, The 40-room facility is t
wanted to test if support still existed for single people whose incor
after several months of controversy. or near minimum-wage.
The measure was defeated 6-5.
The controversy centers around
West Side residents, who say they
are being burdened with low-income
and homeless accommodations. The
Shelter Association for the
Homeless is located on Huron Ave.
"There is an overconcentration of
facilities, that have a negative
impact on the neighbothood," said
West Side resident Glen Ziegler. "It
could become a nightmare."
Councilmembers who voted
against the proposal last night said
they were not necessarily against the
idea of low cost housing.
"I gave my support for the
concept in February, and I still
support it. But the other parts of theBpat Ordoven
bargain have not been kept up with," SA TOD
said Jeannette Middleton (R-Third
Ward). Middleton was referring to
the still unsigned Salvation Army
contract and unclear residency
Councilmembers who supported
the proposal said the project would
not be considered a shelter or an
institution, but an affordable place
for people who are working to live.
"It would be an asset to the -
neighborhood, and would diversify
it," said Dave DeVarti (D-Fourth
Ward), who supported the proposal.
Kathy Edgren (D-Fifth Ward), one
r-f the, nrn.: -nr.,nrr ,nnn ,rtnra
Students Dedicated to
Knowing and
Jesus Christ!
Pastor Mike Caulk
Diag Evangelist
7 p.m.
2231 Angell Hall
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