Stadium hosts filming of kids'
TheMichigan Daily - Monday, November 9, 1987- Page 5
anti-drug rally
Large groups of children chanted
and shouted, "JUST SAY NO!"
They held banners with similar ex-
clamations, such as "Drugs or Your
Life." All the excitement was part of
yesterday's community rally against
drug abuse at Michigan Stadium.
Approximately 3,000 people,
mostly children, rallied in the first
event of its kind, which will be aired
nationally as a music video. Leaders
in Prevention, a coalition of local
leaders who sponsored the rally,
banded together in order to bring
attention to local, state, and national
drug problems.
Students, families, speakers,
guests, and singers were filmed for
the video, which will be shown
locally on WDIV-TV in Detroit.
Different individuals spoke in
order to influence the community
and spread the message to "Just Say
No." Among the speakers were
Michigan football coach Bo
Schembechler and his wife Millie,
who was active in organizing the
"It is a great opportunity to make
a difference and a statement to the
world about substance abuse," Millie
Schembechler said.
She hoped the demonstration
would be an example of "fun
without drugs," adding that people
would leave and still understand the
seriousness of drug usage.
Performers such as The
University's Jazz Band, "Adrenalin,"
an anti-drug rock group, and Curtis
Gadson of "The Music Machine"
spurred the crowd to spread the
A group of local students, known
an American Pride, danced and sang
to patriotic and other inspirational
lyrics. Curtis Gadson sang, "Why
are hungry children starving? Why
are there homeless people in the
rain? The situation is clear."
It is clear the rally was successful
and effective in its purposes: Leanne
Anderson, 7, stated that she "didn't
like drugs because they can kill
Meese role queried
after Ginsburg fall
(Connud from Page 1) they believed the failure of the Jus-
Ginsburg's use of marijuana. tice Department's judicial candidate
Both friends and critics of Meese selection process to turn up Gins-
said yesterday they doubted that his burg's marijuana smoking reflected
influence with Reagan would suffer poorly on Meese, never known as a
in the wake of the Ginsburg incident, strong administrator or good orga-
But some Meese associates said nizer.
Thursday, November 12,
7:30. pm, Hill Auditorium
ooaaoooo o
Here is your chance to meet with various
organizations to explore a career in Jewish comm
unal service. Agencies to be represented include
nearly every field of Jewish work: social work,
education, rabbinical, administration, personnel,
journalism, public policy, etc.Reps from the
following major organizations will be on hand:
JWB,Jewish Community Center, Hebrew Union
College, Jewish Theological Seminary, Jewish
Vocational Service, and more. Appointments may
be made beforehand to meet with
specific representatives.
Charge by Phone 763-TKTS Tickets available at the Michigan
Union Ticket Office and all outlets
1 1 1 . ... :..... ... . . . .1 :.A 1..:......: ... .. . :.. ; ... a .! .....::. : ... .... 1
The calendar combines m
shop and conference a
other events happening ea
It is based on The Univer
and is open to all Univers
and organizations recogn
Student Assembly. Items
writing by S p.m. the T
cation. Address all infor
Brown, publications assis
ord, 412 Maynard St.f
events to which admission
November 9
Women's Okinawan Karate
Martial Arts Rm IM Bldg. N
Christian Science Org--Mtg
Tae Kwon Do Club--Mtg, 6:30
welcome. Mary 665-2958.
.Univ Lutheran Chapel--Cho
Washtenaw. 663-5560.
United Methodist Std Fellow
study, "Romans," 6 pm, 602
*Fac Women's Club--Lunch &
University of Michigan--A
Challenges," 11:30 am-1 pi
Res req. 761-6095.
Arch & Urban Plan-Brown-ba
of the Saarinen Tradition on
& Place," 12:30 pm, Art &.
Cohen, "You Are What You
Chrysler Ctr Aud.
Botanical Gdns--AA Cage Bird
Dixboro Rd.
Med Ctr--Hlth Night Out, T Bere
for Alcoholism," 7:30-9 pm,.
Soc of Women Engrs--Pre-inte
6 pm, 1,010Dow Bldg. 763-5
Sch of Art--Slide lec, ceramic ar
Art & Arch Aud.
Sch Educ--Mtg, S Gomez, admis:
elementary educ & C Tmsik
pm, 1309 Sch Educ, Whitney
Baha'i Club--Mtg, W Dieh, "O
World Peace: Universal Educe
Anderson Rms A&B.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In
Computing, 9-11 am, In R
Skills, 9 am-noon; Intro to
Plus, 1-5 pm; Microsoft Wor
In Rm 4003: Mon Program
pm. Reg req. 763-7630.
Intl Ctr--Film/le, J McDonald, S
Studies in Religion--Lec, I Gill
and Deep Diferences: TheR
and Australia--Past, Present a
Career Plan & Place--Grad sc
Univ MBA prog, 10-11 am,
Romance Lang & Lit--Lec, P H
Architecture," 4:10 pm, 4th
Alpha Phi Omega--Blood drive,
LSA Faculty--Mtg, 4:10 pm, M
Chem--Inorganic/analytical sem, "
Inhibition of the Sodium P
Rm 1200 Chem Bldg.
Sch Publ Hith--Lec, LH Kuller,
of the Etiology of Insulin De
Sch Publ Hlth Francis Aud.
Ctr for Near East & N Afr S
The University of Michigan
Germanic Lang & Lit--Lec, H Steinecke, "Heinrich Heine:
rwork-Der 'Erste Artist Der Deutschen Sprache'," 4:10 pm,
eeting, lecture Rackham E Lec Rm.
nnouncements with Ctr for Res on Learn & Teach--TA workshop, "Teaching
ach week on campus. Students to Think Critically," 7-10 pm, 109 E Madison.
sity Record calendar, To reg, 764-6840.
ity sponsored groups Ctr for Chinese Studies --Brown-bag lec, J Lebold Cohen,
ized by the Michigan 'The New Realism: Chinese Painting in the Post Mao
must be submitted in Era,"noon, Lane Hall Commons.
uesday before publ- Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 4212 SEB: Preparing for
Transfer Between Applications & Computers, 8:30-11:30
mation to: Julie A. am. In Rm 3001 SEB: Microsoft Word, Pt 1 (IBM PC-
tant, University Rec- Compatibles), 8:30 am-I2:30 pm; Lotus.1-2-3, Pt 2, 1-5
Asterisk (*) denotes pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Intro to Computer Networks on
is charged. Campus, 9-11 am; Tell-A-Graph, Pt 3, 7-9 pm. Reg req.
Psych obiol--Colloq, W Holmes, "Kin Recognition:
Mechanisms and Functional Significance," 12:30 pm,
1057 MHRI.
Hillel Fdn--Jewish Communal Svc Career Day, 10 am-4 pm,
Club--Mtg, 6:30-8 pm, 339 E Liberty.
ew stds welcome. 996-5634, MSA Peace & Justice Committee--Workshop, "The
Arms Race: How Do You Fit In? What Can You Do to
7:15 pm, 3rd Fl Mich Stop It?" 7 pm, Rm 124 E Quad.
Career Plan & Place--Summer jobs & internships, 4:10-5
a pm, 1275 CCRB. Beg-adv pm, 3200 SEB; grad sch application process, 4:10-5 pm,
2011 MLB; employer presentation, First National Bank of
ir rehearsal, 7 pm, 1511 Chicago, 7:30-9:30 pm, Mich Union Kuenzel Rm.
Alpha Phi Omega--Blood drive, 1-7 pm, Couzens. No appt
wship/Wesley Fdn --Bible req.
E Huron. 668-6881. Chem--Colloq, N Komada, 4 pm, Rm 1300 Chem Bldg.
listen grp, D Baker, 'The Black Law Stds Alliance--Lec, JH Clarke, "Black Women
New President and New in Antiquity," 7:30 pm, Hale Aud.
m, Mich League Mich Rm. Botanical Gdns--Potluck, Huron Valley Rose Soc, 6:30 pm,
Aud, 1800 N Dixboro.
g lec, L Bauder, "The Impact Intl Ctr/Ecumenical Campus Ctr--Brown-bag lec, T
Cranbrook People, Program Rieke, "A Slide Show about Driving a Garbage Truck
Arch Bldg Lec Hall; leev,S from Ann Arbor to Juigalpa, Nicaragua," noon (lunch
Eat: Recent Work," 8 pm, avail, $1-std, $1.50-other), 603 E Madison. 662-5529.
Hopwood Rm--Poetry reading, S Lea, 4 pm, 3rd Fl Mich
Club, 7 pm, Aud, 1800 N League Lib.
*ICLE--Video series, Homeward Bound, "Federal Regulations
sford, "Human Interventions and Acts," 1-4 pm, 1020 Greene St. 764-0533.
A A Inn (Huron & 4th Ave). Hatcher Grad Lib--Fac sem, "Online Searching in the Social
rview, Owens Fiberglass, 4- Sciences: Using CD-ROMS at the Graduate Library," 4-
>027. 5:30 pm, 205C Grad Lib.
tist M Roehm, 8 pm, 2104 U Lib--"BRS System Seminar," 9:30-11:30 am, Rm 412
UGL. Reg req, 936-2408.
sion & certification reqs for Ctr for Res on Learn & Teach--Workshop, "Preparing
k, insights on teaching, 3:30 Graphics for Instructional and Professional Presentations,"
Aud. 7-10:30 pm, Mich Media, S 400 4th St. Reg req. 764-
'ercoming the Obstacles to 0505.
tion,"7:30 pm, Mich Union Soc Women Engrs--Pre-interview, LTV Steel Co, 5-7 pm,
1013 Dow Bldg.
Rm 4212 SEB: Intro to Gay Liberation--Mtg, LaGROC, 8:30 pm, Rm 3100 Mich
mn 3001 SEB: MTS Basic Union. 763-4186.
Programming in dBASE III WCBN (88.3 FM)--Gay & Lesbian Radio Collective, "Your
rd, Pt 2 (Mcintosh), 1-5 pm. Voice is Our Voice," 6 pm.
ners' Sem (no reg req), 7-9 Univ Lutheran Chapel--Devotions, 6:15 pm, 1511
Washtenaw. 663-5560.
emester at Sea, 3 pm, 603 E Museum of Art--Art Break, TBA, 12:10-12:30 pm.
TARDAA--Mtg, 8-11 pm, 296 Dennison Bldg.
.man, "Surface Similarities Med Ctr--Mastectomy disc grp, noon-1:15 pm, Rm 2A235,
Role of Religion in the USA 2nd level Main Hosp. 936-4296, 763-5756.
ndFuture,"8-10 pm, MLB3. Intl Ctr--Study abroad mtg, 3 pm, 603 E Madison. Reg req.
:h info session: Columbia Karate Club--Practice, 7:15-9 pm, Martial Arts Rm CCRB.
200 SAB. Christians in Action--Mtg, 8:30 pm, 2031 E Engr Bldg.
lamon, "Texte Litteraire et United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn-
Fl Commons MLB; recep Undergrad fellowship, "Talk from the Heart" pizza party, 7
pm, 602 E Huron. 668-6881.
2-8 pm, Bursley. No appt WEDNESDAY
Mechan Engr & Applied Mechan--Lec, CC Lin, "Spiral
Sturcture in Galaxies: The Theoretical Basis of the Hubble
Morphology Classification,"4 pm, 1010 Dow Bldg.
Hist of Art/Sch of Art--Slide lec, P Berry, "Reflections in
a Funhouse Mirror: The Phantasmagoric World of Ukiyo-
e," 7:30 pm, Rm 2104, Art & Arch Aud.
CEW--Workshop, "GRE, GMAT, LSAT: Getting Ready," 7-9
pm, Rackham E Conf Rm, 4th Fl. 763-7080.
Cognitive Ss & Machine Intelligence Lab--Colloq,
SM Kosslyn, "Visual Cognition: A Cognitive
Neuroscience Approach," 3 pm, Rm 102 Perry Bldg;
symp, JJ Duderstadt, "Technology Transfer: The
University Perspective" & RW Schmitt, "National
Policies for Industrial Innovation," 4:15 pm, Hale Aud,
Bus Sch.
Std Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users, sess I, 3-5
pm, SAB, 763-4025.
Women's Intl Hith Grp/Intl Ctr/Family Hsng-Mtg,S
Krishnan, "Dental Health Care Services," 10 am, Coleman
Lounge, Vera Baits II. 668-6876.
Alice Lloyd Hall--Video, Eyes on the Prize: The Civil
Rights Years, 1954-1965, 7-9 pm, A Lloyd Hall
Newcomb Lounge.
Jewish Soc Work Stds Assoc--Lec, C Garvin, "Jewish
Identity Issues in Social Work Practice," noon, 3064
Frieze Bldg.
Career Plan & Place-Preparing for the 2nd interview, 4:10-
5 pm, 3200 SAB; employer presentation, Morgan Stanley
& Co, Inc, Investment Banking Div, 4:30-6:30 pm, Mich
Union Pendleton Rm; minority professionals in the
working world, 7-9 pm, Mich Union.
Alpha Phi Omega--Blood drive, 1-7 pm, E Quad. No appt
Chem--Analytical sem, C Denhof, 4 pm, Rm 1200 Chem
Bldg; organic sem, "The Formation and Properties of CC-
1065- and Pyrrolo-(1,4)-Benzodiazepine-DNA Adducts," 4
pm, Rm 1300 Chem Bldg.
Sch Music--Colloq, JH Love, "The Methods and Means for
Researching Aspects of Afro-American Music History,"
3:30-5 pm, Sch Music; recep follows. Perf, Univ Campus
Orch, 8 pm, Hill Aud. 24-Hr Music Line, 763-4726.
Bl oe n g r--890 Sem, D Pennes, "State of the Art
Mammography," 4 pm, 1017 Dow Bldg.
Statistics/Women in S Prog--Sem, ME Bock,
"Properties of Pseudo-Bayes Estimators of the Mean
Vector of a Multivariate Normal Distribution," 4 pm, 451
Mason Hall. bto, m 5
Botanical Gdns--Friends bd mtg, 7:30 pm, Aud, 1800 N
D xboro.
Biol & Materials Scis--Sem, CT Hanks, "Tissue Culture
Model for the Study of Dental Restorative Materials," 4
pm, 1033 Kello gg, Dent Sch.
U-M-Dearborn--Film, The Mission, 7:30 pm, Rec & Orgs
Ctr. 593-5390.
*E Quad Music Coop --Adventure Wednesdays, Frank
Allison & the Odd Sox, 9 pm, U Club.
Ecumenical Campus Ctr--Religion in Soviet Union sem
series, "Protestant & Jewish Communities in USSR,"
7:30 pm, 921 Church St 662-5529.
Netherlands AmerIca Univ League--Reading, T
Rosenboom, 8 pm, 603 E Madison. 764-5370, 994-9276.
Hatcher Grad Lib--Fac sem, "The Labadie Collection:
Radical Literature of the Nineteenth and Twentieth
Centuries," 3-4:30 pm, Grad Lib South.
*UMS --Pre-concert lec,7N Fischer, "Chamber Music: A
Listener's Feast," 7 pm; Vienna String Trio, 8 pm,
Rackham Aud. 764-2538.
Ctr for Russ & E Europ Studies--Brown-bag lec, HF
Lydall, "Yugoslavia in Crisis: Problems of the 1980's,"
noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
Ctr for Res on Learn & Teach-Workshop, H Yaniv & D
Geister, "Authoring Computer-Based Tutorials and
Simulations," 6-10 pm, 120 W Engr Bldg. Reg req. 764-
Turner Clinic--Wellness Day, 1010 Wall St for appt, 764-
6831; lec, N Foster, "Recent Research Trends in
Alzheimer's Disease," 7:30 pm, Kellogg Eye Ctr Aud.
764-2526; Alzheimer's disease family support grp, 7:30-
9:30 pm, 2309 Packard.
MichGayUnion--Soc/disc grp, 9 pm, Guild House, 802
Monroe St 763-4186.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Bible study, 10 pm, 1511
Washtenaw. 663-5560.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church-Worship, 7:30 pm, 801
S Forest, 668-7622.
Dissertation Support Grp--Mtg, 8:30-10 am, 3100 Mich
Union. 764-8312.
Med Ctr--Lumpectomy disc grp, noon-1:15 pm, 2A235, 2nd
level Main Hosp. 936-4296, 936-4732.
Tae Kwon Do Club-See Nov 9.
Latin Amer Solidarity Committee --Mtg, 8 pm, 2435
Mason Hall. 665-8438.
Museum Anthro--Brown-bag lec, C Sinopoli, "Beyond the
Elephant Stables: Ongoing Research at Vijayanagara,
South India," noon, Rm 2009 Museums Bldg.
Ctr for Jap Studies--Brown-bag lec, RF Hackett,
"Americans in Meiji, Japan," noon, Lane Hall Commons
Women's Crisis Ctr--March on Washington, storytelling by
participants, 8:30 pm. For loc, 761-9475, 994-9100.
Friends of U-M Library--Reading, M Piercy, 4 pm,
Rackham Amphi.
CEW--Intl women grad stds workshop, "Re-entry,
Reintegration, Re-acculturation, Networking," 12:10-1
pm, Conf Rm 350S Thayer. 763-7080.
Computer Vision Res Lab -Sem, P Gottschalk, 4 pm,
Rm 1301 EECS.
Evolution & Human Behav--Lec, J Manson, "Female
Mate Choice in Free-ranging Rhesus Macaques," 3:30 pm,
2412 Mason Hall.
Ctr for Res on Learn & Teach--TA workshop, "Preparing
Grpahics for Instructional Presentations,' 7-10:30 pm,
109 E Madison. To reg, 764-6840.
Mich Econ Soc--Mtg, D Ross, "Michigan's Economic Plan
for the Future," 5 pm, 140 Lorch Hall.
CEW-- Workshop, "GRE and GMAT Math Review," 7-9 pm,
Rm 117 MLB, 763-7080.
Dickens Fellowship/Engi--Lec, GH Ford, 'The Theme of
Bread and Circuses in Charles Dickens's Hard Times," 5
pm, Hatcher Grad Lib Rare Bk Rm.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: dBASE III
Plus, Pt 2, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Excel, Pt 1, 8:30 am-
12:30 pm; Macintosh System Utilities, 1-3 pm; Using an
IBM Compatible as a U Mnet Terminal: PCTE or
WINDOW, 1-3 pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Tit Fomatting
with TeX, Pt 2, 9-11 am; Tell-A-Graph, Pt 4, 7-9 pm.
Reg req. 763-7630.
Std Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users, sess II, 3-5
pm; *workshop, "How to Make Wooden Inlays," 7-10
pm, SAB. 763-4025.
Clements Lib--Lec, C Bickford & K Bowling, "The First
Federal Congress and the Northwest Territory," 8 pm,
Hale Aud, Sch Bus; recep follows, Clements Lib.
Alice Lloyd Hal--See Nov 11.
*Hill St Cinema--Repo Man, 8 pm, Nat Sci Aud.
Ctr for Res on Learn & Teach--Colloq, N Webb, "Peer
Interaction and Learning in Small Group Settings," 9 am,
1322 SEB Tribute Rm. 763-2375.
MSA Peace & Justice Committee--Workshop,
"Militarism and 'U'," 7 pm, JointtHouse Coop, 917
Career Plan & Place--Choosing your major, 4:10-5 pm,
2011 MLB; grad sch info session: Montery Institute progs
in business, transportation, foreign languages & intl
policy, 6-10 pm, 2114 MLB.
Ofc of Admin Systems--Info ctr open house, 1-4 pm, Rm
1050 Admin Svcs Bldg. 763-0107.
Alpha Phi Omega--Blood drive, 1-7 pm, Stockwell. No appt
Chem--Physical sem, P Allen, "X-Ray Excited Optical
Luminescence," 4 pm, Rm 1200 Chem Bldg.
*Brecht Co--Perf, "Embracing *the Butcher," 8 pm,
Residential Coll Aud.
*Sch Music Dept Dance--AA Dance Works Fall Season, 8
pm, McIntosh Theater. 763-5460.
U-M-Dearborn--See Nov 11.
*U-M-Flint--Film, Color of Money, 7 & 9:15 pm, Univ Ctr
Kiva, 762-3431.
Intl Ctr--Workshop, B Denman, "Overseas Internships,"4pm,
603 E Madison. 747-2259.
*Major Events--Perf, Run DMC, 7:30 pm, Hill Aud. 763-
Ctr for Near East & N Afr Studies-Turkish colloq, N
Atasoy, "Stylistic Variation in the Decorative Arts in the
Sixteenth Century Ottoman Empire," 4 pm, 270 Tappn
MHRI--Vision lunch sem, C Stuermer, "Retinal Tectal
Projections in Fish," 12:15-1:30 pm, 2055 MHRI. 764-
Nov 29 Committee for Palestine--Mtg, 7 pm, Mich
Union MUG.
Ctr for Russ & E Europ Studies--Soviet Media Mini
Course, V Shlapentokh, 'The Miracle of Perestroika:
Pluralism in the Soviet Press," 8 pm, Rt 200 Lane
Hall.Turner Clinic--Hearing tests, 9 am-noon, 1010 Wall
St. 764-2556.
Union Arts Progs--Javanese music, A Solehuddin & T
Rohlck, 12:15 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm.
*UAC--Comedy Company Big Show, 8 pm, Mendelssohn
*Mich League--Intl Night, Classic French, 4:30-7:30 pm,
The League Buffet.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Devotions, 6:15 pm; doctrine class,
Bioinorganic Models for the
amp by Nanadium," 4 pm,
"An Epidemiological Study
ependent Diabetes," 3 pm,
udies--Brown-bag lec, D
id flsmoranhi;,.PoUlics i
November 11
U-M-Flint--"Michigan Presents Michigan" series, M Piercy
& M Delp, 7 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva; perf, Oriana, 7:30 pm,
U-M-F Recital Hall, Rm 164 Classroom-Ofc Bldg; perf, J
Holly, 7 pm, Univ Ctr Brewery.
Std Intl Law Soc--Prog, "The Legal Status of Palestinians
Under Israeli Rule," 8 pm, Law Quad Lawyers' Club
I m.noe_