OPINION Page 4 r Friday, November 6, 1987 The Michigan Daily LETTERS Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 4 The many faces of Mike Phillips I Vol. XCVIII, No. 42 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Fighting the code To the Daily: In the last few days M S A Student Rights Committee Chair Mike Phillips has appeared three times in the pages of the Daily. As I look at these pictures, I'm puzzled by a number of things. 1) Are these all the same picture? 2) If not, does Mike Phillips always ? look away from the camera? 3) If they are all the same picture, which way was he actually looking? 4) Which one of his many positions, his opposition to the thoughtless actions of the engineering groups, his lobbying efforts against the arming of the University security forces, or his prediction of the downfall of Senate bill 339, was h e actually advocating at the time of the picture? 5) Are all the members of the Student Rights i BATTLE OVER ENACTMENT of the proposed code of non-academic conduct has raged for fifteen years at the University. Just as significant as this struggle, though, is the fight against growing ignorance among students about the code. The Student Rights Committee of MSA is spearheading this cam- paign. They are visiting residence halls and will soon hit fraternites and sororities in an effort to educate students on issues regarding the code. The code is a proposed set o f regulations governing student behavior outside of the classroom environment. It allows the Uni- versity to curtail student activity and protest with academic sanctions. It also gives the administration power to create a judicial system within t h e University that would have punitive powers autonomous of the civil courts. Influencing student behavior with the threat of academic sanctions seriously represses the students' rights to freedom of expression and protest. This threat is more ominous in today's world where students are leaving college to a hightly com- petitive job market. Students should be judged like all other citizens and have the same rights to dissent. The University has no right to act as a judge and jury. However, the University insists that a code enforced by the Univ- ersity is necessary to protect all members of the community from dangerous students. They assert that hazardous situations, such as overt racist or sexist acts, could be dealt with more expediantly if the University could enforce the reg- ulations itself. The civil courts, though, are sufficient to deal with cases where protest or behavior becomes de- structive and dangerous. In ad- dition, local law enforcement of- ficials have asserted that a code would not curtail violence any more than the civil judicial system, making the code unnecessary. Students should make an effort to learn about the code and understand its repressive implications. The best form of resistance to its enactment is broad popular opposition, and education is essential to accomplish this. Attend the meetings held by the Student Rights Committee. No one should be so busy that they cannot find the time to erase the ignorance about a subject that affects every- one. ,A t« ... printed October 21 Committee that good looking? -William Pflaum November 5 Editor in Chief Rob Earle re- sponds Thank you for noticing our ... printed November 4 special Mike Phillips' Week coverage. To answer your questions: 1) Yes, these are all the same picture 2) Yes, he always looks away from the camera - he's kind of shy. 3) He is actually looking to his ... printed November 5 left 4) Mike is looking in disbelief at a statement being w made by MSA President Weine and S) No, none of the SRC members are nearly a s good looking as Mike. Analysis in Hamann's letter shows ethnocentrism To the Daily: This letter is in response to the letter submitted b y Lawrence Hamann entitled "Funky Black Bitch isn't racist." Needless to say your interpretation of the racist graffiti targeted toward Ms. Clark is further proof of the bigotry fused into our society. In his letter Mr. Hamann says, "there is nothing inherently racist about the phrase 'funky black bitch.' " Perhaps the gross error in Mr. Hamann's logic can be revealed to him via another scenario. If Mr. Hamann were an American student or an American worker in another country and the phrase 'ignorant American bastard' was written in the area i n which he worked or studied, needless to say not only would he be offended by such a repulsive act against him personally, he would also be offended by having h i s citizenship prefaced and succeeded by such remarks. Not only that, he would be more cautious and less trusting of those in that f o r e i g n environment for the sake of his. own well being. In short, such an act would have a polarizing effect. Therefore, when y o u consider the fact that European American have always been referred to as white, whereas African Americans have had to fight against being referred to as niggers, coloreds, or negroes until the latter part of this century; you should be able to understand the sense of outrage that Ms. Clark and I as a Black man feel when a word connoting our heritage is prefaced and succeeded by such, remarks as 'funky' and 'bitch' in our own country and in an institution founded by our tax dollars. You should be able to perceive the alienating and polarizing effect that that such acts have. Most importantly, you should be at least able to Some grafitt To the Daily: From under what rock did your claw protrude to scrawl the insipid "'Funky Black Bitch' is not racist"(Daily, 11/3/87), Mr. Hamann? Didn't you take.Intro. Psych? Don't you realize that people process phrases and not individual words? Which phrase has the greatest emotional impact? a. Funky AFSCME Employee b. Funky AFSCME Bitch c. Funky Black Bitch According to you, all three statements are equivalent. I disagree- by coupling"Black" with the term "Bitch," "Black" is implied to be derogatory. Think about it. What would be the purpose of using a positive or neutral adjective before "Bitch"? Con- sider: a. Funky Brunette Bitch b. Funky Attractive Bitch Nine out of ten rude people conclude that even if the remarks targeted at Ms. Clark is by some slim chance not racist in intent ,it is still racist in effect and thus is still an act of racism. The fact that Mr. Hamann is unable to see this despite having the benefit of a University education is indeed sad and frightening. -Marvin Woods Novemner 3 i possibilities would agree that the adjective before "Bitch" would have to be derogatory to achieve maximum impact. At least a. Funky Stringy-Haired Bitch b. Funky Foul-Smell- ing Bitch make sense as insults. "Black" was chosen because it had the greatest emotional impact, especially in the midst of racism on campus. How can you say that such a calculated, inflammatory usage of the term "Black" is not racist? If you think that Blacks are overly sensitive, try saying "Hey, Funky Jew Boy" or "Yo, Funky Camel Jockey" to passersby. I am sure that they will understand that a camel is simply a beast and that a jockey is one who rides animals. -Sue Blair November 3 71 1. Hamann lacks sensitivity Fall Term Shafted STUDENTS AND FACULTY AT THE University of Michigan work hard and they deserve more vacation time to break up the monotony of a hec- tic pressure-filled academic career. During the winter term, classes are off for a full week in February, the incorrectly named "spring break," while in the fall term the respite is a measly two days for Thanksgiving. Gee, thanks. The difference between a week (which is really nine days because of weekends) and two days (really four days because of a weekend), is, of course, five days. Five days is a lot, especially to the student who planned a difficult schedule for fall term so he could take it easier when the sun comes out again in the spring. More important though is the dis- crimination against the fall term. Most evidently, it's a blatant case of "termism." Why else should it be shafted of five whole days of "Mid- fall break?" The People For a Fair Fall Term (PFFFT) are having a mass meeting tonight at 3:30 a.m. in the under the fourth desk in sub 1 east of the Graduate Library stacks. Rumor has it that the American Civil Liberties Union is taking up the case of the fall term and has filed a suit against the winter term for having five more days of vaca- tion. The ACLU contends that Thanksgiving is either as important, or more important, than "Mid-win- ter break." They cite recent Supreme Court rulings to demand that the Thanksgiving vacation be given priority over the "Mid-winter break" which has received prefer- ential treatment over the past decades. What kind of a name is "Mid- winter break" for a holiday, any- way? Did pioneering Americans take a week off in February to go to Florida to eat turkey with native Americans in the 17th century? Can you see Miles Standish in a bathing suit catching rays? The Daily does not call for a shortening of "Mid-winter break," only an increase of the Thanksgiv- ing vacation or some extra recesses to give the fall term its fair share of nine vacation days. "Mid-winter break's" elitist attitude must be halted or else progressive action by the fall term will never be allowed to take root. To the Daily: I was startled by Lawrence Hamann's asinine linguistic analysis (11/3/87) of the slur against Mary Clark and Blacks written on the engineering bathroom mirror. In the best case, his letter is an attempt at humor, in which he reveals a stunning lacktof taste and sensitivity. In the worst case, it is an alarming display of ignorance or malice. Anyone who thinks that words, even words like 'white,' have one neutral meaning clearly knows little about language. Words don't exist apart from uses and associations. Any person with sense recognizes the meaning of graffiti on the bathroom mirror. Anyone would recognize that 'Black' here isn't intended as a way of identifying Ms. Clark, but rather as a way of intensifying the insult. Adjectives such as Black, Jewish or homosexual aren't scribbled on bathroom mirrors next to stopped - up toilets as parts of noun phrases; they are parts of insults which reveal the attitudes of those who wrote them. Regardless of the motivations of those who wrote the graffiti on the engineering bathroom mirror, they certainly expressed themselves in racist terms. I'm sure Mr. Hamann understood this, before he let his 'intellect' take over. -Paul Woodward " November 3 i *Y " 'I Words have contexts Chemistry day is today To the Daily: Today, Friday November 6, has been designated National Chemistry Day by the, American Chemical Society in an effort to increase public awareness of the positive contributions of the chemical sciences to the length and quality of our lives. Chemistry is a central science that responds to the needs of society, and chemists are human beings applying a fundamental knowledge of molecular behavior to meet those needs. Society has not always been far-sighted about its needs and human beings have not always been far sighted about their solutions, but fortunately as our societal values have changed, our knowledge and our scientists have evolved to keep pace. Today the world needs more food and chemists are responding by helping to control crop pests using hormones rather than exter- _,;" " -- v the ...V.:- -:%; .n for a cleaner environment, chemists are responding b y engineering microorganisms which consume hazardous waste. Chemists have studied the ability of certain fungi to break down PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyls) and have modified them to work under varying conditions. The result is an organism grown on wood chips which can be plowed into contaminated soil and which "eats" PCB's, converting them into non-toxic compounds, carbon dioxide, and water. In the 1960's, society recognized the hazards of uncontrolled automobile emissions and today we have cleaner air due to chemists who were able to develop catalysts which convert engine exhaust into safer gases. These specific examples may not be the stuff of headlines or convey the enormous breadth and scope of the chemical sciences, but perhaps they convey the point that there is To the Daily: N . Hamann's grammatical analysis of the epithet "Funky Black Bitch" (Daily, 11/3) in assailing an African- American employee erroneously discounted the writing's racist content. His contention that the use of the adjective "Black" was merely an "efficient" description .does not comport with his assertion that the attack was due to the employee's union activities. If that were the true motivation, then the graffiti should have read "Funky Union Bitch" or somesuch. The victim's Blackness has nothing to do with her union activities. Is not the definition of racism the judgement of another on the basis of race as a substitute for evaluating his or her personal attributes, Mr. Hamann? Mr. Hamann's remarks on this campus' racial atmosphere and Daily's alledgedly racist treatment of this incident are baseless to the extent that they merit no further discussion. -Lance R. Jones November 3 .....,._ . ..c .r. .;{ . S i ,{ . ... .'"...k ir:,:}r:'t:< f;{.::i: K {i.r:f:: {i i: :.\.i' So, you WANT A .S.L., HN? WELL you MUST COMPLETE EITHER SECTION i or THG i S- og SSCTION *K" OF THE F.A.EF. TSiENE MAIL THAT To THE A.C.T , ANDP /N AB UT SIX WEEKS THEY'LL SEND You AN ITF. THEN yOU NEED TO ET AN SA.R. FROM THE ELL ^P('ESSoR , AND WiTH THAT INFORMATION, . ILL OUT YoLu S.FA.R. . F YOU GET ALL THIS To THE O. F A. A.SA-.? EVERYfTHING SHoUL' BE1 1.-O.K. . o. . / r The Daily welcomes letters from its readers. Bringing in letters on personal computer disk is the fastest way to publish a letter in the Daily. Readers who can not brie their letters in on disk should include