Page 5 Reproductive technology spurs dilemmas By DAHLIA DEAN For religious, cultural, and political reasons, a Nigerian couple did not want a caesarian section per- formed, against the advice of many doctors supporting the procedure. The dilemma: who should make this de- cision? New technology in reproductive medicine raises more ethical questions like this one. Dr. Bruce Work, chair of the University of Minnesota Obstet- rics/Gynecology Department and former physician at the University's Medical Center, led an audience of ap- proximately 30 through a "historical odyssey" looking at the increase in technology from 1900 to 1980. In the example above, giving birth to premature triplets threatened the woman's and infants' lives. She was eventually ordered by the court to have the opera- tion. New dilemmas result from rapidly changing times, Work said, including questions like: Is it appro- priate to place a monitor on the parent of an unborn fetus only to detect if the situation is normal? Who should have custody of a child born from a surrogate mother, the contractual parents or the biological par- ents? Work spoke last Friday as part of the Canfield Lec- ture. His interest in reproductive dilemmas resulted from personal experience. At the start of his practice in the 1950s, Work witnessed the euthanasia of an infant born without vital parts of the brain. He still does not know if doctors told the mother how or why the baby died. "Physicians are the advocates of their patients, dedi- cated to their welfare. This does not change and is not an ethical dilemma," he said. Work said "moral decisions should be made by deci- sion makers" - meaning the patients, if they are competent. Soviets, Cuba air rare public dispute WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. officials say they are surprised and intrigued by a rare public airing of differences between Cuba and its principal ally, the Soviet Union, over Cuba's economic policies. The two countries have been on intimate terms for most of the past two decades, and the differences gen- erally have been subtle, discernible only to seasoned analysts. American experts on Soviet- Cuban relations have long suspected that Moscow is displeased with Cuba's economic performance, and that impression was borne out by an article in late August in the Soviet "New Times" magazine. The article, written by staff re- porter Vladislav Chirkov, chides Cuba for excessive defense spending, non-repayment of foreign debts, continued rationing of food, inade- quate housing, and other perceived deficiencies. Although the criticism was ex- pressed in moderate terms, several U.S. officials, all of whom insisted on anonymity, voiced surprise that such an article could appear in a publication such as the "New; Times," which is described as "fairly authoritative" and very influential. Equally surprising to these ana- lysts was the response by Cuban Vice President Carlos Rafael Ro- driguez, which appeared in a recent edition of the same publication. a ~ All bands together Doly Photo by SCOTT LTUCHY Alumni Band members played outside the stadium before Saturday's homecoming game against Northwestern. (left to right) Dennis Gmerek (1972-77), Rev. George Alexander Miller (193441), and Kurt Schmerberg (1973-76) led the conglomerate of former Michigan Marching Band members. Buses expnGd weekend hours "We are concerned about the busing. North weekly service is sufficient, but that daytime Campus residents are a part of the University service on weekends is lax. "The later bus as anyone else, and they shouldn't feel isolated would be a start, but they also need to run from University or social activities on cam- more often on weekends. People think Sun- pus," Kiani said. days are relaxed, but if people want to study in Laura Aaronson, a first-year LSA student the UGLi, it can be a pain," Baron said. who lives at Bursley, said "It's a hassle at Others suggested running the Night Owl night, or if it's very cold out, to have to deal buses up to North Campus, running separate with finding a bus. They're fine during the day buses to Northwood and Bursley/Baits, and until 4, but after chat they don't run as regu- having buses come more frequently at night. larly." "We'll wait and see what the numbers tell The survey also found that students feel us," Cunningham said. EMPLOYMEN OPPORTUNIT JAPAN Bi-lingual? Interested in learning about career opportunities in Japan? 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