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October 28, 1987 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-10-28

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341 E. Liberty
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
book & sup (313) 665 - 4990

Swingarm Lamps
manuf. sugg. retail $14.95

Designer Watches
(assorted styles)
Aerobie Flying Ring, 13"
manuf. sugg. retail $7.99

Sale Dates: October 29 - 31, 1987
Sale Hours: Thursday & Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9:30am - 5:00pm

V1S~ M~


First Prize Second Prize Third Prize
Quadrunner from TDK Microwave from Sharp Pocket TV from Casio

9 3
Rocky and Bullwinkle
Wall Clocks
manuf. sugg. retail $29.95

To enter sweepstakes, complete official entry form available at
participating college bookstores. No purchase is required, one
entry per person, please. No mechanically reproduced entries
will be eligible.
Winners will be selected in a random drawing on December Grand Prize
31, 1987. All results are final. Winners will be notified by mail. Toyota Supr
Winners must sign an affidavit of eligibility which must be
returned and received within 21 days of the date mailed to poten-
tial winner. No substitutions for prizes. All taxes and licensing
fees are the responsibility of the winners. Odds of winning are
dependent upon total number of entries received. All prizes will
be awarded. Sweepstakes open to residents of the United States.
Void where prohibited by law and regulation. Not open to
employees and families of the participating college bookstores
and employees and families of The Douglas Stewart Company.
All Federal, State and local laws and regulations apply.
The Grand Prize winner must be at least 18 years of age and
have a valid driver's license. The prizes are: Grand Prize-1987
Toyota Supra; 3 First Prizes-Suzuki 125 Quadrunners; 45 Second
Prizes-Sharp Munchkin Microwave Ovens; 45 Third Prizes-Casio
TV-200 handheld Televisions.
Because this circular was printed prior to sale date there could be some
untforseen delayornonshipment of items advertised herein. We regret any
inconvenience this may cause and will, to the best of our ability, offer a
suitable substitute or raincheck on any nonshipment items. We reserve the
right to limit quantities on some sale items. Special prices are is effect
during the sale only while quantities last.

Fafta5 c ,b.alore:

(See back page for details).

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