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October 22, 1987 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-10-22

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Thursday, October 22, 1987

Page 7

The Michigan Daily


By Timothy Huet
Jean Luc Ponty's father must
have been both surprised and pleased
1 by his son's musical evolution. The
senior Ponty was one of the greatest
classical violinists in Europe and
trained his young son in the
tradition. The boy bloomed under the
cultivation of his father and soon
became a consummate classical
violinist. But as the younger Ponty
matured, he developed a penchant for
He has nurtured that penchant
into a prolific and celebrated career.
Ponty has become the most
accomplished artist among that rarest

breed of musician: jazz violinists.
Yet, he has never lost touch with his
roots. The demanding training of the
classical tutelage shows through
clearly in the precision and clarity of
Ponty's compositions. His music
blends these restrained classical
strains with the more free-flowing
elements of jazz and instinctual
rhythms of pop. To this mixture is
added the nuances and styles of
collaborative musicians of extremely
diverse backgrounds but consistently
high quality.
The result is nearly impossible to
describe. This hybrid synthesis defies
standard categories of classification.


There is not yet, and may never be, a
vocabulary to convey this maverick
style. But it is not a style to be
dissected with a critic's formularized
jargon - it is a whole, seemless
These peculiarities add to the tra-
ditional difficulty a writer encounters
in attempting to communicate the
nature of an instrumental work. The
musician's instrument explores areas
that are inaccessible to the critic's
pen. Rather than bastardizing an
artist's work, a critic must satisfy
herself of himself with portraying
the music's effect.
The effects of Jean Luc Ponty's
work are as various as the influences

per-ceptible in his music. Some of
the more pulsating jazz pieces can
infuse one with a nervous energy.
The more classical, serene
compositions can cleanse listeners of
this energy and seduce them into a
hypnotic trance. Listening to a
Ponty album is to venture upon an
aural and emotional journey with
many turns and twists.
But, alas, one cannot express the
ineffable. To partake of the
experience at its most subtle, one
should witness the master live

Jean Luc
performing at
tonight at 7:30.

Ponty will be
the Power Center
Tickets are $16.50.

Jean Luc Ponty expanded the realm of the violin by incorporating it with


Clinton cuts with a feminist edg
Take the Multi
was personally going to be doing a self-termed 'fumorist' or feminist "Who are they? People who play
By Avra Kouffman lot of hell time." humorist, she seems equally at home Ms. Pacman?"
The concept of spending time in as a political satirist. This is not Clinton is at her best when she
hell may faze Clinton, but it is surprising since the goals of the directs her wit towards her own
"The most terrifying command- unlikely. Nothing else seems to. United States government rarely experience. On a recent visit to Ann
ment I ever heard was good old Clinton is not afraid to tackle any parallel those of the women's Arbor she recalled cleaning her
number nine," jokes lesbian com- subject, and she finds humor in just movement. Clinton makes it her apartment before the arrival of
edian Kate Clinton. "Thou shalt not about everything. Her repertoire business to address femist concerns homophobic relatives. We were de
covet thy neighbor's wife." focuses primarily on women's issues with humor; she neither disparages dyking the apartment...otherwiseME L
Clinton gets personal with but expands to cover topics as these concerns nor treats them as called straightening up." She jokes MultiSpeed EL'"
sacrsant, about her fluctuatin wei ht. M
4t~% b 1* VT d*~*t~ 4V"

remarks like these on Kate Clinton:
Live at the Great American Music
Hall - 1986, her latest comedy
album. "I heard that commandment
and I thought that it had my name
on it," she continues. "I knew that I

diverse as food, baseball a n d
presidential faeces.
Clinton is not overly fond of the
President and his wife. "I love
Nancy...she seems so lifelike." A

Clinton is currently a very
popular comedian but her success
was not instantaneous. She has built
up a devoted following by touring
often and everywhere. H e r
performances at conferences,
colleges, clubs and numerous
festivals generally garner positive
re-views. Her three comedy albums
were also well-received.
Both the press and the public like
Kate Clinton. She is personable and
pleasant-voiced, and her act is rarely
vitriolic. There is, however, the oc-
casional mean-spirited remark; one
routine includes an unaccounted for
attack on Ali McGraw. Another joke
implies that lesbian mothers should
only be satisfied with girl babies;
this type of remark is unfortunately
likely to alienate male feminists.

au U61161LIgIAMl g ; y1. n
lover tells me that non-monogamy The world's fastest portable computer with a backlit Super-Twist LCD.
is binge eating." The subject of Small enough to fit in your briefcase, weighs less than 12 lbs., and
with 640K of RAM memory it is big enough to do almost any job your
compromise also finds its way into office PC does, like spreadsheets, word processing, filing, outlining,
her act. "I shave one leg." phone dialing, telecommunications and it even does windows.
Clinton has always been So wherever you are, you can work on a fullsize keyboard, and have
the added benefit of a separate numeric keypad and compatability
interested in comedy. As a child, she with the PC industry standard, PC software and peripherals.
used humor to communicate with Stop in or call for our.Special Introductry Price.
her three brothers and survive her
strict Catholic upbringing. As a NEC is a regis!ered trademark of NEC corporation while 12 units last.
high school English teacher she used
it to hold the attention of her A Stop by, write or give us a call
students. In 1981, Clinton took a " for our FREE catalog
leave of absence from teaching in Ulrich's Electronics: 1110 S. University
order to write academic articles about Ann Arbor, Michgan 48104
comedic theory. One thing led to Phone: (313)6623201
another and soon theory was being E Hours: Mon. -Fri. 8:30a.m.-5:30p.m.
pu nopatc.Kt lnoELECTRONICS Saturday 9:30a.m.-5:O0p.m.
put into practice. Kate Clinton,
professional fumorist, had arrived.
Kate Clinton will be performing
two shows tonight at the Ark.
Showtimes are scheduled to begin at CLA ASSIFIE E D A Di ! 764- 557
7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Tickets are







Comedian Kate Clinton pulls no punches when delivering her satirical
'The Hidden' is a thriller with substance! If you thought
'Terminator' was cool, then go see 'The Hidden'!"
-Ron Givens, Newsweek on Campus

Terence Trent D'Arby's phenomenal
debut album; No. 1 and platinum in
the U.K. and exploding all across
Europe with the hit singles, "If You Let
Me Stay" and "Wishing Well"

Rock 'n' roll wonder from the land
down under. Rip up your dance floor
with their pulsating smash singles,
"Sugar Free" and "Stimulation."

Wendy And Lisa break away from the
color purple and explore a kaleido-
scope of musical influences from
dreamy funk to high-powered rock
that shoots from the hip.

Take the fast lane to high-spirited
Hooters rock; cnarged with the
energy of their sold-out concert

Jackhammer drums and straight-
ahead guitar drive this rock 'n' roll
virgin like a hot rod with no brakes.

America's spiciest roots rock and
swamp band lay down the " Law Of
The Fish" on this wildly fan-ticipated
debut album.

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