A R R that while "we've always talked about the news business, really we're in the infor- mation business. We're going to continue to see a fair number of information-based programs, reality-based programs." In some markets, specialized informa- tion is in great demand, and so are report- ers who can talk clearly about a medical breakthrough or legal intricacies. But the danger is that the hot topic of today may become the lukewarm topic of tomorrow. Consuelo Mack, a business journalist, saw her "Today's Business," a syndicated show, canceled by its financial backers before landing on her feet as the anchor and editor of the "Wall Street Jour- nal Report." Mack considers the most promising seg- ments in broadcasting to be not in front of the camera, but behind it, in the multi- layered staffs of producers, editors and technicians. "Television is a team effort," she says. "The support staffs are much larger, and the opportunities are better." But do wide-eyed video fans want to work behind the camera? A danger frequently noted by veteran broadcasters is that too many young people appear attracted by what they perceive to be the glamour of the business rather than the grit of jour- nalism. Would-be newscasters who dream of having their own chauffeurs and hair- dressers should consider Hollywood. No illusions: Jackie Levin seems to under- stand that. The University of Illinois sen- ior spent the summer as an unpaid intern on ABC News's "Nightline" and says she came to appreciate the intricacies of pro- duction, often by sneaking into editing rooms as videotape was being prepared. "You can learn so much watching them cut the tape, if you're an attentive per- son," she says. "Before I came here, I was interested in writing and reporting. Now I've gained an appreciation for the produc- tion end of it, the editing." Levin has no illusions about her future: "I've heard it's the worst time to get into the industry, and I'm starting to believe it. I'm not seeing a lot of people moving." But she remains resolutely hopeful, making plans to supplement her major in English with course work in economics and political science. Her goal: to find a spot in a Mid- western market. And there likely will be-for her and others like her. Whatever the current con- strictions, broadcast journalism will al- ways have a hearty appetite for energetic talent. Those who find work may not ad- vance as fast as those who came to the field in earlier decades, but they will have a place in a fascinating industry. "The people who are versatile and aggressive are [still] going to rise to the top," observes Diane Sawyer. "But it's going to be more daunting at the beginning." MARK D. UEHLING RES UMES Required Planning Try 'job fantasy' 101 For one hour each week, 30 students at Susquehanna University sit down with a career-placement counselor to grope their way through the world of job opportunities. In small-group discussions, they debate a fictional case study of a hap- less senior who decides to look for a job just two months before her graduation. A "job fantasy" exercise asks students to peer five years into the future, imagining an ideal working day-from the time they decide what to wear to the office until the time they return home in the evening and cook dinner. It could all be standard career-guid- ance fare, save for two facts: the students are freshmen and first-semester sopho- mores, not upperclassmen, and they're tak- ing a required course. At Susquehanna, a Lutheran-affiliated liberal-arts institution of 1,400 students, located in rural Selinsgrove, Pa., adminis- trators decided to require the seven-week, no-credit career-exploration course when they revamped the core curriculum in 1985. Liberal-arts requirements were strengthened, but faculty members also in- dicated that they thought students weren't pondering their careers early enough. "I don't think they really have to plan, but they have to start thinking about it," says Pamela Keiser, assistant director of career development and workshop in- structor. The exercise may prove eye-open- ing to some. "They want to drive a sports car, have a family of kids in a two-story colonial house," says Keiser, "but they want to work as an elementary-school teacher." The class is run by the school's place- ment office. Like most universities, Sus- quehanna offers training in resum6 writ- ing, computers to help students identify skills and internships to explore careers. In addition to the course, Susquehanna provides workshops on dual-career cou- ples, peer counselors and practice inter- views with area employers. "The main pur- pose is not to promote careerism, but rather to promote Susquehanna's re- sources," Keiser says of the class. Still, the move is somewhat contrariant: at a time when many academics worry that students are too job oriented too soon, Susquehanna is taking a different tack. Name: William Donald Green Age: 31 Occupation: Patrol officer in the Knoxville (Tenn.) Police De- partment, spe- cializing in auto- accident reconstruction. Education: B.S. in psychology with minor in criminal justice from University of Tennessee at Mar- tin, 1981; M.S. in criminal jus- tice from University of Tennes- see at Chattanooga, 1987. Q. How did you become interested in police work? A. As a sideline when I was a psychology major. It would take a long time to get anywhere in psychology. You need a master's before you can practice at all, and to be successful or have any kind of bearing in the field, you need a doctorate. I was looking for a sideline to do between the steps in my education. Once I got into police work, I decided that was what I was going to do. Q. What do you like most about your job? A. I get to help people in most situations. I try to help victims find out who victimized them and punish whoever that may be. Q. What do you like least? A. The shift work. I don't get to spend much time with my fam- ily. Often, shifts don't end when they are supposed to. You may have to follow up on a major crime and work 12 or 14 hours. You can't plan ahead. Q. What about the job has surprised you? A. There is not as much personal input on how things are run. I have little to say about when I work and what type of equip- ment I carry. Q. What advice can you offer to college students about police work? A. Get your heart straight. It is a field that involves soul-search- ing. You have to make sacri- fices, especially to your family. Then there is always the possi- bility that you will be seriously injured on the job. The pay is often low; you will see others with equal education making more money. 26 NEWSWEEKONCAMPUS OCTOBER 1987