Each year of college brings its own common problems, from breaking with the past to coping with the future susceptibility. But one overarching cause, noted by many experts, is a sense of emotional isolation. "When you're going through emotional traumas, they become too much to handle when you feel alone," says Nancy Nelkin, a social worker on the Tulane counseling staff. Those who are most likely to crack under pressure are those who cannot find, or fail to form, a support system for themselves. That can be particular- ly hard when they are part of a minority. A Notre Dame graduate student who is gay as well as non-Catholic found coping with his academic overload that much harder. In counseling for 18 months, he is now a recovering alcoholic. Blacks at mostly white institutions may feel similarly alone. American Studies major George Braxton, 22, at Maryland, says he tries to teach younger students the facts of academic life: "You will be ignored by a professor. You will sit in a class and feel left out." Families can guide students through the storms of academic life-or make them worse. Expectations may be extraordi- nary. Phillip Moore, who counsels students at New York University, many of them first-generation collegians, says, "Students whose parents attended college have a more re- laxed attitude. They have a clearer perspective about how education fits into one's life in general, and they put less emphasis on their GPA." Many Tulane students who go to Nelkin feel they are living out their parents' ambitions. "When you are going to college for Mom and Dad, and not because you want to, you have less fulfillment," says Nelkin, who adds that less fulfillment means less of an emotional reservoir when stress sets in. On the other hand, affluence does not automatically afford protection against burnout. Stu- dents from wealthy families "have seen the good life and don't want to lose it," explains USC's Bradford King. Unwitting harm: Many students confront homesickness, but for those with broken homes and scattered families, solace is espe- cially difficult to find. Parents often hold together an unravel- ing marriage until a child is safely tucked away at school-and may unwittingly exacerbate the pressures of freshman year. When Patricia Doerries arrived at Tulane last fall, she says, her parents were separating. While trying to deal with a wearing course load, she also found herself crying constantly and avoid- ing other people. Doerries was fortunate to have made a healthy adjustment. She joined a supportive sorority and says her roommate "was really great. She was able to help me put things in the proper perspective." All too often, however, the unhealthy coping mechanisms win out. Scott Hamilton arrived at Iowa's Grinnell College with a good academic record, but quickly felt as if "I didn't belong with all these brilliant people." He dawdled over his assign- ments and wound up handing in papers three weeks late. With his father frequently traveling on business, his mother in Oklahoma and his brother in Japan, Hamilton found it difficult to find family members to share his anxiety with. When he started feeling as if he were drowning in work, he says, he used to party hard: "I looked forward to Saturday nights. I would get drunk with others who wanted to escape, too." Finally, thanks to counseling, he decided to drop out for a semester. Jobs as a A Drug to Lessen Test Anxiety? SAT's might as well stand for Stress And Tension as far as legions of students are concerned. But the re- sults of an experiment at Brandeis could help modi- fy that. Prescription drugs called beta blockers were given to a group of high- school students who were then able to dramatically improve their SAT scores. Though the study represents a breakthrough for nervous test takers, it also fuels the debate about the virtues of self-medication. "We all have the same worry," says Dr. Harrison Faigel, director of university health services at Brandeis. "If you take im- pressionable young people and give them medicine to take care of social problems, you don't want to send the message that you can just solve these things with pills and potions." Beta blockers, which con- sist solely of a basic individual amino acid, ease the physical effects of nervousness. When the body is under stress, it pro- duces adrenaline. The adren- aline triggers the brain to produce endorphins, which create an on-the-edge eupho- ria and can also interfere with the memory function. Beta blockers interfere with the re- lease of endorphins and mini- mize their effects. Beta blockers have been on the market for 25 years. They can be given to heart patients to halt the effects of adren- aline-and in much smaller doses they relieve minor stress. Doctors have long pre- scribed the drug for actors and musicians as a stage- fright antidote. "Sometimes my legs shake uncontrolla- bly," says a third-year violin student at Juilliard. "Beta blockers stop the shaking." Still, most who have prescrip- tions use the drug in secrecy. As a recent graduate of Bos- ton's New England Conserva- tory of Music explains: "Some people think it's a crutcb." Side effects: Dr. Faigel con- ducted the Brandeis study in order to add scientific evi- dence to the talk about beta blockers. He tested 30 high- school juniors and seniors who had scored poorly on their first SAT's due to test anxiety. All the students were tested for 'intelligence and to screen out learning disabil- ities before being chosen for the study. Faigel gave propan- olol, a beta blocker, to 22 stu- dents before they took the SAT again. Though second- time SAT takers usually im- prove their scores by an aver- age of 28 points on both sections, the students in Fai- gel's study improved by an av- erage of more than 100 points. (The other eight, a control group, improved by an aver- age of only 11 points.) Faigel is excited by the study, but he is quick to warn that "there is no such thing as a drug free of side effects," adding that asthma sufferers should be especially careful since adrenaline helps open constricted bronchial tubes. Until more extensive tests are done, there is bound to be con- troversy over the safety of prescribing these powerful drugs for simple stress. SUE HUTCHISON inBoston OCTOBER 1987 NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS 7 NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS 7 OCTOBER 1987