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October 21, 1987 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-10-21

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 21, 1987

U.S.S.R diplomat may come to

C milvd fr A cnintd lPrc on

Boris Ivanov, spokesperson for the Soviet
Embassy in Washington D.C., said this week he
would be happy to reschedule a canceled speech
on arms reduction.
Ivanov was scheduled to speak at the Univer-
sity about arms control on Oct. 15 but cancelled
his appointment on Sept. 28 saying he could not
obtain travel visas to Ann Arbor, said John
Bhushan, a business school senior.
Bhushan had invited Soviet and U.S. State
department officials to give separate speeches on
arms reduction and the Strategic Defense Initia-
tiye. The external relations committee of the
Michigan Student Assembly would have orga-
nized the event.
"I thought it would have really benefitted the
University community," Bhushan said. The de-
partments of political science and Russian and
Eastern European Studies, and by the Institute for
Public Policy Studies were to fund the event.
Originally, the forum would have had repre-
sentatives from the two superpowers speak on

the same stage, but U.S. State department offi-
cials told Bhushan they would not appear on the
same platform with the Soviets. Bhushan said he
then asked that representatives give two different
speeches; one in October and the other in De-
cember, but the forum was cancelled because of
the Soviet's visa problems.
Hank Rector, U.S. State Department
representative of the office for foreign admis-
sions, suggested that the Soviets may have said
they would speak at the University without en-
tirely intending to do so. Soviet diplomats re-
ceive many invitations to speak in America and
may not always fulfill their commitments due to
lack of time, he said.
Certain areas of the United States are closed to
Soviet diplomats, he explained, because Ameri-
can diplomats are not allowed to travel freely in
the Soviet Union. Detroit is a restricted area, he
said, but Ann Arbor is an "open" area.
Rector also said State Department records
showed the Soviets had never applied for a visa.
Bhushan said there was "a lot of enthusiasm

on the Soviet side" to speak at the University.
He said the Soviets had contacted him three
Ivanov said he has spoken in many areas of
the United States, from New Yorkto Kentucky
at various colleges, universities, and high
schools. He said he was unaware that Ann Arbor
was open to Soviet diplomatic travel and he
would be glad to speak at the University if asked
"We could maybe try for it next year," said
Bhushan. He said he had hoped speakers from the
Soviet Embassy and the State Department would
have been willing to talk about hopes for arms
"Perhaps we could have seen the points of
agreement," Bhushan said. He feels many people
on campus would be interested in the negotia-
tions because military research is an important
issue debated on campus.
"We have great hopes for the negotiations,"
Ivanov said of the arms reductions talks.

Poor turnout mars alcohol-fee event

The slogan for National Colle-
giate Alcohol Awareness Week in-
structs University students to "Be
There. Be Aware."
But last night, during an
NCAAW alcohol-free happy hour at
the Nectarine Ballroom, most stu-
dents were neither.
University Health Service Sub-
stance Abuse Education Coordinator
Teresa Herzog, who planned the
event, estimated that about 20 stu-
dents "stopped by" a reserved Nec-
tarine Ballroom for free snacks, soft

drinks, and music between four and
seven p.m.
But the dance floor remained
empty, the pretzel baskets remained
full, and Nectarine Ballroom Man-
ager Roger Le Lievre remained
skeptical "about what kind of de-
mand there is for a night at a dance
club without alcohol."
"We thought there would be more
interest," Le Lievre said. "I guess
people out there aren't ready. It's not
what they want."
Herzog herself remained opti-
mistic that the campus is receptive

to alcohol-free events. She said an
NCAAW-sponsored film on alco-
holism, "Soft is the Heart of a
Child," drew 60 students Monday
night. But as she surveyed the empty
ballroom Herzog admitted, "I am
disappointed about this in that it's a
missed opportunity to educate stu-
"And I've learned not to schedule
anything during midterms," she
Though Herzog attributed the
poor turnout to poor timing, LSA
Senior Mark Jack said he was "not

surprised... students have better
things to do at this time of night."
Jack and two other friends actu-
ally attended the happy hour to see
the featured "videos by selected
Dana Mendelssohn, an LSA ju-
nior, won a Schoolkid's Records gift
certificate for "The Dark Side," a
video about the underground punk
world in Detroit. Art school sopho-
more Jim Merz won a Border's gift
certificate for "Video Synthesizer" -
a computer animation project.

Applications are now available
in Room 160,
Rackham Building.
For seniors and First Year
Graduate Students who are
U.S. Citizens.

Council sells property.

(Continued from Page 1)
Great Lakes Federal Savings, owner
of the building, was going to tear it
down after it closed Sept. 15, but
instead sold it to the city, which will
sell it to the Shelter Association.
The Shelter Association, with
funds from the federal Housing and
Urban Development Department,
will pay for the relocation and reno-
The council also agreed to donate
a $6,902 water and sewer hook-up
for the shelter at Monday's meeting.
Also at the meeting, Coun-
cilmember Dave DeVarti's proposed

firearm-store ordinance was tabled for
the second time. The proposal was
tabled by the Democratic Caucus the
night before and will probably be
resubmitted in two weeks, DeVarti
(D-Fourth Ward) said.
The proposed ordinance would re-
strict firearm stores to C3 zoning
districts in the city, which contain
mostly shopping malls. DeVarti said
Sunday that he plans to amend the
proposal to keep firearm stores out
of the downtown area, instead of rel-
egating them to specific areas.
Three weeks ago, 38 people
spoke to the council about the reso-
lution, and debated whether or not it
constitutes gun control. DeVarti
maintains that it is not.
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Reagan says he would prefer
compromise to budget cuts
WASHINGTON - President Reagan, after ordering the start of $23
billion in automatic spending cuts under the Gramm-Rudman law, said
yesterday he would prefer cutting the deficit through a budget compromise
with Congress and indicated for the first time he might consider a tax
Reagan's remarks came after a meeting with his top economic advisers
and followed calls from the bipartisan congressional leadership for action
in the wake of Monday's stock market crash.
"I presented in my budget a program that provided for $22 billion in
additional revenue, which was not necessarily taxes. And I'm willing to
look at whatever proposal they might have," Reagan said in response to a
question about whether he'd compromise with the Democrats, who pro-
pose a tax increase to reduce the deficit.
Air Force jet crashes into hotel
INDIANAPOLIS - An Air Force jet lost power short of a runway at
the Indianapolis International Airport yesterday, clipped a bank building
and exploded in a fireball into a crowded seven-story hotel, killing at least
nine people.
The dead were found in the lobby and first-floor meeting rooms of the
Ramada Inn Airport hotel, where the A7-D Corsair came to rest. The ac-
cident occurred at 9:15 a.m. and firefighters-some of whom saw the
crash- were on the scene within two minutes.
The pilot, identified as Maj. Bruce Teaharden, ejected at about 800 feet,
Mayor William Hudnut said at a news conference. Teagarden was treated
and released at Methodist Hospital.
Rep. defends bill to regulate
surrogate mother contracts
LANSING - One feminist called it a "baby broker's dream," but Rep.
Floyd Clark yesterday defended his bill to regulate surrogate mother
contracts as the best way to deal with the controversial issue.
Clark, D-Flint, said the Michigan Legislature needs to regulate the
arrange-ments because they will continue without legal protections for
those involved if lawmakers don't act.
Clark said his bill, which would require probate courts to OK all such
contracts in advance, was designed to establish rules to help prevent the
widely publicized custody fights over children born into such
"I think to do nothing would create an even bigger problem," Clark
told the House Judiciary Committee, which put off a final vote on the
State senate renames colleges
LANSING - Four small Michigan colleges would take a leap in pres-
tige as they officially become universities under legislation clearing the
state Senate yesterday.
The college name bills would affect Saginaw Valley State College,
Grand Valley State College, Lake Superior State College, and Ferris State
The nine bills, which address references to the colleges in various state
laws, were approved on overwhelming votes, with only three or four sen-
ators opposed. Some returned to the House for agreement in minor Senate
changes, while others were sent to Gov. James Blanchard fo his signature.
The measures were approved without debate, although some senators
had warned earlier that the institutions might argue for more state money
to help them finance expanded programs.
Prof. displays beetles; he says
he loves them, yeah yeah
CAMBRIDGE, Mass (AP) - Ladies and gentlemen, meet the beetles.
More than 5,000 of them, ranging in size from fist-sized Goliath
beetles to specks of bugs that measure less than a millimeter, are on
display for six weeks at Harvard University, many for the first time, in an
exhibit titled, "Beetlemania."
Air-dried and preserved behind glass display cases, blister beetles,
whirligig beetles and snout beetles are among the specimens that
scientists hope will show the public that bugs are "really very interesting
and attractive."
"If you think of beetles, you think they're small and black and
uninteresting," said Scott Shaw, the curatorial associate who dreamed up
the collection on display at Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology.
"But a lot of them are quite dazzling. We personally think of them as
beautiful. It's just the average person never sees them."
The display of weevil beetles is called, of course, "Weevil Overcome."
The predatory diving beetles are on view under the sign "Blazing Paddles."
The tiger beetles, often found along sandy beeches, are "The Beach Boys."

And the exhibit showing the bark beetles - responsible for tree-killing
fungi like Dutch Elm disease - is titled "Nightmare on Elm Street."
0ble Atcbgan !Iatl .
'Vol. XCVIII - No. 30
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$25 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term: $13
in Ann Arbor; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub -
scribes to the Los Angeles Times Syndicate and the National Student
News Service.


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Editor in Chief......................................ROB EARLE
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