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October 19, 1987 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-10-19

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Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Monday, October 19, 1987

The Rules of
By Bret Easton Ellis
Simon and Schuster
Bret Easton Ellis, 23-year old
literary whiz kid, gained the
spotlight of success with tremendous
acclaim for his first novel, Less
Than Zero, the story of spoiled
Beverly Hills rich kids looking for
all the thrills money can buy.
In Ellis' latest effort, The Rules
of Attraction, the locale is shifted to
the East Coast and Camden College,
but the story still revolves around
rich kids and their search for

Ellis excells at capturing the
essence of college living. He gets all
the hot brands, cars, beers, and bands
right - Saab Turbos, Beck's, Joy
Division, the Smiths, and the
Replacements. Ellis even knows the
right places to be: "but Marc's
leaving soon, any day now, can't
stand the scene, Ann Arbor is where
it's at."
Yet, inThe Rules of Attraction,
Ellis attempts more than a catalog of
the places to be and things to do in
college- he adds a romantic quest.
The love triangle consists of Sean,
Paul, and Lauren - but, in typical
Ellis fashion, the person caught in
the middle is Sean. Some past
history of the characters: Lauren
went out with Paul as a freshman

before Paul started going out with
Mitchell; Sean lusts after Lauren,
but he sleeps with just about
anybody, male or female, who will
let him, and all of the characters
exist in a drunken, drugged, or over-
sexed stupor.
The shallowness of t h e s e
characters is even seen in their
descriptions of each other. Paul
compliments Sean, "It str k me
then, that I like Sear, because he
looked, well, slutty. A boy who had
been around. A boy who couldn't
remember if he was Catholic or not.
That appealed to something basic in
me though I didn't know what."
Lauren, however, isn't as thrilled
by Sean: "I start drinking a lot of
beer because that and play video
games is essentially all the boy
wants to do. But he gets better-
looking as time goes on and though
the sex is only okay and even if he's
not so great in bed, at least he's

The triangle collapses in one
scene told through Lauren's eyes: "I
look back over at Paul across the
crowded pub. He looks miserable.
He's looking at Sean. He's staring at
Sean. Sean keeps looking over at
me, like he knows Paul is looking
at him, and then I'm looking over at
Paul and Paul is staring at Sean.
Sean catches this, and, blushing,
rolls his eyes up and turns back to
the pinball machine. I look back at
Paul. He crumples his plastic beer
cup and looks away, agonized. And
I'm starting to catch on to
something and then I'm thinking, no
way, oh no way. Not that."
This scene is the one genuine
emotional depiction ofThe Rules of
Attraction, and although only
midway through the story, it's
almost too late to save it. It's tiring
to read about bed-hopping, drugged-
out, cynical, apathetic characters
who show only one glimmer of

But, amazingly, Ellis has a
knack for keeping the reader's
interest and gaining his concern. It is
impossible to put this book down.
Even if one is disgusted by or
frustrated with the characters, Ellis
mesmerizes the reader.
At one point, Lauren thinks.

"Life is like a typographical error:
we're constantly writing and
rewriting things over each other.
Perhaps this is how Ellis captures
the reader- one.hopes the rewrite
will be better for these characters.
-Lisa Magnino

(Continued from Page 9)
by the Greek musician who now
splits time between L.A. and
Minnesota. The latter, album, like
the former, is co-produced by Peter
Baumann of Tangerine Dream.
If you've never heard a Yanni
album that does not mean you
haven't heard his music before. ABC
Sports used an extended loop from
"Looking Glass," a song from his
first album, while rolling the credits.
Also, songs from both of his
albums were used by CBS Sports
this summer as the soundtrack for its

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coverage of the Tour de France.
Watching sweaty foreigners ride
bikes across the European continent
is not all that thrilling in itself, but
the the drama and intensity that
surrounded the program attests to
Yanni's forte for knowing how to
use a crescendo.
Out of Silence is filled with
creative, new age music, best
exemplified by "After the Sunrise," a
song laced with a beautiful
piano/string melody. "Paths on the
Water" hints at Yanni's diversity,
with the song taking on a serious,
almost somber mood. Every other
song on this album is, simply put,
great new age music.
The only song that is in the least
uncomfortable is "Acroyali." On its
own it is a very palatable song, but
unfortunately it sounds too much
like "Port of Mystery" from his first
album. But don't let this one
blemish ruin your appetite, for Out
of Silence is a veritable tour d e
force, be it Tour de France or home
stereo. And try not to let the price
tag scare you (upwards of ten
dollars). This album should not be
-Akim D. Reinhardt

1 aild
Phone 764-0558

The Calendar
of The University of Michigan

The calendar combines meeting, lecture work-
shop and conference announcements with
other events happening each week on campus.
It is based on The University Record calendar,
and is open to all University sponsored groups
and organizations recognized by the Michigan
Student Assembly. Items must be submitted in
writing by 5 p.m. the Tuesday before publi-
cation. Address all information to: Julie A.
Brown, publications assistant, University Rec-
ord, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) denotes
events to which admission is charged.
October 19
Women's Okinawan Karate Club--Mtg, 6:30-8 pm,
Martial Arts Rm IM Bldg. New stds welcome. 996-5634,
Christian Science Org--Mtg, 7:15 pm, 3rd Fl Mich
Tae Kwon Do Club--Mtg, 6:30 pm, 2275 CCRB. Beg-adv
welcome. Mary, 665-2958.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Choir rehearsal, 7 pm, 1511
Washtenaw. 663-5560.
Gay Liberation--Lesbian-gay male open house, 8:45 pm,
Canterbury House, 218 N Division. 665-0606,763-4186.
Near East Studies--Lec, DN Freedman, "Ashera Yahweh and
his Asherah," 4pm, 3050 Frieze Bldg.
Staff Benefits--Hith insurance fair, open enrollment, 9 am-1
pm, Rackham Lobby.
Evolution & Human Behav--Brown bag disc,
"Observational methods in human ethology," noon, 1521b
Friends of U Lib--Lec, E Mittler, 3 pm, Rackham Amphi.
*Fac Women's Club--Buffet lunch & lec, G Rector, 11:30
am-I pm, Mich League Henderson Rm. Res req. 761-6095.
Botanical Gdns--Friends herb study grp, noon; mtg, Mich
Botanical Club, 7:45 pm, Aud, 1800 N Dixboro Rd.
Ctr for Near East & N Afr Studies--Brown bag lec, AR
Al-Tilib, "Human Rights & Domestic Jurisprudence from
an Islamic Law Perspective," noon, Lane Hall Commons
Phi Delta Kappa--Dinner, 5:30 pm; mtg, 6 pm; lec, J
Harper, "Research on Multicultural Diversity and
Schooling," 7 pm; refreshments, 8 pm, Rms 4&5 Mich
Cont Med Educ--Symp/workshop begs, "Laser Medicine and
Surgery: The Respiratory Tract," 8 am, Towsley Ctr. 763-
Baha'i Club--Disc/mtg, D Allen, "Obstacles to World Peace:
Extremes of Wealth and Poverty," 7:30 pm, Mich League
Henderson Rm.
Career Plan & Place--"Polishing Your Resume to
Perfection," 4:10-5:30 pm, 3200 SAB; employer
presentation, Strategic Planning Assoc (res analysis
positions), 4-6 pm, Mich Union Kuenzel Rm.
Nati Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Wk--Film/disc,
Soft is the Heart of a Child 4:30 pm, MLB3. 763-1320.
Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--TA workshop,
"Lecturing and Explaining," 6:30-9:30 pm, 109 E Madison.
To reg, 764-6840.
Atmos & Oceanic Sc--Special sem, DM Butler, "The
Earth Obvserving System,"1:30 pm, 2231 Space Res Bldg.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: dBASE III
Plus, Pt 1, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; VersaTerm Terminal
Emulation Prog, 10:30 am-12:30 pm; Lotus 1-2-3, Pt 1, 1-
5 pm; Adv Features of Microsoft Word Version 3.0
(Macintosh), 1-5 pm; Formatting with TeX Lab, 6-8 pm. In
Rm 4212 SEB: Basic Concepts of Data Communications,
9-11 am. In White Aud, Cooley Bldg: Computer Network
Tech, Pt 1,7-9 pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Mon Programmers'
Sem, 7-9 pm. Reg req. 763-7630.
Linguistics--Colloq, M Bowerman, "Overproductivity and the
'No Negative Evidence' Problem: How Do Children Cut
Back on Rules with Lexical Exceptions?"noon, 3050 Frieze
Bldg; recep follows in Linguistics lounge.
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn-Bible
study, Romans, 6 pm, 602 E Huron St. 668-6881.
Ctr for Russ & E Europ Studies--Lec, A Zinoviev,
"Glasnost and Soviet Politics,"8 pm, Rm200 Lane Hall.

Career Plan & Place--Pre-Law Day, 11 am-3 pm, Mich
League; job search lec, 4:10-5:30 pm, 2011 MLB; employer
presentation, Macy's-NJ (mgmt training positions), 6-8 pm,
Mich Union Kuenzel Rm.
Botanical Gdns--Mtg, Sierra Club, 7 pm, Aud; Friends
wreath workshop, 7 pm, Rm 125, 1800 Dixboro Rd.
U-M-Dearborn--Lec, B Bluestone, 'The Deindustrialization of
Michigan," followed by panel disc, 2:30 pm, Rec & Orgs
Ctr. 593-5253.
*U-M-Flint--Perf, Flint Comedy Connection, 8 pm, Univ
Ctr Brewery, 762-3431.
Sch Music--String Dept recital, 8 pm, Sch Music Recital
Hall. 24 Hr Music Line, 763-4726.
*Pharmacy Cont Educ--Lec, GE Stein, "Innovations in
Treating Urinary Tract Infections," 7:30-9:30 pm, 3554 CC
Little Bldg.
Staff Benefits--Hlth insurance fair, open enrollment, 2-6 pm,
Rackham Lobby.
Nati Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Wk- -Video
showcase/dance, 4-7 pm, Nectarine Ballroom, 510 E
Liberty. 763-1320.
Geol Sci--Turner lec series, KJ Niklas, "Functional
Morphology and the Evolution of Plant Shape: Accident or
Design?" 4 pm, CC Little Bldg.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: Microsoft
Word, Pt 2 (IBM PC-Compatibles), 8:30-10:30 am;
MacDraw, 10:30 am-12:20 pm; Microsoft Word: Style
Sheets (IBM PC-Compatibles), 10:30 am-12:30 pm;
Macintosh Basic Skills, 1-4 pm; Intro to Programming in
dBASE III Plus, 1-5 pm. In Rm 4212 SEB: Intro to
Computing, 9-11 am. In Rm 2065A Frieze Bldg: Intro to
TEXTEDIT, Pt 5, 1:30-3 pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Sorting
with *SORT, 7-9 pm, Reg req. 763-7630.
Linguistics--Lec, M Bowerman, "The Role of Semantics in
Language Acquisition,"4 pm, Rackham W Conf Rm.
Psy cho b i o l--Colloq, E Castaneda, "Long-term consequences
of amphetamine treatment on chemical & electrical
stimulation," 12:30 pm, 1057 MHRI.
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn- -
Undergrad fellowship,."Talk from the Heart," 7 pm; Clown
troupe, 7:30 pm. Beg welcome. 602 E Huron St. 668-6881.
Intl Ctr/Ecumenical Campus Ctr--Lunch forum, R
Barlow, "Burundi Today," noon (lunch avail, $1-stds, $1.50
others), 603 E Madison. 662-5529.
Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--Workshop, A
Storey, "Speaking Skills," 7-9 pm, 109 E Madison. Reg
req. 764-0505.
Ctr for Chinese Studies--Brown bag lec, D Rolston, 'The
Effect of Fiction Criticism on the Composition of the
Ming-Ching Ficiton,"noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
Gay Liberation--Mtg, LaGROC, 8:30 pm, Rm 3200 Mich
Union. 763-4186.
WCBN (88.3 FM)--Gay & Lesbian Radio Collective, "Your
Voice is Our Voice," 6 pm.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Devotions, 6:15 pm, 1511
Washtenaw. 663-5560.
Museum of Art--Art Break, "Stories From China," 12:10-
12:30 pm.
TARDAA--Mtg, 8-11 pm, 296 Dennision Bldg.
Med Ctr--Mastectomy disc grp, noon-1:15 pm, Rm 2A235,
2nd level Main Hosp. 936-4296, 763-5756.
Intl Ctr--Study abroad mtg, 3 pm, 603 E Madison. Reg req.
Karate Club--Practice, 7:15-9 pm, Martial Arts Rm CCRB.
Christians in Action--Mtg, 8:30 pm, 2031 E Engr Bldg. 973-
October 21
Career Plan & Place--"Exploring Opportunities in the
Business Sector," 4:10-5 pm, 3200 SAB.
Nat Resources--Lec, N Myers, 'The US Stake in the Global
Environment," 7:30 pm, 1040 Dana Bldg.
Human Values In Med--Brown bag lec, C Cohen, 'The
Patient's Right to Die: Update," noon, S Lec Hall, Med Sci
II. 936-1484.
Physiol--Sem, J Kaplan, "Photorelease of Intracellular
Mediators in the Study of Cellular Processes," 4 pm, Conf
Rm, 7745 Med Sci II.
Hillel/Jewish Feminist Grp of AA--Lec, A Agus,
"Forging a Feminist Future in Judaism," 8 pm, Mich Union
Kuenzel Rm.
*U-M-Flint--Perf, U-M-F Symphonic Band & A Ghitalla, 8
pm, U-M-F Theatre. 762-3377.
GEO--Mtg, 7:30 pm, Mich Union Pond Rm.
*Mich Tech Council--Breakfast briefing, "Can Ann Arbor

Ecumenical Campus Ctr--Sem series, Religion in the
Soviet Union, "Orthodox History, Worship & Spirituality,"
7:30 pm, 1st Fl lounge, 921 Church St. Reg req. 662-5529.
Staff Benefits--Hth insurance fair, open enrollment, 1-6 pm,
Univ Hosp Lobby.
Natl Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Wk--Film/disc,
DWI: Deadliest Weapon in America, 4:30 pm, MLB3. 763-
Turner Clinic--Wellness Day, for appt: 764-6831; questions
& answers on medical bills, 10 am-noon; Alzheimer's
disease family support grp, 10 am-noon, 1010 Wall St.
*Continuing Med Educ--"Laser Medicine and Surgery:
Symposium and 'Hands-On' Workshop for Gynecologists,"
7:30 am-4:40 pm, Towsley Ctr. Reg req. 763-1400.
WAND--Orientation mtg/video, Women for America for the
World, 7:30 ?m, St Aidan's, 1679 Broadway. 662-7869.
Computing Ctr--Course in White Aud, Cooley Bldg:
Computer Network Tech, Pt 2, 7-9 pm. Reg req. 763-7630.
Linguistics--Colloq, M Bowerman, "Mapping Thematic
Roles Onto Syntactic Functions: Are Children Helped By
Innate 'Linking Rules'?" noon, Rackham W Conf Rm.
Res Club--Lec, JB White, "Constructing a Constitution:
Original Intent in the Slave Cases," 8 pm, Rackham W
Conf Rm.
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn--Peace
& justice study/action grp, 8 pm; informal communion svc,
9:30 pm, 602 E Huron St, 668-6881.
Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--Workshop, G
Williams, R Ridley & D Elliot, "35mm Slide Production,"
7-10:30 pm, 109 E Madison. Reg req, 764-0505.
Ctr for Russ & E Europ Studies--Lecs, W Connor:
"Meritocracy and Equality under Gorbachev," noon, Lane
Hall Commons Rm; "Soviet Social Policy in the
Gorbachev Era,"4 pm Rm 200 Lane Hall.
Hillel Fdn --Psycho/religion disc, H Greenspan, "Jewish
History-Jewish Consciousness." Reg req. 663-3336.
Mich Gay Union--Soc/disc grp, 9 pm, Guild House, 802
Monroe St, 763-4186.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Bible study, 10 pm, 1511
Washtenaw. 663-5560.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church--Worship, 7:30 pm, 801
S Forest St, 668-7622.
Dissertation Support Grp--Mtg, 8:30-10 am, 3100 Mich
Union. 764-8312.
Med Ctr--Lumpectomy disc grp, noon-1:15 pm, 2A235, 2nd
level Main Hosp. 936-4296, 936-4732.
Tae Kwon Do Club--See Oct 19.
Latin Amer Solidarity Committee --Mtg, 8 pm, 2435
Mason Hall. 665-8438.
Karate Club--Practice, 6:30-8 pm,'Martial Arts Rm IM Bldg.
October 22
Career Plan & Place--"Conducting the Long-Distance Job
Search," 4:10-5 pm; "Drafting Your Resume," 4:10-5:30
pm, 3200 SAB.
Computer Vision Res Lab--Sem, S Sinha, 4 pm, 1301
EECS Bldg.
MHRI--Vision lunch sern, M Alpem, "Are the Color Changes
of Monochromatic Lights with Change in Angle of Retinal
Obliquity Due to Factors Beyond the Receptors?" 12:15-
1:30 pm, 2055 MHRI.
Biostatistics--Sem, WY Tsai, "Testing the independence
assumption between truncated and failed times," 3:30 pm,
Rm M1154 SPH.
CEW--Intl women grad stds workshop, "Planning your
program, changing gears," 12:10-1 pm, Conf Rm, 350 S
Thayer. 763-7080.
*Cinema Guild--Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 7 &
9:30 pm, Lorch Hall.
U-M-Dearborn--See Oct 21.
Evolution & Human Behav--Lec, L Betzig, "Evolution and
American Politics," 3:30 pm, ackham E Lec km.
*U-M-Flint--Film, A Room with a View, 7 & 9:15 pm,
Univ Ctr Kiva, 762-3431.
*HRD--Workshop, R Maynard, "Taking Advantage of
Community Resources," 5:30-7:30 pm, HRD Ctr. Reg req.
*Major Events--J-L Ponty, 7:30 pm, Hill Aud. 763-TKTS.
*Sch Music--Univ Players, The Contrast, 8 pm, Trueblood
Theatre. 24fHr Music Line, 763-4726.
Staff Benefits--Hith insurance fairs, open enrollment: 9-
11:30 am, 300 N Ingalls Bldg; 2-4 pm, U-M-Flint, Mich
Rm A.
M-CARE--Open house, 5-7:30 pm, 9398 Lilley Rd,
Plymouth. 459-0820.
Mich Sailing Club--Mtg & elections, 7:45 pm, 421 W
Engr Bldg.
Nati Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Wk--Alcohol-free
beverage taste test/jazz music, 9 pm, Mich Union Univ
Club. 763-1320.
*Cont Med Educ--"Laser Medicine and Surgery: Symposium
and 'Hands-On' Workshop for Urologists," 7:20 am-5:30
pm, Towsley Ctr. Reg req. 763-1400.
Union Arts Progs--B Shaw sings classics & spirituals,
12:15 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm. 764-6498.
Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--TA workshop,

*Mich League--Intl Night, Belgium & Netherlands, 4:30-
7:30 pm, The League Buffet.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Devotions, 6:15 pm; doctrine class,
7 pm; Bible study, 8:45 pm, 1511 Washtenaw. 663-5560.
His House Christian Fellowship--Bible study, 7:30-9
pm, 925 E Ann St, 663-0483, 665-0775.
Museum of Art--See Oct 20.
Intl Ctr--Brown bag disc, "World Travelers' Break," noon, 603
E Madison.
Women's Okinawan Karate Club--See Oct 19.
Grad Christian Fellowship--Panel disc, "The Nature of the
University," 7 pm, Rm D Mich League.
Karate Cipb--See Oct 20.
October 23
Career Plan & Place--Employer presentation, Northern
Trust Bank, 4-6 pm, Mich Union.
CEW--Intl women undergrad stds workshop, "Effective
communication in classes, with advisers and with friends
and acquaintances," 12:10-1 pm, Conf Rm, 350 S Thayer.
Anthro--Lec, K Erickson, "An obiturary of Big Daddy: A note
on the telling of histories,"4 pm, 4560 LSA;
AstroFest 176--Prog, J Loudon, "The Soviet Space Program
II: The Present and Future,"7:30 pm, MLB3. 426-5396.
U-M-Dearborn--Films: The China Syndrome & More Nuclear,
Power Stations, 7:30 pm, 179 Engr Lab Bldg. 593-5087.
*U-M-Flint--See Oct 22.
Guild House--Forum, TH Davies, "Star Wars," noon (lunch
avail-$1), 802 Monroe St. 662-5189.
*Museum of Art/AA Chamber Orch --Chamber music at
the Museum, 8 pm, 996-0066.
Sch Music--*See Oct 22; Univ Choir, 8 pm, Hill Aud. 24 Hr
Music Line, 763-4726.
Staff Benefits--Hlth insurance fair, open enrollment, 9-11
am, U-M-Dearbom, ROC Bldg.
M-CARE--Open house, 5-7:30 pm, 325 Briarwood Circle.
NatI Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Wk--Alcohol-free
happy hour, 5-7 pm, Mich Union Univ Club. 763-1320.
Ctr for S & Southeast Asian Studies--Lec, D Wong,
"Portraits of Bangkok's Musicians," noon, Lane Hall
Commons Rm.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001: Multiplan, Pt I
(IBM PC-Compatibles), 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Excel Pt 1,
8:30 am-12:30 pm; Computer Conferencing for MTS
Users, 1-3 pm. In Rm .4212: Basic Concepts of
Spreadsheeting, 1-3 pm. Reg req. 763-7630.
Intl Ctr--Mtg, T Roberts, "Study in Britain with Beaver
College," 2 pm, 603 E Madison.
Ecumenical Campus Ctr--United Nations Day Prog: recep,
7:30 pm; lec, W Brown, "Facing the Problem of
International Homelessness," 8 pm, followed by panel disc,
Washtenaw Community Coll, Coil Theatre, Liberal Arts
Intl Folkdance Club--Instruc, 8 pm; request dancing, 9-11
pm; Mich League Studio.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Video night, 7 pm, 1511
Washtenaw. 663-5560.
Chinese Christian Fellowship--Bible study, 7:30 pm,
3150 Glacier Way, 761-7503.
Korean Christian Fellowship--Worship, 8:30 pm,
Campus Chapel, 1236 Washtenaw Ct.
Tae Kwon Do Club--Mtg, 6:30 pm, Rm 1200 CCRB. Beg-
adv welcome. Mary, 665-2958.
October 24
*WAND--2-day workshop begs, "Our Voices, Our Visions:
How to Speak Out for Nuclear Disarmament," 9 am-5 pm,
St Aidan's, 1679 Broadway. Reg req. 662-9186.
*AAFC--Films: Morgan! 7 pm;Bedazzled, 9 pm, MLB.
*Cinema Guild--Fritz the Cat, 7, 8:30 & 10 pm, Nat Sci
*U-M-Flint--Educ Alumni Scholarship Fun(d) Runs: 1.5 mile
run, 9 am & 10 K run, 9:45 am, Field House. Reg req. 593-
*Sch Music--See Oct 22; perf, BANDORAMA, 8 pm, Hill
Aud. 24 Hr Music Line, 763-4726.
Std Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users, sess I, 9-11
am, SAB, 763-4025.
Ecumenical Campus Ctr/Afr Res ProJ/Afroamer &
Afr Studies--Conf, Africa: Realizing the Dream, 9:30 am-
3:30 pm, Mich League Lib Rm, 3rd Fl.
*Hill St Cinema--Rear Window, 9 pm, MLB4.
*Ruthven Planetarium Theatre--Show, "Autumn Stars,
11:30 am; "Solar System Spectacular," 2 & 3:15 pm. Loc
4th Fl Nat Sci Mus, comer Geddes-Washtenaw. 764-0478.
Karate Club--Practice, 3-5 pm, CCRB small gym. All
Gay Liberation--Lesbian network dance, 9 pm, Law Club
Lounge, 763-4186.



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