Page 2 -The Michigan Daily--Friday, October 16, 1987
Salons help students plan tans I N B RIEF
The bronze age is here.
Even though the official "tanning
season" doesn't begin until January,
tanning salons - including those on
campus - are already heating
uip.Time magazine reported this year
that there are over 25,000 tanning
locations in the United States bring-
ing in an estimated $300 million a
Mileto's, on South University, is
the newest campus salon, joining
Endless Summer, Eurotan, Hair Ex-
press, and Cappello's on central
"Why be pale?" asked Eurotan
owner Jesse Myers. "In the winter,
tanning gives people a lift. It makes
them feel pretty and perky."
For many Americans, indoor tan-
ning is gow a way of life.
The most popular form of indoor
tanning is the tanning bed. In this
coffin-shaped unit, the patron lies
down-.on a Plexiglas surface placed
over about 15 electric lights. T he
tanner then pulls down the top sec-
tion, which also contains electric
bulbs, in order to tan on both sides.
To the outside observer, the person
looks like a hot dog in a bun.
Tanning salon visitors are re-
quired to wear goggles to block out
harmful ultraviolet A and ultraviolet
B rays that are emitted from the
bulbs in these machines. Each salon
determines the exact mixture of rays
to be used; owners of local salons
say their booths have a range of 97.5
to 99.9 percent ultraviolet A, and
0.1 to 2.5 percent ultraviolet B.
LSA junior Mary Collins is
concerned about the health risks, but
she still tans once a week. "I think
about cancer the whole time I'm ly-
ing there," she said moments after
finishing a 25-minute tanning ses-
sion. "It's a vanity thing."
Dennis Swartz, a radiological
physicist with the Food and Drug
Administtation, said FDA regula-
tions may be forthcoming. "There
are not a lot of long term data avail-
able since indoor tanning has not
been around long enough," he said.
"However, it is known that chronic
exposure to the sun will result in
cases of skin cancer."
Currently, FDA regulations re-
quire putting warning stickers on the
tanning units, and setting a 30-
minute time limit for sessions.
Last year, 23,000 new cases of
melanoma - the most common
form of skin cancer-- were reported
in the U.S.; almost all resulted from
overexposure to the sun. An addi-
tional 5,600 deaths were attributed to
this disease, reported U.S. News and
World Report.
.Aside from the apparent health
risk, the high cost of tanning can
deter a student. A single session can
cost between $2 and $8, with most
salons offering introductory dis-
counts to draw in new customers. A
six-session plan averages between
$24 and $35, while a 20-session
package costs between $70 and $90.
Despite the costs, Myers said
tanners visiting his salon vary in age
from 17 to 50 years old. And End-
less Summer co-owner Nancy
Nowak said most of her customers
are students. Both owners said the
male-to-female ratio is 50-50.
Many students see past the dan-
ger, costs, and social labeling. They
consider the tan more important than
the trouble.
Compzted from Associate rs eot
nterest r te Pressnept is
Interest rates edged higher yesterday as the White House tried to quell
nervousness in the financial markets that might choke off the nation's
economic growth.
The lenders, who have sent interest rates soaring lately, appeared
unconvinced after Treasury Secretary James Baker said inflation fears were
"overblown" and predicted rates would fall.
High interest rates hurt the economy by raising the cost of all kinds of
consumer and business borrowing. If the recent surge in rates continues,
something many economists doubt, it could push the economy into
"All of this uncertainty is absolutely awful for business planning,"
said Michael Niemira, an economist for PaineWebber Inc. in New York.
Contras propose peace talks
The political directorate of the Nicaraguan contra rebels offered
yesterday to go to Managua for direct talks with the leftist Sandinista
government, in order to for arrange a cease-fire by a November 7th
The surprise announcement, made at a brief Capitol Hill news
conference, means that "we are starting today the hardball game" in
testing Sandinista commitment to a five nation peace accord signed
August 7th, said Alfred Cesar, a member of the directorate of the
Nicaraguan resistance.
The group has asked Nicaraguan Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo, a
leading critic of the Managua regime, to serve as an intermediary in
setting up the proposed talks.
Plane crashes in Italian Alps
An Italian airliner carrying 37 people on a flight from Milan to West
Germany crashed on the foothills of the Italian Alps during a heavy
rainstorm yesterday, authorities said. There was no word from the crash
site on whether there were any survivors
Spokesmen for two fire departments conducting search efforts in the
area near Lake Como confirmed the plane had gone down, but said they
could not pinpoint the crash site. Rescue efforts were severely hampered
by driving rains, wind and rough terrain.
Air traffic controllers lost contact with Flight 460 15 minutes after
Meanwhile, officials at the Cologne-Bonn airport said they had
informed relatives of the plane's passengers that the aircraft had
disappeared, although they were unable to offer any more details.
Michigan speed limits
U 'O os. discuss facult goup' future
University professors said yester-
day that they've made progress in
protecting their interests, but are
Wvorried about their future.
:The University chapter of the
American Association of University
Professors, which argues for the fac-
ulty's viewpoints with the adminis-
tration, looked back in a symposium
on the group's 72-year history.
They remembered past victories.
For example, in the 1950s, the
association protected professor's jobs
from communist hunts. And in the
1960s, the group mediated disputes
between students and the Univer-
sity's administration.
But due to a membership which
has decreased from 50 tolO percent
of the University's faculty in the last
appiCationeS now being accepted for
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40 years, professors fear the associa-
tion no longer wields the clout it
once had.
They worry that the A.A.U.P.
may be helpless to prevent Univer-
sity budget cutbacks and new pro-
grams from threatening their job se-
curity and tenure. "I think we need to
mainai th Unvesit yas a aseious
auxiliary activities second. For ex-
ample, the hospital does detract from
the educational aspect," said Prof.
Harris McClamroch, chair of the
faculty's Senate Avisory Commit-
tThe declie my be attributed to
$80 national dues, and lax promo-
tion of the association, said Mathe-
matis Prf.a nd former president
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remain at 55 mph
Michigan motorists will be staying at 55 for a while, and at the
moment there is nothing that they can do about it. After a chaotic
ninety minute debate yesterday, the House voted 59-40 to reject a
proposed bill that would increase the state speed limit to 65 mph.
The vote left Democratic leaders frustrated with efforts to force a
compromise acceptable to Governor James Blanchard, efforts that began
last July when Blanchard vetoed a first attempt for a speed limit
increase. Since that time, the House has been struggling to appease the
governor by adding to the bill the stricter enforcement laws that he
adamantly seeks. These include a ban on radar detectors and stiffer
penalties for traffic violators.
Yesterday's veto made Blanchard the first governor in the nation to
veto such a speed limit increase. Thirty-six other states, including all
of Michigan's midwest neighbors, already have passed higher limits
since Congress OKd the higher speeds in April.
Rent a Car
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Berserk buck bashes bank
COLDWATER, Mich.- Tellers turned into tailers when they
chased and captured an eight-point deer that crashed through a plate
glass window at a bank here.
"The buck stops here," a customer quipped after the deer was
captured Wednesday morning at the First of America-South Central
branch office in Coldwater.
"He was apparently under some type of duress." said Charles
Vizthum, president of First of America-South Central. "The way the
tellers described it to me, he ran full-bore into the window and then
just startedl running back and forth in the lobby, breaking everything in
his path for about five minutes until we could get him under control."
Bank workers grabbed the deer by its hind legs and dragged it outside
to city police, who later had to destroy it.
If you see news happen, call 76-D AILY.
Vol. XC VII - No.27
The Michigan Daily (IS SN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$25 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term: $13
in Ann Arbor; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub -
scribes to the Los Angeles Times Syndicate and the National Student
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Managing Editor......................AMY MINDELL
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Editor in Chief...........................ROB EARLE
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SALES STAFF: Gail Belenson, Shorri Blanaky, Julie
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