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October 13, 1987 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-10-13

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City housing
code may be
revised soon

The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 13, 1987-Page 3
Groups support



at ceremony

Ann Arbor's 20-year-old housing
code, long criticized for its ambig-
uity, may be officially revised within
the next month.
"Hoping to get a good, concise
code by Nov. 1 is a bit optimistic,"
City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw told
councilmembers at last night's
working session, "but it's something
I can get a handle on."
A council committee redrafted the
current code last year. It was revised
last June and again earlier this
The new version, according to
committee chair Kathy Edgren (D-
Fifth Ward) "takes away a lot of
words like 'sufficient' or 'adequate.'
We've tried to remove the gray areas.
"This code was written 20 years
ago," Edgren said, "and it hasn't be
redone... there has been a lot of
slipping and sliding since then."
The 53-page revised code specifies
floor area sizes of bathrooms and
kitchens, vent sizes, lengths of
reparable cracks, and penalties for
violations, among other things.
But Ann Arbor resident Leslie

Riester said at last night's public
hearing that the "lack of leadership at
the housing bureau" should be
improved before the code is effective.
"Without an efficient bureaucracy to
enforce the code," she said, "it's just
a waste of paper."
Ann Arbor Tenant's Union
Coordinator Jen Faigel told
councilmembers that the housing
bureau staff is not well-trained, and
that there are only five city building
inspectors for more than 26,000
housing units. She added that the
new code was a "big improvement"
over the old one.
Edgren admitted that the housing
bureau has some "very serious
problems," but said the new code
would improve the situation. The
new code, she said, would ensure that
complaints were handled by the
housing bureau instead of through
the landlords, and that decisions
would be made by the Housing Board
of Appeals, not secretly by the
"We're going to enforce it,"
Edgren said. "We're going to ticket."

Members of local minority-advo-
cate groups addressed about 50 people
last night in the Diag, attempting to
abolish stereotypes of Native Am-
ericans and protesting the observance
of Columbus Day.
Kateri Walker, the president of the
Native American Student Assoc-
iation, said American Indians have
been wrongly cast either as bow and
arrow carrying savages or as faithful
companions to whites like Tonto,
the sidekick of the Lone Ranger.
Walker said that while some
characterizations of Native American
have some historical justification,
most are myths perpetutated by tele-
vision and fiction. "These are the
myths we're here tonight to bury,"
Walker said.
"We're not savages and heathens,"
Walker said, adding that the French
started the practice of scalping and
that Indian approachs to nature and
religion were admired by 18th cent-
ury intellectuals.
Kim Smith, a member of the Un-
ited Coalition Against Racism, said

Columbus Day represents the invas-
ion and subjugation of Nativeo
American cultures and isn't an ef
fective reflection of "a lot of the sen
timents in this country."
Peggy Novelli, a supporter B ig
Mountain Indian tribes in Arizona,,
said the United States goverment is
currently trying to relocate approx-
imately 10,000 to 15,000 Dine
from the reservation in order to clear
the land for mining.

The U.S. government says
relocating the Dineh because
cannot get along with the Hopi.

it is

Daily Photo by ELLEN LEVY
Art and baseball
Before jumping into his helicopter to watch the Tiger's playoff game, piz-
za mogul and Detroit Tigers owner Tom Monagham visits with Ann Arbor
resident Sharon Fry at the Michigan Guild of Artists first annual Autumn
Arts Festival.
Fiancial matters
upset faculty group

But UCAR member David
Fletcher, said the two peoples have
often publicized they are not fight-'
Novelli encouraged people to help
Big Mountain Indian support groups
block the relocation.
Walker said she finds it ironic tha
the University can recruit no more
than 100 Native American students
in a state that has an Indiau
population of 40,000. Walker said
local tribes originally granted the
land for the University to the state ii
a treaty.

Hurricane hits Florida

MIAMI (AP) - Hurricane Floyd
sprang to life in the Gulf of Mexico
early yesterday, taking aim on south
Florida with 80 mph wind and heavy
rain. Some coastal residents scurried
for shelter, while others cleared stores
of batteries, canned food, and bottled
Floyd grew from a tropical storm
to become the season's third hur-
ricane at 8 a.m. and began heading up
through the Florida Keys toward
southern Dade County at the south-
em tip of the mainland, spawning at
least two tornadoes.

"It's not a strong hurricane," said
National Hurricane Center Director
Bob Sheets. "We don't expect it to
get much worse."
He said Floyd would maintain its
strength as it passed just south of
Miami during the evening and then
would head out to sea.
The center posted hurricane warn-
ings around Florida's southern penin-
sula from Stuart north of West Palm
Beach on the condominium-studded
east coast to Venice north of Fort
Myers on the Gulf coast, roughly the
area from Lake Okechobee south.

METN markets tapes to


What's happening in Ann Arbor today

U-M Symphony Orchestra -
Hill Auditorium,n8 p.m. (7634726).
Gustav Meier leads the University
Symphony Orchestra in their first
concert of the season.
Bryan Bowers - The Ark, 8 p.m.
Bowers, widely regarded as the
leading virtuoso on the autoharp,
also has distinct gifts as a singer and
Robert Kelly - Reading from his
work, U-M Visiting Writers Series,
Rackham East Conference.
Lawrence Lee - "Inside
Paraguay," Ecumenical Campus
Center, The
International Center, noon, 603 E.
Prof. Peter Michelson -
"English Literature as Reflected in
Literature of the Eighteenth
Century," Dept. of Germanic Lang.
Literatures, 4:30 p.m., Rackham
West Conference Rm.
Dr. Susan Langdon - "Casting
the Homeric Pantheon," Kelsey
Museum of
Archeology, 4 p.m., 2009 Angell
David North - "The Origins of
Bolshevism," U-M Branch of Young
Socialists, 7 p.m., 2435 Mason Hall.
Tim Joslyn - "'Exploring the
Andes and the Amazon," Bivouac
Travel, 8 p.m., 336 South State.
Startracks - Pizzeria Unos,
downstairs. 9:30 pm.
Baha'i Club - 6 p.m., Mich.
League Room B.
Hebrew Speaking Club - 5
p.m., 206 Angell Hall.
TARDAA - 8-11 p.m., 296
C .t * ,.. V ... '.1 C n

Remedy," First Church of Christ
Scientist, 8 p.m., 1833 Washtenaw
Baha'i Club - Introductory
Discussion on the Teachings of the
Faith, 7:30 p.m., Mich. League,
Room D (662-8362).
Dow Chemical - Pre-interview'
4-6 p.m., 1500 EECS (763-5027).
Wilderness State
Park/Mackinaw Island Trip -
Pre-trip meeting,
7 p.m., NCRB Conference Room
Marxism: Not Just a Dream -
Presented by SPARK, a revolutionary
Communist Organization, 7 p.m.,
116 MLB (747-9743).
Rally in Solidarity with
South African Political
Prisoners - Free
South Africa Coordinating Comm.,
noon, The Diag (663-4118).
Career Planning and
Placement - The Law School
Personal Essay,
4:10-5 p.m. CP&P; Investigating
Organizations and Employers, 4:10-
5:30 p.m. CP & P; Resume Writing
Lecture, 4:10-5:30 p.m., School of
Education; Employer Pres.- Procter
& Gambler Co., 6-8 p.m., Michigan
Union-Anderson C & D (764-7460).
Zoe Olefsky - Representative of
Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, on
to meet with students interested in
various programs, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.,
Michigan Rm., Michigan Union
Campus Cinema
The Murder of Fred Hampton;
7 p.m., 8:30, 10 p.m. MLB 3, free.
The story of the Black Panther leader
murdered in Dec., 1969 by the
Chicago Police.
No Vietnamese Ever Called
Me Nigger; 7 p.m., 8:30, 10 p.m.,
MLB 3,
free. Filmed at the Harlem fall
mobilization where people are
about racism in the Vietnam War.

Members of the Committee on
the Economic Status of the Faculty
(CESF) are unhappy with t h e
University administration's response
to their proposals on faculty salaries
and benefits.
Public Health Prof. and former
CESF chair Eugene Feingold told the
faculty Senate Assembly yesterday
that many of the committee's rec-
ommendations have not been acted
on by the administration.
"(The administration is) always
willing to listen, but not always
willing to act on what they hear,"
Feingold said.
The committee will express its
concerns to the Board of Regents at
its meeting Friday morning.
"Is the outcome of CESF worth
the time and the substantial effort
that the members put into it?" he
"It's not very encouraging... I'm
left somewhat ambivalent," Feingold
He said traditional salary reviews
between the University and its peer
institutions are increasingly inade-
quate because faculty salaries are
falling across a wider range. CESF
continues to look for alternate meth-
ods of conducting salary reviews, he
Feingold said the administration's
response to the rising faculty burden
of health care costs is also inade-
quate. For the past year, the increase
in health insurance premiums was

shared equally by the University and
its employees. CESF strongly op-
poses this policy.
The regents approved a one-year
increase for last year, and have ex-
tended the increase to include this
year. The faculty fear this increase
will become a set policy, increasing
their health care costs.
"It behooves the University to
look at the reasons for the increase in
costs, instead of shifting it onto the
faculty," Feingold said.
Current CESF chair and Social
Work Prof. Jesse Gordon said the
health care cost-sharing increase re-
sults in a salary reduction for faculty.
He made a presentation to the regents
which he said was "as vigorous a
case as I could, and it didn't get any-
The CESF report also said it is
looking for more "socially responsi-
ble" ways to invest the faculty's re-
tirement contributions than current
Gordon said the group has for-
warded a request to the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA) that Fidelity
Investments and the Calvert Social
Investment Fund be added as
"socially responsible" funds for part
of the basic investment plan.
The administration has also been
resistant to approve a supplementa-
tion of retirement benefits for faculty
retired between 1956 and 1966,
Feingold reported.

industry, records classes

(Continued from Page 1)
site taping capability, MEIN is able
to put more on tape than just
conversation. The production staff of
the network can add scripting, com-
puter graphics, sets, and music to
enhance the final product.
Revenue generated from video
tapings account for about 35 percent
of the network's income. Video
prices vary depending on size and so-
The average price of buying a
tape is $390 per hour of final product
and renting is about $165.
METN also uses its video taping
capability to aid the College of
Engineering directly. Engineering
103, Digital Computing, is a re-
quired course that approximately 400
students take each year, according to
the College of Engineering counsel-
ing office.
The course uses video taped in-
struction with student participation
on IBM personal computers. METN
produces the video tapes of the
classes' professors.
Digital Computing is intended
to familiarize students with comput-
ers and teach organization and capa-
bility of digital computers.
"(The course) originally started
off with the basics of FORTRAN
programming, but the students com-
ing in now are much more advanced
in computers, and the course has
changed," said Dwight Stevenson,

the director of the network.
Engineering 103 students work
in three classrooms located next o
the METN complex in the Dofv
building and are equipped with a
video monitor and a computer station
for each student.
The final aspect of METN is
Video Information Network
Engineering. VINE, which is still in
the development stages, is a four
channel system which will be able to
distribute video information any-
where in the College of Engineering.
"We're moving into a time when
information dissemination is a prob-
lem that technology can help us
with," said Stevenson.
The system will have video
units set up through out North
Campus in buildings, classrooms,
and offices. Currently, one prototype
is set up in the atrium of the
Electrical Engineering Computer
Science building and 19 more are
ready for distribution.
All of these video units were
obtained on an equipment grant from
General Electric while the cables used
for the system are from the old
Apollo Domain Network which run
between the engineering buildings.
METN's part in VINE lies in
obtaining more monitors and equip-
ment for the system and for the dis-
tribution of information.


The Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment is investigating several week-
end break-ins, according to Sgt. Jan
(Continued from Page 1)
Wilson met with top University
administrators yesterday to discuss
the handbook. Among the officials
were Vice President for Academic
Affairs and Provost James Duder-
stadt, Vice Provost for Minority Af-
fairs Charles Moody, and President
Harold Shapiro.
Moody said the administration
will follow the manual's recom-
He also said the book may dicuss
programs similar to ones the Uni-
versity may already have in use, like
the Martin Luther King/Ceasar
Chavez/Rosa Parks initiative to
introduce the University to potential

Suomala. An intruder entered a
building in the 600 block of Hill
Street by forcing a window and stole
a tape deck and set of keys, valued at
$125. A screen was removed from a
building in the 1000 block o f
Highland, and a suspect stole a
stereo system and videocassette re-
corder worth approximately $1700.
Also, an intruder entered a building
in the 1400 block of Washington
Heights through a broken window
and stole a videocassette recorder
valued at $300.
by Steve Blonder
UM News in
The Daily
I alphagraphios
riantshops Of The Future
i Let's Get Acquainted! I


Stop by and see a Jostens representative,
Wednesday. October 14-Friday, October 16,
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.,

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