The Michigan Daily-Monday, October 12, 1987- Page 5
RC alumni tell
of Nicaraguan
Daily Photo by ROBIN LOZNAK
From the hands of babes
Maya Nitzberg, a visitor from Boston, clutches leaves in the Diag.
'Bork 's successor likely
to face less opposition
When Bard Montgomery studied
Thucydides' History of t h e
Peloponnesian War 20 years ago at
the Residential College, he didn't
know he was preparing for mission
work in Nicaragua.
"What I did take from the RC...
was an amazing exposure to books
and ideas," said Montgomery, who
left college after two years.
"Thucydides went a long way
towards my views on revolution."
Montgomery, a long-term volun-
teer for Witness for Peace, has spent
18 months in Nicaragua. He plans to
return in November to live with
people in areas attacked by the
Contras. The purpose of the
organization is to promote peace in
the country and to change- U.S.
foreign policy toward Nicaragua
through evangelism.
Montgomery and four other
panelists shared their experiences in
Nicaragua with about 60 people in
East Quad Friday night. They also
spoke to a small audience at a
special lunch in the Halfway Inn on
The forum on Latin America was
the first event of many which the
RC has planned for this year to
celebrate its 20th anniversary.
According to Cyndi Cook, the RC's
administrative assistant for alumni
relations, "Our intention was to
basically showcase former R C
students and to show how their RC
experience influenced their lives."
Patti Petesch, another panelist,
now works for therOverseas
Development Council on Human
Rights Issues. Before that job, she
had to work in the Washington
Office on Latin America as a
secretary, even though she had a
B.A. from the University.
However, she said she gained
valuable experience which helped her
get the job she has now. "My advice
to people here is the classroom is a
great learning experience but get out
of the classroom if you can. Go and
do an internship. Go and study a
troops kill
120 rebels
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) --
Indian troops, using heavy artillery
and mortars, killed up to 120 Tamil
rebels during a weekend offensive on
the Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lankan
officials said yesterday.
Tamil rebels, seeking to establish
an independent nation for their ethnic
minority, have been blamed in the
deaths of more than 200 people in
the last week. Most of those killed
were civilians from the Sinhalese
community, the majority ethnic
group that controls Sri Lanka's
government and military.
semester overseas, because it's those
connections and experiences that are
really going to help you later on."
Natural resources graduate student
and Alternative Career Center
coordinator Phillis Englebert traveled
to Nicaragua with Ann Arbor-
Managua Initiative for Soil Testing
And Development.
As part of the AAMISTAD
Construction Brigade, she visited
cooperative farms which had been
destroyed by the Contras and helped
the people rebuild their homes.
"There's two main ways that I
could see people here working to
help the situation in Nicaragua. One
is to work at home to end the war.
And the other is through material
aid," she said.
Pamela Galpern, an RC student,
spent this summer in Nicaragua with
AAMISTAD. "Originally I wanted
to work on a humanitarian aid
project in a third world country," she
said. It became a political issue for
her as she learned more about
Nicaragua and saw how everyone had
been affected by the civil war.
A Nicaraguan, whose family had
been killed, told her that organi-
zations such as AAMISTAD which
provide direct aid gave him hope.
She said it was difficult for her to
see the living situation worsening
each day, and to know that this was
because of the American govern-
Gregory Fox, a member of the
Ann Arbor Sister City Task Force to
Nicaragua, explained the projects the
organization has undertaken. They
raised $20,000 to buy a garbage
truck and are currently raising money
to buy toilets. He encouraged people
to "think locally and act locally" to
help Nicaraguans.
Fridays in The Daily
Into the mouths of sheep
Two-year-old .Jake Leftwich. from westland, feeds an Angora sheep at
D omino's Farms on Ply mouth Road this weekend.
Whatdaya razy?
You haven't eat@
. [I Pho', ry K;^ Pfr ti HAJtJLMAN
ontinued from Page 1
The last two times the Senate and
president disagreed about filling a
vacancy on the high court, back to
back nominees were rejected. At-
tempting to fill the Chief Justice
position, President Lyndon Johnson
nominated Justice Abe Fortas, who
was rejected, and Homer Thornberry,
whose confirmation was put off
until Johnson left office. President
Nixon eventually filled the position
with Warren Burger.
Then, in turn, Nixon's next two
choices of Clement Haynsworth and
G. Harold Carswell were rejected,
leaving the spot open for Harry
Still, even the most optimistic
liberal doesn't harbor hopes that the
nominee will be as moderate as
resigning Justice Lewis Powell.
This leaves Senators Kennedy and
Judiciary Committee Chairman
Joseph Biden with the dilemma of
what to do with a conservative
nominee similar to Justices Anthony
Scalia or Sandra Day O'Conner, for
whom they both voted. Senate
liberals would' be placed in a
position of confirming a Justice who
would give the Court a conservative
tilt, or admitting that the issue is
not the nominee's character,
consistancy, or social conscience.
It is not apparent who would win
a power stuggle between the
Democratic Senate and Reagan,
whose popularity has been marred by
scandal and lame duck status. It is
doubtful Southern Democrats will
take part in a freeze-out of all
conservative nominees, and a
filibuster would give Republicans
ammunition to use during next
years' Senatorial and presidential
races. Liberals hoping Reagan will
back down must be discouraged by
his stance on Bork's nomination.
The only other option, attempting to
keep the space open till a new
president takes office in 1989, seems
remote and politically dangerous.
Still, there is hope. Tribe wrote
that while protracted battles between
the Senate and presidents have
occured, they are rare. He wrote that
both sides "recognize the ultimate
futility of stalemates and the danger
they pose to the integrity, both of
the political branches and of the
Supreme Court." The alternative is
"the spectacle of (America's) two
political branches locked in an
eyeball-to-eyeball grudge match,
each waiting for the other to blink."
Or, as Schauer put it "both sides
are the villians."
Oblivious to this, the eight
sitting Justices have gone back to
work. Already agreeing to hear the
first cases of the term, where votes
resulting in a 4-4 tie confirm lower
court decisions. Though this is
inconvenient, Shauer doesn't see it
as a reason to speed up confirmation
for the next nomination. He said,
"It's really no big deal."
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What do these people have
in common with the U of M ?
Emiliano Zapa
Minnie Wallac
Bertrand RussE
Moses Coady
Harold Osterw
ta Muriel Lester
e Eugene Debs
2l Paulo Friere
Luther Buchele
Teil A.K. Stevens
r John Sinclair
Stephen Vail
Chief Black Elk
Gabriel Richard
Lenny Bruce
Senator warns
Washington (AP) - A key Senate
Democrat warned yesterday that the
I White House should not assume
Robert Bork's apparent defeat will
mĀ°ean that the next Supreme Court
nominee faces easy victory.
"I don't think anybody should
next nominee
share the illusion ...that the next
nominee will sail through like a
greased pig no matter what that
nominee may be like," said Sen.
Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) the
Democratic whip. "We'll take a hard
look at the nominee."
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