4 OPTNION ./ Page 4 I Monday, October 12, 1987 The Michigan Daily LETTERS Terrorism is a political label Edat stan t Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVIII, No. 23 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Pentagon engineers Gulf interpretation: Suspect th( M EDIA REPORTS ON U.S. aggression toward Iran ultimately stem from direct reports from the Pentagon and its interpretation of events there. Though it seems likely that Iran has placed mines in the Persian Gulf, it is impossible to judge the facts from the Pentagon's media barrage for which there is no independent confirmation. The Pentagon unjustly portrays the largest U.S. naval mobilization since the Korean war as an effort to protect international waters in the face of Iranian attacks. Instead, the United States' show of force is an imperialist provocation only a few miles from Iran's coast. Contrary to U.S. efforts to say that it is playing a peacekeeping role in the Iran-Iraq war, the United States is actually forcing Iran to expand its war and divert capital and human resources from its war with Iraq. The Iranian mine laying operations destroy Iranian oil, leave Iraq's landlocked pipelines untouched, and play into Iraq's naval advantage in the war. These factors, combined with previous U.S. attacks on Iran, demonstrate that the Iranian attacks are simply responses to U.S. hostilities. The Pentagon used an infra-red video tape to justify the capture and destruction of the Iranian ship, but later the Pentagon determined that its own videotape was unviable. The Pentagon supposedly ruined the tape in production. The tape, therefore, could provide no evidence that the Iranian ship had mines on board or was involved in mine-laying. The alleged attacks of October 9 also remain unconfirmed and are denied by the Iranian government; yet, the United States continues to form policy on these events. Navy gunships responded to alleged gunfire which, even the pilots admit, might not have been targeted at the naval helicopters. The popular press constantly asserts its objectivity. But mass media's pseudo-journalists take-off and land on U.S. Navy battle ships at times and places designated by the Pentagon. The media is acting as a megaphone for the Pentagon's interpretation of Persian Gulf events and Middle East policy. The Opp ortuni PATRICIA SCHROEDER'S with- drawal from the presidential race at the end of last month is an interesting indication of the flaws in the political system. Schroeder had declared that she was running for the Democratic Party nomination for president, but soon found that she could not run a successful campaign. Whether or not Pat Schroeder would have been a good president, her reasons for withdrawal indicate that those who mount the best presidential campaigns are not necessarily those who are most qualified or popular. Despite her second-place finish behind the Rev. Jesse Jackson in the polls, she had already determined that she could not organize enough delegates to win the Democratic nomination. There were two reasons for Schroeder's withdrawal that the nres scited .Earlier in therm- press manipulation of public opinion is compounded by use of unnamed Pentagon sources rather than specific press secretaries or officers. The Reagan administration desires to regain prestige lost in the Iran- Contra affair by instigating a popular war and the media is an important tool to consolidate public opinion. In the beginning of the U.S. invasion of Grenada, the administration released much information to the press, but banned all media from the island. The press nationally televised the military version of the news and the invasion received popular support which resulted in status for the Reagan administration. The government manipulated the media similarly over the Libya bombing. The government circu- lated reports that Libya was responsible for the bombing of a German discotheque and the United States bombed Libya. Later, however, the government revealed (without incident) that Syria was responsible. The proposal to send the U.S. Coast Guard to the Gulf indicates more clearly the administration's intentions. A national defence mechanism is used to protect U.S. resource interests in the Persian Gulf. In strengthening its stranglehold on the Persian Gulf and the oil produced there, the United States also desires to block out the Soviet Union. The flags of anti-Soviet policy and blind hatred of Iran comprise the Reagan administrations banner of protection in the Persian Gulf. The U.S. government should admit it is engaged in a full scale war against Iran in its attempt to shut out the Soviet Union and seek public support. Congress must demand that the War Powers Act be invoked and that all U.S. forces be withdrawn from the Persian Gulf. The U.S. media coverage of the Gulf situation lacks so much in first-hand reporting and analysis, that it indicates more about the media's relationship to the Pentagon than it does about the Middle East. Whether or not the Pentagon reports are true, the media provides no help in deciding. s delight advice on make-up and earrings that other successful candidates had used. As someone who appears to have some integrity, Schroeder found this difficult. In order that the election system select good candidates that the people want, and not just the candidates who figure out how to amass money and television atten- tion, it is necessary to make the mass media more accessible to candidates. In Michigan, the elec- tion laws allow candidates to organize and get on the ballot, even if they do not belong to a major party or have large amounts of money. In the last election for governor in Michigan a Trotskyist group managed to obtain enough signatures to get on the ballot. If the government mandated free television time for candidates that gathered a reasonable number of To the Daily: I feel a certain urgency to reply to I. Matthew Miller's opinion in the Daily, "PLO shut-down correct." (Daily, 10/8/87) My purpose is not to debate First Amendment rights or the closing of the PLO offices. Rather, I want to note Mr. Miller's narrow minded- ness which stunts the logic requisite to the formulation of any opinion. I admire and relate to Mr. Miller's want for a peaceful planet, democracy, and "civil- ized diplomatic means to secure rights." Certainly, this world should not be a place where civilians fear for their lives on a daily basis - but we can't divorce ourselves from knowledge of historical events. Yes, the U.S. should finally take a firm stand to eradicate terrorism. Is this how they've done so? They've had more pressure and ample opportunity to eradicate their own terrorism in Central America. What is "terrorism" to you, Mr. Miller? Can you tell the difference between a "terrorist" and a "freedom fighter?" Clearly, nations choose which Rape and ass To the Daily: I feel that an important issue has been neglected in the debate concerning the Neal case, namely the difference between rape and assault. Neal was found "not guilty" of rape because the jury found reasonable doubt as to whether the plaintiff hadconsented to sex. This would be an appropriate decision in the light of the fact that one of the criteria needed to constitute rape is that it be committed against the will of the plaintiff. (However, to say that the jury made a logical conclusion is not to say that Neal did or did not commit rape.) As we know, one type of criminal sexual conduct is rape. Let us new address the issue of physical assault, devoid of any sexual aspect. Let's suppose soldiers to label terrorists and which to label soldiers of liberation. Terrorism could be seen as the warfare of the least powerful. America is spending billions of dollars to be pre- pared to kill innocent people. That's the warfare of the most powerful, and terrorism at its finest. Is the PLO really the only organization distributing "pro- paganda?" Furthermore, is the "security of the planet" the same as the security of the United States to continue reaping enormous profits from the less-developed nations of the world? I wish your assumptions about the motives of U.S. policy were true, but history and current realities show us differently. Please take responsibility to open your eyes; because you've been believing propaganda and ignorantly consenting to the terrorism that you despise. A more wholistic perspective will surely aid. you in the assessment of world problems and direct you toward the true world peace and justice that all of humankind dreams of. -Martha McCaughey October 8 fl Daily's anti-working class? To the Daily: A couple of weeks ago you ran an editorial calling on stu- dents to support the strike against Herman's Sporting Goods stores because they had racially discriminatory hiring policies. (Daily 9/25/87) While I wholeheartedly agree with the basic thrust of your editorial, you also included a line to the effect that the UAW, the union that is organizing the strike, wants the workers' dues. You seemed to find it important to mention this possible ulterior motive. While this annoyed me in some ault separate that Neal was on trial for assault, instead of rape. Here, relevant questions would be "Did the accused strike, or otherwise use physical force, with damage to the plaintiff?" Here, it is irrelevant whether the plaintiff consented to have sex, or actually did have sex, with the accused. In this case, would a jury find Neal "not guilty?" My point is that Neal may be guilty of assault yet not guilty of rape. Campus groups, by protesting, are saying (even those who think that the Neal decision is valid) that we should not misinterpret its implications. They want to make this point clear: Consent to sex is not consent to assault. -BS Blair September 29 abstract sense at the time, I came to think about this issue somewhat more concretely when I received my annual solicitation from United Way. The top executives of United Way draw salaries well in excess of $100,000. It's routine however, for news- papers or University adminis- trators to call on people to be generous in supporting United Way. I've never heard any of these people qualify their ap- peals by mentioning the pos- sible ulterior motives of United Way administrators. This is why I was bothered by the Daily's reference to the union's desire for dues. Obviously, when a union loses members, it will also lose its ability to support its adminis- trative staff, some of whom may lose their jobs or endure pay cuts. However, it is difficult to see why this should give us greater reason to question a 'union's motives than it does the motives of those who have much higher higher paying jobs working for charitable organizations. Perhaps it is simple residual anti-union or anti-working class sentiment that leads us to denigrate those who would help the poor and working classes empower themselves. -Mark Greer October 6 iM 1 i 1 +E X S 4 IY (f4 4 Marilyn Monroe offends To the Daily: The life-size cardboard standup of Marilyn Monroe in the window of Michigan Book and Supply is not only offensive to women, it is pornographic. In its display placement, with James Dean's right index finger pointing at Ms. Monroe's exposed body, and the balloon coming from Ms. Monroe's mouth stating, "Take me home," it is a blatant sexist suggextion that it's okay for college men to "sow their wild oats."~ There should be no place on a modern campus for such an old-fashioned moral as the double standard. Ms. Monroe died in her thirties, the double: standard, and the idea that- women are property to be used by men, helped to kill her. I'm reminded of the words of the black spiritual sung at many marches to e n d segregation during the 60s: "This old hammer killed my mother, Won't kill me, Lord, Won't kill me..." ' Are we, in 1987, going to allow the hammer that killed Ms. Monroe to continue to psychologically damage-and kill- us, as college students ; in the 80s? '° Mr. Ulrich told me, i 1, September, that he does notr plan to remove the stand-up of Ms. Monroe from his window[ Ulrich's seems to have the monopoly to sell textbooks to university students. If Mr.' Ulrich won't listen to student protests, the University is giving Ulrich's its raison d'etre, and we must demand, through the University, that Ulrich's show some sensitivity, to our real needs as student; who are people, not just students who have bucks. Instead of Ms. Monroe's. cardboard stand-up in the display window, how about an" educational exhibit about rape, in its place, maybe pert together by POWOR ors SAPAC? -Judy Bonnel-Wenzel October A Innocent till proven guilty To the Daily: In a letter printed in the Michigan Daily ("Daily insensitive on rape issue, Daily, 10/6/87). Barbara Rans- by addresses the issue of the Daily's coverage of the recent rape trial involving two University students. Ms. Ransby writes that the paper's coverage was in a "...biased, insensitive and sexist manner." I have no argument with Ms. Ransby's contentions that journalists have a duty to maintain a high standard of integrity in delicate cases involving such personal crimes as rape. She raises some very good points about the respon- sibility of the editorial staff in covering such stories. I also have no disagreement with her contentions that many rape victims are cruelly a n d needlessly manipulated during these trials. What bothered me about her letter was the double standard she employed in discussing the case. Throughout the letter, Ms. Ransby refers to the wo- man who claims she was raped as the "victim" and the defendant, Griffith Neal, asthe "rapist." The purpose of the trial is to determine the guilt or innocence of Mr. Neal. There is no victim or rapist until the man is declared guilty. And everyone, even accused rapists, are innocent until proven guilty. It seems that Ms. Ranshv has alreadv decided that Last week, Mr. Neal was acquitted of the sexual assault charge. Not having attended the trial or followed the case closely. I must assume that the jury returned the correct verdict. I acknowledge that Ms. Ransby's letter was written before the verdict was decided and she may have changed her view of the situation. How- ever, I hope in the future that she will practice the same unbiased, objective analysis of the issue she preaches to the Daily. What really saddens me is that despite the not guilty verdict entered in favor of Nr. Neal, it seems certain from the tone of her letter that Ms. Ransby will always think of Mr. Neal as a rapist. -Robert L. Jones October 9 Celebrates 50th anniversar To the Daily: In 1937, during the great depression, several Ann Arbor student co-op houses, Palmer, Rochdale, and Michigan Co- Ops, comboned their resources to become the Inter- Cooperative Council (ICC) at the University of Michigan. The co-op ideal of the ICC was to provide economical room and board for students through member owned and democratically operated student residences. Since 1937, over 10,000 students have been members of ICC Co-ops in 22" houses. Houses consistently, save their members over $900, per year compared to dormitory costs. The 50th Anniversity reunion, to be held October 17, and18, will fremember the, friendships and good times of co-ops. Alumni wishing to attend the celebration op" needingamore information should call Jim Jones, 662- 4414 at the ICC Office. I -Joan Bucheler Luther Buchele October ., Chassy NEWS ITEM: REA6AN PRESIDENCY COULD BE CRIPPLED BY IFtAT OF BORKI. j* nay? QU P U.,nK -Q~-