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October 12, 1987 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-10-12

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The Michigan Daily-Monday, October 12, 1987- Page 3
Cecelia returns home
to family in Alabama

Daily Photo by ROBIN LOZNAK
Ann Arbor Action for Soviet Jewry members Joel Lessing, left, an LSA sophomore, and Ann Arbor residents
Marion Krzyzowski and Alla Kan, protest at the Leningrad Symphony concert on the steps of Hill Auditorium
Group protests orchestra'
By BILL MOTT . Soviet emigration policy passed this year. Under the
Fifteen to 20 members of Ann Arbor Action for policy, Soviets who have had access to government
Soviet Jewry demonstrated outside Hill Auditorium secrets or who don't have immediate relatives outside
yesterday before a performance by the Leningrad State the USSR may not emigrate.
Symphony orchestra. Protester Alla Kan said fewer Jews have been
The protesters carried banners and passed out allowed to emigrate under Soviet leader Mikhail
leaflets pleading for "Jewish immigration before Gorbachev's celebrated policy of "glasnost" than
cultural integration." According to Action for Soviet during the rule of Leonid Brezhnev. The mood of the
Jewry, 400,000 Jews are being kept from leaving the protesters was summed up by Kan, who maintained,
USSR. "We are their only hope."
Protest organizer Keith Hope said Soviet Bob Vavrina, the lobby supervisor at Hill, said the
musicians are controlled by the state, so the protest created no problems. Vavrina added that the
symphony represents the Soviet Union and its symphony had requested and received extra security for
culture. the concert. Symphony representatives could not be
The protesters expressed their anger over a new reached for comment.
400 participate In hunger walk

Cecelia Cichan, the lone survivor
of the Aug. 16 crash of Northwest
Flight 255, was released from the
burn unit of the University Medical
Center Friday.
After spending 54 days recovering
from burns over 30 percent of her
body, a fractured skull and a broken
leg, the bright, enthusiastic girl is
going home.
Cecelia, age 4, is going to a new
home in Birmingham, Ala. with her
aunt and uncle, Rita and Frank
Lumpkin, who have a y oung
daughter themselves. Cecelia lost her
parents, Michael and Paula Cichan,
and brother David in the August
Cecelia quietly left the hospital at
6:30 a.m. last Friday, her release
unannounced to the media until later
that day, to begin what her family
hopes will be a private normal life.
Leaving the hospital with her
new guardians, the little girl smiled
as she drove past the medical parking
structure she nicknamed the
"carslide" and talked about the trees.
On the way to Alabama with her
new family, she expressed no fears
about flying. "It was something that
was discussed with her ahead of
time," said hospital spokesperson
Catherine Cureton.
She understands that she has lost
her family and that she is the only
survivor of the devastating crash, but
she has no memory of it.
Cecelia has scars on her legs,
arms, hands, and part of her lower
back, but none on her face. Facial
scars are the scars that most often are
blamed for inhibiting a nomal life,
according to Dr. Jai Prasad, assistant
professor of surgery and acting
director of the Burn Center.
Prasad described Cecelia, saying,
"Her general attitude was one of the
finest I have seen. She was very
enthused and happy about going
Cecelia will undergo physical
therapy for the next two months and
will have further medical treatment
until age 17. Because scars do not
grow as normal skin does, as she
grows up the scars may produce
problems in the movement of her

A statement released by the
family Friday said, "The family also
wants to extend their sincere thanks
to the wonderful people of the
United States and of the' many
countries abroad who have expressed
their concerns in their own personal
ways. We are most grateful for all
you have done. We ask for your
continued support and prayers for all
the families who have suffered and
also for young Cecelia."
The "miracle child" who capti-
vated the hearts of millions of
Americans.during her recovery has
received an outpouring of public
support, prayers, and good wishes
bringing in donations totalling
$150,045.69 which will be put in a
trust fund.
For the time being Cecelia will
keep her family name, but the
Lumpkins may adopt her later.

goes home

joints, and surgery may be necessary -sam

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More than 400 people gathered
yesterday to raise money to fight
world hunger.
The Interfaith Council for Peace
of Ann Arbor, along with the
Church World Service sponsored
yesterday's Fourteenth Annual

Wastenaw County

CROP Hunger

According to chief walk coordi-
nator and ICP staff member Chuck
Barbieri, the walk shows support and
sympathy for the hungry, and
demonstrates that rich countries can
work with poor countries for a better

What's happening in Ann Arbor today



Doctor X (Micheal Curtiz, 1932)
7:30 p.m. Mich.
A reporter doesn't know what he
gets himself into in his quest for
the "Full Moon Killer." A
haunted house is one of his
problems. A paranoid Fay Wray is
Mystery of the W a x
Museum (Michael Curtiz, 1933)
9:15 p.m. Mich.
A chilling tale about a wax
sculptor whose artistic ability has
been hapmered by injury. H e
overcomes this handicap by
waxing live models. To his
demise, some people take notice in
sudden decreases m population.
Igor Melchuk - "Russian'
Linguistics: Semantics and
Syntax," Center for Russian and.
Eastern European Studies, 4
p.m., E. Lecture Rm., Rackham.
Mercouri Kanatzidas -
"Intercalatice Polyermerization.
A Synthetic Route to
Inorganic/Polymer Hybrid
Materials," 4 p.m. Room 1200,
Dept. of Chemistry.
William Becher and Edward
Morin - Reading from their
works, Guild House writers
Kenneth Baird - "A Baird's
Eye View - Aerial
Photography," 7 p.m. Chrysler
James Sterba - "Running for
President: Why not a newspaper-
person?," 4 p.m. Rm. 125 E.
Frances Fitzgerald - "The
Iran-Contra Affair: T h e
Evangelical Spirit vs. the
Constitution," 8 p.m. Rackham

Baha'i's *- Under the
Guardian Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Michigan Union Rm. 1209.
Asian American Association
- 7:30 p.m., Trotter House,
1443 Washtenaw.
Christian S c i e n c e
Organization - 7:15 p.m., 3rd
floor Michigan League.
Graduate Christian
Fellowship - Corn Roast, 6
p.m. Campus Chapel.
Women's Crisis Center -
"Community Forum to Discuss
Strategies for Chance in
Response to the Trial," 2909
Michigan Union.
Evolution and Human
Behavior Program - Brown Bag
Discussion, "Menopause, its
adaptive significance, and related
issues," Noon, 1521b Rackham.
Meet Husker DU -
Schoolkid's Records and Tapes,
4 p.m.
Career Planning and
Placement Programs -
"Choosing Your Major," 4:10
p.m. 2011 MLB and "Job Search
Lecture," 6 p.m. 1250 CCRB.
. Overseas Internships - 4
p.m., International Center.
Computing Center Courses
9 a.m.: MS-DOS Basic
Skills, 3001 SEB and Basic
Concepts of Programming, 4212
SEB; 10:30 a.m.: Using MTS
message system 3001 SEB; 1
p.m.: dBASE III plus, Part 2,
3001 SEB; 7 p.m.: Monday
Programmers' Seminar, 4003
Pre-Interview - 5 p.m. Dow-
Corning Corp. Rm. 1013 Dow.
Candlelight Vigil for Native
American Rights - 9 p.m.

"We walk because people around
the world walk for fuel, water, and
food," Barbieri said.
Doug Koepsell, arrangements
coordinator of the walk, made sure
all the participants had a safe walk
and a good time. "We are real
fortunate in the United States to
have material poscssions. This is
our chance not to give handouts, but
the tools to survive," he said.
Mostly church organizations and
local school children participated in
Sunday's hunger walk in what
Barbieri called, "a community proj-
ect that implies global concern."_
Barbieri hoped to draw 800 people
and $50,000 dollars, but bad weather
kept participation down to 419
walkers and funds down to approxi-
mately $25,000. Last year 725
people walked and the event raised
$42,000 dollars.
Barbieri remained optimistic. "We
still walk on cloudy, rainy days
because individuals around the world
always walk," he said
Sponsors donated money on a per
mile basis. Participants chose
between a five or 10 mile walk, and
could be. seen around Ann Arbor,
including the University's Central
and North Campuses.
One person participating in the
walk called the event "an important
issue which makes a statement about
hunger and forces others to think
about the issue... The community
sees everybody walking together."
Many elementary school students,
including Christine Gelletly,
participated in the walk. Christine
said she and her friends "want to
show people that there is a great
need to raise money for the hungry
and the homeless."
The funds will be divided among
relief programs in Ann Arbor and
abroad. One-third of the collected
funds will be sent to Cambodia to
finance irrigational and agricultural
projects. Another 15 percent will go
to Honduras to expand food
production programs, and 25 percent
will be labelled as undelegated funds
and be sent to various countries in
need of hunger relief programs.

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