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October 05, 1987 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-10-05

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need for
(Continued from Page 1)
fall. The 51-year-old Hart had been a
presidential hopeful for the last four
years. In 1984, he finished a surpris-
ingly strong second to Walter
Mondale in the race for the Dem-
ocratic nomination.
He was far ahead of his
Democratic rivals in the public
opinion polls for the '88 nomination
until revelations about his relation-
ship with Donna Rice forced him to
abandon his quest on May 8 of this
Hart never mentioned Rice by
name, but he said his withdrawal
from the race was "under circum-
stances that weren't particularly fun,
to say the least."
Hart concluded his speech by
expressing concern about America's
future. "As a nation we're not mov-
ing, we're drifting. We're drifting
back towards the waterfall of his-
The former senator admitted to
feeling awkward about resuming his
role as a public figure speaking out
on the issues after the intense
publicity surrounding his campaign
and its premature end. But he said he
would continue to give his answers
to America's problems.
"I'm here because I care about the
future of this country. I can't let the
issues go."

The Michigan Daily-Monday, October 5, 1987-- Page 5
Student's diligency
brings Hart to 'U'

(Continued from Page 1)
Hart had been a philosophy major
and president of his undergraduate
philosophy club in college. I imme-
diately became interested in him,"
Cohn said.
"I was probably the first person
nationwide to write Hart about com-
ing to speak. I was working inti-
mately with his agent for two weeks
trying to find the money," Cohn
But the year-old, 30-member phi-
losophy club was unable to finance
Hart's appearance, so Cohn began
searching for "a non-political cam-
pus organization which had a lot of
money," he said.
He turned to the University Ac-

tivities Center, the second largest
student organization on campus.
Cohn convinced UAC President Ann
McClendon to have the center un-
derwrite Hart's appearance.
Cohn would not disclose the fee
for last night's speech but said, "he's
making a lot of money." The activi-
ties center gets the proceeds from
sales of tickets - which ran $5 to
$8 - to offset the cost of the visit,
Cohn said.
Once funding was secured, Cohn
said Hart's agent.left the details up
to him. Cohn made the decisions
about when and where Hart would
speak, and even assigned the speech

p- (


Recreational Sports
11 am-4:30pm Intramural Sports Building
WE TRAIN-WE PAY-$4.60/hour

Gary Hart addressed an audience of 500 at the Power Center last night. He discussed the military, foreign af-
fairs and education in a visit sponsored by the Undergraduate Philosophy Club and the University Activities

TUES., OCT. 6; WED., OCT. 7; THURS., OCT. 8
7pm Intramural Sports Building










The University Library offers workshops
on searching online databases via DIALOG
and BRS. These brokers offer access to
more than 300 databases. Databases
are available in the following broad
subject fields: business, education, life
sciences, medicine, physical and applied
sciences, social sciences and humanities.
Examples of individual databases are:
(Educational Resources Information
Center), BIOSIS (Biological Abstracts),
(Engineering Index), DISSERTATION
Faculty, students, and staff are invited to
enroll to learn how to do your own online
searching, and/or to understand what is
involved when library staff does an online
database search for you. Library staff
can assist you in acquiring your own BRS
and/or DIALOG account. For additional
information, contact any campus library or
send a message using the MTS message
Additional courses will be announced in
the Michigan Daily.
BRS System Seminar -
This workshop is designed for novice
BRS users who have little or no previous
experience searching the databases
available on BRS. BRS Information
Technologies is a commercial company
that brokers access to bibliographic and
full-text databases.
The seminar covers basic system
commands, Boolean search techniques,
and database selection. The lecture
includes a discussion of sample search
questions and how to construct search
strategies. Online practice time is
Prerequisite: None
Dates and Times:
Sept. 29 10:30am-12:30pm
Nov. 10 9:30-11:30am
Location: Undergraduate Microcomputer
Center (fourth floor)
Instructor: James Crooks
Registration: Required, send to
University-Library.Courses using the

Basic system commands, Boolean
search techniques, and database selection
are covered. The lecture includes a
discussion of sample search questions
and how to construct search strategies.
The two-hour session also provides online
practice time.
Prerequisite: None
Dates and Times:
Oct. 6 10:30am-12:30pm
Nov. 17 9:30-11:30am
Location: Undergraduate Microcomputer
Center (fourth floor)
Instructor: James Crooks
Registration: Required, send to
University-LibraryCourses using the
MTS message system or call 936-2408.
Fee: No charge.
BRS Colleague System Seminar -
This workshop is designed for people
with existing access to BRS Colleague.
Participants learn basic system features
and Boolean search techniques, and also
receive an introduction to the MEDLINE
After a short introductory lecture
participants use their own Colleague
passwords to access the system. During
the practice time, librarians are available to
provide assistance with system commands
and search strategy design.
Prerequisite: Participants should have
access to BRS/Colleague.
Dates and Times: Sessions will be
scheduled for groups of 10 or more.
Location: Alfred Taubman Medical
Instructors: Librarians, Alfred Taubman
Medical Library
Registration: Required, call Barbara
Shipman to arrange classes (763-2037).
Fee: No charge.
Going Online -
The 15 minute video Going Online:
An Introduction to the World of Online
Information (published by Learned
Information, Inc.) offers a concise,
highly comprehensible overview of online
searching. It explains the online searching
process in theorv and de~mo~nstrtesc

Prerequisite: None
Dates and Times:
Sept. 22 10:00-11:00am
Nov. 5 10:00-11:00am
Location: Harlan Hatcher Graduate
Library Classroom 806
Instructor: University Library Staff
Registration: Required, send to
Universityl.ibrary-Courses using the
MTS message system or call 936-2408.
Fee: No charge.
Introduction to Pro-Cite -
Preparing bibliographies for publications
or papers is often a time consuming
task. This workshop introduces Pro-Cite,
the bibliographic information management
system that allows you to create a personal
database of bibliographic citations and to
produce perfectly formatted bibliographies
automatically. Workshop participants will
have the opportunity to build a practice
database and will learn the basic principles
of storing and retrieving information
through keywords or subject headings
using the software. The workshop uses
Zenith microcomputers; a Macintosh
version of the software is also available.
Prerequisite: None
Date and Time:
Oct. 30 9:00am-noon
Location: Undergraduate Microcomputer
Center (fourth floor)
Instructor: University Library Staff
Registration: Required, send to
UniversityLibrary.Courses using the
MTS message system or call 936-2408.
Fee: No charge.
Computerized Literature Searching
Using Wilsonline -
If you have ever searched Reader's
Guide to Periodical Literature, Social
Sciences Index, General Science Index or
any other periodical index, you may want
to consider using Wilsonline, an online
information retrieval system providing
access to 15 frequently used databases.
The workshop provides an introduction to
the principles of Boolean search strategy
and to the content and commands of the
Wilsonline system. Participants will have

Using the Labadie Database -
The Labadie database is a subfile
of pamphlet and serial holdings of the
Labadie Collection, which is part of
the Department of Rare Books and
Special Collections, University of Michigan
Libraries. The Collection's holdings are
mainly in the areas of Social Protest and
Reform Movements, including Labor, Gay
Liberation, Feminism, Left and Right Wing
Movements, and Anarchism.
The seminar covers basic Spires
commands, used to search this MTS
database. The lecture includes a
discussion of sample search questions
and how to construct search strategies.
Online practice time is provided.
Prerequisite: You must have an account
on MTS (CCID).
Date and Time:
Oct. 14 1:30-3:30pm
Location: Undergraduate Microcomputer
Center (fourth floor)
Instructor: James Crooks
Registration: Required, send to
University-Library-Courses using the
MTS message system or call 936-2408.
Fee: No charge.

Women's Music Collection -
The Women's Music Collection (WMC)
is a database created by the staff of
the Music Library. WMC indexes the
musical works of 2000 women composers
publishing between 1750 and 1950. The
database includes songs, operas, and
chamber music. The seminar covers
basic SPIRES commands used to search
this MTS database. Boolean search
techniques, and database selection. 'The
lecture includes a discussion of sample
search questions and how to construct
search strategies. Online practice time is
Prerequisite: You must have an account
on MTS (CCID).
Date and Time:
Oct. 27 9:30-11:30am
Location: Undergraduate Library
Microcomputer Center (fourth floor).
Instructor: James Crooks
Registration: Required, send to
University..LibraryCourses using the
MTS.message system or call 936-2408.
Fee: No charge.

Using the RLIN Database -
RLIN (Research Libraries Information
Network) allows searches in a machine-
readable database that holds the
equivalent of the University of Michigan's
own card catalog (most materials
cataloged after 1975), catalogs of other
major research libraries, and cataloging
produced by the Library of Congress.
Searches can be made by using personal
and corporate names, titles, and subject
The seminar covers basic system
commands, Boolean search techniques,
and database selection. The lecture
includes a discussion of sample search
questions and how to construct search
strategies. Online practice time is
Prerequisite: None .
Dates and Times:
Oct. 6 10:30am-12:30pm
Nov. 5 9:30-11:30am





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