4 OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, September 30, 1987 The Michigan Daily Ghe t ctgan Bil Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVIII, No. 15 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Paying an overdue debt LAST WEEK, A FEDERAL appellate court overturned the 47 year-old conviction of a Japanese-American who was imprisoned in a U. S. internment camp during World War II. The decision proves that the U.S. government discriminated against and wrongly imprisoned Japanese-Americans on the basis of race. While the government can never compensate the victims in full, a first step in toward making amends would be for the Supreme Court to uphold the appellate court's ruling. Japanese internment is a n unpublicized, disgraceful chapter in American history. The hysteria which followed the bombing of Pearl Harbor provoked a tremendous amount of anti- Japanese predjudice. It was widely believed, though there was no evidence to support this view, that Japanese-Americans would support the country of their ancestors. In reality, many Americans of Japanese descent fought gallantly in the war. Over 100,000 Japanese-Amer- icans were placed in detention camps thousands of miles from their homes. In many cases, their homes and businesses were taken during their internment. A challenge to this internment was originally brought before the Supreme Court by Gordon Hirabayashi, an American of Japanese descent who was arrested for violating a curfew on Japanese- Americans and refusing to report to an internment camp. The Supreme Court upheld his conviction in 1943. In last week's case, that of Fred Korematsu, the appellate court overturned the precedent set in 1943. Unless the Supreme Court reconsiders, however, the Hirabayashi ruling will remain part of the court's precedent. The Justice Department should appeal the internment cases to give the Supreme Court an opportunity to overrule its decision. Supreme Court interpretations make the Constitution a living document. Though it will not change the reality of what happened to 100,000 Japanese-Americans, the Supreme Court can protect future generations by repudiating a dangerous precedent. Chassy lift -v (_ .. . ~lo ~ 4-Oy BE (. S..L' 1 I lr0wsv.44 jjj -./.V~ LETTERS: 4 4 41 A Defendant is victimized in rape trial Is Bork a liberal? S UPREME COURT NOMINEE Robert Bork should be opposed on .political grounds. He is a right- wing ideologue who would turn back the clock fifty years on progressive legislation. Bork's conservative extremism is outside of the philosophical main- stream. Based on his writings and 'decisions, Bork would be likely to restrict the rights of women, Blacks, the press. Under Bork, the majority or popular consensus will get its way. Bork has criticized nearly every major Supreme Court ruling since the ascension of Earl Warren to Chief Justice. He sees no right to privacy, ignores the Fourteenth Amendment's application to women or any other non-racial minority, finds nothing unconstitutional about ,prayer in public schools, and does not find fault with poll taxes. Bork is a walking anachronism. Bork has done a seeming about- face. In his confirmation hearings he has presented himself as a moderate. Bork, all of a sudden, seems liable to join Justices Brennan, Marshall, Blackmun, and Stevens in a liberal majority on the Supreme Court. President Reagan and the Attorney General, Edwin Meese, nominated Bork because of his. adherence to the theory of judicial restraint. But he appears to have taken an opposing viewpoint. The Courts should be "active in defending individual liberties," Bork said. They thought they were nominating conservative legal scholar, now Bork is posturing as a liberal activist. The views he has espoused durin the heari ngcnmnletelvy Roe vs.Wade, which asserts a woman's right to an abortion. But Bork surprised everyone at the confirmation hearings by changing or recanting many of the views he held as late in the 1980's. Before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Bork claimed "full acceptance of the incorporation doctrine." Bork expressed a desire to apply liberal precedents that he has . riticized. He told a group of Senators just before the hearings that he is willing to look for a constitutonal right to an abortion directly contradicting Roe vs.Wade. Bork thinks he can woo the undecided Senators with his new- found moderation strategy, but he has underestimated the their intelligence. The Southern Democrats, moderate Republicans, and the electorate will not be so easily fooled. Bork has probably just fallen into their disfavor because his integrity is in question. This is an issue anyone from Ted Kennedy to Arlen Specter to Strom Thurmond can use to vote against Bork and look good doing it. The Judiciary Committee should block Bork not only over his regressive political views, but also his lack of integrity. Bruce Fein of the conservative Heritage Foundation said, "Bork is bending his views to improve his confirmation chances, and it's a shame." To reverse a viewpoint the night before confirmation smacks of untruthfulness and could be in. effect lying to Congress. Unfortunately, Bork's sudden "confirmation conversion" is a facade. It is no coincidence that once Bork's confirmation is endangered he changes his views. He has moderated his views only in nrd.i- r o fiflfi1 hie Inna- i e r f To the Daily: prej-u-dice (prej a-dis) n. 1. a. An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts. I am writing in response to a very prejudicial letter written by Jeana Lee concerning the sexual assault trial of a former Michigan student. I could not believe what I read. First of all, I wonder if Ms. Lee knows all the facts about the case. I would sure hate to make a decision on the defendant's guilt or innocence based solely on what I read in the Daily. In her letter Ms. Lee states "calling witnesses to the stand to set the scenario for the assault was needless." This is what the whole case is about. The question is: did t h e 'victim' wish to have intercourse with the defendant, and was she in a normal state of mind if she agreed? As for the 'injuries' to the woman: there is zero concrete evidence that indicates the defendant forced himself upon the 'victim.' As indicated in the Daily's coverage of the trial on 25 September these injuries could have happened at any time prior to the incident. The simple fact is - at this time (Friday 25 September) - it has not been decided if he is guilty of any wrongdoingrat all. Ms. Lee's gross exaggera- tion of the facts and use of adjectives like "mutilated" go too far. The sole purpose of this trial is to get the facts straight. I believe when this is all over, the jury will realize the victim's story just does not hold water and the defendant will be proclaimed innocent. Unfortunately this will only be the beginning of the end of the whole ordeal. Did Ms. Lee ever stop to think about the damage that has been donetto the defendant? Before the trial had even begun much of the public already formed its opinion as to whether he was guilty or not. Mr. Neal's name has been dragged in the gutter from one coast to the other and we don't even know if he did anything wrong at all. Along with that goes the reputation of his fraternity which has nothing to do with the incident. He and his family have been through a living hell for the past few Michigan plus his future, is at stake here. I was brought up believing that you were innocent until proven guilty. We are overlooking that here. I'm scared. It could be me in the courtroom today - me or 90% of the men on campus could find themselves in a position such as Mr. Neal's. Shuger de To the Daily: The editorial entitled "Athletics and ethics" (Daily, 9/18/87) questioned the journalistic practices I employed in my Ann Arbor Observer piece ("My Semester in PE 402," 9/87). I'd like to respond. The Daily objects that I used "names of students unnecessar-ily t o sensationalize my account of the class," and that I "unfairly quote(d) people who were unaware that (I) was writing an article." If some of my revelations were sensational, they, weren't sensationalized. The job of a reporter is to convey interesting, true inform- ation. This puts a premium on specifics. I included Garland Rivers' name in reporting I saw him check his class notes during a test for the same reason that the Daily would never merely report that "the game-saving interception was made by an Every morning I get up I thank God that this didn't happen to me or any of my close friends. I hope that now since people have heard the defense's side of the case that everyone will be a little more open minded about the situation. There are always two sides to every story. I'm not sure who the real victim is fends his reporti unidentified defensive back." And formally announcing. my presence in the class would have negated the whole point of the story, which was to give readers the most accurate picture possible of the University's Physical Education program. The editorial also charges that I "ignore(d) the positive qualities of the class," and that I "entered the class for the sole purpose of exposing the Ath-letic Department." On the con-trary, I really did try to include anything positive that I saw. And while its pretty hard to prove something about personal attitudes, let me just say that I didn't go into the story with an axe to grind. I went into it with a great deal .of curiosity about this black box program which in m y previous writing I'd found pretty hard to penetrate. Once I was in place, I simply wrote what I experienced. The Daily is just mistaken in this particular case. All I know is that there is no such thing as casual sex nowadays.; I think we all have learned a. valuable lesson at someone- else's expense. -Tim Gresla September 27 ng tactics in assuming that;the decision to do this sort of story must come from a personal vendetta. The real point is that the University is academically shortchanging its star athletes. The signifi- cance of of that problem explains why such presumably disinterested parties as National Public Radio, the Detroit Free Press, and the Chronicle of Higher Education have picked up the story. By the way, I liked the accompanying cartoon. Except for the fact that I never could have done the story if I'd stuck out as obviously as it suggests, it is depressingly accurate. The students around me did fall asleep frequently, and therewas a lecture oi sportswear color schemes. -Scott Shuger September 24 I 7w- .. _, -r 37 " : - - ... - -a.' - .-.. : ^. "" l -------..... r... rr... r "' 4 .. ^4* . f . . w .fir - *3_ a ... *. --.trt "' .."..to.,.=_ l~ _. .._s.. C .__...G..., ....r..r......d r