The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, September 30, 1987- Page 3 U.S. underestimates mine threat in Gulf Student finds error 6. ' WASHINGTON (AP) - The Navy underestimated the threat posed by Iranian mines when it prepared to carry out President Reagan's plan to protect Kuwaiti tankers, the nation's top military officer said yesterday. "I think it's eminently fair to say we made a number of underesti- mates," Adm. William Crowe Jr., chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate Armed Services Committee. "Obviously we didn't want the Bridgeton to happen," he said, refer- ring to the July 24 incident when the first reflagged Kuwaiti tanker hit a mine while it was being escorted by U.S. Navy warships. "We made some mistakes," he said. "If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't do it that way." He said the Navy "probably over- rated our intelligence" about Iranian capabilities. The Navy is now looking at ways to reduce the number of ships and men in the region, Crowe said, but he warned that it would be a "terrible error" for the Democratic-controlled Congress to order a U.S. withdrawl. Crowe said the Pentagon is "groping as to what the long-term level of forces should be there.... We are looking at ways to draw down our forces to a more reasonable level." Crowe spoke as the Senate was considering a Pentagon budget bill that Democrats want to use as the vehicle for a proposal that would halt the reflagging program within 90 days unless both the House and Senate approve it. Earlier yesterday, the Senate voted 96-0 approval of an ammendment to the bill praising the U.S. military who took part in last week's attack on an Iranian ship caught laying mines. in Newton By DAHLIA DEAN As an undergraduate at the Uni- versity of Chicago, Robert Garisto wrote a paper for his history of sci- ence class that evolved into an im- portant scientific discovery. Garisto, currently a first year graduate student in physics at the University of Michigan, last Febru- ary found the first error in calcula- tions in Sir Isaac Newton's Princip- ia. Needless to say, he got an A-plus for the paper. Newton's 600-page Philosphiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica established, among other things, the laws of motion and the theory of gravity. In proposition eight of Book Three, Newton tried to demonstrate his theory by calculat- ing the mass, surface gravity and density of the known planets. Garisto discovered that Newton incorrectly copied his data from one draft to the final draft, which resulted in an error in his figure for the mass of the earth. "The value for the mass of the earth in Newton's final edition actu- ally corresponds to the value he cal- culated in a previous edition," Garisto said. "He probably recalcu- lated the figure for the mass of the earth correctly, but never put the correct results down in the final edi- s theory tion." The error has gone undetected; Garisto speculated, partly because people working through the calcula- tion would think they made the mistake, not Newton. He added, "It's not something, readily apparent without an evening's work, and the data and the equations are not explicitly stated in the proposition." ; Ironically, the discovery came exactly 300 years after the 1687 publication of Principia. After the find, Garisto became the focus of national attention when a dozen radi and television shows and 1,200 newspapers - including the Miami Herald and the New York Times - publicized his find. "The publicity and attention is testament to how practically-error- free the Principia is," Garisto said.. Garisto followed up the original; paper with a more extensive paper: on his discovery. He submitted that to the scientific honor society, Sig- ma Xi, where he won the University of Chicago chapter's prize for excel- lence in science. Last June, Garisto received his bachelor's degree in physics. He is now working on his doctorate at the. University, taking graduate classes' and teaching labs. THE LIST What's happening in Ann Arbor today Campus Cinema 84 Charing Cross Road (D. Jones, 1987) - Mich. 7 p.m. Letters exchanged in a routine business transaction lead to a life-long correspondence between a New York writer and a London bookstore employee. With Anne Bancroft. Making Mr. Right (S. Seidelman, 1987) - Mich. 9:10. A public relations expert (Ann Magnuson) sets out to "humanize" Ulysses, an android created for space travel (played by John Malkovich) and ends up falling in love. New film by the director of Desperately Seeking Susan. Speakers Professors R. Lawton, J. Marino, W. Pearson, L - Townsend, J_ Wiseman- Department of Chemistry, "Organic Faculty Research Topics -II," Dow Building, Room 1300, 3:30 p.m. Prof. Ron Levy- "Molecular Structure and Thermodynamics in Solution: From Ions t o Macromolecules." Dow Building, Room 1200, 4 p.m. Prof. Charles J e l a v i c h- "Textbooks and Nation Building in the South Slav Lands," Commons Room, Lane Hall, 12 p.m. and "The Issue of Serbian Textbooks in the Origins of World War I," West Conference Room, Rackham, 8 p.m. Arthur Miller- Reading from his forthcoming autobiography, Rackham Auditorium, 8 p.m. IMeetings Coalition - Meeting, Pond Room, Michigan Union, 7 p.m. LSA Student Government - Weekly meeting, Chambers of the Michigan Union, 3rd Floor, 6 p.m. Christian Women's Group- Get-acquainted meeting, First United Methodist Church (Corner of State and Huron), Fireside Room, 7 p.m. M.S.A. Women's Issues Committee- Meeting, 3909 Michigan Union, 7 p.m. Baha'i Club - Meeting, Michigan Leauge, 6 p.m. Furthermore East Quad Music Co-op- Presents Flashback, U-Club, 9:30 p.m., $3; $1 off for anyone wearing Tie-dye. Soundings: A Center for Women- "Divorce and Beyond," 12-week divorce adjustment prog. Call 973-9731 for info. Tape Sale- East Quad Music Co- op tape sale, in the Fishbowl, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Tetes Noires- R o u n d e r Recording Artist from Minneapolis, The Ark, 637 South Main, 8 p.m. Advance tickets: $8.50 Interview Lecture- School of Education, 4:10-5:30 p.m. Call 764- 7460 for info. Send announcements of up- coming events to "The List," c/o The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Mich., 48109. Include all pertinent in- formation and a contact phone number. We must receive an- nouncements for Fri4ay and Sunday events at least two weeks before the event, and announ- cements for weekday events must be received at least two days before the event. Daily Photo by ROBSIN LOZNAK~ Robert Garisto, a first year graduate student in physics, found a flaw in Isaac Newton's work while Garisto was a student at the University of Chicago. Prof. rewarded for sparing animals in research By MELISSA RAMSDELL A technique that reduces the number of animals used in hearing loss experiments has earned a University professor global atten- tion. Medical School Prof. Jochen Schacht received the Animal Welfare Award from the German-based Erna Graff Foundation for the Protection of Animals. The $5,000 grant will go toward the continuation of Schacht's "promising endeavors." Schacht and Pharmacy Prof. Norman Weiner previously used guinea pigs and rodents to test how certain widely used antibiotics cause hearing loss. The animals were injected with the drug over a period of several weeks while the research- ers monitored the animals to see whether the drug affected their hearing. The new testing technique bypasses live animal testing because it examines the drug's interaction with artificial cell structures, called liposomes, obtained from c o w brains. Weiner said the new procedure, which uses cows slaughtered for commercial purposes, would save approximately 100 test animals over a six month testing period. Students Against Rape protest verdict in trial (Continued from Page 1) The group marched next to the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity house- where the incident allegedly oc- curred- for a silent vigil. "Violence happened there and we're not going to forget it," Cohen told the group. Catherine Fischer, a coordinator of Washtenaw County's Women's Crisis Center, said the "not guilty" verdict angered and frightened her. "It really shows people need to wake up and see what happens when attitudes about women and sexual assault continue unquestioned," she said. Fischer said the defendant's counter defamation suit is a harass- ment tactic. "I hope it does not be- come a trend. It's punishment for the survivor to speak out and is designed to keep women from saying what happened." The antibiotics cause hearing loss by damaging the membranes of fine hair cells in the ear; the cells convert sounds into nerve impulses which are then picked up by the brain. Doctors first discovered that some antibiotics caused hearing loss in the 1940s in patients being treated for tuberculosis. Schacht said that between two and 14 percent of the two million patients treated with these drugs per year experience some loss of hearing. The guinea pigs' hearing was tested by measuring nervous system activity to and from the anaesthetized animal's inner ear. While the ani- mals did not feel pain during the procedure, many were left perma- nently deaf. Schacht's new technique is used to discover how the antibiotic causes deafness through its effect ,on the liposome. When combined with the antibiotics, liposomes react in a way PINT A pint of beer at the price of a glass! 8 Different Choices of Draft Beer The perfect combination! ONLYAT Wednesday 338 S. State 10:00 pm-close that is similar to that of a human cell membrane. If the liposome's membrane is damaged by the drug, researchers assume the drug will cause similar damage in the human ear. This confirms the drug's toxicity. "This could be a substitute to screen drugs for toxicity instead of using animals.... I think every animal you can save is a worthwhile effort," Schacht said. Weiner added that the model is also less time consuming than the use of animals for testing because researchers will be able to determine the drug's potential ability to cause hearing loss within a week rather than over several months. Schacht could not: predict how widely his screening technique wil be adopted. But, he said, if companies do use the technique, "it will by the same token will reduce animal research in companies." U of M Asian Student interfaith Dating Sundays begins Oct. 4 Michigan Union MMMM9 I I I I I This workshop aims to help participants explore and clarify their views on romantic relationships between Jews and members of other faiths. Dr. Hank Greenspan will facilitate. Umited to 15; call Hillel to reserve, 663-3336 adfl DEPARTMENT STORE BUYOUTS AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. UP TO 90% OFF ORIGINAL PRICES. YOU HAVE TO SEE THE SAVINGS TO BELIEVE IT! -Men's and women's designer jeans and sweaters starting at $10.00. G 'S-Men's designer shirts and ties starting at $5.00. - -Men's designer suits and jackets starting at $20.00. -Designer labels also on blankets, linens, flatware, and other apartment and dorm accessories. AT -Beautiful and elegant dresses for formal occasions starting at $30.00. 715 N. UNIVERSITY (Downstairs at Hamilton Sq. Mall, below Mrs. Peabodys) 662-0866 10% OFF our already low prices with this coupon. BORDERING ON OBNOXIOUS Well, not really obnoxious, just vejy enthusiastic about the U of M! The College of Literature, Science and the Arts is. interviewing students to work for an alumni fundraising telethon. The LS&A Phonathon runs five nights a week from October 11 to November 19. You will be able to select the two niahts out of the five you wish to work with The English Composition Board's 2 ACADEMIC WRITING LECTURE SERIES presents "COMPUTERS AS A TOOL FOR THE WRITER" (beginners very welcome) " Flexible evening hours - $4-$6/hour plus bonuses " Build your communication skills and resume " 763-7420 " 611 Church St. z U a, 3rd floor I l 1