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September 28, 1987 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-09-28

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Darren to be Different

The Michigan Daily-Monday, September 28, 1987- Page 9
Long Beach State gains big in
lopsided loss to Michigan


After Saturday's football game the
scoreboard read: Michigan 49, Long
Beach State 0.
The fact is Michigan really lost
the game.
Well... at least it didn't gain as
much from the game as Long Beach
State did.
said that the 49ers had nothing to
lose. Several of the 49er faithful who
made the trip chanted, "Beat the
spread! Beat the spread!" before the
game started.
One fan who noticed that the
scoreboard showed Michigan leading
49-10 before the opening kickoff,
quipped, "Hey! What's going on
here?" then cut himself short and
said, "On second thought we'll take
Chalk up seven points for Long
Beach State.
After 'losing' the game the 49ers
took home a $300,000 pot, most of
which will support their football
program for the 1988 season.
much larger sum of money every
weekend, it does not make enough
after one regular season game to
support its whole football program
for a year.
That's seven more for the
Californians, 14-0.
Long Beach State coach Larry
Reisbig felt that the 'loss' prepared
his team for the rest of the season.
His 49ers face Fresno State Thursday
night at 6 p.m. on ESPN.
"It was a lesson in football," he
said. "I feel that we are ready to play
Fresno. I think we can compete with
anybody (in the Pacific Coast
Athletic Association)."

Michigan coach Bo Schembechler
didn't feel quite so good about his
team's upcoming games. Next week
the Wolverines must defend against
the veer offense of Wisconsin. "This
game doesn't prepare us for
anything," he said early last week.
Long Beach State 21, Michigan 0.
T H O U G H the 49ers were
outmanned at nearly every position
and outgained on the football field
546 yards to 170, they came away
relatively injury-free, according to
But the Wolverines lost the
services of senior linebacker Andree
McIntyre (torn Achilles' tendon) for
the rest of the season, and defensive
linebacker Keith Cooper is out
indefinitely with an injured knee.
Said Schembechler afterwards:
"There isn't any question about it -
our defense is decimated."
Forty-niners 28, Wolverines 0.
Believe it or not, this game helped
Long Beach State recruit some
football players.
Harry Hollingshaus, visiting from
San Francisco to see his son Mike
play for the 49ers, said, "We've been
looking forward to this game for two
years. One of the reasons my son
came to this school was because
Michigan was on the schedule. He
wanted to play at Michigan
ATHLETES don't come to
Michigan with the hope that a
PCAA team will be on the schedule.
Long Beach State 35, Michigan 0.
For Long Beach State players and
fans this was the equivalent of a
bowl game.
Over 200 49er fans made the trip.
For many of them it was the

highlight of the football season.
"I love being here," sophomore
Tiffany Schrier said. "The
atmosphere is great. You never see
anything as beautiful as this for a
football game in California."
Kimo Wasson, a Long Beach
State graduate and booster, compared
his team's trip to Michigan Stadium
with its trip to UCLA last year.
"This is a lot better," he said. "The
stadium was half full there. The
stadium here is packed. It doesn't
matter who Michigan plays, the

stadium is always full."
Long Beach State cheerleader Lisa
Garza called it "a vacation for the
cheerleaders and a workout for the
For Michigan fans it was a boring
game made bearable by the beautiful
weather. And it wasn't much of a
workout for the guys in blue.
Add 14 more points to the
visitor's ledger.
Here's how my scoreboard reads:
Long Beach State 49, Michigan 0.
I 1 I
1 1
I Flowers I
2forl1 Sweetheart
I (Good until 10/2/87) 1
L - Onepr castmumr peerekee

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Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Sophomore running back Allen Jefferson, heir apparent to Jamie Morris,
compiles some of his 89 yards rushing in Saturday's victory.

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The Calendar
of The University of Michigan

The calendar combines meeting, lecture work-
shop and conference announcements with
other events happening each week on campus.
It is based on The University Record calendar,
and is open to all University sponsored groups
and organizations recognized by the Michigan
Student Assembly. Items must be submitted in
writing by 5 p.m. the Tuesday before publi-
cation. Address all information to: Julie A.
Brown, publications assistant, University Rec-
ord, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) denotes
events to which.admission is charged.
September 28
Sch Music---J Dapogny & his Chicago Jazz Band, "Chicago,
1923-1928: a historical jazz concert," 2:30 pm, Sch Music
Recital Hall.
CEW--Women Students Network brown bag lunch, "On Being
a Working Woman Student," noon-1:30 pm, 350 S Thayer.
Ctr for Near East & N Afr Studies--Brown bag lec, ES
El-Aswad, "Zikr and Zar in Rural Egyptian Society," noon,
Lane Hall Commons Rm; sem, G Windfuhr, "Manichaean
Cosmology," 4 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm.
*UMS--Royal Philharmonic Orch, A Previn conductor, 8 pm,
Hill Aud, 764-2538.
Engl--Lec, KPS Jochum, "W B Yeats and the Irish Oral
Tradition," 4 pm, 3rd Fl Rackham E Lec Hall.
*HRD--Course begs, "How to Relieve Anxiety with Good
Money Management," 5-7 pm. Reg req. 764-7410.
Macromolecular Res Ctr--Colloq, R-J Roe, "Free Volume
and Density Fluctuations in Glassy Polymers," 4 pm, 1018
Dow Bldg. 763-2316.
Studies in Religion--Lec, D Steindl-Rast, "The Original
Message of Jesus and the Great Concerns of Our Time," 8-
10 pm, MLB3. 764-4475.
Tae Kwon Do Club--Mtg, 6:30 pm, 2275 CCRB. Beg-adv
welcome. Mary, 665-2958.
Turner Clinic--Newcomers grp, 9:30-11:30 am, 1010 Wall.
*Cont Med Educ--Conf, "Correlative Imaging in the
Endocrine System: Current Status and Clinical
Applications," Towsley. 763-1400.
Ctr for Jap Studies Lec, M Ury, "The Education of a Heian
Boy," 4 pm, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
Coalition for Soc Responsibility --Multi-media show, J
Holdt, "American Pictures: Poverty & Racism in America,"
6 pm, Rackham Aud.
Ctr for Near East & N Afr Studies-Brown bag lec, G
Windfuhr, "Mozart's the 'Magic Flute': The Persian
Connection," noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: Microsoft
Word, Pt 1 (IBM PC-Compatibles), 8:30 am-12:30 pm;
MS-DOS Basic Skills, 1-4 pm. In Rm 4212 SEB:
Microsoft Word Lec/Demo (Macintosh), 9 am. In Rm 4003
SEB: Monday Programmers' Sem, 7-9 pm. Reg req. 763-

September 29
Ctr for Chinese Studies--Brown bag lec, L Sullivan,
"Assault on Reforms: Reactionary Modernism in the CCP,
1985-86," noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
P s y chobi ol-Sem, J Friedman, "619 Talk: Mother-infant
interactions with extremely low birth weight infants: an
ethological analysis," 12:30 pm, Rm 1057 MHRI.
Soc Women Engrs--Pre-interviews: Natl Security Agency,
5-7 pm, 1010 Dow Bldg; McDonnell Douglas Corp, 5-7
pm, 1500 EECS. 763-5027.
Communicative Disorders Clinic--Speech & hearing
screenings, noon-4 pm, V Vaughan Bldg. For appt, 764-
Studies in Religion--Colloq, D Steindl-Rast, 1 pm,
Commons Rm, 3050 Frieze Bldg; recep/book signing, 4-
5:30 pm, Shaman Drum Bookstore, 313 S State. 764-4475.
Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--TA workshop,
"Discussion," 6:30-9:30 pm, 109 E Madison. Reg req. 764-
Intl Ctr--Lunch forum, M Mpanya, "Development in Central
Africa: Challenge and Prospects," noon (lunch avail-stds,
$1; others, $1.50), 603 E Madison. 662-5529. Study abroad
mtg, 3 pm, 603 E Madison. Reg req, 764-9310.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: Macintosh
Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; Computer Conferencing for MTS
Users, 10:30 am-12:30 pm; dBASE I Plus, Pt 1, 1-5 pm.
In Rm 4212 SEB: Choosing a Word Processing System, 10
am. In Rm 4003 SEB: MTS File Editor, Pt 1, 7-9 pm. Reg
req. 763-7630.
Career Plan & Place--Resume writing lec, 3:30-5 pm, 1018
Dow Bldg; prep for law sch, 4:10-5 pm, 3200 SAB; on-
campus recruiting prog mass mtg, 4:10-5:30 pm, MLB3.
M-CARE Hith Ctr--Bear Fair for children & parents, 2-7
pm, Plymouth M-CARE Hlth Ctr (loc, 9398 Lilley Rd).
Appt req. 459-0820.
Chem--Colloq, R Levy, "Probing the Dynamics of Proteins
with Super Computers," 4 pm, 1300 Chem.
Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching --"Exhibit on
Language and Technology: presentations and
demonstrations," 3-6 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm. 764-
TARDAA--Mtg, 8-11 pm, Rm 296 Dennision Bldg.
Evolution & Human Behav Prog--Sem, E Hill, "Gender
Diferences in Parental Investment and Economic Activity:
Putative Influences on Human Mate Selection and
Desertion,"3:30 pm, Rackham E Lec Rm.
Christians in Action--Mtg, 8:30 pm, 2031 E Engr.
Library--Course, BRS System Sem, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Rm
412 UGL. Reg req. 936-2408.
Med Ctr--Mastectomy disc grp, noon-1:15 pm, Rm 2A235,
2nd level Main Hosp. 936-4296, 763-5756.
Geol Sci--Lec, BH Wilkinson, "Old Cars, New Kids and
Calcium Cycles at the Earth's Surface," 4 pm, 4001 CC
Little Bldg.
*Cont Med Educ--Course begs, "Continuous Arterial
Hemofiltration: A Nursing Perspective," Towsley. 763-
September 30

Botanical Gdns--Friends wreath workshop, 7 pm, Rm 125,
1800 N Dixboro.
Career Plan & Place--Interview lec, 4:10-5:30 pm, SEB
Chem--Sems: "Organic Faculty Research Topics, II," 3:30 pm,
1300 Chem; R Levy, "Molecular Structure and
Thermodynamics in Solution: From Ions to
Macromolecules," 4 pm, 1200 Chem.
Engr--Sem, A Oram, "Quantitative FTIR Analysis of
Aquoeous Biological Systems,"4 pm, 1017 Dow Bldg; M-
Pilot training sess, 7-9 pm, Carroll Aud Chrysler Ctr.
Doc Std Dialogue--Sem, M Mayo, "Ethical Frameworks and
Stances," noon-2 pm, Mich Union Pond Rms A,B,C.
Dissertation Support Grp--Mtg, 8:30-10 am, 3100 Mich
Union. 764-8312.
U-M-Dearborn--Film, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, 7:30
pm, Rec & Orgs Ctr. 593-5390.
Inst Labor & Indus Reis--Course, ILIR:MICRO, a
database mgmt system on MTS, Sess 3 (database
definition), 7-9 pm, Rm 4003 SEB. For info, $Copy
Latin Amer Solidarity Comm--Mtg, 8 pm, 2433 Mason
Hall. 665-8483.
Med Ctr--Lumpectomy disc grp, noon-1:15 pm, 2A235, 2nd
level Main Hosp. 936-4296, 936-4732. .
Ctr for Russ & E Europ Sludies--Brown bag lec, C
Jelavich, "Textbooks and Nation Building in the South Slav
Lands," noon Lane Hall Commons Rm; lec, C Jelavich,
"The Issue of Serbian Textbooks in the Origins of World
War I," 8 pm, Rackham W Conf Rm.
Tae Kwon Do Club--Mtg, 6:30 pm. Beg-adv welcome;
martial arts demo, 7 pm, 2275 CCRB. Mary, 665-2958.
Turner Clinic--Wellness Day, for appt: 764-6831.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church--Worship, 7:30 pm, 801
S Forest, 668-7622.
October 1
CEW-Intl women grad stds workshop, "Graduate Advisers,
Academic Resources," 12:10-1 pm, Conf Rm, 350 S
Soc Women Engrs--Pre-interviews: Chevron, 4-6 pm, 1500
EECS; Arthur Anderson, 5-7 pm, 1010 Dow Bldg. 763-
Ctr for Jap Studies--Brown bag lec, C Quinn, "From
Topology to Typography in Classical Japanese Narratives,"
noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
*U-M-Flint--Films: Alien, 7 pm; Aliens, 9:15 pm, Univ Ctr
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: Lotus 1-2-3, Pt
2, 8 am-noon; Microsoft Word, Pt 1 (IBM PC-
Compatibles), noon-4 pm; Microsoft Word, Pt 2
(Macintosh), 1-5 pm. In Rm 4212 SEB: Basic Concepts of
Data Communications, 9-11 am. In Rm 4003 SEB: Text
Formatting with TeX, Pt 1, 3-5 pm; MTS File Editor, Pt
2, 7-9 pm. Reg req. 763-7630.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship--Lec, W Moore,
"The Bible,"7 pm, Mich Union Kuenzel Rm.
Career Plan & Place--Lecs: applying to med sch, 4:10-5
pm; defining a career objective, 4:10-5 pm, 3200 SAB.
Chem--Sem, D Qian-huan, "Di-region Theory of Carcinogenic
Activity of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons," 4 pm, 1200
Women's Okinawan Karate Club--Mtg, 7:15-8 pm,
Martial Arts Rn, IM Bldg. New stds welcome. 996-5634,
Evolution & Human Behav Prog--Sem, L Mohr,
"Inclusive Fitness Theory and the Causes of Behavior,"3:30
pm, Rackham E Lec Rm.
AAUP--Chap mtg, T Kauper, 'The nature of the selection
process," 12:30 pm, Mich League Mich Rm (lunch avail at
League Buffet). Publ welcome.
*Cinema Guild--Yojimbo, 7 & 9 pm, Lorch Hall.
Computer Vision Res Lab-Sem, L Maloney, 4 pm, 3427
U-M-Dearborn--See Sept 30.
Career Plan & Place/Nat Res--Experiential Education
Fair, 3 pm; disc panel, 4:10 pm, Mich Union Pond Rm.

Univ Lutheran Chapel--Bible Study, 9:15 am; Worship,
10:30 am, 1511 Washtenaw. 663-5560.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church--Worship, 10 am, 801 S
Forest. 668-7622.
Chinese Christian Fellowship--Children's & adult
Sunday school, 2 pm; worship, 3 pm, 3150 Glacier Way.
His House Christian Fellowship--Dinner, singing &
Bible study, 6-8 pm, 925 E Ann. 663-0483, 665-0775.
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry--Bible Study, 8:45 am;
worship, 10 am, 1360 Pauline Blvd. 662-0663.
*Mich League-Intl Night, Italy, 4:30-7:30~pm, The League
Romance Lang/Humanities--Lec, T Kowzan, 'Theatre,
Cinema, Literature and Semiotics," 4:10 pm, Rackham
Assembly Hall.
Rackham--Grad sch dissertation workshop, 4-5 pm, Rackham
E Conf Rm, 4th Fl. 764-8128.
Turner Clinic--Support grp, "Living Better With Your
Hearing Loss," 10 am-noon, 1010 Wall. 764-2556.
October 2
CEW-Intl women undergrad stds workshop, "International
Center and Foreign Student Advisers: University and
Community Resources," 12:10-1 pm, Conf Rm, 350 S
Dept Int Med--Grand Rounds presentation, R Stevens,
"American Hospitals: Past, Present and Future," noon,
Hosp Aud.
*U-M-Flint--See Oct 1.
Ctr for S & Southeast Asian Studies--Lec, G Hawes,
"Cory, Coups and Cabinet Changes: A Preliminary
Analysis of the Philippine Crisis," noon Lane Hall
Commons Rmn.
Sch Music--Perf, Symphony Band/Wind Ensemble, 8 pm,
Hill Aud. 24 Hr Music Line, 763-4726.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: MTS Visual
Editor, 10:30 am-12:30 pm; M$-DOS for Hard Disk Users,
1-3 pm; Excel, Pt 1, 1-5 pm. In Rm 4212 SEB: Intro to
Computing Resources on Campus, 9-11 am; Intro to
Computing 1-3 pm. Reg req. 763-7630.
Career Plan & Place--Intro to CP&P, 10:10-10:30 am,
3200 SAB.
Engr--Colloq, HP Planchon, "EBR-II Inherent Safety
Demonstration Test,"3:45 pm, White Aud/Cooley Bldg.
Astron Dept--Visitors' night: lec, P Hughes, "The Birth of
Stars"; film Birth and Death of a Star, & trip to observatory,
8:30 pm, Aud B Angell Hall.
Chinese Christian Fellowship--Bible study, 7:30 pm,
3150 Glacier Way, 761-7503.
U-M-Dearborn--Films: Atomic Cafe & Half Life, 7:30 pm,
Rm 179 Engr Lab Bldg.
Rackham--See Oct 1.
Tae Kwon Do Club--Mtg, 6:30 pm, 1200 CCRB. Beg-adv
welcome. Mary, 665-2958.
October 3
Jewish Grad Grp/Jewish Law Stds Union/Jewish
Org of Bus Stds/Jewish Soc Workers--"Grad &
Professional Break Fast," 6 pm, Lawyers' Club, Law Quad.
Res req. 663-3336.
Sch Music--Intl organ perf competition, finals, 1 pm, Blanche
Anderson Moore Hall. 24 Hr Music Line, 763-4726.
Botanical Gdns--Mtg, Amer Rock Gdn Soc, 1:15 pm, Aud,
1800 N Dixboro.
Grad Christian Fellowship--Potluck, 6 pm. For loc/rides,
*AAFC--Films: Polyester, 7 & 10:15 pm; Pink Flamingos,
8:40 pm, Nat Sci Aud.
*Cinema Guild--Adam's Rib, 7 & 9 pm, MLB4.
*IC LE --Workshop, F Kennedy, 'The Automatic Stay and
Injunctions in Bankruptcy Cases," 9-11:30 am, Rm 116
Hutchins Hall.


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