. Toxic Waste.- 'The Pick-Up Artist' I S.eMagazine: John Logie .The List - Interview: Mr. B Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Volume XCVII - No. 12 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, September 25, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Witness startles jury with testimony By KENNETH DINTZER A packed courtroom was stunned yesterday when a sorority sister of an alleged rape victim testified that the woman may have gone out that night seeking a sexual encounter. S The sorority sister, a witness for the defense, said that prior to going to a party at the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity house, where the alleged rape occurred, the complainant told her, "I'm going to get f---ed by a Fiji tonight if it's the last thing I do." Yesterday's proceedings were marked by such emotional testi- monies and heated claims by the prosecution that the defense attorney has been asking illegal and irrelevant questions. Prosecuting attorney Robert Cooper also accused witnesses for the defense of compar- ing stories before testifying. Other testimony in defense of Griffith Neal, a 1987 University graduate and member of Phi Delta Gamma, included friends and room- mates of the complainant. Two wit- nesses said that injuries claimed to Ihave been caused during the rape may have occurred before. The sorority sister explained why she testified: "My conscience got to me...because (the woman) was very inconsistent with her stories...she said she had no bruises on her body (before) and I know she did (have bruises)," she said. She testified that after she offered this information to the defense, other members of her sorority called her "a bitch and a liar; they said I should See SORORITY, Page 3 Councillor to propose police review Doily Photo by ANDI SCHREIBER First-year students Michelle Silverman, Amy Levin, and Marni Goldberg stop on the front steps of the Michigan Union on their way to Rosh Hashanah services in the Union Ballroom. By STEVE KNOPPER Ann Arbor City Councilmember Jeff Epton (D-Third Ward) said yes- terday he plans to submit a proposal to council sometime between mid- October and mid-November which would create a task force to review the city police department. Epton speculated the resolution would pass, 7-4, if it is presented effectively. And with seven Democrats on the council, Mayor Gerald Jernigan, a Republican, con- ceded yesterday that the resolution may be approved. He said, however, he might veto the proposal if it is approved. According to a draft of the reso- lution made available to the Daily, the task force would review among other "alleged difficulties," discrimi- nation in employment practices and in crime enforcement, and the im- proper use of force. "In the past 16 years, 51 com- plaints have been filed with the Michigan Department of, Civil Rights against the Ann Arbor Police Department and its staff," the current draft notes, "Some of these com- plaints have addressed conditions of work; others have cited harassment, brutality, abuse and discrimina- tion..." The draft also says the task force would review police training, the department's complaint procedure and its budget review process. The city would allot the task force $10,000 for staff, printing and other costs, the resolution says. One supporter of the resolution may be Councilmember Dave De Varti (D-Fourth Ward). The task force "could actually be a positive step. Citizen input and oversight would be beneficial," he said. The task force, according to the resolution, would release quarterly reports to City Council with suggestions for change, if necessary; and would encourage citizen partici, pation. DeVarti also agreed that training of police officers, and race relations need review. He cited an incident July 25 when more than 30 police officers allegedly brutalized several students while trying to control A late-night Art Fair crowd of more than 1,000 people at the intersection of Church and SouthsUniversity streets. University students and tho Michigan Student Assembly re- sponded by demanding that the city set up a citizen's committee to oversee police procedures. MSA President Ken Weine was unavail; able for comment last night. Epton said his resolution was not a response to the incident, but "a lbt of people may have had their con- sciousnesses raised" by it. Last summer, after listening to student complaints and requesting information about a police task force in Madison, Wisconsin, Jernigan See PROPOSAL, Page 2 'U, students partake in Jewish high holidays By JAMES BRAY Some classes have been sparsely populated since Wednesday as many University students return home or relent from the daily routine to ob- serve the Jewish high holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Services started Wednesday evening and will last through today. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is one of three high holidays in the Jewish religion. Along with Ann Arbor Syna- gogues, Hillel has services for Re- form Jews at its temporary Liberty Street address, for Conservative Jews at the Union Ball Room, and for Orthodox Jews at the Friends Meet- ing House. Services are held in the morning and evening of each day during the holiday. Students gathered at the Arbore- tum yesterday to observe Tashlik, a ritual symbolizing the casting away of sins committed the previous year. For the ceremony, students threw bread or cake crumbs into the Huron River. Some other students ate their See STUDENTS, Page 2 Art student adds color to Nectarine Ballroom By JIM PONIEWOZIK Past patrons of the Nectarine Ballroom may remember it as the setting for a lot of good times and the scene of many memo- rable concerts. And they probably remember it as being... well, kind of dark. "There's nothing I hate more than a blank wall," said Nectarine disc jockey and mu- sic/video director Roger Le Lievre. Unfortunately, the walls of the Nectarine were just that - painted black and un- adorned except for a few 60's-era posters. But thanks to the efforts of art school senior Jeff Schuster and several months of painting, the nightclub's walls now sport original art- work. Le Lievre got the idea of commissioning a local artist to paint for the Nectarine over a year ago. After mentioning the idea to friends, Schuster's name was mentioned by a mutual acquiantance familiar with Schus- ter's previous free-lance work. The two met to discuss the possibility of Schuster doing a few paintings based on Le Lievre's ideas and the project eventually mushroomed to include most of the ball- room's interior. Schuster's initial work consisted of sug- gestions made by Le Lievre, which he would refine, sketch, and return for approval. As the project developed, however, Schuster was given more freedom to develop his own ideas. At first, he said, "it was pret- ty much a process of gaining autonomy... after all, it's like, 'This guy's going to be painting 250 feet of my wall."' Many of Schuster's works are "theme" murals, including a large Egyptian scene near the front entrance, a large city skyline in the lower bar area and a 60's-era mural near the dance floor, complete with peace signs. Schuster, who had been a patron of the Nectarine prior to working there, used his familiarity with the club's style-conscious clientele to be a source of inspiration. "I tried to keep (the artwork) really ephemeral to reflect the changing styles," he said, adding that "it's really nice to work for a client when you know what they're like." Some of Schuster's creations served a functional as well as a decorative purpose, like a sign leading to the restroom area in the basement. See SCHUSTER'S, Page 5 Daiy rnoto by U SCTTLIT UCY University art student Jeff Schuster signs one of the psychedelic murals that he painted on the walls of the Nectarine Ballroom. I 'U' Council members remain in stalemate Prof.'s arrival kicks off INSIDE minority faculty plan I ..:r By MARTHA SEVETSON The status of the University Council, which has struggled for three years to reach a consensus on the proposed code of non-academic conduct, remains up in the air after the standstill reached last summer. r Faculty and administrative mem- change their minds and attend future meetings. He said he is still await- ing a response from Shapiro. Meanwhile, Robin Jacoby, an aide to Shapiro, said she was not familiar with a letter and plans to contact Livermore regarding the council. The resolution, drafted by By STEPHEN GREGORY Today's arrival of Black composer Aldolphus Hailstork marks the be- ginning of the second year of the University's visiting professorship program to increase minority in- structors in the classroom. Hilstork will he visitino- for one are some good Black composers out there." She said many students at the University are unaware of the contributions Black composers have made to American music, and Hail- stork's visit may change that. Hailitnrk hones n tn -Hecan Support the boycott of Herman's Sporting Goods Store. See OPINION, Page 4 The dB's prove that they're still atop the college rock scene. - See ARTS, Page 8 ,. s I I I