The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 24, 1987- Page 9
Exhibit displays
promising talent
By Lauren Shapiro
Did you ever wonder w h at
happened to the woman selling
notecards in dormitory lobbies last
year? Her name is Jacqueline Dilley
and she's moved her collection of
fine line drawings and other works
into the Reehill Gallery for the
months of September and October.
Dilley initiated her start in the art
world by selling exquisite pen and
ink drawings to students all over
campus. Her business grew so
successfully that she felt pressured to
mass-produce her own work. Dilley
decided against such an elaborate
business venture which would only
"depersonalize her art." Instead she
opted "to get involved with more
natural forms of art."
Dilley's desire to begin new, less
technical work led her to design
Latin embroidery hangings. Copies
of these intricately stitched wall
hangings now preside in the Reehill
Gallery completing the artist's
collection. Her exquisitely crafted
works are derived from European and
Asian folk-lore. She loves using the
"delicate cross-stitch" derived from
world wide cultures to create colorful
yet, natural art decor. Dilley feels
confident that her work, "warms up
an environment" since inter-woven
patterns reflect richness and depth of
every stitch.
The Reehill Gallery's curatol
William Phillips describes Dilley's
work as "pleasant and warm." He
decided' to exhibit the artist after
seeing her note cards of still life and
organic forms. Phillips says he
"enjoys taking struggling artists and
giving them an opportunity to
exhibit." He feels with this kind of
opportunity, "a new artist can
evaluate where they are and where
they want to be." Phillips constantly
searches for new emerging talent in
Ann Arbor. If you consider yourself
a highly finished artist and wish to
exhibit, call William Phillips at
Jacqueline Dilley will be featured
in the Reehill Gallery through the
months of September and October.
The Gallery is located in St. Aidan's
and Northside Churches, 1679
Broadway. The Gallery will be open
Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
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Ellen McIlwaine
The Kronos Quartet Guitarist Ellen McIlwaine will be appearing at the Ark Sunday night. A
What can a student do for five dollars in Ann Arbor? You can't go to the bar veteran of the Greenwich Village circuit, she has played with Muddy Waters,
or buy an album, but you can go see the Kronos. This avant-garde string Jimi Hendrix, John Hammond, and Eric Clapton. Her impressive slide guitar
quartet whose repetoire is known to span from Hendrix to Coltrane will le at style has earned her critical acclaim. Showtime is 8 p.m. and tickets are
the Michigan Theatre tonight at 8 p.m. $7.50 for Ark members and students.
The Silencers
A Letter From St. Paul
Blue Rodeo
WEA Canada
Just in time for the approaching
cool months come two new releases
from some of the colder places to
play rock and roll, Minnesota's
Twin Cities and Toronto.
The Silencers hail f r o m
Minnesota, as their album title
reminds us. If Rolling Stone is to be
believed, they are currently enjoying
much success on the "College
Charts." Upon listening to the
album, one starts to wonder why.
The first single, "Painted Moon," is
a light, hook laden, endearing tune
that is good enough to entice
potential buyers. The rest of the
album delivers more and more of the
same steady guitar pop. However,
after a short time the repetitive
sounding rhythm section makes the
listener just plain drowsy, no matter
what riffs the Silencers play. I fell
asleep both times I listened to this
album, and the overall effect is like
Tears For Fears with real guitars. An
exception to this is the title track,
which features an odd letter read by a
woman on whose bad side I would
not want to be.
Blue Rodeo, from Toronto, plays
in the currently popular "rock with a
country influence" style. They also
add a unique touch, a '60s style
wheezy organ on some cuts. Blue
Rodeo manages to mix up their
songs and structures more than the
Silencers, but most of their material
seems all too familiar.
The odd thing about both of these
albums is the lack of emotion in the
music. The records have an obvious
1987 sound, in fact Blue Rodeo
brags about their digital recording. In
spite of that they manage to sound
like a working band once in a while,
notably on the opening cut, "Heart
Like Mine," which emphasizes the
contrasting guitar and organ sounds.
To go with unemotional music, the
bands have managed to write batches
of tunes that make relationships
sound horrible. When not bad-
mouthing love, they paint a grim
but basically realistic picture of the
current emotional landscape. Sleepy
music and depressing lyrics add up to
cold music for cold times,
something I can do without.
-Brian Jarvinen
Celibate Rifles
Roman Beach Party
What Goes On
After seeing the Celibate Rifles in
action this past spring, I was
seriously beginning to think they
were on the verge of becoming
tiring. They played loud, but with
very little energy. They might have
even been boring. Happily, their new
LP Roman Beach Party proves me
far wrong.
With their dueling guitar works
and pummeling simple chord
changes, it's easy to see how this
Australian post punk combo could
become over-baked. On record,
they've suffered from a tendency
toward that certain "sameyness"
critics loe to peg a band with; yet
they've always had more than a fair
share of hot licks and fine songs to
keep things going strong.
Roman Beach Party is one of the
Rifles' most diverse platters
stylistically. The thrashy swing of
"Jesus on T.V." changes gears for
"Downtown" and "A Word About
Jones," both of which owe more than
a passing nod to heavy metal with
Likewise, "Ocean Shore" is a time
warp for this band, a slow, savage
tune on which even vocalist Damien
Lovelock shifts his throaty shout an
octave or so lower, taking on a
demonic character. The guitars surge
ahead in a Crazy Horse bend, but
decidely more sinister.
Pop hooks have never been this
band's forte either, but they take a
fair stab at it on "(It's Such A)
Wonderful Life." The chorus supplies
a truely catchy hook for a moment,
with a blasting guitar melody, but
then dives straight back into a tense
verse where Lovelock speaks the
lyrics. The song then takes a crazy
refrain with the band shouting in
unison, "I wanna be me..." Gotta
love it. And try clapping along with
"Invisible Man," or hell, why not
play harmonica along with 'em.
Celibate Rifles romp? Yeah, well as
best they can without losing their
cool. And that's a good thing.
-Beth Fertig
The Michigan Union in cooperation with the
Michigan Guild brings you :
their grimacing guitar lines.
Relax with non-credit
Art Classes
Interior Decorating
Registration begins at Ticket World and
the Michigan Guild on September 9th.
Classes begin September 28th. For
more information,calI 662-ARTS.
1987 Ensians are still available
Student Publications Building,
420 Maynard, M-F, 8-5.
Bring some form of ID.
All purchased yearbooks
must be claimed by
December 31, 1987.
for pickup at the
EST 1M97
Advertise in
The Michigan Daily
Sept. 28
7:30 pm
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