M Y T U R N l Its Not a Dream World No longer is college a time for idealism; it is becoming just a time to acquire marketable skills BY JOHN BURKMAN Jr. of NEWSWEEK, and near the end, somewhere be- Last week I happened to be glancing over an old issue tween Axthelm and Will, was a promo for NEWS- WEEK ON CAMPUS. In the background of the ad, fittingly, was a picturesque view of a campus. Never has a single photo conveyed a more idyllic impression of collegiate life. There were students lying in the grass, riding bikes, strolling scenic paths-I could almost hear them dis- cussing Romanticism or the Enlightenment. This, I thought, was the way education was meant to be-pure, relaxed, philosophical. My mind began to wander, and soon I saw myself beneath one of the trees with a beautiful girl, reading poetry and sipping wine. It was a balmy spring day... Honk! Honk! Honk! Just as I was nearly consumed by my reverie, the shrill, sickening sound of a passing fire engine yanked me back to reality. Gone were the trees, the rolling hills-even my lovely companion. In their place was a crowded city sidewalk and next to it Forbes Avenue, the bustling artery that bisects the campus of the University of Pittsburgh. My daydream had become memory. Pitt is located in the heart of a major metropolitan area. No magazine seeking an attractive campus shot would come here. But my suspicion is that conditions at Pitt are more representative of those at the majority of American colleges than the image depicted in the ad. Not that most colleges are in urban areas, though quite a few come to mind. What I suggestisthatthereistodayagapintheAmericanmentality between the real and the ideal of college life. Higher educa- tion has changed, but perceptions of it have not. For many in the middle and upper classes, especially those who are well educated, the word "college" brings to mind a rustic setting similar to the one shown in NEWSWEEK-a scene somewhat reminiscent of their college days. Not long ago I listened sympathetically to a colleague on our school paper as she complained about her father's insen- sitivity. "He always tells me that my college days are the best of my life," she said, "that I should relax and develop my mind. And I don't know how things could get any worse." On paper she doesn't seem like the kind of person who would have reason to make such a comment. She's an excel- lent student, involved in numerous activities and has a good internship on campus; she is attractive enough to have been a model. But her college life is not the bowl of cherries her father believes it to be. She feels compelled to work day and night to build up a resum6 that will give her a shot at a 56 NEWSWEEKONCAMPUS decent job in journalism. Often she exhausts herself rushing between classes, the newspaper office and her job. Though stressful, her life is similar to her father's concep- tion of the ideal collegiate experience in one important respect: she is at least receiving a liberal-arts education. That's more than thousands of others can say. In the last decade, students have been specializing and subspecializing in record numbers. As the number of B.A.'s in English and the social sciences has fallen, degrees in engineering, com- puter science and pharmacy have risen dramatically. It is true that recent studies do suggest that many corpora- tions, appalled by the inadequate verbal skills of technical graduates, have begun to take a greater interest in students with liberal-arts degrees, or at least in those who've taken more than the skeletal contingent of liberal-arts courses required by most schools. But so long as the average liberal- arts graduate starts at a far lower salary than his engineer- ing counterpart, specialization is likely to intensify. This indicates a picture different from the one suggested by the NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS ad. In a way the function of higher education has been redefined in light of utilitarian contemporary values. No longer is college a time for ideal- ism and self-development; rather, it is a time for acquiring marketable skills. At Pitt, in the wake of a computer build- up, our main building, the Cathedral of Learning, has been cynically but accurately renamed the Cathedral of Earning. In this sense, the image of a university in a city becomes a powerful one. The crowded sidewalks, fast-food restaurants and constant traffic represent the encroachment of the hard, cold financial world upon the academic environment. Commercialism and Academe become one and the same. No aspect of college life can escape the onslaught of the business community-not the curriculum, not even the campus. Idyllic illusion: As it comes, then, to be dominated by a mentality that sees a direct correlation between the college degree and a job, the university will slowly cease to be the sanctuary of learning it once was. But much of America is unwilling to come to grips with this reality. Many insist on harboring the illusion that the university remains fun- damentally unchanged. For many, the idyllic photograph of the NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS ad accurately represents college life. Had NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS used as a backdrop a room full of computer terminals, readers would probably have envisioned a business or technical school. Yet that is exactly what many colleges have become, whatever the names of degrees conferred. America continues to recognize techni- cal graduates as though they were really college graduates. To their credit, universities have not been completely blind to this problem. In recent years many institutions have strengthened liberal-arts requirements. But if a chem- ical engineer now must take two semesters of English in- stead of one and toss in a philosophy and/or a sociology course, it doesn't much change things. The fact is, tens of thousands of students are obtaining a skills-related as op- posed to an ideas-related education. In the short run, this trend seems acceptable; the United States has remained a world'power largely because of the accomplishments of its technological community. But in the long run, such a strategy may be unsound. The United States is raising a generation increasingly out of touch with its literature, its history and its heritage-a generation that doesn't know or perhaps even care what it means to be American. Today's graduates may someday lead America scientifically, but they are not likely to lead it culturally. John Burkman Jr. is a senior, double-majoring in history and French, at the University of Pittsburgh. 4 10 SEPTEMBER 1987