C OLiLvEGE LT a FiE A Thriving Trade in F~ake ID's As the drinking age rises, students seek new 'proof' they're 21 When the University of California clamped down on underage drink- ing at its San Diego campus two years ago, senior Mark Kelly* got back into the phony-ID business. No razor blades or ink remover for Kelly; his product was a masterpiece of the amateur counterfeiter's art, which he perfected in high school. With the help of a friend who worked at a print shop, Kelly duplicated the state seal Cali- fornia uses on birth certificates and print- ed it on blank paper. Then he would take a real birth certificate, replace the informa- tion with new names and dates (carefully matching the font and type size) and photo- copy the result onto the preprinted paper. "We would even put coffee rings on to make it look real authentic," says Kelly. The pur- chaser needed merely to take the phony certificate to the Department of Motor Ve- hicles to get an official driver's license or state ID. In San Diego, owning a Kelly card was the next best thing to being 21. Since the drinking age was raised in most states, phony ID's have become as common- place on campus as Bass Weejuns. Nary a self-respecting freshman would dare ar- rive on campus without "proof" that he or she is old enough to buy a beer. At Maggie Mae's, a popular nightspot on Sixth Street near the University of Texas in Austin, the doormen collected so many phony identifi- cation cards last fall they used them to decorate the bar's Christmas tree. At the University of Southern California, officials estimate that between 60 and 80 percent of the students carry false identification. "You need a fake ID in college," says one 20-year-old USC junior. "I can honestly say my social life here would be impaired without one." It's easy to understand why a drinking- age identification is even more coveted by students than Dad's credit card. An ID card is the prerequisite to much of the social life around the country's campuses; it opens the door to bars and nightclubs that form the fabric of after-hours college life. For many students under the age of 21, a fake ID can mean the difference between a night on the town and a night in the dorm playing Trivial Pursuit. Diane, a 20-year-old Uni- versity of Miami senior, says she doesn't *The names of all students in this story have been changed. -NNW ART STREIBER As easy to buy as a pair of shoes: USC officer with phonies he obtained for himself drink much but keeps a fake ID in her purse anyway. "College students are at a transi- tional stage between youth and maturity," she says. "You want to be with older people and be sophisticated." The demand for ersatz identification can mean big-time profits for student-body wheeler-dealers. Though fake cards can be bought anywhere from inner-city "souve- nir" shops to flea markets to mail-order houses, most students prefer to deal with local talent like San Diego's Kelly. Prices range from a six-pack for a simple penknife date alteration of an existing ID to $65 for a genuine state-issued license obtained with phony documentation. Some of the stu- dents who make the fakes rationalize their shenanigans with gobbledygook worthy of Lt. Col. Oliver North. "It's capitalistic to note a demand and create a supply to fill that demand," says Billy, a University of Texas senior who charged $25 per fake ID. Billy's process was simple but effective: he would superimpose new information on a SEPTEMBER 1987 NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS 33