COLLEGE L FE ARCHITECTURE STUART BRATESMAN Museum between two impossibly contradictory styles Bridging the Romanesque and the modem: Dartmouth placed its Hood Showing Art With Style New campus museums attract working artists, donors-and students When Williams College opened the doors of its renovated and expanded art museum last fall, the halls were jammed with glittering, black-tie ce- lebrities. Artists, dealers, critics and col- lectors from all over the world descended on the rustic campus in western-Massa- chusetts, eager to behold both the new galleries, designed by the postmodern master Charles Moore, and the inaugural exhibition-a retrospective of his drawings and architectural models that was record- ed in a luscious 250-page catalog. An emeri- tus professor of art shook his head and recalled another era: "In the 1930s our shows attracted students and scholars. I don't remember anybody coming to an opening from New York or Europe. We had a staff of three, two part-time professors and a janitor who did all the framing. This is a whole new world." Though Williams is exceptional, the tone is similar across the nation. Once a hang- dog fringe, housed in creaking buildings, the art museum is becoming a central fea- ture of the American campus. In the past year alone, dramatic new structures have been commissioned or risen at Ohio State, California State at Long Beach, Emory, Dartmouth and Harvard, among others. Each one is ambitious in budget and program and designed by an architect who is either acclaimed-or about to be. Both the Ohio State and Long Beach mu- seums, for example, are in the hands of Peter Eisenman and Jacquelin Robertson, a brash new partnership known for its un- conventional architecture. At Emory, the controversial Michael Graves, heir appar- ent to Charles Moore's historicist throne, has turned an elegant old beaux-arts build- ing in Atlanta into a new Museum of Art and Archaeology. In addition to his in- genious renovation at Williams last year, Moore himself also unveiled a new building at Dartmouth, the critically acclaimed Hood Museum of Art. Not longbefore, Har- vard, in the face of opposition from the local community and jeers from critics, added the Arthur M. Sackler Museum, by Brit- ain's James Stirling, who once won the fabled Pritzker Prize for architecture. The unabashed use of celebrated archi- tects to impress the world beyond the cam- I I 24 NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS SEPTgMBER 1987 1