'U' dean, students win national grants The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, September 22, 1987- Page 3 Duderstadt, faculty discuss By CARRIE LORANGER Three School of Education re-+ searchers received grants this year totaling $125,000 for studies in wa- ter quality and classroom learning. A $100,000 grant was given to Carl Berger, dean of the School of Education, and Clancy Wolf, a third- year graduate student, by the U.S. Department of Education. The money will be used for s c i e n tific testing a n d telecommunications equipment for monitoring water quality in four ar- eas of the world. Students who attend schools near the Rouge River in Michigan, the South Platte near Denver, Co., the Rhine in West Germany, and the Duwamish river in Seattle, Wash., will partake in the study, said Wolf. According to Wolf, 10 schools will participate in Seattle and W. Germany, 12 in Denver, and 16 in Detroit. He added that the schools in W. Germany are American schools for children whose parents are sta- tioned overseas. The initial expense was buying water testing kits and modems for each school. Wolf said the students will test water in the rivers and exchange wa- ter quality data with each other via a University computer system and ad- ditional telecommunications equip- ment. All data will be available to University students. "It's as much a social studies ac- tivity as it is a science activity," said Wolf. He explained that the students will discuss the social implications of the data in class. The $100,000 will pay only for the first year, but Wolf said he hopes schools will pay a $200 fee for each year they use the system so the pro- gram will be self-supporting in two or three years. Additionally, Paul Pintrich, who was appointed assistant professor of education on September 1, received a $25,000 Spencer Fellowship from the National Academy of Education. Pintrich, who received his Ph.D in 1982 from the University's School of Education, said he will use the money to study how junior high and high school students learn in classrooms. Pintrich said he and Elisabeth DeGroot, a second-year graduate stu- dent, initially will study how stu- dents learn, then in the second year they will try to teach students the best ways to retain information, and during the third year they will show teachers the most effective methods. diversity plans f. Daily Photo by DANA MENDELSSOHN Education graduate student Paul Pintrich recently won a $25,000 Spencer Fellowship. The Dean of the School of Education and two graduate students also won fellowships. Pintrich submitted a proposal calling for a study of 400 students to the Spencer Fellowship last year. He was notified in April that he had won the award. Although the funding is designed to last two years, Pintrich said he will seek additional funding to con- tinue to study student learning methods for the next five years. By EVE BECKER, University Vice President for; Academic Affairs and Provost James Duderstadt met yesterday with the Senate Assembly, the governing body of University faculty, in an effort to outline the University's responsibilities, including achieving racial diversity on campus. Duderstadt's address echoed tones of his speech to the faculty last year in which he said the University must chart its course for the future. "After a year in the blockhouse (the administration building)" he still saw the same opportunities, responsibilities, and challenges of" this agenda, but also a need for an emphasis on obtaining diversity and on community. "The University also faces a number of challenges," he said pointing to the changing role of research universities, the costs of maintaining excellence, diversity and pluralism, the University's relationships with its constituencies, and intellectual challenges such as redefining a liberal arts education. Duderstadt and SACUA both pointed to the search for diversity and excellence as the most pressing matters for the faculty to address. "I DO NOT believe it is appropriate to coast in the next three months," he said. "The University should decide what it wants to be." In this commitment, he said, the administrators should play a minor role, with the effort being spearheaded by faculty, students, staff, alumni, and outsiders. SACUA has also been examining the issue of obtaining a cultural diversity on campus. SACUA vice- chair Beth Reed said the committee has struggled with what its role should be. "We've been brain- storming to see how we might move ahead in a climate which is more tolerant of and which enhances diversity," she said. IN AUGUST, the group drew up a three-page working guideline, of "Faculty Governance Initiatives on Racism and Diversity," in which it presented seven high priority tasks. SACUA's initiatives include: -Promotion and tenure related to issues of diversity, -Keeping issues on front burners by addressing them at monthly meetings with the president, provost, and vice-provost for minority affairs, -Having deans and directors relate more directly to faculty. in departments, schools, and colleges with respect to University goals, -Having an increased representation of underrepresented minority groups on campus in the -faculty governance system, 'Sharing reading material providing analyses of racism and diversity in higher education with the faculty governance system and possibly the rest of the academic community, -Establishing committees which will give special attention to racism and diversity, and 'Using monthly Senate Assembly meetings as a University-wide forum for faculty to discuss issues related to racism and diversity on campus. THE LIST What's happening in Ann Arbor today Council condemns Navy in vet trai accident Campus Cinema Alice's Restaurant (Arthur Penn, 1969), 7 p.m., Mich. The film most closely associated with the alternative lifestyles of the 1960s. Blow U p (M. Antonioni, 1966), 9:15 p.m., Mich. A fashion photographer may or may not have taken pictures of a murder. His journey for the truth takes him into a world of decadence, hallucination, and alienation. A Night at the Opera. (Sam Wood, 1935) Condom Sense, 7 p.m., MLB 3 This madcap classic of Marx Brothers lunacy is preceded by a film on safe sex. Speakers John Frew - "Cold Utopias: Scottish Municipal Housing 1919-1939," 4 p.m., 180 Tappan Hall. Israel Kremen - "Shostakovich: Acceptance of His Music in the Soviet Union," 8 p.m., 200 Lane Hall. Aaron Levin - "Ancient Im ages: Photography i n Archaeology," 4 p.m., Kelsey Museum. Victor Obinna - "Development in Nigeria: Prospects and Problems," Noon, International Center, West Quad. David O. Siegmund - "On Hotelling's Geometric Approach to Testing for a Nonlinear Parameter," 4 p.m., 2435 Mason Hall. Meetings University of Michigan Students of Objectivism - mass meeting, 8 p.m., Pond Room, Michigan Union. U A C - Comedy Company auditionj, 5 p.m., U A C Backroom,"2nd floor, Michigan r Union. Catherine McAuley Health Center - Informational meeting for prospective adult volunteers, 7:30 p.m., St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Education Center. 572-4159. TARADA - British Science Fiction Fan Club, 8 p.m., 296 Dennison Bldg. Eclipse jazz - mass meeting, 6:30 p.m., 2402 Mason Hall. Engineering Student Publications - mass meeting, 6:30 p.m., 1200 EECS. Hill Street Players - "A Thousand Clowns" auditions, 7 p.m., 2518 Frieze Bldg. SPARK - Revolutionary history series; presentation of "Primitive Communism: Proof There's No 'Human Nature',".7 p.m., 116 MLB. Send announcements of up- coming events to "The List," c/o The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Mich., 48109. Include all pertinent in- formation and a contact phone number. We must receive an- nouncements for Friday and Sunday events at least two weeks before the event, and announ- cements for weekday events must be received at least two days before the event. By STEVE KNOPPER The Ann Arbor City Council passed a resolution last night condemning the U.S. Navy's behavior toward the "assault" of Vietnam veteran Brian Wilson last month. Wilson, a Vietnam veteran and antiwar protestor, attempted to stop a Navy munitions train in California by sitting on the tracks. Wilson suffered head and leg injuries. "This resolution intends to put the city on the side of people engaged in peaceful dissent," said Councilmember Jeff Epton (D-Third Ward), adding that Wilson's accident was a "frightening thing t o everyone." But other councilmembers disagreed, fueling the classic argument over the city's role in national issues. "I can't go beyond the city or Ann Arbor," said Councilmember Jerry Schleicher (R- Fourth Ward). "Ann Arbor should not get involved." Mayor Gerald Jernigan, a Republican, and Councilmember Terry Martin (R-Second Ward) also opposed the resolution for similar reasons. "Wilson was a man who will regret an impetuous gesture that may handicap him for the rest of his life," Martin said, adding that she would support a resolution expressing sorrow for him. The resolution, written by Epton, said, "all Navy statements made to this point concerning the incident have been consistently refuted by eyewitness and videotape accounts'... Navy medical personnel arrived at the scene five minutes after the accident and did nothing but take Wilson's pulse within the first five minutes ... the Navy has refused to respond to the questions of four members of Congress who have demanded an explanation." The resolution asked for a "full and timely inquiry" into the Wilson case, and encouraged citizens to make donations for Wilson's medical care. City Council also passed a resolution urging citizens to support the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights this Oct. 12. Schleicher, Jernigan and Martir opposed the resolution, which passed, 6-3. HELP WANTED $4.50 hr. Flexible hours Apply at BURGER KING 530 E. Liberty UM News in The Daily 764-0552 i a t t r t M-7- Y-;:; -I - - - - i A. - - 11 ., _. _ c .. *. & ' -S cioximamw =W*WI - up 9, qww-wp I mw l _ y . Copies, Binding, Passport photos. * * 4 4 4 540 E. Liberty (across from the Mich. Theater) 761-4539 1220 S. University (across from Village Corner) 747-9070 DEPARTMENT STORE BUYOUTS AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. UP TO 90% OFF ORIGINAL PRICES. 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